The Waistband

Something has been bothering me, and I have a question: What is a waistband?
I don’t really know. It sounds like something that held up those stretchy green rayon pants old grandad wore.
I do know that it is the handiest thing imaginable for cops who, for whatever reason, have just plugged somebody. How many times have we read in post-shooting news articles that Mr. Sinister was “reaching for his waistband” when Officer Galahad, fearing for his own life, felt compelled to shoot him four or five times? Apparently a “waistband” is the place that bad guys stick their pistols, or knives, boomerangs, or whatever; or that’s the plausible place he they would stick ’em if they had ’em in the first place.
And how many times has the DA, investigating the shootings, given a pass to Officer Galahad or one of his brethren, due to the claim, often unsubstantiated, that Mr. Sinister was “reaching for his waistband?”
Of course it’s a little embarrassing when it turns out that Mr. Sinister was completely unarmed. Then you would think that the “reaching for waistband” defense would come up a little short. After all why would a bad guy reach for a weapon that wasn’t there?
But no! It seems that for a successful Reaching For The Waistband defense, a policeperson merely needs to chant the mantra and that establishes the defense. After all, how was Officer Galahad to know that Mr. Sinister was merely trying to pull his pants up?
The problem is that the “system” has been completely skewed to protect cops good and bad, from the repercussions of their actions.
It’s part and parcel with the POBOR nonsense that creates an immunity for the armed praetorian guards of a corrupt regime.
But as historians of Rome know all too well, eventually Caesar’s private army starts choosing Caesar.
It’s way past time to start demilitarizing our cops.
I agree — if only those folks would learn from history…. sigh…
Perhpas the Las Vegas gang are the one’s whom trained the FPD officers.
A little dated but check out this information . . . looks like a country wide problem
Tropicana Avenue and Rainbow Boulevard
In one of the more controversial shootings of recent years, John Paul Perrin, 32, was shot and killed after refusing to show his hands to Las Vegas police officer Bruce Gentner while walking late at night in southwest Las Vegas. Gentner fired several times at Perrin, waited a few moments, and fired several more times. It is later determined that Perrin, who had been dribbling a basketball, was unarmed. Gentner, a four-year veteran, testified at an inquest that he felt threatened by Perrin. Rule justifiable by 6-1 vote.
Would be interersting if FFFF or a similar Blog would have a webpage with associated links like this one – but also with a picture and address of the cops who do the killing.
“Why?”………. Hmmmmmm
Because the public has right to know Golem!…… you moron mongoloid. See
“The problem is that the ‘system’ has been completely skewed to protect cops good and bad, from the repercussions of their actions”………. Hmmmmmm
Only in California and that is because we are voting for the left-liberal-progressive-communists and governors like Brown and Schwarzenegger.
Republican Governor Mitch Daniels has signed Senate Enrolled Act 1 into law in Indiana. The new law allows citizens to use deadly force against police officers they think are illegally entering their homes.
Mr. Fiala,
We are only receiving what we’ve been told we need. LOL! Between mandatory minimums, zero tolerance, three strikes, asset forfeiture, Patriot Act, on and on, we have given up our freedoms and created, in conjunction with our elected leaders, one massive fucking police state. Freedom lost doesn’t come back very easily. Instead of giving us a real budget the Democrats are thinking up new ways to throw people in jail.
“the Democrats are thinking up new ways to throw people in jail”………. Hmmmmm
Since I am constitutionally sovereign person with the alienable rights given to me by my creator, they can’t never succeed.
Try to be like I!
FYI, the word “CREATOR” in the constitution is not synonymous with the “GOD” so spare me from your religious opinions.
A waistband is a band of area around your waist. It’s a safety zone for the police. Once you are seen (or believed) to have reached for the zone, you may be dead meat.
Yeah, so don’t do it.
Another good one is “stop resisting.” I sometimes wonder if they automatically chant that anytime they go to cuff somebody or are doing a beatdown.
Yes. Look up the articles on LA County Men’s Central Jail (with Gennaco as independent overseer).
” I sometimes wonder if they automatically chant that anytime they go to cuff somebody or are doing a beatdown.”
Particularly if there is a DAR system on recording (but not video) everything said.
Notice when you listen to the audio every cop speaking says “stop resisting” over and over. Built in defense and it is disgusting. I guess it better supports the need to “beat his face to hell” if the guy is resisting.
