We Get Mail: Take Him Out of The Ball Game…
Here’s an irate e-mail we received from a Golden Hills Little League parent explaining that despite his political troubles, Fullerton FPD Culture of Corruption architect Pat McPension just couldn’t be denied his place as a speaker at opening day ceremonies. Strings were pulled, leverage was exerted.
But what’s this?

Subject: McKinley – Little League Opening Day
I contacted you last week informing you that McKinley had strong armed Golden Hill Little League via Parks & rec’s John Clements to speak at GHLL’s Opening Day this past weekend. Despite the league’s concerns given recent news re: Mr. McKinley and the fact that this is a children’s event, they were informed in no uncertain terms that as Mr. McKinley sat on committe responsible for assigning fields to youth programs, not letting him speak would be a bad idea. With their backs against the wall GHLL, a non-profit youth baseball league, decided to allow McKinley a few words.
And the dude NO-SHOWED…
So after strongarming GHLL and indirectly threatening to look unfavorably on their requests for city fields in the future, McKinley didn’t even show…or have the courtesy to have his people call GHLL to let them know. He was a no call/no show.
Message to Golden Hills Little League organizers: no good deed goes unpunished.
McPension stiffs the little kids?
No bueno!
I forgot to send you this short addendum to that email that came in later:
“Not only did McKinley not show up, nor call to let GHLL he wasnt showing up after forcing them to let him speak in the first place…but the league had not only reserved him a parking spot, but printed his name in their Opening Day programs…leading league officials to have to answer dozens of questions from Fullerton families as to why he didn’t show up. “
Ay caramba!
Well, let me put on my big surprise face. Whoops, Tuesday council meeting will be fun. I know this was baseball, but I keep thinking about those little boys who went to the council meeting to ask for lights. What did McKinley do-flip the switch on and off?
I forgot to add, what a douche nozzel
These three buffoons really are their own worst enemies.
Meh, everyone is probably better off that he didn’t show…I have yet to hear him speak publicly where hr didn’t make himself look like a complete boob.
He is such an ass. No doubt, the kids didn’t care. Afterall, he’s just some creepy, old man who shaves his head. But his selfish act of irresponsibility had to have put a dim light over the festivities, however little meaning it might have had.
I’m sick (SICK I TELL YOU!!!) of this “Don’t you know who I am?!” attitude all three of these like to flaunt. Look, McDickHead, we not only know who all three of you are, we know what all three of you are. Pocket lined, palm greased, swollen headed buffoons and nothing more.
Your days are numbered, three months and counting. Everytime you do something like this ceremony stunt, you make recalling you that much easier. Keep burying yourselves but leave our children out of things.
Perhaps McKinley got swept away by ‘Aliens’…
Naw! We couldn’t get that lucky.
Three crap asses!!!! How dare McCrapAss dis-respect the Kids of Fullerton. These 3 need to look at Britghten Gardens to live in.
Thanks WG…now I gotta clean up the keyboard.
Those little boys weren’t like you.
They were….aliens!
Must have had his eyes bloused again!
Paying and hiring someone to kill is a higher crime than killing.
Dr. michael stone scale of evil?
Most Evil, Discovery Channel -Wikipedia
Most Evil on Investigative Discovery
Above all, we must realize that no arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women. It is a weapon our adversaries in today’s world do not have.
-Ronald Reagan
Each generation goes further than the generation preceding it because it stands on the shoulders of that generation. You will have opportunities beyond anything we’ve ever known.
-Ronald Reagan
why would you quote ronald reagan, of all people in response to mckinley? If there ever were a person equally as shitty as reagan it would be mckinley. I hope you don’t sully these pages with the quotes of one of the worst cancers of American history as Reagan ever again. disgusting.
Reagan called out the Soviet Union as “The Evil Empire”, to great effect, it is of historical record that the leaders of the USSR knew that, deep down. Which contributed greatly to its eventual downfall.
From what I remember this is a very Conservative Blog.
Make a list of all your disapprovals and post it.
Usually my thought is that Republican money could be better spent targeting Democrats in the upcoming election. In this particular case though I am advocating that we do need to recall all three of these council members because they are hurting the Republican brand. The lone Democrat on the council Sharon Quirk-Silva is more conservative than the three targeted by the recall. Nobody on that council compares to Bruce Whitaker though who is a solid Republican on all issues.
I may not agree with Tony Bushala on every issue, but no matter what his motives are behind the recall these council members have simply got to go. -Chris Emami
Actually, I think the 3 clowns are closet democrats.
Conservative means limited and representative, from what I can remember.
No way.. No how..is he going to show up, over my dead body! He will wish he never showed!
WHAT!?! He didn’t show?? That arrogant bastard! What I’m I going to do with all these signs I made last night??
Sounds like the work of Aliens to me.
I represented the City at GHLL Opening Day in my capacity as Parks and Recreation Commissioner.
It was my pleasure to do so and I have a son who was happy to be a part of the Opening Day festivities.
I was surprised when I arrived to see a parking space reserved for Pat McKinley.
I spoke with the President of the League right before the ceremonies were about to start and it was clear that he was expecting C. McKinley to be there as well.
It was a great event and a chance to support all the wonderful kids who each year go out to participate in America’s pastime.
didn’t see that you’re running, yet, Mr. Levinson.
what’s up with that?
With any luck, the GHLL parents who expected him to be there to represent the Council (?) in his capacity as the high commissioner of field assignments because he allegedly wanted to do so will have something to say – whether at a Council meeting (one can only hope) or through their votes in the recall (even better). I am sensing that he is running scared…
McPension pussed out when he found out Barry would be there.
I’d sure hate to be Pat McKinley right about now. He must be thinking; dope! who talked me into running for city council when I should have ran for the hills with my quarter $million $dollar/year pension. Now I can’t go anywhere without feeling peoples hatred towards me. double dope!!
