Ths Cash Cow

There certainly was a lot of boohooing and breast beating at the Fullerton City Council meeting last week in response to the Council majority pulling the plug on a State DUI grant.
The cops mobilized their MADD allies to tell all the horrible stories of drunk driving mayhem. The only problem was that that’s not the point, no matter how much the liberal spendthrifts like Jan Flory would love to throw at her pals in the FPOA for overtime.
Yes, the real issue is the efficacy of DUI checkpoints in the first place, and something even more sinister: the use of DUI checkpoints to seize vehicles belonging to unlicensed drivers, as detailed in this OC Register story from 2010 that cites an actual, honest-to-goodness study at Berkeley. Apparently the impound/towing fees are immense, as are the fines. We already know about the tens of millions of overtime every year in the state, mostly for cops to stand around.
The cop addiction to all this gravy might explain this video of a public forum in Pomona where the topic of DUI/vehicle seizures is being discussed. Naturally a proud member of the police association is there to scream at those who might object.
Hmm. Sergeant O’Malley?
FPD arrests more people for DUI without checkpoints. Quit wasting taxpayer money!
Its a grant dumb shit. If Fullerton doesnt get it someone else will.
Like syphillis.
Wow what a great example, another dumb shit.
Who cares? Only police unions.
Hey R.D. how many people honked for Kelly this morning? How about 0…ZERO!!
Even after most people left and I was standing along the street alone with my sign I got about one honk for every 8 cars, so learn your facts before you run your mouth, thanks.
That makes 2 honks all day….Go Home!!
John DOe, its getting very obvious that you personally and your FPD brethren are getting more and more worried as time nears the Kelly THomas trial. Its almost laughable to see the lines of vindictive invective spewing from you on a daily basis!
Are you doing all this on Fullerton City payroll time? If so that is illegal. You certainly have full days of time on your hands!
John Doe :
“I have never claim to be a Police Officer or Military.” Hey, no need to worry Tuco. John Doe isn’t a cop, He’s not really anything. Except maybe a really big J.O.
They are not getting nervous at all. Because..The truth will set them free!!!
Wow, that was so deep JD. I almost fell asleep reading it.
hmmmm… were you peeking out the window of your second story office?
So let’s build a bullet train to nowhere, because if we don’t take the money somebody else will?
If we let them search our cars without reasonable cause, can they one day search our homes? The constitution was written for a reason.
These DUI checks illustrate clearly why the fed government should be downsized. All this money floating around creates corruption and vote buying, and intimidation of free citizens.
it’s your state. in Michigan check points are unconstitutional. in 45 yrs i’ve seen 1 roadblock for a fleeing bank robber. also a shall issue, open carry state
FREE money, right? Ignoramus. The pigs at MADD have created a taxpayer subsidized system of payoffs to undercut Americans with systematic searches and seizure void of probable cause.
Let someone else get take the payoff money. Better yet, go after those empowered by handing it out in the first place and return it to the people it is used to oppress.
It’s from the gas taxes. Start there and maybe the funding will end. Until then, the Feds get the money and distribute it to the states.
There is a guy on TV who sells matresses, we need his voice-over to do a political ad:
“Government money” is FREEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!
Either him or the Shamwow guy.
Has FPD disclosed how much OT they annually accrue? Has FPD disclosed how many FPD officers have applied and remained on disability prior to transitioning to retirement pensions? Has FPD disclosed of those FPD officers on medical leave/disability, how many disabled cops have been captured on tape winching their boats up to their trailer hitches? More appropriate, how many FPD officers applied for disability and were rejected? I think one will find the stats alarming.
Reality…is nutz!
when does the real dirt on OMALLEY get a blog post?
I see he stands strong for his beliefs. He says what do you want me to tell the mother of that girl the DUI driver just killed? Amen. I gotta meet him someday. Let’s go to a Padres game soon. He will get us a suite I bet. 🙂
What girl would that be, O Malley?
Busted! Lol!
Huh? It’s on the video.
Another overbearing asshole who won’t even admit that he’s a cop.
He’s a chickenshit asshole. A small percentage of cops become them. Thankfully, most don’t.
If good policing saves lives, then inefficient policing kills.
That’s our boy. Yep. Reality.
Freddy! Get off that computer! It’s no wonder you can’t meet any nice girls. You spend all that time on that computer when you should be looking for a job! I’m going to start charging you rent for living in my basement if you don’t look for a job!
O’Malley has become the star of FFFF. I gotta call him. He will love this shit. He loved you guys before. Maybe he will make a donation to ffff now. He made one to the SlideBar already.
The Slidebar Cafe was recently named in the Orange County Weekly magazine as the “Best Place to Pick-Up a One Night Stand” in 2012.
Do you think that’s why so many married police officers hang out there?
That and the Cougar bar in Anaheim.
We have a similar DUI checkpoint situation up here in the desert. Every now and then the local popos set up their little tables and cones and cause a couple needless traffic jams, all in the specious name of “public safety.” They usually catch a couple drunks — clearly far less than what they would catch if they were actually out there doing bona fide police work, and as they say, even a blind squirrel manages to find the occasional nut — but what really appears to be happening is that these stops are more about checking to see if your papers are “in order.”
These are unreasonable searches, no doubt about that. You might be coming home from the grocery store, or a prayer meeting, or whatever, and some overtime-sucking johnnylaw will stop you and examine your ID and registration with absolutely no reason or probable cause.
They used to be “peace officers.” I’m old enough to remember those days. Now, they’ve degenerated into brutish, law-breaking “law enforcement” union goons. This is a nationwide problem, and its getting worse every day.
“These are unreasonable searches, no doubt about that. You might be coming home from the grocery store, or a prayer meeting, or whatever, and some overtime-sucking johnnylaw will stop you and examine your ID and registration with absolutely no reason or probable cause.”
The Supreme Court has ruled they are not unreasonable searches. Certain states have passed their own rules outlawing checkpoints, so if you don’t like it in CA than move to one of those states.
As far as overtime sucking – johhnny law, again, it shows you pay attention to only what you want to hear. The grant money is to be used specifically for checkpoints. They don’t take cops off the street for handling calls, so the grant money pays for the overtime. The grant money doesn’t cost the city anything.
I believe they are a useful tool to help law enforcement make the city a safer place to be.
Don’t get that mixed up with Travis and Bruce who are just tools.
How is that guy equate to FPD? Because he’s a cop? So it’s only ok for you guys to act like that at meetings? Why don’t you pull one of the many clips of some of you guys at the council meeting before the recall. If you did you would see you guys using much more colorful language yelling at people that sat there and took it for several months, because that was their job. Now when ever a citizen voices their displeasure with the council they are too thin skinned to sit there and take it.
“Um, uh, um, um, um uh Madam Mayor, may I respond?” Who does that sound like? Shut your mouth and listen to citizens, that’s your job. You represent THEM, not your beliefs or should I say Tony’s beliefs. It’s your job to listen to the what the citizens have to say, good and bad.
It’s your job to do what’s in the best interest of the citizens of Fullerton, putting your personal beliefs, bias and prejudices aside.
I can honestly say you, Travis and Bruce, have not done those things since you have been on the council. Those citizens that you are not listening to are going to be the same ones that get rid of you in a couple of months.
Just in time!
Folks, you are doing perfect work in your council.
I have just finished my online traffic school for a speeding ticket while returning from the Las Vegas two month ago where 5 and 55 meets, from the CHP.
