The Three Empty Pez Dispensers

You know, Larry Bennett really could have just left it alone. After dodging a final, humiliating meeting to certify the recall election that drove them out of office, at least one of the Three Bald Tires finally deigned to show up at Fullerton City Hall tomorrow morning to do the deed. It could have been done quietly with as little fanfare as possible. Actually only one of them even needed to show up.
But no.
Bennett seems to think the Three Dead Batteries need a sendoff appropriate to all the wonderful things these men have done for Fullerton. Friday he notified supporters of the Three Tree Stumps that there was to be a special council meeting, and that he hoped everybody would show up to let them know what terrific public servants they have been.
Bennett has likely spent the week-end making phone calls to drum up some folks willing to say kind thing about the Three Pea-less Pods. No doubt some will show up. And others are likely to show up now, too. People who recognize the disastrous misrule of these three characters:

Don Bankhead: dumb-bell, and self-annointed king of Fullerton, whose somnolent councilmanic career was punctuated with one Redevelopment boondoggle and union give away after another.

Dick Jones, the southern fried lunatic and loud-mouthed bully who never came to understand that the authority to give orders doesn’t confer wisdom – or even relevance.

Pat McKinley: protector and apologist for the undeniable Culture of Corruption in the Fullerton Police Department that he himself had created. Those ladies weren’t like you. Aliens. Don’t rush to judgement.
Well, good bye and good riddance.