Off-topic, I had the pleasure of visiting the “Tulip Man of Fullerton’s” garden recently and took several pix that I shared with friends. All were very impressed with his work. He is someone who beautifies Fullerton at his own expense – would that some others would do the same 🙂
Barry, I’m sure you did a fine job. I wonder if there’s any merit to what Curious said above regarding McKinley backing out rather than face you. Interesting food for thought…
A good man with a clear conscience standing as role model in front of hundreds of young people with their families backdropped by the pledge the national anthem would have been his honor. He traded it for 30 pieces of silver and gave us Barabbas.
Why Golden Hills little league? Does McKinley live in Golden Hills or do his supporters or supporter live in Golden Hills and this cheap stunt is considered political damage control?
McKinley’s lack of concern for the feelings and efforts of others may hide the fact that in a public setting, he fears being called out on his Commando Mckinley leadership of Fullerton PD. Someone at this ceremony may have asked him why he turned a police force into a death squad in squad cars?
Commando McKinley who had no problem supporting and promoting a rogue police force to beat down the community of Fullerton is afraid to show his face at a little league baseball ceremony.
This is a good thing. He had to of known that given nearly 15,000 recall signatures on him, there had to be at least 1 parent there who signed. Oh the irony!!!
“Oh the irony!!!”
The cruel irony.
That was a very passive-aggressive move. What was his message? FU to everyone? Now they’ll really miss me, he’s thinking.
Actually, I agree with Van. He fears questions. Thus the passive aggression.
Its much easier to sit on his throne as Mayor Pro Tem and not have to answer any questions.. Well except for the ones “He” wants to answer.
Even a tough guy like that gets scared. What else could it be? A recall maneuver? Sounds dumb to me.
No, I don’t think so, he’s just a big douche hound.
I mean, who does the no call, no show thing especially when you made a commitment and a bunch of kids are involved?
Who rolls like that, period?
My vote, an uncaring, douche.
More than likely, McKinley knew Barry Levinson would be present so his nads shriveled up knowing that Barry who pulls no punches would possibly confront him.
I’m certain Barry would have been civil with the kids present but McKinley was scared nonetheless and is such a poor speaker and liar he couldn’t summon up the courage or courtesy to call anyone in advance to let them know about his absence.
What a wuss! Part wimp part pu#$.
There are three Little Leagues in Fullerton and Golden Hills Little League is consitently the best one out of the three. They have the best practice facilities and as McKinley ascertained, they also have the most affluent parents in Fullerton. These are the type of residents that would normally be very supportive of a staunch conservative, so it pleases me to no end that McKinley stiffed the same crowd that might have offered him a chance at beating the recall. The last thing that you want to do in Fullerton is piss off the Little League parents on Opening Day, because they now have political fodder to munch on until the end of the season…which just happens to be at the same time as the election to Recall these three foul balls. Talk about divine providence! Please don’t worry about the kids because I know that they have a wonderful ability to turn the page on these things quickly, and were probably relieved that they didn’t have to listen to listen to an old bald man, and the team mothers were probably relieved because they got to save the rotten eggs that they were going to use to throw their own “Opening pitch” to SheBear.
So true FL.
three foul balls. LOL
The Three Foul Balls?
Has possibilities.
Tonight should be a thrill.
PLAY BALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whoa…are we over looking a fact that was stated during the parks n rec meeting, last month that three out of the 4 Little leagues are not in some sort of compliance, with non profit status, ect- the LL stated it was an issue with volunteers coming in year after year making sure everything was legit. From what they said, these 3 LL needed to have the proper paperwork….I hope they fixed it Fullerton cant afford anymore law suits.
that being said..
Um, please tell me Pat’s vacant parking space was available for all to see, his obvious absence. Parents jocking for position, kids running around,screaming , no parking and arrogant Mc Kinley front row parking spot…vacant. Barry did you park in his spot?
I can’t believe all of you are upset McPension was a NO SHOW!!!
He was at a emergency meeting with FPD command staff, and the lawyers for the defendants, sharing his wisdom and strategy on the upcoming preliminary hearing.
What’s the problem??? (insert smile)
That explains it all ACU.
All kidding aside, there is a high probability he has been sitting down quite frequently with Ramos and Cicinelli’s attorneys to help fudge and cover up his dirty deeds from his days as chief of corruption in Fullerton PD.
Unless he was dying, he could have called them if he was doing something more important.
McYoda is nothing but a pompous, uncaring, douche and always was and so are the people that surround him.
Mc Kinley girl is in jail, for stealing what Im sure would have been evidence, in up coming trials.I mean look at “those ladies” got 350 thou…from 2008..what a stroke of good luck? doubt it
McKinley needs a big broom to sweep away his dirty deeds .
I bet he is in emergency mode, but not because he has a conscience.
I still can’t help but wonder what his two sons think about all of this.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That is a great story, thanks for my morning laugh Tony. Pat McWeenie never ceases to amaze us all.
I would feel bad for the kids, but they don’t know or care who Pat is, all they want to to is play ball with friends and gorge themselves at the snack shack….as it should be.
Ahhh my psychic abilities say: look for some emergency situation that was so critical and required McKinley’s attendance and complete. So much so that he was unable to tell anyone. Wait…what’s this? Another vision coming through….I see a creepy, bald man wanting to publicly apologize and explain his absence before public comments begin (hoping to diffuse any backlash) tonight.
*required Mckinley’s attendance and complete ‘attention’…
I would want to know what happened between then and now.
We have new fangled technology that allows contact to a person any time
Don’t want to hear his made up excuses, he’s a douche
Oh McKinley, you don’t know how much I smiled as I read this. What did John Lennon say? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqP3wT5lpa4
Can’t we all just get along? For the kids and the older people? Bwahahahaha
No, no, no Erin…. All we are saying is give peace a chance! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkZC7sqImaM&feature=fvwp&NR=1
Oh but how, when we live in a Mad World?
LOL! Ya got me there, Erin.
Is there a council meeting tonight?
If so, will it be available for viewing live?
Live and Archived Fullerton City Council Meetings page.
he is laughing his way to the bank so he doesn’t care
That article proves Sharon is totally out of touch with reality. Banners won’t accomplish anything!