Technically, I was speeding but that is not an issue here.
Obviously, I was pissed off for couple of days until the bail amount from the court arrived.
I was thinking like it will be couple hundred or so.
Bingo, $430 ticket and $47 traffic school even thou I had to pay extra $37 directly to school.
So I think that $514 is an extortion but what can I do about it?
Luckily, I was preparing my donations to my favorite candidates which total substantially, by thousands, in excess of the ticket amount, so, what I am doing now is writing on each check “void” and mailing a copy to candidates with an explanation why they will not get anything from me this election.
I call it “pissed off fee” which I am charging them against my pledge.
Even though that they may not be directly responsible but it is a slippery slope.
Essentially, I am applying a collective punishment.
I am actually gone make several thousands this election by way of pissing me off.
None of the incumbents, including my friends will get my vote.
If we all would be so prudent as I am right now we could actually make a difference the way the politicians think when they are voting on these fees and fines amounts.
They would not take us for granted.
Stanley, for the first time I agree with what you say. That amount for a traffic ticket is outrageous. I don’t believe they should be so expensive. I know you are not blaming the cops for your ticket, but everyone should know they have nothing to do with what the penalty is.
I believe you have to take your fight to the court system though. Good luck.
“I believe you have to take your fight to the court system though”………… Hmmmmm
I can’t because to go to court I must waive my Traffic School option.
So if I would lose in the court, 85% probability, the ticket would show on my record and my insurgence would go up.
That is another extortion.
Lets hold responsible our representatives on city, county, state and federal level. They are the one who set the fee schedule.
Your dad says slow down dummy.
“Your dad says slow down dummy”………… Hmmmmm
If you would know how to read your own language you would read that the speeding is not my issue here, you moron mongoloid.
For once I agree fully with Stanley! Usually with a local cop I ask for a jury trial which has to be granted to me. Then there are usually 2 or 3 delays while the traffic cop boss goes over the ticket and finds flaws (those flaws get you off every time). Then when the trial occurs, the ADA who is low person on the totem pole at the DA office shows up and you wait……..
And wait and wait, and lo and behold, officer diligent does NOT show up because he needs to be paid overtime to show and or a replacement set up for his patrol time. So the judge lets you off. Its happened to me three times in past 20 years. Great system. The other thing I like is any mistakes on the traffic ticket and you are also let off.
Downside? Like Stanley says, it does not allow you to go to traffic school to get the points off IF the officer shows up.
That’s what happens when you are stupid. Is it the cops fault for that? No it’s YOURS!!
“Is it the cops fault for that?”………. Hmmmmmm
You too do not know how t read your own language!
Am I anywhere blaming the cops?
they make it outrageous to slow you down. if every car went to heaven tomorrow, fine. ouch you made me agree with authority. now i’m pissed
“they make it outrageous to slow you down”…….. Hmmmmm
I do not think so!
Traffics 75 at 65 max and I was clocked at 83. The differential speed 8. Try to go 8 and you will see what ridiculous difference of speed it is.
Again! I have no beef with violation.
However, I believe that a punishment should fit the crime.
We are getting like in China…. death penalty for any crime.
Also Stanley, you could find out how often the radar gun was calibrated. It has to be done at a certain level and signed off. That info better be available or you are off the hook. Of course its simpler to go to traffic school but Five Hundred bucks for speeding is ridiculous for a first offense.
“Also Stanley, you could find out how often the radar gun was calibrated”…….. Hmmmmmm
Based on my on-spot calibration it was fairly well calibrated.
I am known about not fighting lie with lie.
However, speed is not issue, ticket is not issue, punishment is!
It should say “truth with lie” rather than “lie with lie”.
For me the overtime scam, although deplorable, is a secondary issue. My main bitch is that dui checkpoints violate my civil liberties. If I’m driving down the street minding my own business and obeying all the traffic laws – why should some pig be able to set up cones and pull me over and inconvenience me by asking me questions that I am forced to answer unless I want huge hassles in my life? That’s gestapo crap and I don’t give a F what the SCOTUS says. What’s next? Pedestrian checkpoints on the sidewalks that allow cops to search random passerbys for intoxication, drugs or illegal contraband? Or warrantless random home searches. Hell, if it could save only ONE LIFE – it would all be worth it, right? Why even have the first 10 amendments of the Constitution? They only stand in the way of cops saving lives, right? Why have a Miranda warning? It only prevents cops from saving lives, right? If only ONE life is saved it would be worth throwing all those civil liberties out the window, right???
Dui checkpoints are a symbol of fascism – just like TSA gropes and naked scans are at the airports. They are meant to desensitive the public so that intrusions on civil liberties become ordinary and routine without raising an eyebrow.
We are sliding down the slippery slope into a fascist police state.
See it for what it is!
JustUs. Ask around. Most cops could care less about the OT. Try rolling up a dead child or mother killed by what is clearly a DUI driver? It’s devastating. Then the message this group and other rights groos advocate is support for drunk and unlicensed drivers. It makes no sense. It really causes these groups to lose all respect for their message from the general public. Oh well. Carry on. 🙂
“Most cops could care less about the OT”
That’s a bald faced lie.
“Try rolling up a dead child or mother killed by what is clearly a DUI driver? It’s devastating”
Then go after the drunk driver or shut down the liquor industry. But don’t confiscate my civil liberties. I never killed anyone. Why punish me for something someone else did, idiot???
True about most cops don’t care about the OT.
Most of our checkpoints end up with command staff having to force at least a couple of low seniority officers to work it against their will.
JustUs-Justice For All-AntiCorruptionUnit are all the same people and they are never ever wrong. We know that. Bang your head on a wall.
Beach is nice. Anyone want a beer?
You mean the picture of the beach scotch-taped to your bedroom wall at the boarding house?
Why aren’t you responding to my recent posts, Piggy?
No balls??? 🙂
Balls are on your chin. Open your mouth.
Cornoa light with a lime and salt…my mouth is watery, keep one cold for me!
Mike Corona from OCSD? Yummy.
How many people have you killed you sick pig?
You won’t get away with it.
We know all you have done.
Then don’t take pay, do it for free, as a community service, you’re saving lives right?
Yes. Let’s just kill the dollar and let’s just do everything for free. Agree. Winning.
Interesting. While at the gym, I overheard an officer from the Upland Police Department giving advice to an individual interested in becoming a police officer himself.
The individual had a history of driving while intoxicated and was inquiring into how that would affect his prospects. Unbelievably, the officer told him it would it would not hinder the process at all because he also had a history of driving while under the influence and was hired anyway.
It was ironic because this department does the whole check point operation though they never ask about alcohol. I was always asked about where I was going and what I was doing.
Try Fullerton. Or Pomona.
Agree. Try any city. Pigs love drunks. Join the club.
You just don’t agree with court decisions that have clarified these issues for us. You want to ride a motorcycle without a helmet, carry a gun at all times, and overturn many court decisions that dictate your daily life. It’s your right but it’s what this world has to abide by and the court saying checkpoints are legal and the government issuing money to conduct them wont end. Fullertin will do them again soon. They aren’t that dumb. Just a childish politician with an agenda who just killed his political future with one bad decision.
