The Cover-Up Club
Yesterday, the OC Register did a story about the Fullerton jail house death of Dean Francis Gochenour, and the role played by Vincent Mater, who smashed his DAR against a steel door in order to destroy the evidence it contained.

Our Acting Chief, Dan Hughes, was unusually chatty.
For instance, he shares with trusted police scribe Lou Ponsi the fact that an internal investigation was concluded by June 20, 2011, that discipline was recommended by Hughes, himself, and then Mater quit on August 2: I made recommendations for discipline and in that process, he resigned,” Hughes said.
So let us ponder a few things. Mater destroys his DAR in mid April, and disciplinary action is started over two months later? And what is this disciplinary “process?” Hard to say; it may have included firing the creep, but if so the process is designed to permit the perp to quit first. And that’s a shame because in the case of Mater we already know he was considered by the DA to be a Brady Cop, (i.e. unfit for court testimony due to unfamiliarity with the truth). We also know that he was complicit in some way in the wrongful incarceration of Emanuel Martinez.
Whatever this so-called discipline process entailed (including, no doubt, union exacted rights for appeal hearings, ad nauseam), Mater decided his best option was to walk away, perhaps to try his luck as a cop somewhere else. So Mater quietly went his merry way on August 2, 2011 – curiously, just as the Kelly Thomas murder protests were starting in earnest.
And now, for the $64,000 question: what was going on between the FPD and the DAs office between August 2 2011 and March 13, 2012? Seven and a half months had passed since Mater’s departure; eleven months had passed since the original crime. It would appear to the outsider that nothing was going to happen at all.
And then somebody changed their mind. I wonder why.
Yes, we wonder why — why it has taken so long to charge this vile individual! I’m sure there’s a special place in hell just waiting for this punk — and the rest of ’em…
As one commenter put it yesterday, the reason the DA decided to finally proseute was due to the statute of limitations deadline approaching.
That coupled with the fact that DA T-Rax is uncomfortable prosecuting ANY cops, he was hopeful the public was forgetting about this.
Thanks to FFFF for keeping this issues ‘hot on the table’ he had no choice, just like with Kelly Thomas to get off his coplovin’ ass and do something in the name of justice about this!
Well, that’s my opinion and it’s pretty darn accurate, IMO.
Why has the DOJ not entered the picture with FPD????
Good question, but I believe they have entered in a stealth kind of form, which is why we are not hearing much.
All of the aggregious stories and info we’ve learned here about FPD has got to get the DOJ’s feathers ruffled.
I dont think he killed homself. come on , dui , smashed dar , I dont buy it
I’m with you two. I don’t buy it either.
You don’t smash your DAR over a suicide. At the most he would have demoted or placed on leave for trash talking a suicidal guy.
No, he snapped, something very bad happened in that jail and whatever was on that dar he didnt want anyone hearing. Smashing it = An act of desperation.
As a long time resident of Fullerton, I must say that I am beyond shocked at what has been going on with the FPD. Outrage and disgust barely express the disappointment fueling my desire to clean house. Pat McKinley probably hired the lot of them? How did he ever get elected to City Council? Thank goodness for Sharon and Bruce, the rest of them are useless. I can’t wait to see them voted out.
Can you say FBI?
When? Where? Would love to see the FPD under FBI investigation!
I heard they were before the Kelly shit kicking murder.
DISBAND the FPD. There is no fixing when they believe its not broke.
…and don’t incorporate the old officers into a new department.
Compton Police disbanded in 2000 and Maywood Police disbanded in 2010. Fullerton can too.
Dont fix it if it’s not broke!
It isn’t broken, shut up!
Much like Mater”s DAR, it’s broken to pieces
Accidents happen, shut up!
Its all the same old BS, same shit different day! The police are way over-protected by all accounts. I dont think anything will ever change. Look at the FPD and all crimes by there own personal, its a sad state of affairs. FPD is a joke!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, and they’re not so damn funny either…
How about an investigative reporter from tv? Can we get someone to step up and start a public investigation like that of FPD?
I agree with Wrong Guy…The time-line for the DA’s investigation raises some very good questions. There is a Senior Dept. DA running for Superior Court Judge…I think his name is Jeff Ferguson. It would probably be worth asking him about why these are handled the way they are and why they drag their feet or even ignore crimes by cops.
About the discipline… Hughes told Mater that Mater was going to get canned or demoted (ok, thats a guess since he doesnt tell us) for destroying evidence. Hughes told him that 2 months or so after the incident. Supposedly it took that long to investigate Mater’s actions, review policy, interview witnesses, and write the report. 2 months. Is that unreasonable? Perhaps when you are talking about the death of an inmate.
The bigger problem, corruption aside, is how the PD (Hughes) allows for resignations when an employee is about to be terminated.
IMO, if the chief has cause and intends to fire someone, then fire them. Don’t tell them what you are going to do and give them an opportunity to quit. I know many will tell me about quitting vs firing with respect to appeals and benefits but if an employee is fired, don’t they lose their pension? If not, Norby had better bust out his pen and start writing the revised statute.
“Don’t tell them what you are going to do and give them an opportunity to quit.”
Those are Civil Service Rules, and those are almost impossible to change.
Forgot to mention the elephant in the room…POBR…Peace Officers’ Bill of Rights. It is TOO broad and TOO protective. It infringes on the rights of the people.
Doesn’t State or Federal law trump POBOR? POBOR should not come into play when an officer has committed a crime! He should be fully investigated by the DOJ and/or ANOTHER jurisdiction!
I guess, I have a question. Look Dan, has arrested people and seems to be going on the right track-towards it anyway. I will give him a chance, considering what he has to contend with over there…he is doing better, 1000% better than Sellers and 999% better than Hamilton, that being said- I will support Dan until he proves otherwise.