They need the 31,000 Dollars and a lot more.
Lou Ponsi, “tarnished”.
I see the banners as nothing more than self-deception, an attempt to manipulate people to forget all that is wrong with this city.
Much like the three clowns soon to be recalled. They try to justify their bad deeds by all the good they’ve done for the City. At the end of the day, they are still the same depraved and morally bankrupt individuals. No advertising campaign by Ackerman/Ellis/Bennett can change that.
Same principle applies to these stupid banners.
The banners are a way for Mike Ritto to seem relevant and make a buck. Same old story.
Yeah, but who’s paying to put them up? Presumably, the City of Fullerton.
I see it as a blatant copyright impingement of my moniker when blogging : )
Vern- 100% agreement, were in the middle of a crisis, and we get window dressing-woo hoo. my gawd- were sooooo screwed.
I think that this commentator/blogger from the Register summed it up best…
“We all love Fullerton. Hopefully the residents can get the changes needed to make it a better place to live and visit without having to deal with rogue cops, and vomit lined streets downtown”. Amen!
Love has hate in it. You have to hate the evil things of the world to genuinely love people. Those evil things are destroying people.
So I’m not thrilled with the love, love, love all the time concept.
Hate the sin love the sinner?
Hate the Corruption, Love the Recall!!
the mottos is correct and purge, I mean protect and serve.
Impulsive, irrational, unreliable, unreasonable when challenged, its just par for the course.
Fullerton is SAVED!!!!!!! The banners are here!
LMBO!! For a price of $314.00. Woo Hoo
I wonder if McKinley is conceding defeat by his no-show at the little league game. This was perhaps the easiest venue to reaffirm his reputation since the focus there is on kids and baseball, not local politics.
Except for maybe a fundraiser dinner, nothing is easier than making an appearance at a little league game that 99% of the city does not know about. And yet, he throws away the opportunity.
Didn’t Rodney King say something like that???
Erin already showed us the Rodney King video. I never mentioned the ex-con’s name.
We could go on and on with this.. SMiLE
LOL, I know….
The guy is a card isn’t he. An up and coming propoganda minister for the communist leaders of city hall.
Lou Ponsi, Michael Gennaco, WHAT a team!!!
We can call them the “spin masters”?
A Bill O’Reilly, “fair and balanced” reporting?
Ponsi makes Bill OReilly look like Mother Theresa.
Another nice article about Fullerton;
The honorable action for McKinley to have done , would have been to ask the other Council members to attend the event show the proper respect and appreciation to the GHLL for their contributions for youth development.
In my best thoughts, I can not conjure any excuses for his disrespectful action.
event^and show
OR, McPension like many, is not comfortable taking on anyone outside the “protected” threshold of city hall.
McPension is surrounded by his “brown shirts” who are all armed, including himself.
Take that away, he might have to deal with someone as mild as Berry and suddenly, a feel of comfort no longer exsist.
I have mentioned the “level” playing field more than once.
Much like some of the trolls who want to fight the good fight, but remain anonymous and battle from the safety of the keyboard.
Remember, McPension does not have a gavel sitting near him on a little league field. NO 3 minutes your done.
He may have had his eye bloused back in the day, but he is up in his sixties NOW.
He isn’t going to fight any battles, verbal or otherwise, unless he feels he is in 100% control.
Just my thoughts.
How about electrocute Pat McKinley. Kind of like a tasing.
The only way he would have been successful, is if they confiscated cameras or banned videotaping.
And fortunately the courts have ruled in OUR FAVOR on this very issue.
If your all watching the LA TIMES stories on the scandal with LASD and BACA.
There is a regime, that is on a downward spiral too.
Seems that a couple of Captains are telling their stories. The sametype of people, RI and his pals would say are disgruntled and haters, BUT they got promoted, so hopefully they could explain all that, like they do everything else.
I called my friend at LASD, he works administration, and knows these players and what is going on around him.
He says it is getting ugly behind the scenes, but says what the Times is putting out, is pretty accurate.
Many more DISGRUNTLED cops who HATE corruption are dropping dimes on the corrupt ones every day.
The FBI have opened their front doors, the coffee is on the stove for those who wish to speak their mind, and air their dirty laundry.
I compare McPension to Baca, still putting on the tuff guy face, knowing full well his day is coming sooner than later.
Baca’s ship is much bigger than McPension’s, but both are taking on water. Baca’s is filling up faster is all, but sinking none the less.
Some are calling for Baca to resign, he lost his effectiness as a leader long ago.
But Baca and McPension are both from the same old school of thought, “I am smarter” than those other people.
pride cometh before the fall
After all, most of the people who speak at city council meetings don’t have a high school education.
giving county cars to big contributors now
LOL, AND???? But they have courage!!!
I was being very sarcastic. I was there when McKinley made this statement.
He may have been referring to all those guys and gals he personally hired as Chief of the Culture of Corruption.
Ultimate Tazer Ball League, Low powered stun guns.
He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.
-Martin Luther King, Jr.
An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind.
Violence isn’t always evil. What’s evil is the infatuation with violence.
-Jim Morrison
I enjoyed your post. Thanks
#79 by Lifesaving Service on March 6, 2012
Hate the Corruption, Love the Recall!!
So let me get this straight, he’s such an incompetent goofball that he goes to the trouble of strong arming himself into speaking at a public event, then doesn’t even bother to show up? That’s some rarified air.
is anyone else having trouble with the stream for the meeting tonight??
only getting black screen??
Yes, video all blacked out.
Yes. Someone tell those fools to turn on the stream video
Why the hell is Sharon babbling about her old boss who hired her at the Fullerton School District?
My screen is black too, by the way. Audio only.
Sharon is running this meeting like a Kindergarten class. Let’s raise our hands if we serve on a city commission! Howdy ho ho!
Please shoot me.
yeah, Quirk, Im a member of the Recall adhoc
Now a Praise-a-thon for Dick Jones, who pulled a resident out of a burning house. Dexter Savage, please go away.