The courts have approved acts of fascism. Forcing me to pull my car over to the side of the road when I have done nothing wrong to deserve it is fascism, plain and simple. If I were walking down the street doing nothing wrong and minding my own business and some cop forced me to submit to his questioning and if I walked away – arrested me – that is textbook fascism. Forcing me to pull my car over under similar circumstances is no different. It is a form of fascism and I oppose fascism regardless of that the courts say.
Driving is a privilege and you have to have a license. Walkin is a right and you dont have to have a license. I do what is required of me to keep my license.
O’Malley, you are a very homely man. How are they ladies treating you?
I’m not O’Malley. From what I read I wish I was.
Ladies. I love the ladies. Yummy.
Fred. Would you like to have man sex with O’Malley? I can set it up. He’s hung like a horse.
Or as this post says he’s hung like a cow.
my question to JustUs is, do you agree with the AZ police checking people for immigrant visas?
Good question. He should believe in borders but his way of thinking is skewed.
Based on the language you use and calling cops pigs, your argument will fall on deaf ears.
Sounds like you need a change of venue, clearly this place, the United States of America is not doing if for you. How about Canada?
“Based on the language you use and calling cops pigs, your argument will fall on deaf ears”
Your friend ‘Porky Pig’ claims to be a cop and refers to himself as a “Pig”.
So it’s okay for him to use the term but I can’t???
Go crawl back into the woodwork.
I said I was a cop? Tony said that because he thinks he knows who I am.
Is that like its ok for a black to call someone a Nigger but whites can’t?
O’Malley, it’s okay for you and Fuhrman.
We’ve finally seen you in action, and it ain’t pretty.
Yes. Wild world. Wild word. Fuhrman is a hero.
Amen. Times must be slow. A video from 2008 according to you tube. Yawn. DUI drivers should be hung. Amen.
Sometimes people make mistakes. And they should be hung? Don’t you think that is a little drastic?
Yes. Middle ground is good. 🙂
I have a serious issue with this. My father was killed by a drunk driver in February 2008. He was born here in Fullerton, and my family suffered major trauma from his death. My grandparents suffered the most because they lost their baby boy due to a young man’s inability to decipher from right from wrong. I call these comments above the “drunk driver syndrome.” And I’ve come to believe no one will truly understand the importance of these services until they loose a loved one by an incident like this.
“I have a serious issue with this. My father was killed by a drunk driver in February 2008”
Opal, I’m sorry that your dad was killed in an auto accident by a drunk.
But that doesn’t give you any right to violate my civil liberties, does it?
Why don’t you be the modern Carry Nation and protest the liquor industry and demand to bring prohibition back???
I didn’t kill your dad, Opal. Why take your anger out on me? Go after the liquor industry. They are the ones who killed your dad by supplying the drunk driver with his fix.
Punish them….not me, Opal. I obey the laws. I will never kill one of your family members by driving drunk. Why do you want to take my civil liberties away due to one drunk who killed your dad.
Please respond!
Very disrespectful. Sickening.
You hate the truth, Porkchop.
You are a shoe shine boy for the oligarchs!!! 😀
You sniveler!
Nope. You are by far the minority. People like you are like crap on my shoes. Thank God people don’t think like you.
Piggy – you just happen to be a turd that floated to the top of the bowl that will eventually get flushed.
Idiots like you never last in life.
You are your own worst enemy.
You’ve got a 2 HP brain pushing a 10 ton mouth.
Ive lasted 48 years. I’m rich and doing just fine. No shot I get flushed.
Even if what you claim is true…’re still an a-hole.
So what’s the use of being rich and doing fine???
Being an a-hole trump everything. 🙂
Shoes or jack boots? I will fight to the death against your sort of Fascist Utopia.
Like I stated before…no one will understand the importance of these services until it happens to them. And I don’t wish that one anyone.
No, I believe your view is distorted, and I don’t wish that upon you or anyone else. Liberty trumps security every time.
My views are not distorted or based upon emotion.
At the trial of the man who killed my father, I thanked the him for relieving my father from the every day grind known as life. I also thanked him for giving my family another guardian angel and allowing my father to be with my mother again. There is no hate or resentment over here.
I am fully aware of the negative to the positive. I am wide awake when it comes to the civil liberties fight for I am a firm believer in making sure our civil liberties never be taken from us. Unfortunately, the society we live in does not follow that same path.
I agree a majority of this is based upon parental education; and yet when we live in a world were no one communicates other than through a facebook or twitter account – what are we to expect?
Until you, yourself, has lost a loved one due to the hands of someone else; whether it be murder, vehicular manslaughter, war…you will not understand the effects it has on you.
Checkpoints are necessary because there are idiots out there who choose to not follow the laws of society, who have not had the proper education from their parents about the effects of driving under the influence, and/or who just don’t care about repercussions to their actions.
And living in a town where there is a bar on every corner (speaking hypothetically here) this is the only way to prevent a family from hearing their loved one was hit by a drunk driver, was responsive up until they had to use the jaws of life to extract him from his steering wheel, and due to the pressure being taken off…dying on his way to the hospital.
“Until you, yourself, has lost a loved one due to the hands of someone else; whether it be murder, vehicular manslaughter, war…you will not understand the effects it has on you”
Opal, I guaran-fing-Tee that if I had a loved one killed or murdered by a criminal that I would not promote taking away YOUR civil liberties as a solution to the problem. You, sir, are promoting fascism because your judgment has been clouded by a personal experience. Sorry. That’s the truth.
“Checkpoints are necessary because there are idiots out there who choose to not follow the laws of society…”
Hogwash, Opal. Cops could place unmarked cars in bar parking lots and pick off drunks like flies without violating my civil rights. Why don’t you promote that?? Would that violate the drunk’s right to immunity if he’s walking out of a bar, Opal.
You sound like you would rather violate the civil liberties of a law-abiding driver than the rights of a drunk (like the kind that killed your dad) walking from a bar to his car.
None of you make any sense to me. But I understand you are in pain and not thinking clearly. So I forgive you.
JustUs – Let me clarify a few things here…
“You, sir, are promoting fascism because your judgment has been clouded by a personal experience. Sorry. That’s the truth.”
This is not truth, JustUs. I have believed in checkpoints before my father was killed; all based on safety measures, and common sense. If one is breaking the law, they should be dealt with appropriately. If you feel you are not breaking the law, and feel the mere question of license and registration is afflicting your civil liberties…I apologize. To me, it is someone doing their job.
“You sound like you would rather violate the civil liberties of a law-abiding driver than the rights of a drunk (like the kind that killed your dad) walking from a bar to his car.”
No, I don’t, JustUs. In fact, they should check everyone at a DUI checkpoint not every 5 cars. Therefore, it eliminates a drunk driver slipping through the cracks. And if you are on the road when there are checkpoints, don’t go through that specific intersection. Checkpoints must be announced…hence why you see them in the local paper when they are in place.
“None of you make any sense to me. But I understand you are in pain and not thinking clearly. So I forgive you.”
The reason none of us (in opposition) are making sense to you is because we are speaking with common sense. I did not ask for your sympathy let alone your pity. I am not in pain. I am putting my personal experience out there to prevent other people from making an ignorant decision, and/or having to experience what I have had to deal with.
And furthermore, JustUs, how is my experience not what Ron Thomas has experienced? Murder is murder, whether it be by a human or a machine and ultimately with lack of judgement? Are you taking your fascism hate towards his beliefs and his experiences?
Lets agree to disagree on this matter.
Opal. Im sorry for your loss but don’t argue with this moron. He’s a local nut job that has no common sense. Ignore him. He’s changed names 5 times on here and thinks he fooled people.