Never mind the fact the defendant is being crushed by four or five men and cant breath, his foot was still twitching so we had to keep yelling stop resisting.
Mr. Peabrain, can you please explain what event(s) in your life have occurred for you to have so much distain for Police? My guess is you just love it when you hear that a cop was killed or injured. Why is it you think all cops are crooked? I surely don’t believe all people on this blogs are idiots like you.
Have you ever been a cop? Are you familiar with the job they do on a daily basis? The crap they put up with because of people like you.
This blog and some of the people like you on it do nothing but promote an “us vs. them” mentality. That’s too bad because with an attitude like that nothing will ever be fixed.
Please spare us. It’s getting so old.
#7 dirty harry; I don`t think anyone feels that ALL COPS AREBAD. There are god & bad in EVERYONE, even cops. But the bad ones are increasing, it SURE seems, and they are allowed to get away with way too much!!!! & they know they can!!!! As for a cop killed, or injured, no I don`t think anyone would love to hear that, but in MY CASE, I pray that it was a ”BAD” one, just like the”6” who murdered Kelly Thomas, and THEN, I WOULD be glad, & say: They got just what they deserved!!!!! THEN all we hear is: ” We lost …”ONE OF OUR OWN”!! Like it matters SO MUCH more, than anyone elses”OWN”!!! ”Kelly Thomas` family , and so many, many others lose ”one of their own ” too, but somehow you cops think that does`nt matter!!! I`m sure that a cops job IS having to put up with a lot of crap, LOTS OF IT, but just think how it helps you guys to have, and keep your jobs. You ”special, and exceptional” ARE NOT the only ones who have to put up with ”CRAP” on the job, and stress, AND,…. might I add that WE can`t go out on a disibility, like that chicken —-, ”CHIEF SELLERS”, for OUR high blood pressure!!!! We are told,” take your meds, and be there!!!! ( on the job) You all have good paying jobs to put up with the CRAP, AT LEAST. If the ”crap” is too much, go work at ”MC DONALDS, FOR MINIMUM WAGE”, ”Can`t take the heat ”, ( GET OUT OF THE KITCHEN!!!! ) Once again…. the BAD COPS, ARE THE ONES GIVING SO MANY, SO MUCH DISTAIN FOR COPS!!! Weed em out, and do not let them use any excuse to get away… WITH ANYTHING!!!! EVEN MURDER!!!! Just because they where a damn badge!!!! ( if you are a good cop, then I`m sorry to be so blunt, but any that are like ”the 6”, can go to —- !!!!!!)
Us vs. Them is propagated by the cops, not the civilians.
Here, Dirty Harry – let me make your day! Read this and tell me how saintly you and your buddies in blue really are!
Manslaughter Charges Filed Against Philadelphia Officers
Dirty Harry, you miss the whole point. Most of us want to be on the side of the police but when the police themselves shelter the bad actors in their ranks they prevent us from distinguishing good from bad.
The protection of bad cops has risen to such an extreme level it is actually endangering the decent cops. Blame the police unions if you want a culprit.
Every time we hear some wacko conspiracy about crooked cops we should heave ready ammunition to dispel the theory. Problem is so often a dirtbag cop will be protected by things such as the ridiculous propaganda of a guy like Andrew Goodrich or some union goon denying liability.
The police unions by protecting the worst among their ranks have made it increasingly impossible to figure out who is truly doing a tough job on the street and who is just getting away with abusing the citizens.
Clean your own house and we will back up the police when we know the ranks are indeed full of the virtuous people you supporters point to. So long as the rotten apples are spoiling the entire batch I for one will remain a sceptic.
Hollis just hit the nail on the head, or shall I say; pinned the tail on the donkey!
“How many times have we read in post-shooting news articles that Mr. Sinister was “reaching for his waistband” when Officer Galahad, fearing for his own life, felt compelled to shoot him four or five times?”………. Hmmmmm
Soon the above will be phrased as follows:
“How many times have we read in post-shooting news articles that Mr. Sinister was “reaching for his Individual Liberty” when Officer Galahad, fearing for his own life, felt compelled to shoot him four or five times?”
New DHS Report: If You Love “Individual Liberty” Or If You “Believe In Conspiracy Theories” You Are A Potential Terrorist
By crossing the iron curtain, I have never imagine that I may be labeled terrorist on the other side based on the Bush/ Obama manifesto and having less freedom than I had under the Stalin/ Lenin manifesto.