Trust but verify.
Whom exactly has Dan arrested, besides the non-sworn female thief in the property room?
I don’t get it, Dan. Why did it take you less than a day (from discovery of theft) to arrest that non-sworn female property employee, but took you two months to get rid of Rincon, and worse, without criminal charges filed?
She may not be a union employee.
That is correct.
Dan wasnt chief, when Rincon was let go- that brain child and man in charge at the time,Kevin Hamilton- he fired Rincon and told us he isolated him, what ever that means.
Read the crime report. Many arrest have been made. Many have been arrested I see people getting arrested- every weekend.
As for the lady from the evidence room, have No I dea whats going on there. Really a lady after 26 years decides to steal from the room, then stop a year before being caught? Who stops stealing? Like Will Rincon repeat his behavior, you bet your ass.
Im ONLY speaking for me, the interaction I have had with Dan, has been pretty good, he always answers my questions, most of the time I dont like the answer. BUt there are plenty around that boo hoo him.
I would rather work with Dan than Kevin or Mike, and until the questions I have asked Dan, are completely proven wrong. Why not ask Dan personally, what he thinks of his officers, past and present-he will tell you. Call him and ask him. Or go in and see him. I do. He would have so much more of my support if he would just can Goodlie Goodrich.
Hughes oversaw the patrol division. Dan Hughes was Rincon’s boss.
Hughes was on the force in Rincon days and was in charge of the patrol division, evidently, he also chose to do the Shut your Pie Hole, Code of Silence thing.
Citizen M do me a favor, call him up and ask why Cpl. Lenny Ledbetter is going after tow truck operators but ignoring buses, trash trucks, fire engines, etc all of which exceed the weight limit.
Post his response when you do call him.
Weight restrictions apply to commercial vehicles (like mine). Public busses and fire engines are government vehicles, not commercial. Trash trucks are under city contract and are assumed to have a need to be on the restricted streets for an obvious purpose.
Theissue with the tow trucks will have to be addressed by proving that company A is being treated differently than company B.
The dealing with Mater is by far much better than the way RINCON was handled.
Rincon is on the street without a mark on his record, after costing the Fullerton taxpayers $375000. He was disciplined out just don’t cut it in any manner. Is the statute of limitations running out on this guy?
They settled out of court because it would have cost much more to take it to trial.
I think they medically retired Rincon.
What for..EDS??
Yeah, I think they retired him also.
He fell in love with his reflection, and was last seen walking down La Habra Blvd. stopping to stare into the side mirrors and windows of cars.
They medically reitred him and he is out working out all day at the gym..I dont think so.
Can emotional issues medically retire someone?
#28 by AntiCorruptionUnit on September 27, 2011
Thanks Travis.
As to comment #10 you can bet the FBI will be looking into how the FPD handles their internal investigations too, right along with the Office of Independant Review that the City Manger hired. Both agencies have their microscopes out, but it will take sometime to go through YEARS of corruption and mismangement.
I doubt too many of the good ol boys will survive this type of scrutiny. Not in 2011.
The Office of Independent Review is a joke, bought and paid for. Their first report proved that.
Regarding the misfortune of Dean Gochenour, there is no audio to calaberate the testimony of the police who said he mumbled somthing about ending it all just minutes before it happened as they where walking down the hall. Then they heard sounds related to this? but didn’t respond till 1 hour latter. Interesting that they would breifly mention about him hitting his head on the bars as they where moving him. Why would they mention this unless there might be some damage discovered to his brain or head that may need accounting for.
Sorry bill you are wrong, the whole jail is wired for sound and video 24/7 the comments made by Mr. Gochenour’ were recorded.
Training tip of the day: Too many women neglect their glutinous maximus area, this should not be done.
Its gluteus maximus, armpit sniffer, not glutinous maximus
Coffman’s gluteus has got so large it’s near his armpit.
wheres Chris Blatchford when you need him!!!!
#101 by Lifesaving Service on January 26, 2012
“April 15, 2011 at 10:46 pm
Dean was my ex-husband, we had a beautiful daughter together in her first year of college. We were friends and spoke as recently as last week about our daughter and how proud we were of her. He would NOT have hung himself, no matter how much he had been drinking. This makes no sense and is so very sad and alarming. We found out about his death early this morning, you can only imagine how upsetting it has been for us and his family. My daughter has had to grow up very fast today. She bravely visited the Coroner’s office to retrieve his belongings (but they never gave her his clothes). She visited the Fullerton Jail to request a police report (and noticed how small of a jailhouse it was); to her it was strange that no one noticed him plotting an “alleged” suicide. She has had to endure the reality that the love of her life, her daddy, is gone. No parent should have to listen to their child cry over the death of the unexpected loss of a parent. The coroner’s office told her they could not release the body until next Tuesday because they were currently embalming him looking for bruises. My daughter then was told by the attendant that this was an unusual procedure. My daughter thought it odd that the attendant did not seem at all surprised when my daughter mentioned this sounded like a cover up. The shirt they are showing he was wearing in these news articles is hardly the shirt that one could easily tear up in a matter of minutes, plot a plan of action and go unnoticed by jailhouse personnel. Something is very fishy here. If anyone was witness to the events of last night, was jailed in that facility at the same time or knows of anything, please come forward.”
“The coroner’s office told her they could not release the body until next Tuesday because they were currently embalming him looking for bruises. My daughter then was told by the attendant that this was an unusual procedure. My daughter thought it odd that the attendant did not seem at all surprised when my daughter mentioned this sounded like a cover up.”