I thought Chief Hughes was going to have to Taze Dexter to get him to stop sharing his personal anectdotes on why these three are such humanitarians. What he didn’t share, is that Dexter Savage is also one of the biggest indivual contibutors to all three of their political campaigns.
Holy hell…pass the gun to me Vernon
A quick story…one more quick story…blah, blah, blah, Dexter.
And please shut up Sharon, we are not schoolchildren.
Get this jack ass out of there! OMG How dare he use his award time to defend the three idiots even though Sharon asked him to cut it. As much as I defend her, I’m not pleased she didn’t include the asshole for misusing his award recipient time when she admonished the audience for their jeers.
I’m so frustrated because the screen is totally blank.
Its always terrible anyways.
Gadz you don’t want to actually see these baboons anyway.
I like seeing the Public Commenters.
yeah, me too
i got hold of someone at city hall, lets see if they can fix it..
well, he said he tried, but is not that tech savy,is only the night worker there, doesn’t know that much about the system.. he will leave a note for the am crew.. geesh
Shut up Sharon. Now it’s a lecture about “warnings” given to people for their behavior.
This is not a classroom.
sit down nazi
Another apologist speaking now; I *so* hope some of the Little League folks speak during Public Comments
Bouncers-how many times can she say that word? Does she know the word, murderer?
Thanks Shel and Erin for complimenting Bruce; he didn’t deserve that dish served him before you two spoke.
Thank you Mark, that was a lovely story regarding the integrity of Kelly Thomas.
I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to shut it off.
Sharon has bouncers now?
Told ya y’all needed to clean house and not take favorites. They are all worthless.
I never liked Sharon anyway. She is more annoying as mayor though.
the truest words that were ever spoken by you, patrick.
Whitaker is not worthless. Quirk is at about 90%.
Quirk-Silva is up as well so we shall see. 😉
Yes, thank you, Mark for sharing that. I mentioned your story without names a week or two ago. I find it one of the most touching ones I’ve been told.
Does anyone know it what was going on when Barry was speaking?
Another dinosaur puppet up…I do appreciate Sharon cutting them off without extended time this week.
Why are all these GED cops now speaking? what happened to the blue silence that zipped their lips until now?
Because thats what they are, murderers, you don’t have a problem calling anyone else you see killing someone on video, a muderer -now goosestep yourself off to bed
Dang merijoe, YOU PEOPLE have beat the GED guys up on the blog, and now their gravy train might be pulled out from under them come June.
It’s time for some to unzipper!!!!
Shoot-they need to keep their ridiculous traps shut if all they can do is whine after coming out of hibernation about how we are “trying the case already- innocent before proven guilty” while giving the shame on you bloviation to Bruce for not listening to the city attorney, count chocula, about clamming up.
I had the distinct gut feeling that the retired Fullerton Police Officer was reading from a script that had been authored by Pat McKinley. I think he might have felt stifled after the last city council meeting where Sharon kept telling Pat to put a cork in it.
Why do they enforce the 3-minute rule as strictly as they do on a night with hardly anything on the agenda?
Same reason they are bombing the blog; it’s all they have left.
This guy talking sounds like a whining little baby.
There ya go. Court order. There’s your answer.
That does not explain how others have been able to see it in spite of a “court order”. I feel that there is an effort to try and taint the jury pool, what with all the slander lodged against the Thomas family as of late…
It’s a set up by that scum defense attorney
“feel that there is an effort to try and taint the jury pool, what with all the slander lodged against the Thomas family as of late…”
I agree 100% That’s what I felt after Gennacos’ report.
Do all of the Thomas family members carry hatchets now? F’n ridic…
^Unfortunate but true. I love paying for this instead of fixing potholes. :/
Go, Jane Rands! Nailing not only what she said about the St Anton project but nailing the Dick Ackerman connection! It is now on public record.
Matt’s comments were also great as were Greg Sebourn’s. I especially loved how Greg connected more dots by adding Ackerman’s involvement with the anti-recall.
Somebody explain the court order part. What happened? I missed that.
TRack requested a court order to prevent anyone releasing the tape. It was granted. Now no one in Fullerton can release it and the requests will end.
Many here will disagree, but I have no problem with this move. The judge agreed with his request and I respect that.
I’d like to see this alleged court order. What I’m reading obviously begs the question what does “release” mean.
I would suggest that a councilman (who will never be a juror) watching this video doesn’t constitute “releasing” anything.
We just needed public confirmation from the council.
Wrong guy- thanks for reminding us, there is a lump of crap in the corner called the city atty- that answers nothing escept in some riddle…my gawd he is a douche, and BTW Sharon- I love when you say…Were are not going to do this? to me–when Wrong guy asked the question , I wanted clarification, and was told if I want to wait til the end of the meeting- and hopefully talk to him then- the question was just asked….why are we not recalling 4 of them again?
So what reason did McKinley give?
I should’ve been more clear, sorry. So he gave no reason for not showing up at the Little League game? If that’s the case, wow.
McKinley didn’t respond to that question. City attorney Jones did. He said pretty much what Reality Is stated a few posts up.
His honor has now ordered, in accordance with Business and Professions Code Section6068(e)(1) states that the attorney is to “maintain inviolate the confidence, and at every peril to himself or herself to preserve the secrets, of his or client.”
The Judges of these trials will be highly concerned about their reputation when the verdicts are appealed.(Usually)
The poor sucker on trial is the pawn in the game of courtroom chess.
P.S The judge always wins.
P.S.S Lance Ito is still a judge..
Yes the hanging judge Lance Ito, was beat by the OJ man! He was above the law!
But when you feel that noose around your neck you can almost see the Devil!
Last night’s council meeting proved exactly what we could expect from the defense lawyers starting on March 28th.
We saw about 3 retired cops (for the first time) get up and speak highly of FPD, McKinley, etc., as well as call the Kelly’s Army and supporters a ‘Lynch Mob’. You know; the usual. The difference this time is all 3 had some derogatory remarks about Whitaker questioning the possibility of a cover up concerning the Kelly Thomas murder. That was the ONLY reason I decided and speak.