Yes, along with “stop resisting” and “he’s on something”.
@ Dirty Harry, first of all it’s “disdain” and secondly, the “us versus them” mentality you speak of started a long time ago and on the LE side of the coin.
Yes. I love my waistband and I love resisting. So sexual. 🙂
There’s been some real suspicious shoots on part of the OC Sheriff’s office lately. We all know about Marine Sgt. Manuel Loggins who was fatally gunned down in a high school parking lot while sitting in the front seat of his vehicle with his two underaged daughters only feet behind him in the back seat. That happened in Feb. and the DA hasn’t even released his findings yet. Sgt Loggins didn’t even have to reach for his waistband. I guess his crime was driving while black. Why would it take the DA over 5 months to investigate? Had the situation been reversed and had Loggins shot a cop while sitting in his patrol unit I bet the investigation would have been over in less than a month with capital murder charges to boot. And after the shooting the cops took custody of the kids and wouldn’t even let their mom talk to them for 15 hours or so after they watched their dad get blown away. There are 2 sets of rules. One for them and then one for the peasants.
JustUs – what is sad that a reported “reason” (excuse?) for the shooting was to “save” his daughters – of course it was. Now they will live with the memory of their father shot before their eyes – some salvation!
I never did understood that part about “saving” the daughters from their father?
I could find that plausible if the Sheriff’s had received a report of the daughters being in distress, however I don’t recall hearing anything about a report of the girls being in any sort of danger being called in?
Only an idiot would buy the spin that the deputy was trying to save the daughters when he blasted their father. Some of his blood probably splattered on his kids since they sat only a couple feet behind him. The DA probably knows the storyline is complete BS and that’s why it’s been over 5 months and his final report has yet to be released. Pretty hard to script such egregious police state behavior in a positive manner with a straight face. He knows Atty Brian Dunn will eat him alive with the civil suit so he has to be real careful with the official statement. The biggest sham is that the deputy is back on active duty. OCSD pulled the same stunt that FPD pulled with their cops after Kelly’s fatal bludgeoning until they were called out by ‘the mob’. The cops will get away with anything they’re allowed to get away with. Cops do not act via moral principles and have no ‘code of honor’. And the so-called ‘good ones’ are just as rotten as the bad ones when they fail to step up and call the bad ones out. When’s the last time (since Serpico) you heard a ‘good cop’ rat the bad cops out??? Don’t hold your breath.
Actually, the PIO initially stated the officer was in fear for his life. I guess they decided using the children as an excuse would play better in the media. It is utter BS, and why have we heard nothing about this case????
In 1999, I had the pleasure of spending three days in Birmingham with Dan Moore, former Chief Deputy Marshall for the Northern District of Alabama.
Dan told me that when I got back to California, that I should tell the local cops that he knew how to stop all of these long, high-speed, televised car chases that went on in LA.
He told me that when he was serving a warrant and the suspect would run, that he would take out his gun and shoot him in the back. Then he would take this rusty old knife he carried with him and put it beside the dying suspect.
He told me that once the coroner pulled him aside and asked him if he couldn’t at least get a new knife. He was tired of photographing the same old rusty knife. Then he would laguh and ask me if that was not the funnyist thing I had ever heard…”I’m tired of photographing the same old rusty knife”
Dan told me this story twice while I was in Birmingham and again over the phone when I was back home in Anaheim. Each time I was dumbfounded and could not utter any response. It was only after his death that I got the punchline. He was testing my Yankee predudice against Southern law enforcement.
Yes, it is possible to use a throwdown weapon to justify a shooting, even a shooting into the back of a suspect. But the weapon is placed into evidence and not given back to the cop. That is why “I’m tired of photographing the same old rusty knife” was supposed to be the funniest thing I ever heard.
Police live in great fear in the normal course of their duties. Most people hold their hands near their waist most of the time. This fear may be used by the average cop as the average defense for a shooting and be accepted most of the time.
However, the claims must be put up to the test of logic.
Enjoyed your story Steve. Thanks for sharing.
“Birmingham”…….. Hmmmmm
What happened to tar and feathers?
At least in AZ, and other states where it’s legal to pack, citizens have a chance to defend themselves against gun-happy po-po’s.