And please take Larry Bennett with you. The tide is rising.
That’s mean. But perfectly true. Every word.
That article shows alot about your character, Joe. What happened to winning with dignity. Although time will tell who really wins, but for now I will settle for a F u all FFF’ers. Take my water tax money and stick it up Kiger’s ass. Enjoy it for a few months, come November the citizens take back their city.
Geeze, what happened to losing with dignity?
You would have thought the blog post above encouraged people to put on dunce caps with the letter L painted on their foreheads and shout “LOSERS” in a bull horn, while driving down Commonwealth tomorrow morning.
Why didn’t you and the citizens “take back YOUR city” in June?
Me thinks the city HAS already been taken back by the citizens.
The fact that Travis isn’t even in office yet, and you are already doing the spazy Orangutan dance, shows YOUR character.
That’s right A, TimeWillTell.
Nonsense, bad character would be to change one’s tune now. These three kooks were a plague on the council, and their being defeated doesn’t change anything. Good riddance you useless fools. Bring on November, tough talker.
They just did take it back.
Winning with dignity? That was leaving well enough alone until that idiot Bennett called an all hands meting at 9:00 city hall monday. Blame yourselves.
Winning with dignity? So I’m supposed to be gracious after these three assclowns damn near drove the City over a cliff?
Nuh uh, brother. I’m still plenty pissed off that the taxpayers of this city have been skewered by these incompetent bozos and their little coterie of sycophants.
These zits, or somebody who looks a lot like them will be back in November courtesy of Ed Royce, Dick Ackerman, et al. And we’ll be waiting for them – with gloves off.
Yea BITCH!!! Now go back where you came from or face additional taunting by the people who took their city back from you LOSER friends!!!
Who wants to bet they sit through hours of public comments feeding their egos before they certify the results?
It all depends who shows up.
I don’t think that public comment is on tomorrow’s agenda. My guess is that the “celebration” will be limited to applause by their supporters and then a quick good day. As I’m not sure that more than one is showing up at all — assuming one does — applause may be sparse.
the june 5 meeting is finally up on the website!!
jones does a little prayer at the begining!!!priceless
Merijoe, now that the recall is over maybe you will attend a council meeting where you live. We all know south county has just as many problems as north county. You have plenty of time since your career is going nowhere. Sayonara, bitch!
I would like to nominate Merijoe as a life long honorary citizen of Fullerton.
I love the originality of your screen name; it says volumes about yourself.
I like Steak Fries.
I don’t know about you all, but Tuco quickly loses respect for those who call nasty names to anyone on this blog with ideas that may differ from their own. It happens regularly and really needs no reply since most FFFF’rs can easily recognize a troll.
Now those 3 bullys won’t be there anymore who will be the next to be recall ???? in order to finish cleaning the house .Will be the chief of police who use to work hand to hand with sellers ,and just put a big smile to all the people just the citizens could trust him o maybe will be sssssssharon ssssssssssssilva,and what city manager has to say ? and all the officer that were training by the psicho pat mckenly .we still have a lot work to do to finish clean fullerton but for now byeeeeee LOOOOOSERSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.
These three blue hairs are going to be eating jello, watching Murder She Wrote RE-RUNS on KDOC waiting for the Early Bird Special at teh Hungry Bear Tuesday morning.
It’s amazing to me, that people looked beyond the fact that these three were so out of touch and debated term limits and service to the community ect….. This is 2012 NOT 1978 Doc, as for Patrick McKinley, come on settle into Morningstar move toward the back and you can yell at the kids playing ball too loud in the park you built with stolen money.
Good Night boys. You should have known when to hang it up.
KDOC is pretty good.
Come to think of it, these three feebleminds do have a certain Wally George quality.
You forgot to include their covert supporter and colleague – the wicked witch of the east.
The Circus is leaving City Hall Chambers, GOOD F******* BYE!
a person who’s so obsessive and disturbed that there’s no other word to describe them, other than sickfuck. -UrbanDictionary
though jones, bankhead and mckinley earned everyone s derision, they still are men in positions of civic responsibility towards their constituents who knew they were obfuscating evidence in the kelly thomas murder, who paid out large sums of our tax dollars to legally settle with the victims of their police force, who encouraged commando, community oriented policing that laughed after they murdered a disabled, homeless man, pushed onto the good people of fullerton illegal taxes to pad their police force and upper echelon municipal employees salaries and pensions, who misued redevelopment funds to promote affordable housing that displaced the poor and tore down our placid downtown and replaced it with bacchanal fests and spent 10 million on a facelift for a library that is still in the dark ages when it comes to technology.
jones, bankhead and mckinley are grateful only to be derided when in fact they should be facing a trial and sentencing for the crimes they committed upon Fullerton s community.
dont let these evil men walk away with only our scorn because they could care less about our feelings, they never have and never will see us as their constituents, only as stupid people who exist to give them money and power.
the good people of fullerton need their day in court with jones, bankhead and mckinley
Civil or criminal? Specifically, what would be the charge?
I gotta add that those Pez dispensers at the top of the post, look
eerily similar to Bankhead as the Scarecrow, Jones as the Cowardly Lion, and McKinley as the Tin Man.
Tx to the author for the awesome write-up!
“Three Pea-less Pods”
Well done.
Jones, who served as mayor in the months following Thomas’ death, took issue with comments from recall supporter Christine Walker, who blasted Jones in past meetings.
“You disrespected us for 11 months,” he said. “We are not going to take this abuse anymore.”
True. Courtesy of the voters of Fullerton.
Bye HeeHaw.
How much respect is due a sick, evil, corrupt, used up political puppet, and bully, GOOD RIDDANCE?
Christine Walker
what your not telling everyone how he walked out?
Lou Ponsi
Happy to discuss with you Christine the next time I see you.
Christine Walker
Discuss what that your only telling one side of the story?
Lou Ponsi
Christine, I appreciate your passion!
Hopefully our FFFF News crew got some good video.
Her holiness Queen Silva of Fullerton would not allow dissenting opinions at the meeting. She needs to go.
I always liked pez candy.
Where can I get more pez candy for my empty dispenser?
Lou Ponsi (OC Register) is butt sniffing as much as ever, I really wonder what he gets out of it all.
ART WITH AN AGENDA-LIFE AND MURDER OF KELLY THOMAS-AN ART EXHIBIT, Includes Transcript of the beating. PAS Gallery Fullerton
These kind of stories always make me go “hmmm”
Wonder if that retirement had anything to do with this 1987 story (sorry, the link wouldn’t work-liked this story though):
“Police up in arms over chief’s job
They cite widening of search past Fullerton”
March 3, 1987
Donna Davis
OC Register
“Claiming the city has sidestepped its own law, Police Association members said Monday that they are upset because the search for a new chief has expanded outside the department.
City officials are prohibited from looking elsewhere when three or more qualified in-house employees apply for any open position, according to a 1982 City Council resolution. The ordinance is not worded to exclude department heads.
“It’s nothing personal,” said James Keffer, president of the Fullerton Police Association. “It’s not like we’re pushing (for) somebody from within. You’re dealing with police officers that enforce the law and we don’t like it when somebody doesn’t pay attention to it.”
City Manager William Winter said the association’s objections will not affect the naming of a new chief next week. Although not technically excluded, department heads never were intended to be included in the city’s ordinance, he said.
Besides three Fullerton captains, finalists for the $80,580 slot include an Orange County chief of police and three other applicants from outside the county, he added. Oral interviews with the finalists were concluded on Friday.
City official would not name the finalists, but the police department’s captains are Lee DeVore, Phillip Goring and Don Bankhead.
One of the Fullerton captains failed to meet the city’s minimum requirement of three years in that position, but his application was included as qualified “so we could review the skills and experience of all our captains in light of the other candidates,” Winter said.
He said he was “disappointed” by the association’s position and called it “very self-serving, rather than focusing on the overall qualifications for the position.”
Historically, Winter said, the city has excluded department heads from the in-house hiring ordinance. He said the measure is not uncommon in cities and is intended to encourage lower-level promotion from within.
But Keffer said the 160-member association intends to block the selection of any outside candidate and is considering taking the issue to court.
“It’s not just one job we’re talking about here,” Keffer said. “It’s promotion all the way up the ladder (when) someone from inside gets the job. That’s what everybody’s concerned about.”
The city attorney, Kerry Fox, and the personnel director, Mark Flannery, could not be reached for comment on the dispute Monday.
The position opened in December when then-Chief Martin Hairabedian was appointed as a judge in North Orange County Municipal Court by Gov. George Deukmejian.”
This last year at the council needs to go into syndication to pay down our debt. the meetings consisted of the stars of the three stooges, kfc commercials, kojak, the dukes of hazard, jerry springer, night gallery and ended with bonanza. What a year indeed.
The irony of using the wizard of Oz, the only thing that’s missing is dim-Whittaker as the flying monkey, Travis kigirl as toto and of course the little man behind the curtain daddy war bucks himself, Tony Bushala.