I understand there was no video feed on the stream so it wouldn’t help to physically describe the speakers, but the last one of the three was a short old man with a beat red face , accented with gin blossoms and said he was a retired lieutenant. Well this man was/is a disgrace to police officers everywhere.
As I was walking out of city hall I noticed Ricky, Fullerton’s resident photographer, seemingly uncomfortable talking with this old lush. Apparently this pathetic former cop was verbally attacking Ricky because he was snapping photos and crudely asked if Ricky took photos of little boys. The best part of all this is that this little old man (with his small man’s complex) was standing very close a very tall uniformed police officer while he cowardly made those remarks.
Once again, “Is that all THEY got?”
I was so upset that I couldn’t watch the video. Thank you for the recap. Per usual I am disappointed in FPD tactics. Did it seem to be working?
VERY interesting Wrong guy.
Well desperation is finally coming out of the closet for McPension and his followers.
One must be digging deep into their bag of tricks to come up with 3 retired cops to call BS on behalf of FPD and toward Whitaker.
I was wondering how long it would take for someone to officially call BS on Whitaker, and his stance on Kelly Thomas.
It finally happened, with 3 retired cops saying so, WOW, what compelling strategy. Did any of them identifie themselves as Reality Is?
WE should all just STOP dead in our approach to what we are doing and saying.
I mean once 3 retired cops talk, it’s over for all of us.
Add Gennaco to the mix, a defensive wall no one should try and breech.
Even the 3 retired dumpshits didn’t attempt to explain the other issues facing FPD that just adds to the “lynch mob” thinking FPD is corrupt. DUH!!
Maybe gin face himself should have given a breath sample before speaking?
And since a retired Lieutanant spoke, that just adds more credibility to the dribble. To bad Daryl Gates isn’t alive, he too could have spoken.
The comments to the photographer while a uniformed cop is standing near by is PRICELESS.
Whitaker was being OUTED for his DARE questioning of the GESTAPO!!!! They were just saying what McPension wanted to say, but they found 3 retired cops who would. LMAO!!!
Pretty brazen comments, when those retired muskateers opened their piehole.
Or did they get to watch the video??
Again FPD might come out smelling cleaner than expected, but it’s starting to seem like more are worried about the 3 Amigos.
With the 3 Amigos GONE, FPD is in a world of hurt in REALITY!!!
The gravy train is more important than the defendants right now.
June will come quicker than a guilty or not guilty verdict in the Kelly Thomas case.
I know it’s bullshit, because the Union for FPD could have called BS on some of this, but they know the real price if they did.
So your right Wrong Guy, is this the BEST you have?
Sorry, I’ve been busy working today so I was unable to chime back until now.
First of all, did you get to see or listen to the meeting ACU?
The part about ‘little Yosemite Sam’ talking his smack while comfortably under the wing of the officer reminded me of a field trip I went on when I was in 3rd grade and as our entire class was walking along this mall, some kid about 2years younger than all of us proceeded to call us names while he had his arm tightly around his big momma’s leg. LMAO.
Also, I neglected to mention earlier that this same ex-cop, before and after he spoke, strategically stood on the side of Ron Thomas and Kelly’s Army constanly glaring at anyone he didn’t know. After about the 3rd or 4th glare he shared with me, I looked at him with clenched teeth and eyebrows down (purposely mirroring his look) and said, “what!”
He responded by saying, “I didn’t say anything to you!” (end of that)
You would of had a ‘field day’ at this meeting ACU, I’m certain.
Regardless of all the animosity we will be seeing and hearing from this ‘Defeated Cop Camp’, we all should take the ‘high road’ as Ricky Stauffer did and just keep smiling. Kill them with our kindness.
I believe that works.
I saw bits and pieces of that and was proud of Ricky for taking the higher ground, and not mixing it up with this old fool because that retired cop was really trying his level best to start a fight by insulting a perfect stranger with his off-color marks that would normally be “fighting words” The officers that were standing close by to Ricky, appeared concerned enough about this guy inciting trouble, that I noticed that they were preparing to getting ready to escort this same ex-officer away if he persisted in attacking Ricky.
Every reason to believe he was intoxicated or a loon in real life. Assuming Wrong Guy knows what a gin face is. LOL!!!!!
ONE thing it shows, FPD retired or active, they start shit, but only when they have some back up.
Too bad things like that don’t happen in a different setting.
Maybe 6 citizens could dog pile on this guy, saying he refused to go away, attacked an innocent citizen, while using his retired police status to bully him?
Just on what you all say, the guy should have been arrested for disturbing the peace, and doing so in the presence of the police and without any justification what so ever.
I mean if you get a ticket for honking your horn, you should go to jail for trying to start a fight without justification.
OH WAIT, he was a cop, so we will give him a pass.
Just add another little piece of information to the big picture is my point in all this.
Hey McPension, next time you call in a favor to your retired pals, make sure they are sober, look good and speak well. It might help your plight.
Maybe Bernard Parks can speak at the next council meeting??
They are the Mike Carona Crowd!!?
In addition FL I just wonder if Tony Bushala or Chris Thompson or Ron Thomas had done the same EXACT thing, if they too would have been able to walk away from this?
Just wondering what would happen if you switched roles is all?
None the less, this little incident is VERY noteworthy.
The old man asked for an escort..from the PD..started a fight then ran behind his mothers apron string…tattle-taling- yes Im grateful Ricky is a cool level headed, guy- even after the man tried to pick a fight with him….Ricky walked in to talk to the cop and ex cop that was demadning he get his camera..