@ Dirty Harry: First off, you’ve lost what little respect you may have been able to muster up by choosing the name of a fictional cop who enjoys blowing people away. Second, it’s not all cops people on here have disdain for, in murderous, rapists, robbing, like to rough people up for kicks, thug officers, which seems to be about 1/3rd of FPD. Third, try reading older blogs on here and you’ll see many officers have disdain for the officers who murdered Kelly Thomas. They know it gives cops a bad name and puts them under scrutiny. Finally, bad cops create an “us vs them” mentality, not hardworking citizens who pay their millions in lawsuits.
Are you inferring that the knowledge that people may be packing will make police less likely to shoot quickly.
“shoot quickly”……….. Hmmmmm
Or think twice.
Then move the Arizona, Brandumb…bye!
I suggest John Doe move to Arizona so he can be deported!
Ramirez? Brown wanna be white. Shut up before I call immigration on you brown Mexican ass.
Might as well, that tyrannical wanna-be dictator can barely speak English and none of what he says actually represents what America stands for.
Arbitrarily killing people over perceived non compliance is what you see in 3rd world countries like North Korea not America. What these thugs and their collaborators are doing is treason.
It’s not only in 3rd world countries. Its here also. And it has to be. Comply or die. Cops have to take back their streets.
Uhhh…. “their” streets?
ahhh….the arrogance. Fraudian slip, you think?
Actually, JD…the cops are public servants. The streets belong to the people. The cops serve the people. (at least in theory)
The only thing that can unmask a dirty cop is a recording of the events surrounding their actions.
The ACLU in New Jersey has released an app so people can secretly record on their smartphone. Cops will see only the home screen, there’s no indication of recording.
The website also has information on the legality of recording cops.
The corrupt cops will take the recording from you and destroy it and you.
Some will automatically upload or send data (recording, video, etc) to appropriate groups or agencies.
I would be real careful with the modern ACLU!
Dirty Harry sings the same song that has been sung for decades. Time for a new song to be written.
What DH fails to tell everyone that there are many good decent cops out there who care about the public and want their support. Without such support the police are pretty much useless in accomplishing their mission.
Most cops have went into the neighborhoods to investigate crime and heard many witnesses say, ” I didn’t see or hear anything”. Very frustrating when your trying to catch a killer.
Why is that? Many people are simply afraid of retaliation from the bad guys. Others just don’t like the cops and will deal with the bad guy themselves.
DH doesn’t admit the samething exsists within many LE agencies too. “I didn’t see or hear anything”.
A cop who comes forth and reports misconduct on the part of his peers or police supervisors is retaliated against in many ways.
The cop who plays by the RULES is gambling with his personal safety and career if he SPEAKS out at the wrong time.
Many of the long time readers saw that right here with exchanges between myself and a couple others.
The end result of the exchange was, I am disgruntled, washed up cop who could not hack it. Of course no FACTS were presented.
But a subtle form of retaliation for going against the grain.
The NEW Fullerton City Council can set the TONE for many other city’s by adopting POLICY that will protect any CITY employee who comes forth to report misconduct. STRONG policy of ZERO TOLERANCE for retaliation.
Break the “code of silence” and the door to reform will be wide open.
Those police managers or cops who retaliate against someone who doesn’t want to be part of any cover up, HOWEVER slight, should be dealt with as harshly as the the primary suspects.
If good solid policy was in place, Chief Sellers would not have been able to slip out the back door of FPD as easily as he did, laughing all the way to the bank.
That guy has a WHOLE lot of questions to answer. At this time the only one who will get those answers is Ron Thomas if anyone.
So DH can continue to sing that song and throw his darts at the general public suggesting there is NO PROBLEM within the system as some suggest, and continue to face the rath like the 3 Amigos did.
There is little argument that they, “were reaching for their waistband” is getting old.
Much like the attitude taken towards Kelly Thomas by many suggesting who cares about Kelly, “he was a homeless dirtbag” who failed to OBEY 8 different commands. Commands I DID NOT hear on that tape.
YES the cops have set the tone for the Us vs. Them mentality. We all read that right here.
In has taken about a year to bring about serious change in Fullerton.
An unprecedented VICTORY for the people of Fullerton.
Continue to send a message to the rest of the world and adopt reasonable POLICY that sets the tone of TRANSPERANCY for local government.
Mr.Whitaker tried and was shot down for the last year. NOW he is joined by others with a similiar mind set.
Continue on folks, your doing a hell of a job in my humble opinion.
Yes DH, I was a cop, worked some ghetto areas in my day, so I can call BS on the reaching for the waist band issue as far as using it as often as it now is.