The liquor industry didn’t kill anyboy, the driver did. Punish him. Your line of thought is the same that said go after the firearm manufacturers if someone kills someone else with a gun. If a drunk kills someone with his car why not go after GM or Ford, or BMW or VW? It’s wrong and in addition to punishing them punishes yourself and everybody else that uses the product, liquor, guns, cars, etc., correctly and legally. Your idea is as facist as going after your and my civil liberties. Individual responsibility is key.
“The liquor industry didn’t kill anyboy, the driver did. Punish him”
So you would rather punish me, an innocent law-abiding driver minding his own business by forcing me to pull over for a dui police checkpoint. I didn’t kill anybody either. Why punish me and violate my civil liberties? It makes more sense to punish the liquor supplier than to punish me, doesn’t it, LeRoy?
Think clearly, my friend. Think clearly!!!
Nowhere in there is there any support for DUI, or any kind of checkpoints. Rather support for individual responsibility, ie if a drunk driver kills, or injures, someone, punish him. Not you, not me, not the liquor industry, just him.
Thanks for the opportunity to clarify my post.
By the way here’s another thought. Let’s reduce the cost to taxpayers for prisons, by coming up with another way of handling the majority who are non-violent prisioners. There must be a better way.
Checkpoints are a deterrent. They work. But they aren’t that big of a deal. Can em and use all the other tactics. OTS just has to get clearance from the Feds because they dictate how the moment is spent. Checkpoints are just a political point that people like to fight.
That is ok Opal. Whe one of his kids or family member gets taken out by a drunk driver, maybe he will change his mind.
Sorry Opal. It’s tough. First hand is the only way these days.
Sorry to hear that. Unfortunately it is too easy to forget that freedom is more important than temporary safety and should never be sacrificed.
It is too easy to fail to recognize there are better ways to address DUI than oppressing and searching law abiding citizens.
It is too easy to drop sensible and logical thinking in the face of emotional accounts.
Americans have always given life for freedom and no MADD-money or tragic death is more important than freedom.
The failing is not turning down MADD money or protecting freedom, it is parental and societal lack. Quit building a police state and work on building your community.
Hey Stanley Fiala –
Somebody has to pay for that CHP cop’s $100,000 pension @ age 53! That’s why you were charged over $500 for driving over the speed limit. A rolling stop at a stopsign will get you the same penalty.
I have argued that we adopt the Mexican traffic justice system in America for a long time. Instead of paying $514 when the cops pull us over just hand the cops a couple of jacksons for a wink and a nod, and do away with the police pensions. Hell, the police unions bribe the politicians for their votes. Why can’t we give the cop a ‘contribution’ to make a ticket go away? The system works great in Mexico. The mexican cops don’t get massive pensions at a young age.
I have actually proposed this to my local elected reps. Naturally, they laugh at me. But what’s so laughable? Pay for play is a ROUTINE WAY OF DOING BUSINESS in Sacramento and Washington DC. Why exclude the peasants from playing the same games in our ordinary lives? Why not cut us in too???
Wow you are proving your ignorance and blindness to the original issue. DUI driving.
Porkchop –
You hate the truth, don’t ya?
Stanley gave us his story about his ticket. I responded.
Cops don’t give a crap about violating our civil liberties as long as there is some profit in if for them.
They are like the strongarmors who work for the mafia bosses.
Protect and serve??? 😀 My ass!!!
I love truths. That’s why I love the fact that all cities but Fullerton do checkpoints. Get a clue. That’s the truth.
You are a rebel activist. Problem is you do it from your basement. Come out sometime. Preach your hate in public once. I would love to see a normal citizen kick your azz. Video it please. Thanks.
Truths are court decisions.
I don’t care how some black robed lawyer interprets the constitution.
A civil liberty violation is a civil liberty violation. Forcing me to pull my car over when I am not crossing the border and have done nothing wrong is TEXTBOOK fascism and a violation of my civil liberties. When it waddles, quacks and has feathers, it’s a duck – regardless whether you deny it.
LOL I thought so. You own this world and you want it done just how you want it done with no variance. I figured you out long ago. Are you a sovereign citizen yet? Search warrants are being done on those people daily now. Those are the new thing and boy are they fun!
You should hit the next sovereign citizen house with me. You will have a blast. LOL not.
Bring it, piggy.
I’ll own your department. 😀
You will never own anything. Suing is for pussies.
Go ahead and bust my door down without cause and watch how fast your deparment is named after me!!! 🙂
Did my civic duty “I was on a jury that helped convict a DUI driver, in Fullerton, imagine that.” I hope the rich boy learned his lesson. Luckily he did not hurt anybody.
Great work cg. That brings a whole different problem in this state. NO jail time for anything anymore so people take more risks. They know they can do felonies now and just get a slap on the wrist. Sad state.
Agreed. Look who is running the state and how many prisoners they are dumping on the streets.
Ignorance and blindness to a lot more than that.
By the way the pension system was changed last night by your politicians. A post on that would be much more applicable to this blog than a $50k checkpoint grant refusal.
The pension reform law by Gov Brown is a farce. It was only proposed to fool the citizens into believing that there is pension reform. There is NOT! It only affects NEW HIRES and we won’t see any benefit to that for 25-30 years. The PROBLEM is with current employees and current retirees. THEY are causing all the damage. Not new hires.
Besides, there is NOTHING in the law that prevents these political scam artists from RESTORING those old pension benefits to the NEW HIRES later on down the road.
Brown’s pension reform is a SCAM. Why do you think the democrats favored it and the republicans opposed it??? Have the dems EVER BEEN FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE???? 😀 That should be a HUGE red flag to anyone!!!
We see through the BS, Porkchop. You don’t fool us. Neither do they!!!
Do you agree that the public employees would have never taken this job if it paid $20 an hour and no pension? So they took a job based on their desires and the compensation for their families. It’s right to take it all away without notice? The right thing to do is make changes for the future. I know most cops would have invested in 401ks and other retirements devices if they knew that the packages being offered were just a farce as you say. I look at it all from the human aspect and not just the conspiracy aspect as you do.
I actually started out as a volunteer reserve with no intention of going full-time. Eventually I decided to take a significant PAY CUT and go full-time because being a police officer was far more rewarding than my other career. I made the decision based partially upon retirement benefits. So now you want to take those those benefits, that were negotiated and promised to me, away? If you do that, are you going to pay me back for all the money I lost by switching careers? That amount is more than the retirement costs to taxpayers. Sound fair to you?
You have seen pay and pension changes over the last 3-4 years. You will continue to see them. Slowly. You will never see major pay cuts or major pension cuts. Doing that would put the economy back into a tailspin. People aren’t that dumb. Slowly. One step at a time. Just as is being done now. 🙂
Pension reform hasn’t even layed a glove on the cops.
Cops are collecting pensions that are bigger today than ever.
GED and high school educated cops pulling down pensions of $100,000 or more. Average medical doctors with 10 years of higher education don’t get those!!!
IMO cops are legal thieves.
Good thing all existing cops will get that and die with that money. New kids won’t get it and also won’t get paid much so they will do other things. We are just changing our children’s futures. All good. If that’s what the people want I’m for it. I’ll be retired and long gone by then. I like the changes they made last night. Fair.
Greedy pig.