Dont forget- the man who bashed me then tried to go rounds with Jimmy…and Brian and Princess…were yelling she just got assaulted—when I saw you ( wrong guy) and said…please watch this..and of course your bad ass self did..but we have pictures, and will be asking Dan why his uniformed officers allow the evil mcpension hill dwellers a free pass, when they assault someone…if I would of bashed a 70 pound lady- I would go to jail, but I guess if your an ex cop bootliker…you get to go to thepolice and YELL-that man is taking my picture in a public forum..I want his camera, he treid to take Rickys camera..and when ricky went 2 feet from him and started snapping pictures, is when he asked is Ricky also takes pictures of little boys…so his mug shot through out the city- thank you for the printer- and the cartridges ( you know who you are)…on the mug shot it will say…Why is this man inquiring about photographs of little boys…Im at copy 45 right now and printing…I contacted a LEO, they told me as long as he did ask about little boys…its a true statement…and the the police officer, who watched this unfold, we spoke for an hour after the incident…he said- that guy was out of line and walked him to his car. BUt he did have a warning- the evil hill dweller said–he will take all of us down,and he has the time and money to do so…so please people go to city council so we can out all the scourge…to the man who assualted me…who do you think is going to church sunday…that would be me, so when your 6 foot something vs me 5’5 135….and your church going wife laughs while you assualt me….its sooooo on. Thank You, Princess, Brian, Jimmy and Ricky and you Wrong guy…for standing up for what is right- its not popular or fun—but again thank you for showing me Kellys army does in fact rule. And a shout out to COncerned Texan—um didnt know it was you…but man I love your comments…thank you for standing up for me and Ricky in the parking lot- it means alot!
Please tell us more. If the uniformed cop took an hour talking to you, he or she was attempting to smooth over what happened is all.
I really think hoping you would forget about the whole incident.
Obviously you have not.
Maybe the hour was with the Photographer, he walked to his car?
The officer, pretty high in rank, was talking about the Civilian police training that he does, and he said some things, that lead me to believe their are good guys next door, some are bad- but I was trying to get info from him, I apoligized for flipping my noodle when an old man physically clothes lined me with his wife laughin…I mean I swear were here trying to make things better, and ll you ex cops have to do….is beat up civilians…the incident was shameful,they actually wanted to fight…it was crazy…just saying- last night was the CLOSEST time I ever got to committing a felony…the way we were treated was disgusting. I think he ( the police officer) may have been just trying to get me to calm down, after a 6 foot man and his wife- who was wearing her god regailia, snickering while her ex cop husband tries to run me over physically, dont think I havent been flipped off, told to find a life,almost hit by old ladies in cars, called a whore, told Im retarded, and I have a GED and wait for it…,told by the police officers..from their parking lot- yell at me GO HOME OR GO TO JAIL….yes this has happened…and its going to get worse, they so dont want to loose the only thing they have ever had going for them…bullies.
Let me clarify a couple of things;
1- I was addressing the ex cop and he was demanding that the get Rickys camera, I said yes he could and he lost it.
2- while standing next to him and a police officer..and large man about 6 foot something about 240, takes his arm and bashes ( or in hockey I think its called being checked) against me with such force, I said WTF? ( when Brian &others yelled assualt) and looked and his wife was chuckling…and then he went to Jimmy and starting going off on Jimmy..all the while the police ( 2 officer) telling us…we need to stop, never addressing the old ex cops that were acting like freaking 8th grade douche bags…the worst thing I have ever seen- ever.
Extreme Congratulations, to all of you for keeping you cool, dont ever forget anger can make you stupid. Thanks
Lifesaving- I wanted to say sorry to you, if I offended you in any way, I know my curse words- make you cringe- but when it was insinuated that Ricky, of all people- took pedofile pic’s of boys…I could take no more- so for that Iam sorry…but I had been pushed,mocked and lied to with in 34 seconds-I wasnt really feelin love at the moment. Sorry.
No, You kept low everything ended OK.
They started it, they were wrong.
Not much 99.9% of the population could do.
140000 pop. divided by 140+- (Minus about a dozen of FPDs most Famous)
Thank you for the shout out, but I was not there last night. I am not in California, so I hope a troll is not trying to impersonate me. I will always back you citizen M though, especially against massive corruption. I was trying to watch everything, but I guess the “video feed wasn’t working.” Can you please explain to me what happened? There was some sort of assault over taking pictures?
O merijoe…..may I publically say…I will volunteer, for anything you need for the walk..it was horrible, horrible…sitting with Sissynellys dad, and his cronies all taking pot shots at us,and then trying to provoke us…the guy that was running toward Jimmy- was about to have a heart attack..Jimmy told him really dude, cmon grandpa, you dont want to do this…then the man went ballistic-and Jimmy would have mopped this guy up and folded him like a cheap lawn chair- Jimmy- thank you for not punching that guy into next week-from what I saw last night, I would rather hang with out homeless, than those who support the three drones, or their pals..they made it so…I consider them enemies now, and will be treated so.
Thats what Cops do sometimes.
-John Wayne
Mother of all things good and holy…I hope you got film or this lunatic skidmark for show and tell and the media-I think potential jurors would be happy to see that.
Cici’s dad is an ex, active duty Nazi turned dick isnt he? He’s most likely working hand in hand with the defense attorney the other lying slease ball.
Thanks for offering to volunteer. Walkathon needs you. I will keep in touch.
From Citizen M: “I would rather hang with out homeless, than those who support the three drones, or their pals”
I have spent many a night at various grocery stores in Fullerton gathering signatures for the recall, and I can tell you from my own personal experience, that no true words were ever spoken than these.
merijoe, did you miss the circus or what?
Guess I wasn’t supposed to be there-but, WTF? Nazi’s and ex Nazi’s in the house last night. And why was the video feed not working? No problem with it last week.
This is definitely a tell john and ken moment and one of those “transparency” issues that DH keeps referring to.
Hells NO!
KFI 640 AM Radio on Demand 3-5-2012, 6PM.
Posting because it was very very good, first 16 minutes Kelly and Barnett. John and Ken have personally interviewed Barnett, also about his previous cases, Heidle rape codefendant, Alcala (serial Murder).
The rest of this Jon and Ken on demand is a very interesting case about a 26 year old Murder and torture by a female LAPD Detective.
Jury to decide whether LAPD detective killed romantic rival.
La Times, Video KTLA5.
“Do your research” (I am) -rough quote, ACU , Teachers and Friends.
Jury to decide whether LAPD detective killed romantic rival.