When McSatan said they could not find cause of death, for Kelly Thomas that was said very strangely.
it is my understanding that embalming removes the blood from the body so no “bruise” would be seen….. what a crock of horsecrap.Bruising would be seen within hours of death BEFORE embalming…
Embalming also injects the body with a red dye, so they wont look pale.
Isnt it 2012???
#101 by Lifesaving Service on January 26, 2012
“April 15, 2011 at 10:46 pm
gotta read the first line for it to make sense…
But if you read closer or better you will see his comment came in on September 27, 2011.
It’s called “covering up for each other” I don’t believe any testilying from any nazi and especially if has to do with getting their asses out of the fire.
The system is set up to believe whatever the pig coppers say and if a bunch of them are saying the same thing, well, instant exoneration-no matter what.
I always wondered why charges had not been filed. I assumed this had been buried but its clearly criminal.
I’m glad to see several charges against this thug. Often it seems that when cops are charged its one charge (i.e. Sissynelli and Ramos) but for your average citizen who commits a similar or same crime there is usually a laundry list of charges…such BS.
Very true New Voice, they seem to even want to make up new laws to pile on any Joe Citizen that gets arrested…
Here are my 5 Ways To Stop Police Brutality:
1. Protests
Police stations, city hall and other government venues must be protested against and marched on after every incident of police brutality.
2. Record the Police
We must use our cameras every time police harass us to catch them in the act. Then we can use the Internet and the viral media to expose these actions worldwide. In their heyday, the Black Panthers would do this. They had a police watch and would follow the police with a camera and record their actions. Now that cameras are so cheap and people have cameras on their phones, it is a lot easier to hold the police accountable for their actions.
Seattle Police Beat 15 Year Old Girl
3. Vote Out Politicians Who Condone Police Brutality
Politicians who do not address issues like police brutality must be voted out of office. Rappers should be spending a lot less time glamorizing black on black crime and dissing each other, and more time documenting police brutality. African American entertainers and activists have a strong voice in America and they must also use that voice to fight the problems in our community.
Top 5 NYPD Brutality Cases
4. Engage in Dialogue With the Cops
We must use moderate police organizations to work with the police to stop police brutality. Groups like 100 Blacks in Law Enforcement have done a lot to combat police brutality and people should work with them as an intermediary to deal with community issues with the police.
5. Take Legal Action Against Police
We need to take legal action as well. The best way to hurt police brutality is by hitting them in the pocket. If the police keep on getting sued for brutality they’ll be forced to deal with the issue. Every incident of police brutality should be reported to both the government and the media.
Top 10 Police Brutality Cases
Black people pay taxes and therefore they also pay police salaries. Police should be in the communities to serve and protect not to harass and arrest. The war on drugs is really a war on the black community. Black people are treated like insurgents in occupied territory and not citizens in need of protection. We need to address how the war on drugs has become a war on black males that has caused more problems than it has helped.
Police Beat Teenage Girl For Riding Bike
So what do YOU think? If I left some good tips out, let me know in the Comments. It’s not enough to be angry at law enforcement and saying F-the Police. We must channel our anger into actions that will stop police brutality in the future.
Excellent list — just put the links in so we can go to them and you’re good! 🙂
you just have to go to link on bottom to get to the other links
ah, got it — thanks 🙂
Good points and suggestions LS.
From a different perspective
Protests don’t do much. Cops see it when they come and go, doesn’t affect them much, and they tend to attract people with nothing to do and they don’t even know what the goal of the protest is about.
Agree record record record. Just met this morning with the most advanced recording company there is. Recording devices audio and video small as a quarter and hidden. This will happen more often from both sides and hope it does. As I’ve said forever, recordings from the police side are just as important.
Politics. Yuck. Something that will be there no matter what and politicians will always make decisions that piss half the people off.
Dialogue and communication. Interesting concept. Happens often but the strange part is that many people that have the time and passion to be involved are usually one extreme or the other. They love the police and use the police to better their community or they generally hate the police, like FFFF now in Fullerton. Do you think good dialogue with FFFF would accomplish much of anything? Anything said would be turned around to be a negative and used against the person speaking. Then the PD or person meeting gets frustrated and limits communication. It’s the old saying that no matter what you say or do to educate people with a set view, you won’t succeed. Their minds are made up and nothing will change that. So why try?
Love dialogue with people that care and understand how and why things are done and are open to hearing that information, just as I’m open to hearin their views and reasons.
Legal action is another interesting discussion. That’s what’s happening now statewide. Everyone sues. Being sued is just part of the job now. Civil court is part of the job. $300 anyone can sue. But the money to address those lawsuits goes to contracted city attorneys. Either fight them or settle them for cheap. Millions and millions spent just to fight lawsuits. That doesn’t come out of the PD budget or the cops pockets, it’s out of the city general fund or if the city is part of a large city pool, it comes out of there. So in the end sue’ing and sue’ing for small shit over and over just makes attorneys money and drains the city coffers. I guess makes cops overtime in their eyes, but seems a waste.
LS, what percent of police calls and contacts result in police abuse? In Fullerton? In California?
Sounds like you guys are hiding so many skeletons that the desperation just eeks out of everything FPD lickers say or do.
I believe the protests in front of FPD for their Kelly Thomas murder DID have an effect and was a huge drving force to get the DA to do something aside from praying this would go away.
The protests particularly early on brought out the media which enabled many people who didn’t even hear about this incident (thanks to all the cover-up maneuvers by FPD) to be aware of what actually happened.
I’m with L.S. on that suggestion.
Hell yeah, it did. With youtube newscasts can have a thousand times the impact. LA Riots was a step back for their cause, Thankfully OC citizens can be peaceful, smart, and very effective.