“Screw the kids. That’s fine by me. I already got mine”
That’s precisely why people hate cops. Selfish bastards who care about no one but themselves.
People? You aren’t the people.
More and more law-abiding citizens like me who used to support public safety can’t stand cops because of all their corrupt activities we read about. We used to donate to the policeman’s ball. Now I wouldn’t give them a wooden nickle. Screw them. When they start acting like decent humans with our best interests in mind I will return to my old ways too!
Pay em $20 an hour and no pensions from here on out for new cops. In 10-30 years, you will have nothing but high school dropouts. Who would want to do that job for that money?. No one. you will get what you asked for. A mexican state and police force. I’ll be dead so bring it on.
“Pay em $20 an hour and no pensions from here on out for new cops. In 10-30 years, you will have nothing but high school dropouts”
What are you talking about, idiot?
The educational standard now to be a local cop is a fricken GED!!! And MANY of the cops are only HS grad idiots who had inside connections to land a PD job through nepotism which pays as much as what a family practice physician makes!!!
The average cop is so low he could crawl under a snake and never touch it’s belly.
Yes I know. GED’s don’t get hired very often though. Most have degrees now. Pull the Fullerton stats on education levels.
I stand by my statement.
Tone down the insulting language. Your use of idiot just shows your intelligence.
JustUs- you are so correct! I know of this from personal family experience –
men in my family with stellar backgrounds and 4 year degrees ( one has a Masters degree), have passed the city PD tests (multiple cities), and still do not get hired.
Our conclusion- PD leadership does not want educated young men with critical thinking skills.
“men in my family with stellar backgrounds and 4 year degrees ( one has a Masters degree), have passed the city PD tests (multiple cities), and still do not get hired”
They don’t get hired because the cops have games the selection process.
90% of the hiring decisions are based on the 15 minute ORAL INTERVIEW at the end of the hiring process.
The cops hire their friends and relatives based on the oral interview. And everybody in the system knows about it.
That’s why they pay these frauds over $100,000 and keep the educational requirements at a GED so that they can bring their idiot friends and relatives on board.
That’s the way the system works.
Did you notice that the Fullerton cop addict who got busted for using the city credit card to purchase fraudulent scripts was the son of the head DA investigator? heh. I wonder if he had any pull within the system? Whaddya think?
I have a Bachelor’s degree.
As such, I know the proper use and spelling of “laid”.
CHP doesn’t get the city money. Cops do. The retire at 50. Use the truths sir.
Stanley said he got pulled over at the 55 & 5 freeway.
The state certainly does get a sizable chunk of that $514.
Stop being ignorant.
“Naturally, they laugh at me. But what’s so laughable?”……… Hmmmmm
There is old Bohemian cliché, JU: “One who laughs last is laughing best”
Wait until the dollar loses its value and COP’s $250K pension will become $250 like the Peso and we will adopt Mexican system in hurry.
I almost forgot!
In 1969 when I arrived to NY City my American friends taught me how to take care of a traffic violation in NY……. having a small separate driver license pouch with $10 in separate compartment. ($10 in 1969 = abut $150 today) and hand it to a COP when he asks for the license.
When I arrived to California my friends advised me not to do that. But then it was easy to skip paying ticked because statute of limitation was about 4 years and they did not have computers and virtually no ability to crosscheck between the jurisdictions, so it got forgotten. (I never payed a ticked then)
I think some states still maintain NY system except for the liberal-left-progressive-corrupt California which takes all in your bank account.
Off to the beach. Have a good Holiday weekend everyone.
Xoxoxo 🙂
You can’t respond to my arguments, can you Porkchop?
So you run away.
I repsond to everything all the time. I use facts not weird opinions like you.
We thought you went to the beach, piggy???
That’s why I don’t listen to anything you say.
You can’t be believed.
“I repsond to everything all the time”……… Hmmmmm
Please use iPod so you blow your anonymity, hawing a drown over your head and hellfire missile launched.
Be smart!
Not stupid as Golem.
Please maintain the electronic silence while in large.
Lost me there. I’m not smart enough.
“I’m not smart enough”………. Hmmmmm
That is a OK!
I am not prejudiced against the challenged brothers and sisters!
This is a point I hadn’t considered. It truly is a wrongful excuse to check other things that have nothing to do with DUI. I have always felt they had no right to check for anything else ie registration and insurance but I never thought about the idea that they’re more a ploy for this than anything else. You have me thinking now and I am apt to agree.
I still believe in the DUI checkpoints but I think we should start pushing our elected officials and anyone running to push for a ban of asking anything but a few questions. When you think about it, they don’t even do this at the border checkpoints in Oceanside and Temecula. It’s been years but do they make you even show anything when you drive back at the Mexican border?
As for the argument that DUI checkpoints violate rights to move about freely, etc, I’m in total disagreement. They’re announced ahead of time and there is every opportunity to avoid them. For now, I also suggest this to those driving with other issues. Example: You want to come or leave downtown and there’s a checkpoint at Harbor and Orangethorpe, use Lemon or Euclid. If this is an inconvenience, you have other things to deal with unrelated to driving and DUI checkpoints.
But again, I strongly urge contacting our elected officials and those who want to be and demanding a ban on using these checkpoints to ask for anything unrelated to their purpose. Can we demand our council put this in place for Fullerton?
“It’s been years but do they make you even show anything when you drive back at the Mexican border? ”
I meant besides a passport.
Excellent idea, SherBear.
“I still believe in the DUI checkpoints….”
Then IMO you are promoting fascism.
What would you think of a random pedestrian checkpoint that would stop passerbys and check for intoxication or contraband? Would you favor that? If not, why? It’s the same thing. It would be the same civil liberties violation as the dui checkpoint. The police might find an illegal gun on one of those pedestrians and save a life. Wouldn’t that make it worth it???
Please respond, SherBear.
Funny how they all run away from my questions, isn’t it?
If supporting checkpoints is fascism then yes most USA citizens support fascism. I agree.
You act like there all these people on this blog. It’s just you and I and sometimes 10 others. Lol
They don’t announce the location. Just the date and time. For the reason you said.
I can only add SherBear, that with today’s technology, as soon as someone that’s left the bar sees that there’s a checkpoint nearby, the first thing that they’ll be doing is phoning their friends that are still at the bar drinking, so that they can avoid the checkpoints altogether.
This has the effect of allowing those same drunken drivers free reign to wreak havoc elsewhere in the city, because they all know that all police resources have been dumped and focused onto one specific intersection in the city lit up like Las Vegas.
Perhaps because you like to mix apples and oranges and quite often derail threads, much like Diamond and Dials. Or maybe I think it’s covered by cops patrolling who can obviously spot someone staggering or falling down drunk. Or maybe I don’t agree with pedestrian checkpoints because I don’t see them killing others with their feet.
Or maybe, just maybe, people don’t respond to your questions in a timely fashion because they’re not waiting with baited and egotistical breath for someone to respond to them. Choose one or all of these answers. I’m going with all but I would suggest one now and another later and so on since I doubt you’ll have anything else to contribute that I’ll feel is worthwhile to me to respond to.
This reply was to JustUs.
Fiala, not Dials (thanks auto correct)
“Fiala, not Dials (thanks auto correct)’………. Hmmmmm
When I was little boy I use to blame an elephant for such mistakes. But, then, in 1955 we didn’t have auto correct only smack by a teacher on the back of my head.
That is why I am such a good speller and linguistically advanced individual, highly intelligent, yet modest and humble.