La Times, Video KTLA5.
I’ve been following that case. Quite interesting. The fact that she worked for another 25 years undetected, is what amazes me the most.
They arrested one their own again, finally.
Whose idea was it to turn off the video feed?
Feels intentional.
Um, I find it funny that the night all the cowards for Mckinky show up,no video and then the man ask to have rickys camers removed…..we have pics of Fullerton Finest Pension swillers..
Yes that too is interesting.
I mean here we have a retired cop speaking his mind on the Kelly Thomas issue, and all that he said.
Then this same individual confronts a photographer taking pictures in a public place, as photographers do, confronting him as if he is doing something illegal, when in fact is not.
The photographer is an innocent victim of some loons rath.
This cop knew full well he was on live audio feed that the world could, or was watching while he was speaking to the City Council. And that doesn’t seem to be a problem with him.
The guy was looking for trouble without question.
The FPD cop should have stepped in immediately, and long before this confrontation ran the course that it did, PERIOD!!!!!
A question for Wrong Guy or anyone else?
Was this uniformed cop in a position to watch this retired guy speak before the Council and knew he was retired FPD guy?
McKinky. Funny.
Could be, why no time with the SUSPECT? I could have written a citation to the perp and did most of my report outlining his conduct in that hour.
The ASSHOLE in question should have been escorted to his car, UNLESS he was drunk???
Sounds like a KISS off to me, just on it’s face.
The police did step n and told Ricky and Jimmy they were causing problems…and the cop that talked crap- asked the police officer to escort him.
To respond to SherBear’s comment.
What was going on when I was speaking was that a young man in the audience started to choke.
After the first episode, he apparently started choking a second and then a third time.
To make it clear what I said last night, I am attaching my public comments as follows:
I believe that it is an honor to sit in one of those 5 council seats. You should view it the same as if you were sitting in a courtroom under oath. I know I view any comments I present here as such!
With that in mind, I want to reiterate the crime statistics for Fullerton that I presented here on February 8th and referred to again on Feb 22, came from and were verified to the official FBI crime data base. I posted the specific numbers on the Friends for Fullerton’s Future blog dated February 15, 2012.
If C. McKinley or anyone else wants to question the accuracy of those numbers, I suggest they look it up on the official FBI website.
As far as the Americans with Disabilities’ Act, Dr. Jones & C. McKinley’s comments last meeting missed the mark entirely.
The key point of the ADA law, is to make it possible for employees to be hired despite their disabilities if the employer can make reasonable accommodations to allow for that person to fulfill the requirements of that job. In Officer Cicinelli’s case, he clearly did not meet the min. qualifications as spelled out by the job requirements for a Fullerton Police officer. Therefore, no accommodation, reasonable or not, could have made him an acceptable candidate for police officer.
Also regarding Officer Cicinelli, he was given a full police disability pension by LAPD. The intent of the full disability pension was to adequately support Mr. Cicinelli and his family for life in lieu of his ever being able to be a police officer ever again.
How come Officer Cicinelli never relinquished the LAPD disability pension he was receiving during his 13 year career with the FPD?
Finally, regarding the arrest of April Baughman for stealing money from the FPD property room reported to have taken place over a two-year period.
I still have a few questions. Where was the oversight? Where were the checks and balances? Where were the internal audits? When are we going to find out how much money was stolen? Who in city management will be held accountable? We need answers!
thanks for posting that Barry…
Yeah, that young kid was choking on a mosquito that was buzzing around everyone and he ended up inhaling it. What was amusing is that I saw him in the restroom with an FPD cop watching after him, when he pulled down his shirt collar and showed us a bite he had on his chest.
This kid ended up eating the beast that bit him. lol
Is that true Wrong Guy? I know I shouldn’t laugh, but your statment about the beast cracked me up. Poor kid.
Thank you, Barry.
One last comment. One speaker at council made the comment about making libelous statements about the gentlemen being recalled.
I do not know who that speaker was referring to, but it certainly could not be me!
As I clearly stated above, my comments about the significant increase in just about every major category of crime in Fullerton between 2005 and 2009, (the last 5 years Pat McKinley happened to be Fullerton Police Chief), were from the FBI crime data base.
Any error in those numbers would be based on the FBI crime statistics being wrong.
Libel is the intentional lying or spreading of misinformation about an individual.
I ask that speaker directly. Who is guilty of that sir? Certainly not me sir!!!!!
They call the truth libel. To them anything that sheds light on The Three Foul Balls malfeasance is some sort of slander.
“What you say is what you say” -Sher Bear
Lifesaving Service,
Not sure but is this from my past comments on what is slander (verbal) and what is libel (written)?
I think it was at the council meeting, after the Brea She Bear womens meeting.
“What you said is what you said” actually.
Ah yes…McKinley had tried to do damage control (and failed) after the She Bear meeting. He said he should’ve told the women at the meeting that “those” women in the Rincon allegations were not credible. I reminded him that he did say it there and that I had called him on it then, saying it was said to be Rincon’s M.O. to target women of little to no credibility.
Wow. I knew this was going to get ugly, but just WOW! Makes me glad I wasn’t there.
Now that the anti-recall folks are running scared you can expect it to escalate…watch your backs guys.
I will just remain in the background as I’d probably have gotten in trouble last night. Y’all know how to find me if you need me. Merijoe, I’ll hit you up later after woek.
The old aggressive guy is in a very very bad place, “A Fall From Grace” “His Empire Crumbles” with him in it. Personally I would have called the Orange County Fire Department, to at least make a report, and tell them I could not call Fullerton Fire for Safety issues. If FFD doesnt step their act up they too could be replaced for the better, same Union as FPD as I remember.
His aggressive behavior is confirmed by Dr Otts, hypothetical analyssis, of FPD Six, Cop Sniffers on FFFF. “They are actually Just children”.
A Dog that lunges at people should be put to sleep, but dogs are (or can be) better than people.
With regards to old people, I find that very often they are or have severe symptoms of dehydration. The average person does too. Very often thirsty people, think they are hungry, which just gets worse.