If your that scared in contacting bad guys, turn your badge in and find another profession.
Good post ACU. Especially coming from someone that shot an unarmed bad guy on a bike. Then retired due to stress from being a cop. Well spoken. LOL
LOL you assume I retired because of that. NO stress retirement pal, sorry. YOU assume to much, like your brothers in blue.
They assumed the 3 Amigos would prevail in the recall election too.
I admire any LEO or FF who retires without using the W/C presumptive cumulative trauma reason for doing so; it tells me that person has a sense of honor!
The CT claim, followed by a DR app, has always troubled me when LEOs and FFs were close to “retirement age” – suddenly, they can no longer perform their job?
DRs – when resulting from sudden, traumatic injury – are a different situation – personal opinion. And, I’ve know a few LEOs and FFs who could have DR’d after such injuries and did NOT – again, they have honor!
Who writes these dumb ass articles?
Dear AntiCorruptionUnit,
Hello from a Brother LEO. I like your style. I was one who followed the rules, and walked the straight and narrow, however, it did get me labeled. I never tarnished the badge, nor did I abuse the power that the State gave me. These 6 thugs, and many like them should be drummed out of Law Enforcement altogether, then, hold those in management responsible, if this is not done.
Respectfully Submitted
Thanks to Anti-corruption and 9c1 for reminding me that there are good cops who care about justice out there. The fact that you guys are able to deal with people who have no regard for human beings daily while keeping your sanity shows tremendous fortitude and patience. I need to stop letting the foolish words of a few bad cops and their supporters turn me into a raging cop hater. That does nothing to help anyone. Anti: I don’t know who if anyone can hold Sellers responsible. I know his supporters say he was the first to call for an investigation of the Thomas incident, something I have seen no evidence for. As much as I hate to say it, I think recording cops who are not following the rules secretly (for both civilians and other officers) is the only way to hold them accountable when their are leaders like Chief Sellers involved. Thanks again for showing the “us vs them” mentality should not be cops vs citizens, but people who follow the rules and value human life, vs those who do not.
9C1 and Brandon, thank you.
Brandon the only one who could find out and hold Sellers responsible in the slightest way will be Ron Thomas.
Not sure how much dirt can be dug up on Sellers. If not, the City will claim governmental immunity and Sellers walks from personal liability.
Reform must be put in place that stops high ranking city officials, police managers from claiming a medical issue when things go bad, and retire without challenge.
If your BAD CONDUCT is part of the medical issue at hand, THEN it must be challenge. One cannot create their high blood pressure from being STUPID then use it to retire to their benefit.
Much like Chief Dan Hughes who will ride this storm until it gets to ruff. If it does, he too will retire and could claim stress, high blood pressure, whatever and walk with a 50% tax free retirement for life.
This type of END result is NOT a deterant for being corrupt or turning a BLIND eye to what has happened right here in Fullerton.
It’s a roll of the dice that is likely to turn up 7’s for the administrators who play hard ball with the backing of the city manager and city council.
Time to hold managers as accountable as the people will Ramos and Cincinelli.
I can count on one hand the Chief’s of Police or Sheriff’s I’ve seen squirm under the present circumstances.
Dear Brandon,
Thank you for the kind words. I have to say though, over the years, I have seen an influx of LEO’s that are more aggresive, abusive, and downright thugs. It worries me, because laws, rights, and freedoms are in jeopardy. This seems to be more pervasive with city and county officers here in California. I do have high regard for the CHP, as they are probably the cleanest of departments in the state.
As for recording, you carry a video cam with you, and a voice recorder also. A law-abiding officer who does the right thing, will not mind. It is the out of control thugs that will give you a ration of shit.
As an officer, I was fair-but-firm, firm-but-fair. It was this mindset that kept me out of investigations that many found themselves in, when they decided to be judge, jury, and executioner.
I will be watching the happenings very closely, as to the 6 officer’s demise. Let’s hope they are dealt with fairly, but firmly.
Respectfully Submitted
@ Anti: Your points about Sellers are interesting and informative. Thank-you for drawing the line between his own responsibility as a chief and the stress that supposedly forced him to retire. I hope the current change in Fullerton leadership, along with the information Ron Thomas possesses will bring about the accountability you speak of.