“Or maybe I don’t agree with pedestrian checkpoints because I don’t see them killing others with their feet”
But one of those pedestrians could be a murderer in possession of an illegal gun. The police could possibly save a life by catching him at a pedestrian checkpoint and taking him off the street. And if they just saved ONE LIFE it would all be worth it.
This is YOUR argument with dui checkpoints and I DON’T BUY IT..
Just because people break the laws and drive drunk YOU SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO VIOLATE MY CIVIL RIGHTS IN ORDER TO CATCH THEM!!!
That is FASCISM, dear. Any way you size it up!!!!
But thanks for your reply.
Btw, SherBear.
In the future it’s best to just respond to the points in the debate instead of smearing your posts with personal attacks which only demeans you and takes the wind out of your arguments.
Because is we end up in a smearing contest I am sure to win. Trust me on that.
Keep it clean. Don’t be a Porky Pig.
That’s funny. You just said don’t smear. You are the king of smear and smut.
I only smear people who smear me first, Piggy. People (or smuts) like you! 🙂
I normally give one warning like I did to SherBear just to be fair.
I don’t “derail threads” more than the average commenter here in terms of their subject. The problem is that you define the “topic” of a thread as something like “let’s all slam Jan Flory without any objections.” If I then stay on topic and refute you, you say that it’s “derailing.” It’s sort of childish.
Oh — I do also defend myself when someone insults me, but in those cases they, not me, are the ones who derailed the thread.
Pot Kettle Black
My response to you was to your ridiculous comment that when someone doesn’t respond to you fast enough, they must be afraid t. It was facetious. I will not permit you to bait me into a pissing contest nor will I debate my words that you want to spin into your version of apples and oranges. Bait someone to play and “win” with. It ain’t me.
I am not baiting you, SherBear. You were baiting me with your insults. I never insulted you. All I wanted to do was debate. And since you have to rational response to my counterarguments your answer is to run away and hide from our discussion. The bottom line is that if you promote dui checkpoint you promote fascism. Sorry to hit you with the facts. But if the shoe fits, put it on!!!
For the record, my initial post was absent of attacking or smearing anyone or their points of view. Yet I was called a fascist, a porky pig and warned not to get into a smearing contest.
As I said: Pot Kettle Black
I love the USA. I live debate. I love people. Carry on.
I thought you went to the beach, coward piggy.
No surprise. I can’t trust anything you say here.
Coward. Jealousy results in insults I see. Im sure you dream of being like me. 🙂
Like most cops, you are phonier than a $3 dollar bill.
That’s the reason we hate you people.
We don’t hate you for wearing a badge. We hate you for who you are and for what you represent.
Let that sink into your thick skull and stick!!! 🙂
What you think means nothing. You have no impact on anything in this world.
I obviously had an impact on you.
You responded, didn’t ya, chumpster??? 🙂
“Most cops could care less about the OT”
Then they should chase down DUI’s for free. If it saves one life!
They do between other duties and calls. 🙂
I heard he retired and donated his retirement to the homeless and is now running the Padres in San Diego. 🙂
I live on the beach. 🙂 Newport remember?
Piggy, you don’t have the brainpower to stay with me, let alone live on Newport Beach.
You probably have a cutout photo of Newport Beach on your one bedroom apartment wall in Santa Ana and imagine you live on the beach. You do seem to have a vivid imagination. For that I give you full credit!!! 😀
Ha wow you really are nuts. Come say hi. 38th and Balboa. Big blue house with the American flag on top. I’m on top having a beer. 🙂
And I live in a big white house surrounded by a big wrought iron gate on Pennsylvania Ave too!!! 😀
What’s at 38th & Balboa, btw?
One of those rehab home we hear about in Newport?? 😉
Patrick O’Malley lives in Claremont.
I wanna meet him sometime. I like his style.
Ask him for a date.
Benefits are being cut accross board, that includes the private corporation also. They bring in the young ones at higher salaries, but no retirement benefits. As I can see, the young ones are highly educated. They are in charge of their own future as fas as retirement goes, that includes health benefits also. Big corporations are feeling the pinch. Those of us that are in our mid 50’s are going to suffer the most. As they say “so close, but yet so far”
Why don’t they have these dui checkpoints set up after every major sporting event?
Not en
Not enough cops. Would take $25-50k just to hire enough cops to run those. Then everyone would go out the other exit. On duty cop levels are at an extreme minimum so on duty cops could never be used for checkpoints.
Must be an aberration huh?
How about screw the checkpoints and do your job and deal with the drunks that are right in front of your face, FPD?
I watched four or five FPD vehicles park at the open end of a cul de sac street at 3am (after busting up a drunken brawl college party) let 20+ cars drive away and everyone of these drivers/college kids were drunk. Not one was given a sobriety test nor even asked to get out of their car. This was a prime opportunity to get everyone of them on a DUI (and save lives possibly), it was like shooting fish in a barrrel.
And the FPD supports MADD and vice versa? W#hat a crock of bullshit. Wonder how MADD would feel about them doing this? Why did they let them go? Were the donuts getting cold? Did they not want to spend all that time with paperwork? WTF?
Oh, they wouldn’t dare arrest a bunch of drunken college students driving away from a brawl because it would upset the oligarchs over at CSUF – the biggest employer in Fullerton. And arresting 20 drunken students from CSUF would hurt CSUF’s reputation – and the next time CSUF was asked to contribute money or support to a police cause – the cops would get turned down.
That is the way your system works, anonymous.
It’s PAY FOR PLAY!!! Don’t you know that? As long as you PAY you are allowed to PLAY!!!
Btw, if the cops are so interested in saving lives – why don’t they put unmarked cars in the bar parking lots and radio to a marked unit for a pullover when they see an intoxicated patron get into his car and drive away???
But if the cops and MADD were REALLY interested in ‘saving lives’ they would promote that type of enforcement. Wouldn’t they? But they don’t. Do they? They are hypocrites!!!
They do that with grant funds. No cops free to do that due to calls for service.
“They do that with grant funds. No cops free to do that due to calls for service”
Balderdash. That’s a lie. If there are enough cops for a dui checkpoint there are certainly enough cops to conduct a sting on a bar parking lot.
If that’s the best you can do just keep your mouth shut. 🙂
Again. You are so dumb you don’t listen.
Checkpoint grant means checkpoints only. Not whatever you want to do. Get a clue.
Like water tax surcharges, they’re just for wate- oh.
I watched that that video that FL #98 mentioned. So is this how it is done? Heinekin, Bud, Miller, Coors,Seagrams, etc. sponsorship at the Anaheim stadium event. Then its the city of Orange PD who runs the checkpoint?
You see, the unmarked cop car set up in the bar parking lot could easily catch a drunk driver WITHOUT violating MY civil liberties. But the BAR OWNER and the DRUNK COMING OUT OF THE BAR have more rights than I have.
That’s because the BAR OWNER plays the PAY FOR PLAY game with the city and the cops. That’s the way your system is set up. If you pay enough – they leave you alone. But if you’re just a common peasant citizen minding your own business and obeying the law the don’t bat an eyelash when they force you to pull over. Even if they must pull over 1000 law abiding citizens to catch one drunk because it might have saved “ONE LIFE”. 😀
It’s a corrupted, rotten system. Welcome to a 3rd world banana republic, my friends!!! 🙂
Debate that one, Porky Pig!!!! 😀
You are really out of touch. If there were cops available for this it could happen. Then you would complain the cops are harassing the business or imposing on rights of freedom.