When the FPD Story became International they must have been CONSTIPATED for a months.
The pictures of the protest signs layed down on the FPD lawn and properties, WILL MAKE HISTORY, its one of the most prominent memories I have of FPD! So Peaceful and so Strong against an entrenched and EVIL adversary.
“Narcissists are PATHOLOGICAL liars. This means that they are either unaware of their lies – or feel completely justified and at ease in lying to others. Often, they believe their own lies and attain “retroactive veracity”. Their very essence is a huge, contrived, lie: the FALSE Self, the grandiose FANTASIES, and the IDEALISED objects.”
It sounds like you are talking about yourself..lifesaving??
“Thankfully OC citizens can be peaceful, smart, and very effective.”
There is also healthy Narcissism, I scored very low on an a Narcissistic test, considering how talented I am. 🙂
are you describing the artist/editor and now scientist, sharon kennedy?
Geesh Van, and your comments were reading so much more intelligent in the past three days. You compulsions seem as strong as Albey Al’s, if not nearly as harmful.
Steve, you took time out from your clandestine operations to comment on my comment.
Let me draw you this picture: there was a woman who lived in abandoned school bus, she and her kids lived on food stamps and welfare checks, and when she was done with child rearing, she painted pictures and titled them “Optimism”
another murder by fullerton police department(FPD) and the brutalized public never complained to any political body? wow! was there a tacit agreement between FPD’s victims and Fullerton’s city council, fullerton police chief OC DA or anyone not to mention the crimes committed upon them? We know the media never jumped to conclusions on these atrocities until FFFF stepped in and made it a public issue. How was these events kept silent for so long?
how were these events
revision, was there a tacit agreement between the family of the deceased victim’s and
I would hope that the Coroner’s report would be able to ascertain whether or not the pipe was used on Mr. Gochenour before he expired?
Lividity, which is the blood within the body ceasing to flow once the heart is no longer pumping blood.
If Mr. Gochenour was struck with the pipe before he expired, the blood would attempt to pool and bruise.
If Mr. Gochenou hit a pipe after he had already expired, it seems to me that “lividity” would cause the blood to not return to the damaged area, and would or should have been noted in the Coroner’s report.
It seems like Vincent Mater got away with his criminal actions.
classic DA handling, charge the cop with something insignificant so the public backs off. That is their MO, in my opinion. They dont’ want to prosecute cops because they are all in bed with each other, they need each other to stay politically alive and/or employed.
These appointed Chiefs have been thoroughly vetted through the good ‘ol boy’s system and are trained to bend over for the police unions. It takes intense pressure from the public for them to do the right thing. Justice has to be prodded out of them. It doesn’t come naturally. They talk a good ‘higher standard’ line of BS. Believe nothing that they say.
sigh….. perhaps it is time to go expat and renounce any ties to the good ole usa/good ole boys club? This crap is not just happening within the FPD — it’s nationwide…
Verily Verily
And, as Ron Thomas asked at the last council meeting:
“Dan Hughes claims to have reviewed the video (capturing the Kelly Thomas murder beat-down) 400 times as he claims. After seeing the actions of his officers (as I did) why didn’t he arrest them instead of putting them back on the streets for 4 or 5 weeks and handing it over to the DA for prosecution?”
Great Question.
Well Dan, we’re waiting!!!
#45 by Lifesaving Service on March 14, 2012
Sounds like you guys are hiding so many skeletons that the desperation just eeks out of everything FPD lickers say or do.
“In his mind, the narcissist is superior in every way. This fantasized and grandiose superiority is what maintains the precarious equilibrium of his personality.”
Narcissists are PATHOLOGICAL liars. This means that they are either unaware of their lies – or feel completely justified and at ease in lying to others. Often, they believe their own lies and attain “retroactive veracity”. Their very essence is a huge, contrived, lie: the FALSE Self, the grandiose FANTASIES, and the IDEALISED objects.
Personality disorders are ADAPTATIVE. This means that they help to resolve mental conflicts and the anxiety, which, normally, accompanies them.
Sounds like the perfect description of our illegal alien president!
I read he has Psycopathic tendencies too.
Just a wild guess but could POBOR have prevented an immediate arrest of officers?
See that was my question up above — how could POBOR trump federal and state LAWS?
The Feds have done very little from what Ive seen, doesnt mean they arent doing anything, Lawyers can be the biggest Aholes.
Understood and agreed; now, how to find out what the feds are doing? Calling? Emailing? Perhaps pushing the issue, aka lighting a fire under their tushies, would help?
My abs hurt
Typo.. You mean “ass”
Then get off the steroids A-hole!!!
I know that someone already posted this link, however if this were my daughter, I’d want to get the word out to as many local people as possible to help look for her.
I’m hoping that all of you who live here in Fullerton, will be on the lookout for this young girl and get her off the streets before something tragic happens to her.
If someone knows the sister that this girl is visiting, you may want to ask her for a recent picture to post here to aid in her sister’s search.
Here is a KTLA News link with picture.,0,1937924.story
Cover up is right. I know several officers in the department and they are fed up with the B.S inside and Danny Hughes is no better than Kevin Hamilton. The charge V. Matter with this crime now and not when it originally occurred. They dont fire Officer Wren for Assault on a minor and false imprisonment. Instead keep him and promote him while he is on Active Crimal Probation. This guy needs to be fired. He does not belong in our community!!
If you have any information on Wren please forward it.
I am sure I can get some more info here soon! He was arrested in Riverside county and convicted their. I believe he was arrested in Norco! Pled feloy chrages down to misdemeanors!
Here we go again proving McKinley hired dirty cops.