@9c1cop: No problem. I owe an amends to the cops I have insulted with my blanket stereotypes on here, and recognizing the words/actions of good officers is a start. Why do you think the CHP’s are the cleanest department? Better leadership? I think you are correct about thug cops giving citizens a hard time for filming them. It may aggravate them more and cause increased tensions. Perhaps it would have to be something that was done secretly, if this is possible and legally defensible.
Thanks again to both of you for showing that not all cops support Cicinelli, Ramos, and the other cops involved, but rather support justice for a senseless tragedy. Your logic and compassion have inspired me to no longer engage those who will blindly defend accused murders until the end with hateful diatribes.
Really mr peabody. You have no idea wtf your talking about. Apparently you enjoy the freedoms provided by those that serve but i guarantee youve never put yourself in harms way to protect a nation, state, county or city. I cant wait to fuck your wife….again
You issue a lot of CRAP 215! How do you know about who has put themselves in harms way to protect a nation. I have. And I do not shoot anyone who is unarmed. Sheesh. What a jerk! When you put these troll like garbage in FFFF, you do a disservice to the police agencies you are attempting to defend.
215, you need to grow up. You sound like you are in high school.
I thought 215 was pretty funny!
Here is a link to yet another officer condemning the Fullerton Six for the murder of Kelly Thomas. The full story is on the Justice For Kelly Thomas Facebook page. This serves as a reminder that most cops deplore all those involved in the murder/attempted cover-up and support justice. Don’t be fooled by the half a dozen or so family members of the accused that repost the same lies day after day. They do not represent any of the decent, hardworking law enforcement officers, like the woman who wrote this post. Enjoy.
Here’s the letter in it’s entirety that Ron Thomas received from a law enforcement officer who decided to squeeze every ounce of good from the evil that was perpetrated on Kelly Thomas…
First let me say how sorry I am for your loss & how appalled I am at the actions of those sworn to protect us. I am a Training Officer in my Police Department. I have heard over and over about trevon and other incidents across the country but i was MAD when i stumbled upon this story. Why had this not been prime time? Why had this not been ran in every paper across our land?
I decided to teach a Civil Rights class for our officers so I gathered data and videos and such to prepare. I could not help but cry every time i watched the video, i wondered how i could ever teach this class if i was all in tears. I made up my mind that no matter if i shed tears or not in front of all my co-workers, i was going to do this for Kelly! This is my way of getting Justice for Kelly.
Training day came and all officers were present and accounted for. I started explaining the basics of Civil Rights and giving a few examples. I then put up a picture of Kelly on the screen and asked all of our officers if anyone could tell me who this was (it was the pic in the cowboy hat)…. silence fell among them. I told them who Kelly was. I explained that I wanted all officers to listen to every word like it was the last they would ever hear. I showed them another picture of Kelly, this one was the one after he started living on the streets. I told them the information i had just before Police made contact with Kelly I told them this was a Police beating Incident and still no one in the room claimed to have heard of it or saw it anywhere… then i started the video. I allowed them to watch all the way up to the point where the coward put on his latex gloves and i paused…. We started a discussion about what we had watched. Every officer in the building had comments about the officers on scene. I heard statements like “the Hispanic officer walked up swinging a baton looking for a fight” and “What could possibly be taking officers so long to search a backpack?” to “Kelly told them his name 3 times but the Cocky Cop assumed it was bogus” comment after comment i listened to. I advised my officers to remember what they had watched and started the video again. As the injustice began I watched my officers go from observing a video to becoming angry. Once Kelly started calling out for his father i paused the video. At this point I told them that Kelly’s father was a retired officer and started the video again. As i looked around there was not a dry eye in the group. I had a few officers have to get up and leave the room. After the Video was over I opened discussions again, needless to say i was dealing with a room full of angry Police Officers. As some Officers talked about the incident voices were cracking, tears were shed and it made me realize that Kelly can reach far greater than anyone has ever imagined. I will make it my mission to prick the hearts of every Police Officer I can because I love this badge. Because what was done wearing this badge was not only wrong in every way but senseless! We as Police harden our hearts to deal with the things that we see, the things that people do and the destruction left behind but there is NO excuse for what was done to Kelly. Maybe through training and letting men hear him beg for daddy during his fight for life will open their eyes. I am sure it may help some and not others but if we can save another the fate Kelly faced it will be worth it.
Thank you
She must be from Mayberry RFD. What a pussy. All cops I talk to say, shit happens. Nice letter made up from your side, or Ron Thomas…You dont fool no one.