“If there were cops available for this it could happen”
You’re full of bullshit.
If there’s enough cops to mann a dui checkpoint there are certainly enough to set up a sting operation in a bar parking lot.
“Then you would complain the cops are harassing the business or imposing on rights of freedom”
It shouldn’t matter what the people think. People don’t like radar speeding stings either. But you do it regardless.
It’s supposed to be all about the children.
You’re totally full of shit.
You are so dumb you dont listen.
On overtime there are plenty of cops. The people that issue and manage the grants dictate how the money is spent. This $50k grant is for checkpoints only. No other choices. Take it or leave it. Simple.
I am against checkpoints of any sort. I don’t really care if they adhere to randomly stopping only every 5th vehicle, I still think they’re morally wrong.
I wonder how many of you would tolerate the same behavior from a school administrator towards your children’s civil rights?
Let’s say that administrators at Sunny Hills feel that there is a drug and or alcohol problem on campus, and decide that every 5th student will be mandated to take a drug and alcohol test to prove that they’re not under the influence of drugs and alcohol.
Tell me if you think that it’s different, because I honestly think that it’s the same smell.
FL – the bottom line is that there are MANY ways to catch drunk drivers without violating the civil liberties of law-abiding citizens. I just named one above. But the whole idea of the dui checkpoints is to SCREW with law abiding citizens is to soften us up and to desenstize us to fascism. To turn us into a full-blown police state they must do it incrementally for it to work. Dui checkpoints is one of the first steps to fascism.
Bullets break glass.
Hey Piggy – why don’t you tell us why cops don’t set up unmarked cars in bar parking lots and pull over drunk drivers that get in their cars and drive off???? 🙂
Does the Chief forbid those practices, Piggy??? Why, Piggy??? Because it’s bad for business??? 😀
But I thought it was all about the children??? 😀
I wonder if there would be value in having concerned Fullerton residents initiating a weekend patrol of the downtown area with walkie-talkies and cell phones to communicate with each other and the Fullerton PD to combat DUI’s?
Eventually, the hope would be that the FPD would be asked by the City Council why the residents are doing their job for them?
Great idea, FL.
But the cops and the City Manager would probably find a law to warrant an arrest on civilians who try to help enforce the laws.
The cops want a monopoly on that business and don’t want you making them look stupid, incompetent and inept. All of us know they are. But they don’t want you to make it obvious.
No. They don’t. No time for that. 5-8 years ago. Yes. Now. No.
Plus it’s boring and the people just get a ticket and go home. Combat felonies. At least those get a few months now.
I thought it was all about saving the children from the evil drunken drivers.
Before he said we should hang them.
Now the phony a-hole says that they are just mere misdemeanor offender and aren’t worth his time.
What a fing clown!!! 🙂
I believe in all aspects of DUi enforcement used by OTS. Checkpoints are the lowest level and used as a deterrent. Get rid of them.
Yes clowns win. Winning. Thank you.
Come on, Piggy. Where are ya, dude? Can’t keep up? I shoot you’re posts down and then you run and hide. Come out into the open, Piggy. Make my day!!! 😀
Was getting some sun and having a few beers. It’s gorgeous down here in Newport. Like 90 degrees.
I bet you resemble a great white beached whale, huh Piggy???
Link a snapshot and give us all a laugh!!! 😀
According to Tony there is one on this blog as we speak. Let’s just let everyone think that’s me. It’s a sexier picture.
Ok. Let’s agree for the first time. I’m a Ahole and proud of it. 🙂
Well, you stumped me there, Piggy.
No argument from me.
Maybe you’ll turn the corner now and start being honest on other subject matter. 🙂
I’m always honest. Liars are thiefs. My values are the highest around.
I thought you said you were a cop?
Stop contradicting yourself.
Maybe I am. Many cops have high values and morals. To think they dont again shows your intelligence level.
“Many cops have high values and morals”
BS. Those good cops are long gone. The ones today cover for their dirty cop friends which make them just as dirty.
Birds of a feather……
You know how it goes.
Keep it up. Winning more and more. I wish all citizens could read your thoughts. Winning.
Sorry. Forgot. I’m that O’Malley cat. I just retired and I’m now running the Padres. Lol God I wish I was him. That guy leads he good life.
JustUS needs a punching bag.
Jane dear, I am a true authentic PATRIOT. I am not the plastic kind. I am the real stuff. I served in the US military and I didn’t put my ass on the line so cops could pull over thousands of innocent citizens at dui checkpoints and violate their civil liberties. I put my ass on the line to DEFEND their rights – not to sell them out!!! Many people take that lightly. I DON’T AND I NEVER WILL!!!
So excuse me if I seem passionate on this topic BECAUSE I AM!!!!
Yes we know. We got your point. We know your kind well. Get a punching bag like she said.
“Yes we know. We got your point. We know your kind well. Get a punching bag like she said”
I know, Piggy. We patriots who faced REAL DANGER in the military and were paid a pittance of what cops make while cops don’t take NEARLY the risks that we did – are looked at by you and yours with disrespect and contempt, aren’t we.
But that’s part and parcel of being an a-hole. You can’t help yourself.
Not true. Most cops are ex military like me. We understand your kind. We respect your kind. We rely on your kind. We love your kind. I just think you might need to visit the VA for an eval. I’ve seen many of your kind get help and come out with a much better and more positive view on life. With the direction you are going and with your stress level, you will have a heart attack in no time. I’ve saved many people like you.
Cops dont have stress problems. They just beat up hancuffed nurses or kill a homeless guy…. stress all gone.
Stress causes brain issues. You are right.
“Most cops are ex military like me”
You’re no soldier in my book. You might have been once. But you turned into a traitor. As a soldier you fought to protect american rights. But now you violate american rights. I sure don’t accept you as one of my own. That’s for damn sure. You’ve turned rotten. And that’s obvious by your posts.
You don’t need to diagnose me or disrespect me on line. Go F yourself, chump. You wouldn’t make a good pimple on my ass.
Lol wow you need help. Keep talking. You had some supporters on here but you are losing them quickly.
When you start disrespecting vets you have the problem, not me.
What I said is true. Even if cops served in the military to protect american’s rights IMO that service cancels out when they became cops and violate those rights that they served to protect. Soldiers turned traitors. And that’s true. You can claim that I need help – but you’re the traitor – not me. And you’re previous comments have proven that. You support violating our rights and protecting dirty cops. You’re the sick one pal. Maybe you’re ready for a medical disability pension,eh??? Check into it. Hell, it’s free money. You traitors like that, right????
JustUs… you are no patriot. You can think yourself king or jester, but the reality is you are a wound up ticking time bomb over ideas that are not valid in OUR society. In fact, Objectivism is the antithesis of the American Dream. You might feel the world is out to destroy your rights, but the premise is wrong from the beginning… historically speaking these arguments how much gov’t is good gov’t are as old as the republic itself, and if following the adolescent philosophies of an atheistic russian with a chip on her shoulder is your idea of a good society… go row your boat out to sea.
Pull your head out, Franklin.
The founding fathers never intended for law-abiding citizens to be involuntary detained and questioned for doing nothing wrong. That’s why they created the 2nd Amendment – so the citizens had something to protect ourselves from tyranny.