Well, I feel sorry for that 16 year old girl if she wanted to work out at 24 hour fitness. Rincon would sure love to help her!
On another note, I think all FFFF ers should be after Acting Chief Hughes at city council meetings on timelines for these tardy arrests/firings/resignations of wrongdoing Fullerton police. Its obvious that because you got 18,000 signatures to recall the dinosaurs on city council that the cleaning up is starting. The hope is that FFFF cannot point to any more evildoers on the police force. They were just a few bad apples, blah , blah!
So put Hughes in the hot seat. He is one smooth talker but keep asking the right questions over and over.
example: since Rincon cost the city $350,000 was he fired or allowed to resign? Why were not criminal charges brought up on him?
Kelly paid the ultimate price for everyone to wake up….
Nothing will get passed us now…
A true statement Marlena.
Yeah sure…When the officers get aquitted and all winds down..We will see Ron Thomas walk towards the sunset with his millions and will give all you guys the bird!!
And then, we have the Crittenton home…. Sigh….
For there being only a “few bad apples” sure does seem there is an apple orchard in the FPD with a few bad trees.
The whole orchard is implicated.
yep-agreed 10000%
Fullerton is said to be the worst in the County, everybody knows whats at the bottom of a septic tank.
“Were LAPD, the most hated COPS in all the free world, My momma even ashamed of me, she tell everybody Im a drug dealer… this a stepping stone…”
-Deputy Inspector Carter LAPD (Chris Tucker) ,
on loan to the FBI, “Rush Hour” movie 1998
Is there anything good happening? I need something positive. I guess the Recall is a good thing, but is there something else? I think we need to find a new Cheif of Police. The ones we have are only acting. Are we accepting resumes?
I did 500 sit-ups today!!
Bet Mater got his retirement!
The quotes from Dan are weak and opaque. Given that Mater was eventually charged with misdemeanor charges which hide the circumstances of an in-custody death, stating that he had recommended unspecified disciplinary action is hardly a boast and not a “transparent” explanation.
That guy will seem nice compared Cicinelli on video.
what happened? how did our town become so corrupted that our police force murders, molests, perjurs, false arrests, beatings and no one on our city council hears of these complaints or hears and cares to take action? Meanwhile, tax dollars are washed into private profit through redevelopment agencies and developers. Frankly, there is and has been for awhile, for this culture of corruption to take hold, grow and eventually take over the morals and ethics of our muncipal government, an insidiously evil political influence that uses our civic leaders for its own greedy agenda while serving up the public projects that serves the basest level of the populace
thought continued. When I saw Fullerton’s city manager did not earn a masters degree in public administration, ususally a base line requirement to qualify for a position as city manager for most cities, only soft skills degree in sociology, my suspicions aroused that Joe Felz was made fullerton’s city manager because he would rubber stamp whatever was placed in front of him by the city council out of gratitude for being given a well-paid, government position with cushy pension and perks. Who really is running the show at fullerton’s city hall? the good people of fullerton should take a hard look at who is given other positions within our municipal government and see what uniquely qualified them to feed at the public trough? And after this exercise, then a hard look at what is the function of Fullerton’s plethora of departments.
van get it da artiste- I too was floored when I found out that our city manager did not have a masters degree in not only public administration but also finance. One would know that any city would need a leader whom knows the ins and outs of finance in order to run a city. Certainly an investigation needs to be implemented to find out why he was chosen to be the “golden boy” when his resume tells a different story. Last year I addressed him at a council meeting warning him he is a pawn for the 3 clowns.
hey everyone i am the husband of Deans daughter i am currently in Afghanistan doing Marine Corps things ive taken a couple of minutes on request of my wife to do a little research and this is what came up its a great blog and will be frequenting this website when i have free time… I have a question to ask for anyone who is willing to respond how can my wife or myself organize a protest like the one you stated above for Kelly Thomas? On estimate do you think there would be a lot of supporters? My wife lives about an hour and a half away from fullerton and we dont know how fullerton feels about this case other then what i have read on the blogs. Any comments, advice, and helpful hints are appreciated!
I would have someone from your family attend the preliminary hearing for Vincent Mater at the North Orange County Court here in Fullerton. You may also want to contact the local T. V. stations of your intention to see justice done for your wife’s dad.
I can also tell you that Ron Thomas and his family initiated the protest in front of the Fullerton Police Department. The protest grew from Kelly’s family because concerned citizens like myself chose to get involved.
Although I didn’t know your Father In Law personally, I do know some of your Father In Laws friends here in Fullerton, and can tell you that you that your Father In Law was loved and is missed by all.
First, make a referral to the FBI public integrity unit in Los Angeles. Second, write both your congressman and Fullerton’s and follow up by phone. Find a staff person in each office willing to follow the case. Third, contact the district attorney’s office and ask to be kept in contact as a relative. Fourth, participate here and do not hesitate to call reporters at other news agencies. Fifth, there is place in this world for lawyers.
Fullerton Lover, is Ed Royce still representing Fullerton?
Yes, Ed Royce is supposed to be representing Fullerton, however his leadership has been non-existent.
Worse than that. he has positively harmed Fullerton by foisting a series of dimwits, cowards and RINOs on us.
Chief Hughes is tooting his own horn and public relations is on his mind without question.
But the Chief’s commentary is with little substance.
Example, “I am the one who recommended discipline”, OKAY!!! What did you recommend??
A written reprimand, days off, termination?
Another glaring issue is why is Chief Hughes still the ACTING Chief in title after ALL these months.
Why has the City Manager not moved forward with putting Hughes in as Chief?
Is there another bombshell to be dropped???
Maybe Lou Ponsi can tell us?