It don’t fool no one, indeed.
You are such an idiot. An absolute embarrassment to humankind.
Day after day, hour after hour, the same stupidity and arrogance gets pooped out of your computer terminal.
Do us all a favor, wipe, and move on.
Actually alot of people love me. Speak for yourself.
A lot means a lot.
Alot means you’re stupid. Keep pooping out of your keyboard, buddy. Keep pooping.
Wow you are smart. lol!
Wow, you are stupid! LMAO!
Haha you win..
That’s what they say to your face J.D.
I hear what they say behind your back.
What they say behind my back, I dont give a shit. Everyone talks behind people’s backs. Even you.
Of course you don’t give a sh*t you sociopath.
Comments –
JD is seriously out of touch with the strength of women when angry
JD has rarely seen cats up close
JD and his cronies may laugh off what happened – they are in the minority
JD doesn’t call the LEOs cats, just the training officer
Haha you are so funny. All together now, what the hell did you say?
I was wondering if anyone else noticed the story in the current Fullerton Observer (July) which relates a proud Mother’s story of her sons bravery and portrays these two brothers as the REAL heroes in an incident where a Fullerton Police officer reportedly received a “Life Saving Award” by the acting Fullerton Police Chief in the mid-June issue the Fullerton Observer?
Someone is lying about the incident, and if the tall telling tales of the history of the FPD serves me correctly, I’d be inclined to believe the mother.
(page 9 of 20)
(page 3 of 20)
Holy Cow! Did anyone realize that the average pension costs per year for each one of these employees is between $30,000.00 and $70,000.00 per year?
There’s a lot of silly positions on that list.
Irrigation Specialist
Location Specialist
Sports Facility Coordinator
Storm/Wastewater Compliance Specialist
Tiny Tots Teacher
Tree Services Inspector
I also noticed that the highest retirement costs are for the police and fire department’s personnel?
Whereas most municipal employees receive/incur $7K-$15K annually in retirement costs, the same employee that works within the fire or police department incurs $30K to $70K annually in retirement costs alone.
Someone earning minimum wage wouldn’t even earn that amount of money in take home pay for one year!
Do you think that the minimum wage employee is going to be given any money from their employer towards their retirement costs?
Maybe 5% of gross, or $1,500 if they’re lucky.
The high retirement costs for police and fire are the result of the 3% at 50 deal. Municipal employees get 2% at 55.
That’s why there’s so much of a difference.
Dear Fullerton Lover,
Thank You for your dedication, and Thank You for teaching that class. You are the very person that should be in charge of a Dept., as I am sure you would demand absolute adherance to the law in your officers. I only wish my, and other departments, had your kind of honesty and decency.
Respectfully Submitted
… my motto is that I never do anything that I wouldn’t do in front of one of my children.
Pretty simple really.
Hes a sick Malicious damaged asshole (with really really bad connections), dont give him the pleasure of upsetting you, it just motivates his sickness.
I feel sorry for sick injured people, Imagine having to be with him, or be him, I grew up with many many people just like that, even far back, many years ago you werent suppose to encourage them. It can bring out the good in other people, exactly like here in FFFF.
Characterized by malice; intending or intended to do harm
I have been around to long to have you make any difference of how I see things. I am usually right. So go ahead with your opinions, you know what they say about opinions. It’s the conclusion that matters. And it’ s gonna be a good one.
To long means at long. Too long means too long.
You are so freakin’ stupid. Every single post . . . poop, wipe, submit.
You’re an embarrassment.
Wow..Do I get you mad…Good! Dont blow a gasket.
I’ll send you some more toilet paper. You must be running low.
Boy you must love shit, cause that is all you talk about. Now open your mouth and eat it.
Eat what?
Learn how to write a sentence you fat stupid waste of space.
Poop. Wipe. Submit. Repeat. I wonder what you’ll be doing today.
Vey Sorry…, FORGOT TO ADD Dangerous because of delusional issues.
Just because you have delusions doesnt mean you cant go online research it and not act on it.
21,000 signatures and counting! In the time it takes to argue with a sick person about why beating someone to death is never justified you could e-mail this to 5 friends or post it on Facebook.
Those signatures are completely useless. Sorry if the truth hurts, I’m just telling it like it is…
Poop, wipe, submit. That’s all you do. All damn day.
Prolly paid for by the Fullerton Porcine Oinkers Association.