Obviously you are ignorant about the design of our great nation and the intent of our founders.
By claiming that my ideas are not valid in our society is saying that our founding father were full of crap. I resent that.
You are obviously a promoter of fascism – which makes me 20x’s the patriot you are, pal.
Lol kookoo
Naturally you can’t argue the facts, birdbrain.
You’re just an ignant cop or ex-cop who wears his collarbone for a hat!!! 🙂
I am so tired of the likes of you going around calling themselves patriots and stating “founding fathers” as if there are good americans and bad americans… they of course the good ones. I understand the debate, and I understand the profundity of the origins of our country and the men who created the constitution. I doubt they saw people driving around in killing machines smoking dope and drinking to oblivion without a thought of the actions of such… That is not the reason why they created the Bill of Rights. your arguments misconstrue everything and diminish what They stood for. What are your thoughts on the ACLU and AZ stopping people over asking for their “papers?”… I thought so.
Exactly. Amen. God bless the USA.
And on this one, you’re right.
Lower the speed limit to 20 all over town.
Encase cars in rubber.
Put speed bumps everywhere.
Any of these ludicrous ideas would actually cut down on DUI fatalities way more than checkpoints. Checkpoints are a sign of impending fascism. Its a slippery slope. I agree with JustUs, FL and the others who are against checkpoints of any kind.
The way they are in 2012 I agree. Get rid of em. Not worth the politics. Proble is to get any type of DUI funds you have to do checkpoints. Tough decisions. Give away $100,000 plus free money or suck up a few checkpoints.
Thats just it. It is not “FREE” money. It is confiscated from the citizens and given out in overtime to union goons. Thats another reason people hate on cops.
Copy. Federal taxes. They are the worst.
you weren’t at Bunker Hill buddy….
you weren’t at Bunker Hill, buddy.
Maybe I already got it?
And I disrespect you. I don’t disrespect vets. I don’t consider you a vet.
“And I disrespect you. I don’t disrespect vets. I don’t consider you a vet”
I’m ten times the vet you could ever hope to be, Piggy.
You promote civil rights violators and dirty cops. A real vet would flatuate on you.
Not true. I know real vets. Thousands of them. They laugh at people like you that claim to be vets and have the best interests of the USa at heart. You claim you are perfect and Know everything. Everyone laughs at people like you. Read a book. Educate yourself. Read the book Leadership and Self Deception. It will enlighten you as to all of your internal issues.
All I need to do is tell the truth and expose garbage like you.
I don’t need your leadership book BS.
I stand for truth.
That’s all I need.
Ha kookoo
“Maybe I already got it?”
I wouldn’t doubt that for a NY minute. You strike me as a freeloader.
Now all medical retirements are freeloaders. Wow. All purple hearts just to get out of the military too?
“Now all medical retirements are freeloaders”
All of us know how you public pigs game the medical disability pension system. That’s one of those secrets that we all know about, Piggy.
You don’t fool us.
We’ve known about it for a decade. We aren’t GED and HS grads like you and your friends. Most of us are well educated.
Ha kookoo. Yes all of “us”. All of em. You get nuttier everytime you post. Keep it up. I’m winning.
Yes, We’ve seen the face of kookoo and it ain’t pretty. It’s O’Malley!
He’s kookoo? Seems lucky to me. Yes I know you want my azz Fred. We learned that long ago.
Since you know everything why don’t you tell us about firemen?
FIreman are no better. But we are talking cops. Don’t change the subject and point at someone else.
Yes. Cops rule. I know.
Interesting that this website ran by our councilmember Keger still doesn’t get it. The RESIDENTS of Fullerton want the DUI checkpoints by far greater numbers than those that don’t want them. By Keger, Whittaker and Seaborn will the opposite becuse they believe they know what is better for us. Next clowncil should be entertaining. Does La habra enforce mud flaps?
No one can argue with you. You are always right. That would be like banging your head against a brick wall. No thanks. I just let you spout and I win. Winning.
All cops claim fake medical retirements. All cops have GEDs. Keep it up. Your fact base is clear. Winning.
“All cops claim fake medical retirements”
It’s very safe to say that the majority of cops fake their medical pensions. Look at the high percentage of cops who get them. Most of them sat on their fat asses all day long and most didn’t even draw their gun unless they were at the range. The average cops uses no physical exertion on the job. Yet a huge percentage of you clown apply for a medical disability in your last couple years of service.
You don’t fook me, chump.
And why would the educational level requirement for a cop be a GED??? It’s so they can game the system and hire their birdbrain friends and relatives who don’t have any college!!! It’s for nepotism. Why should someone who comps $100k a year not be required to have a college degree?
You’re not fooling me, chump. I know your secrets! 😀
As Tony says “you are so dumb” lol
Ths? The homeland security cashcow?
Now that’s some GeD love there. Homeland security. You can tell by all the thefts on a weekly basis and all the agents that help drugs get through the process. They either lose a $10 an hour job or make money being a criminal. Easy.
Why should a local HS educated pig make more than an FBI agent who usually has an advanced degree in the financials or in computer science???
That alone shows you how crooked the system is!
Ask the people that made it like that across the great USA.
Crooked fing unions bribing the pols.
Thank you crooked fing unions.
You’re a typical greedy loathsome pig.
Thanks for the confirmation.
This family needs to call JustUs. He will help them.
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Prisoner at medical center killed by San Diego sheriff’s deputy
September 1, 2012 | 8:45 pm
A prisoner undergoing treatment Saturday at the UC San Diego Medical Center was shot and killed by a San Diego County sheriff’s deputy after attacking the deputy with a “length of chain,” police said.
The 45-year-old prisoner had been taken to the hospital from the downtown jail after an earlier attack on jail deputies, according to Capt. Terry McManus. The prisoner was receiving a CT scan for his injuries when he managed to remove his chain restraints and attack one of the deputies who were guarding him, McManus said.
Deputies attempted to subdue the prisoner by striking him with their batons and using a Taser, but they were unsuccessful, McManus said. When the prisoner “aggressively moved” toward a deputy “armed with a length of chain,” the deputy shot him.
The prisoner’s name was not released. The deputy was described only as a seven-year veteran of the department.
The pigs couldn’t do it. Someone did it for them. Amen. Winning.
At least you would be dead. The world would celebrate and your version of Ron would be rich. Standard.
Uh oh JustUs. His home. He was killed in his home. His hotel. It never ends. Go counsel the family like our did the taser family. Lol 🙂
Your precious SCOTUS ruled hotel rooms are the same as a residence as far as searches and warrants go…..
Yep. Except the renters sign agreements when checking in and cops have keys.
Time for the SlideBar. Good band tonight. Let’s all meet up and have some fried pickles and beers. See ya there.
Too many. I’m nuts. They are so mean to me. They point guns at me. I get scared. I shoot back. Bang bang.
So this is what happens to the kid that is always picked last.
Last is better than never. 🙂
You know all about last place dont ya boy?
Never been. Can you educate me? Maybe then I will feel sorry for you and understand your feelings about your bad life. 🙂
O Malley, you have the nerve to ask me to educate you, and as far a feelings go, you didnt seem to mind our shower time.
You cum in last place all the time so I thought you could tell me about your experiences. As Fred says, GED’s are the commonplace these days. Yes shower time is fun. I enjoyed every minute of it even though all you had was two minutes.
Porkys eyes are really scary. 🙂
You can be a real ass in person too! 🙂