I know this, but even if dan wanted to fire them there are proceedings, scully ( I bet I spelled it wrong) proceedings, the hoops you have to jump through,becasue the officers have a huge union that backs them up. Ask Dan himself, he isnt a Rincon fan. I am aware it was Dans, stoolies that killed kelly, I get this- Im no fool, but Im going to give him- the respect he gives me. That being said- do I like his guys, no, do I trust them, no- aside from Radus and two others…Im no cop fan- just know Dan is busting his ass…the numbers next door are dwindling,people being let go-I personally like Dan, professionally I have issues,but I woud rather have the opportunity to ask Dan something, to his face- ask- and ave him answer me, than go in here and speculate- call me an idiot, I dont care, unless you prove other wise I will give anyone a chance. Unless, of course your Albey Rincon.
That is very encouraging coming from you Citizen M.
You would know better than most I believe since you’re neighbors.
And the few times I had spoken with Mr. Hughes at the protests and coucil meetings, I was highly impressed with his listening skills more than anything. That to me shows a person is level-headed, egoless and caring.
Just my thoughts.
Has Ed Royce ever represented- anything but his pocket book, and his red headed idiot wife? …….the answer to that is NO?
When do you want me to start? Saturday soon enough? Sir, your family member was taken by a rogue police dept- we know it you know it. Considering your in that kitty litter box, defending us- its the LEAST I can do, is to spend saturday’s, making sure this doesnt happen to anyone else. YOUR ANSWER- yes sir- If you would allow me the honor of doing this for you. Sir- you know nothing about Fullerton, its citzens are the best. They are caring and smart- and seriously pissed…so a strange combo- but I only speak for me—I will be out in front of the PD on saturday- who is with me?
To The Husband:
Although I am just one person, I’ll be there!
I think you should also speak with Bruce Whitaker on the city council. He was the only one on council that was trying to uncover the truth of this matter shortly after it occured.
I am with you Citizen M….
Admin can give Deans daughter my contact info so we can help her to get things going..
count me in
Wrong guy- call him up and have a meeting-then if he doesnt do what he says relentlessly harrass him..until it happens. I have found, that asking Dan stuff directly usually works. The old cheif refused to give me the “bomb threat” paperwork…they gave me the run around, I met with Bastrieri and Bankhead-nothing..I walked in asked for Dan, he went in the back and gave me the report- I showed it to another officer, he asked where I got it…I said Dan, he said- he failed to believe that…Is showed him Dans print out- O he was mad. Yep your boss- just gave me info-that you said no to. There are plenty of people here that go to Dan, they just wont say publically. After an article that I commented in, Dan called me and said…why did you do that? If you get any greif I am sorry…I replied Dan I told the truth, about how I feel- about you- professionally and personally-those who know me and love me, dont care and those who do care, dont know me. He said he was sorry if people were being rude over the artical, this was late at night- off duty, making sure I was cool- yeah this guys sucks- this isnt for a warm fuzzy feeling- just my experience with him.
I would call him up Citizen M but he’s probably too busy. lol
With all due respect to those who continue to say POBR protects corrupt cops and should be abolished, I ask you this.
Those speaking of POBR, have you read ALL of them contained in Government Code sections 3300-3319?
Are you prepared to present case law that clearly shows a murderous or rogue cop escaped justice as a result of POBR?
The silence and confidentialty issues that frustrate many of you are contained in the California Penal code, NOT POBR. That have been challenged countless times by ACLU and others and have lost in court each time.
If not, then please don’t throw that out there until you have, or don’t be upset when challenged.
If you have read ALL of POBR and still believe it protects dirty cops, THEN PLEASE quote the specific section that leads you to believe that.
I will be happy to explain it to you in simple terms.
The legislative intend of POBR was to protect cops from police managers who are nothing but tyrants in their daily duties. Does POBR go beyond that, YES!!!!
It does not allow LE agency to go on fishing expeditions at their whim or fire cops just because they are not liked by the boss if these procedures were not followed.
But again if you see a particular section of POBR that upsets you, POST it and let’s get some questions answered if possible.
It would be much like cops attempting to squash the Miranda ruling on YOUR right to remain silent.
I am sure some of you would call BS on that and rightfully so.
When someone refuses to talk to me after being advised of their rights to remain silent, I say ok.
That just means I have to work a little harder making the case against you. NO BIGGY!!!! It’s the challenge of the job I don’t mind what so ever.
It’s a rule our great country has established, and I can work within it.
Hey you guys thanks for the information you have given me. I have talked to my wife and she said she will be there Saturday and will be calling the local news stations she will be putting the information on her dads (still active facebook) you are all more then welcome to add him if you use facebook just search Dean Gochenour and add him as a friend and my wife will be checking it multiple times throughout the day and add you to his facebook profile! The more people to show up the better it would be obviously… I read the 10 page report and as you all know there are some inconsistencies. Dean was a great guy funny as hell always lighthearted and willing to go above and beyond for the next person. He never met a stranger! Like you have all pointed out the DAR was broken AFTER he “committed suicide” he hinted over and over he was contemplating or at least had suicidal thoughts which if i was working for the PD would warrant some extra attention at least!!! Not turn off the lights on the second floor when he is in a single man cell? And the jailer only found him because he was taking another man to an upstairs cell. Isnt there supposed to be someone watching these cameras at all times? How would someone be able to make use of these cameras with the lights out? Sorry to rant you just seemed like the right people to do rant to haha once again Saturday my wife is planning a protest information will be on Dean Gochenours facebook!!!
Why not you call yourself, then post. Talk to lorileigh…his asst. YOu want to know, why not call him yourself.
The hoops are simple to jump through if you know what to do.
While jumping through the hoops, Rincon is sitting at home on administrative leave. Either paid or unpaid.