Are you saying just makes up all of the stuff they claim? If so why do millions of people continue to sign their petitions and why do government/corporations make changes based on the petitions?
Government agencies don’t do shit with the “signatures” on
Take your head out of your ass.
And you know this because??? makes claims of getting government officials involved through petitions. Since they manage a website that has millions of hits, and would likely be sued for libel if they made shit up, and I have no idea who you are, I tend to believe them. At the very least it’s bringing attention to the subject to more people. If you have some better suggestions on how to help the cause, I’m all ears.
I know this because I have a brain. You do not.
With my limited computer skills, I guarantee you I could create a petition and have my computer generate at least 10,000 “signatures” in a day.
So stop being such an assclown.
Or maybe because you are a Republican/Tea Party member who can’t stand to be associated with because it’s liberal. I don’t waste my time arguing with raging lunatics who feel the need to enforce their ideologies on others. And for a guy who uses the word assclown to talk about intelligence….lol nuff said. Keep spreading your anger/hatred, I’ll keep supporting justice through awareness. Have a great day 🙂
1 year today? And how was KT remembered?
Someone made a tile placard with his date of birth – date of death. So what did they do with it?
Placed in on the porch where Kelly used to sleep.
That should tell you everything you need to know about his care for being mental, he slept on the porch.
I would be so ashamed to tell anyone about how I treated a mentally ill child.
A 37 y.o. child? It’s so hot I may sleep on the porch tonight………Wow!
I am glad people remembered Kelly for sleeping on their porch. At least someone loved him, cause his father sure didn’t care.
Perhaps ramos and cici should try sleeping on thier porch while they still can.I’ll bet a 6×9 cell can get pretty clausterphobic day after day, month after…
No they have A/C.
How funny Ramos didn’t even know…Hmmmmm, kinda weird.
Yes, ”murdering pig Ramos” is no longer on the f.p.d.!!!!! As of July 3rd. That`s a step in the right direction, but still a long way to go. But he`ll get MORE of what he DESERVES. Then there are more…. HOPEFULLY!!! ”6” MORE still!!! INCLUDING THE ”watch commander”. That`s just what he did…. was ”WATCH”, & did NOTHING to stop the horrific murder of an innocent young man. So, the 3 creepy council, are gone, ( I guess signatures DO HELP….HUH???), ”sissy nellie” should be next, followed by Joe Wolfe, then Blatney, & the other 3…. INCLUDING ”Mr. Watch commander”!!! Gee, with any luck, Fullerton, and their p.d., may earn some respect back, ….. AND, maybe even a good reputation again?????!!!!! ( Hopefully!!!! but I will not hold MY BREATH!!) NOW, I just cannot wait to hear ”J.D.`s response to this, and a few others, whom FFFF, are about sick & tired of hearing from!!!!! But go ahead, we are getting use to your crap!!!! By the way…. ”Brandon” you sound like a really caring , sensible, man with a heart!!! And good for you!!! MORE people should be think like you, what a MUCH nicer world it would be!!!!
Don’t count your chickens before they hatch. FPD is not confirming the news about Ramos…No so fast.
Why would FFFF waste their time talking about Ramos being released? That’s been a done deal for months. FFFF will most likely break the news when Hampton, Blatney, Craig, and the Watch Commander are canned. I just hope it’s in time for Hughes to save his job, oh wait, no I don’t.
You keep thinking that.
Swoosh, right over your head…..
Jd, they had better enjoy the wide open spaces while they can was the gist
FYI for this evening:
Nomad, they’ll likely be in solitary. I just hope they don’t piss off a guard, cause they won’t last two minutes in the yard. Hopefully they’ll be incarecerated with men they’ve locked up.
Like that happens..
I hope they do piss off a gaurd…
tamatoe, tomatoe, guard, gaurd oops my bad, B
Just trying to lure “Grammer police” out of haitus, thats my story, and I’m stickin’ to it…
Sure you are. You are just a pendejo.
Haha. I guess he got tired of giving free lessons. As much as I think them being beat to death by prisoners would be poetic justice, I can’t let myself sink to the level of JD, Hog, and their cronies by actually wishing that on anyone.
I’ts tuff to take the high road sometimes, so let’s just say, I will not shed a tear for them if it does happen.
It sure is. Plus the Cicinelli’s claim to be Christians on their website so they must believe in an “eye for an eye.”
Here it is again.