The union cannot stop Hughes or any other Chief or Sheriff from putting someone suspected of misconduct on leave.
The union simply pays the attorneys fees to represent the employee through the adminsrative process and the SKELLY hearing.
The attorney makes his case before the Chief at the Skelly hearing, the Chief accepts the argument offered or ignores it.
The Chief may modifie the proposed discipline, or keep the proposed discipline in place.
If termination is the discipline, then the employee is fired and fights to get their job back through civil service.
That can take from 1 to 5 years.
The lawyers and unions cannot stop terminations or arrests of employees.
They can only defend it, AFTER it has happened.
scully ( I bet I spelled it wrong) proceedings
Skelley Hearings
Spelled it wrong.
Skelly hearing
thank you – SKELLY……it was un-nerving me. I get it, they can do way way way better, but I must say everything I have asked of Dan- aside from Rincons picture, and the address’ of the six- he has given it to me.
Thank you for the post- I do appreciate when Im schooled.
Your welcome!!!!
Suicide my ass.
Ill say it again,he who pays the piper,gets to pick the tune.
Hello everybody! Just letting you know that DEAN GOCHENOUR’s facebook page is there for everybody to see. There are pictures of what a wonderful human being he was. I have gotten several friend requests from people who didn’t know who he was but are supportive of his situation. Feel free to friend request his page. ALSO, I AM PUTTING TOGETHER A RALLY/PROTEST FOR THIS SATURDAY (3/15/2012). even if you are only one person, it counts and it will be noticed. Please participate if you can find the time to do it. The FPD has made too many mistakes and this should be the final straw. No more sweeping it under the rug. I have read all the comments and have learned new things which further fuels my frustration. Thank you for reading. All of the rally/protest information will be found on my fathers facebook page. Let’s get something started! I appreciate the support more than anyone can know…
The rally/protest will be held on Saturday, March 17, 2012 (as opposed to the 15th I incorrectly denoted above). I will post the time on Dean’s Facebook page later today. Thanks!
Looks like it’s time to dust off the ol’ protest signs.
and make some new ones
Woo Hoo!
Happened to run across this…any “new” FPD should have a Facebook page like this one. Space for comments and assessments, good and bad. Alerts for the public.
Communication and transparency. What a concept.
This is a brilliant idea!
I have been asked by two people now what this protest on Saturday will be about.
This protest is for the purpose of bringing an awareness to the Fullerton Police Department by it’s citizens that we will not tolerate any further negligent retention. Dean Gochenour did not have to die that night. He gave every indication to the FPD personnel that he could have been a danger to himself. We will not tolerate the dishonesty and lack of transparency that this police department has in regard to their mistakes.
When somebody is taken into custody THEY SHOULD NOT DIE.
I wish I had my old ticket book back for you horn honkers on Saturday at the protest……Nah Im going to Roscoes to drink green beer with your drunk wives and we will all laugh at you from down the street.
Well, thank you for letting us know of your whereabouts on Saturday…
Don’t you wish gettin’ your jollies was as clean as that?
Oh yeah..
Small things amuse small minds…
Sorry Wrong guy…you’re not allowed in there…No FFF supporters in that bar…sorry
Darn it!
Ya just ruined my Saturday. Still, we know where you’ll be…
I will be at the Fullerton Police Department at noon with my signs! Feel free to come earlier. We need to bring a voice to not only my father but all the other people who have been affected negatively by this department. Please bring you and friends. Even if you are only there for a half hour, it will mean a lot.
Post this on your facebooks. Let’s use todays social media as a way of provoking change and thought. This is important and a beautiful opportunity to positively influence your community that you live in!
Thank you for the support and positive thoughts!
Here are my thoughts on this terrible situation. Mater pannicked after Dean killed himself because he knew that this videotape of his conversations with Dean would incriminate him big time. I believe that Mater egged Dean on to kill himself while they were alone and took advantage of Dean’s vulnerability and depression during the arrest. Dean did not want to die, he had much to live for. We have a beautiful daughter together who Dean loved very much and she him. Dean has an amazing son-in-law currently deployed in Afghanistan. Dean has brothers, sisters, and many friends who loved him. The fact that Dean was recorded in the jail saying to Mater, “You are going to lose a good man tonight,” and “Go ahead and keep my money, I don’t need it anymore,” and “Dead man walking,” etc., should have sent off red flags that Dean was not in his right mind and could be a danger to himself. Why did the FPD put Dean in a cell by himself for one hour in the dark without supervision. This is a huge mistake on behalf of the FPD as Dean or any other intoxicated person could have died another way . . . they could have suffered a heart attack, etc., you get the picture. No inmate in that condition should have been left unattended in the dark for an hour all by himself. This is reckless and irresponsible on behalf of the FPD and they should be held accountable for negligent retention.
Yes CWelk, the RED FLAGS in Deans comments were there, no question about it. Mater should have known what those statements meant, I did.
I doubt a jail the size of Fullertons has any medical personnel on staff. But in this case, Dean should have been transported to a mental health facility for evaluation.
FPD could have called a family member and had them respond to the jail and pick Dean up, telling the family member about his statements as an alternative to having him sit in jail, with a recomendation to see the family physician if nothing else.
I to believe Mater said something to Dean while he was driving him to the jail. But the fact is, we will never truly know.
There is sufficient evidence in the DA’s letter alone to support a wrongful death action.
If you get a chance or have not already done so seek out Ron Thomas. He might be of some assistance to you.
All I can say is I am sorry for your lose.
You may want to propose to the Fullerton mayor and city council, your willingness to train that F’d up police department.
I’m kind of serious here…If you showed them your resume, with an action plan of your training procedures and some of your ideas and methods of handling various situations just like your comments on this blog, you’d have yourself a nice little side gig.
Your points above are so right; but then again a police department that’s been around since the 20s should already know these things.
Then again, when it comes to Fullerton PD, it’s not about stupidity, its’ about Corruption & evil like it seems to be with the Dean Gochenour incident.
Well thanks WG, but I doubt seriously Chief Hughes would want anyone other than Mr.Gennaco coming into his house to point out any errors in his operation.
But passing muster from a disgruntled hater such as myself might carry a little more weight than Gennaco, since I would set aside all the political correctness we see going on now, LOL!!!
Actually the California Department of Corrections are the authority that oversees a city jail operation.
Maybe they will take note and assist the Chief in correcting the obvious issues on intake procedures of prisoners entering into his facility.
I do hope FPD turns up the volume on their camera’s. I hope when people like Dean come into the facility they are placed in a cell MUCH closer to where the jailer sits, so a person like Dean can be observed alot closer.
That would be for starters, awaiting a complete overhaul of their jail procedures.
I am sure an attorney or two for the family will assist in pointing out some errors in civil court.
“I do hope FPD turns up the volume on their camera’s. I hope when people like Dean come into the facility they are placed in a cell MUCH closer to where the jailer sits, so a person like Dean can be observed alot closer.”
That’s fine and dandy IF the jailer *observes* and isn’t sitting on his/her hands…
Prosecutors absolve San Bernardino police in death of mentally ill man
Posted: 03/15/2012 04:33:55 PM PDT
Prosecutors absolve San Bernardino police in death of mentally ill man
By Melissa Pinion-Whitt
Staff Writer
SAN BERNARDINO – A 19-year-old mentally ill man who died after being shot by police with a Taser gun in 2009 was not the victim of any wrongdoing by officers, prosecutors said Thursday.
Frank Cleo Sutphin fought with San Bernardino police and became more aggressive when officers warned him they would have to use a Taser gun.
According to a report released by the District Attorney’s Office, Sutphin told police, “I’m sadomasochistic (and) I like it.”
“Clearly, Mr. Sutphin’s mental health issues contributed to his lack of cooperation, but he knew police officers were present and understood their demands to remain at the location,” prosecutors wrote in the report.
San Bernardino police Sgt. Travis Walker and Officers Joey Zink, Von Verbanic and Sgt. Eric Fyvie came to the Orchid Court board-and-care facility at 307 S. Arrowhead Ave. on Oct. 16, 2009.
They had received a report that three patients there were fighting and one was armed with scissors and whips.
Sutphin, who reportedly suffered from schizophrenia and depression, was wearing a gas mask and had blood on his face. Police detained another man and put him in a patrol car.
Police convinced Sutphin to sit down and take off the mask, but then he suddenly jumped up, walked away and told police they’d have to restrain him,
authorities said.
Police were unable to keep a hold of his arms and gain control of him.
Sutphin continued to struggle with police, even after they used the Taser on him, authorities said. After the Taser was fired a second time, officers lowered him to the ground and handcuffed him.
Police then noticed he was having trouble breathing.
Paramedics took him to St. Bernadine Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead on Oct. 17.
County coroner’s officials couldn’t determine if the Taser contributed to his death. The prosecutors’ report indicated Sutphin had suffered a heart attack while struggling with police.
melissa.pinion-whitt@, 909-386-3878
What is your problem, really? What’s the Hmmm? about? Hmmm?
Egging everyone on is not the way to make friends.
Your just Wile E. Coyote with evil intentions. I have a hunch that there was once a decent side to you, but that all changed when you got a little roughed up on the streets of Pomona.
How is Holt Ave. these day? That’s a rough strip over there. Be careful!
I believe his Hmmm was meant to be like a ‘Ha Ha,
no wrong-doing on the officers.”
Well no sh#t RI, this incident wasn’t even worth posting. Come on maaaan!!!
How many times do I have to tell you that?
“I believe his Hmmm was meant to be like a ‘Ha Ha,
no wrong-doing on the officers.””
Yes WG, I know.
I usually ignore, but today I’m a little off.
Patrick you’re a Class A Schmuck!
I caught my own typo it should read:
You’re just Wile E. Coyote with evil intentions Patrick!
Yes it is, O’malley, AKA-stalker/liar-Patrick IS too your first name, thats why you took down that picture of yourself with your dog as soon as you were outed here on FFFF….you are not messin’ with gullible, half-baked, idiots, just because that’s what you have proved to be-and the dirty, condescending comments you made about Ron and Kelly months ago are not forgotten, either.
For anyone interested, all you have to do is look back at the post from August 2011 to present to see how Reality Is aka Patrick O’Malley descended upon FFFF.
I meant posts,because there were many.
“After the Taser was fired a second time, officers lowered him to the ground and handcuffed him.”
“Lowered him to the ground.”
That sounds like they gently placed him on the ground. Uh, huh, right.
In this case, we don’t know really what happened. In Kelly’s case we do.
See I told Ya’all that ol white wash Gennaco would find no wrong doing. City council has made no mistakes!
Ummm who paid for the report? Oh! City Council? No wonder there are no mistakes!
Question: Is Sgt. Goodlie now Lt. Goodlie? After all he needs to be rewarded for his good deeds!
Why would we want to hang with the likes of you…no thanks their are homeless less than a block away that have more decency that most wearing the badge…go figure, the HOMELESS are better people than you.
I actually had a sudden change of heart to share the “sobriety checkpoints” that I know the location of which will be out on Saturday for St. Patrick’s Day.
Hmmm, guess we should post the corrupt stories from other police agencies then to be fair.
A two edge sword.