“Confusion” “Fussiness” “Delirium”.
Severe dehydration, a medical emergency, can cause:
Extreme thirst
Extreme fussiness or sleepiness in infants and children; irritability and confusion in adults
Very dry mouth, skin and mucous membranes
Lack of sweating
Little or no urination — any urine that is produced will be dark yellow or amber
Sunken eyes
Shriveled and dry skin that lacks elasticity and doesn’t “bounce back” when pinched into a fold
In infants, sunken fontanels — the soft spots on the top of a baby’s head
Low blood pressure
Rapid heartbeat
Rapid breathing
No tears when crying
In the most serious cases, delirium or unconsciousness
MIAMI (AP) — A veteran Miami police officer caught using her patrol car to haul mattresses has been relieved of duty with pay while the department investigates.
Several Miami television stations aired viewers’ video or photos of the marked patrol car with mattresses fastened to the top on Monday.
Officer Sandra Lyles’ vehicle, gun and badge have been taken. The 32-year veteran of the Miami-Dade Police Department is set to retire Monday, but a police spokeswoman said the investigation wouldn’t affect her retirement.
Major Nancy Perez, the department spokeswoman, says Lyles violated department policy and embarrassed herself.
A phone number listed for Lyles has been disconnected.
Personnel records show that Lyles has received merit increases since she was hired in 1980, but she’s also been disciplined than a dozen times.
2011 “Worst Police Misconduct Videos of the Year” COPBLOCK dot org
Kelly phone Video made #4 of 20
Look up Ramos and Cicinelli on the Orange County Courts website. Find the docket for their criminal case. A motion was heard yesterday, March 6, and another hearing is scheduled for I think March 16th. Something is going on. Maybe Ron Thomas can fill us in.
I think the 16th hearing was scheduled back in late January/early February and was to be the next one; wonder what the one yesterday was about.
I thought the family was telling everyone to show up March 28(?) for the hearing, which is still scheduled last I checked.
I don’t remember the March 6 motion or the March 16 hearing being there until recently.
Interesting all the commentary on this blog on who sees,saw, why can’t so and so see this video, and BINGO, we have a court order.
I bet anything, this motion was done because of the last few days discussion on this video being seen by Cincinelli’s dad, and the issue with Whitaker wanting to see it.
Someone just closed the door, and wants to make sure it stays CLOSED.
I’d say this issues is DEAD until the trial starts. Now I really doubt this trial will be televised.
Who made the motion, the DA or the defense?
I believe it was TRack, the DA.
Thanks Vernon!!
Means video must be very bad, witness accounts are known but the video quality and post content must have something indicting.
Maybe that was what the hearing yesterday (March 6) was about?
Yes, that was it. But what is the March 16 hearing about?
There are three Little League’s in Fullerton: Golden Hill Little League (Unocal Field on Brea Blvd.), West Fullerton Little League (Nicholas Junior High), and East Fullerton Little League(Chapman Park)…there is also a Pony League, Fullerton Pony (Amerige Park). All 4 leagues share field time at the Fullerton Sports Complex.
GHLL – McNasty, confirmed to speak, didn’t show. The Honorable Mr. Levinson had confirmed also and was there as promised.
WFLL – That incoherent dinosaur Don Bankhead, who 2 years ago showed up to GHLL in rival EFLL hat and pin and tortured the children with 2 minutes of gibberish, pulled a similar no-show himself this year on WFLL.
EFLL – Mayor Quirk-Silva spoke
Correction: Mayor spoke at WFLL…Bankhead (who formerly disgraced GHLL in rival gear) was wearing WFLL stuff gear that year…and he no-showed on WFLL this year.
All the no-shows and dinosaurs I myself am frightened and confused. Turn on the Price Is Right! WHERE IS MY JELLO, CLOWN?!
By the way, with all the HORROR that is the FPD, the positive merits of the Fullerton Fire Department go unnoticed. While the architect of the murdering, sexual assaulting, thieving FPD pulled a no-show for Golden Hill, and while the City was milking the non-profit league for a couple hundred bucks for parking for the event, the noble FFD volunteered their engine and dropped the ladder adorned with an American flag over the field during the “Star Spangled Banner.” Very cool!
Well done…and thanks…to Fullerton’s finest at FFD!
There was a gentleman (“Tony” – not Tony Bushala as this “Tony” was greyer, older and larger) who spoke about 1 hour 25 mins [7:55 p.m. in real time] into the meeting – I laughed about what he said about road conditions and police driving habits; I’ve experienced everything he noticed.
Loved that note to McPension ACU…
And yes, I am fully aware of what the gin blossom is. W.C. Fields had quite a few. In fact the rock band Gin Blossoms name was inspired by a W.C. Fields poster.
NOTE: I may have recieved a bit of ‘stink eye’ from a couple of officers last night.
They seem to get a bit offended by some of my comments. Last night it was probably because I said ‘the simple fact that these 6 officers were left patrolling the streets (as Mr. Thomas also stated) for about a month after the murder demonstrates intent to cover-up.
They don’t like the word ‘cover up’ for some reason. Nor do they like people like myself or others who call B.S. on their B.S.
I feel proud.
Since I am experiencing computer hell once again, this is probably my last comment until I could get to the library tonight.
To answer your question ACU, I could only say it was possible this cop saw GB’s presentation spew. I noticed at all the council meetings that I’ve attended (about 10), the officers will sometimes stand inside by the entry door or outside by the entry door, probably depending on the weather.
Each and everytime however, there are always those few ‘CopSuckers’ that stand next to them, kiss their ass, etc.
The last meeting of the year, I noticed this on my way out and went up to the two on-duty FPD cops, shook their hands and told them “Happy Holidays”, then did likewise to the two copsuckers standing with them. You should have seen their look of disgust. Priceless.
Libel my ‘rearend’!
My guess Barry, is that they were talking about you.
Whenever any derogatory TRUTHS are brought up about McKinley, FPD, etc. they are considered incorrect, inaccurate, libel, etc.
The problem is “THOSE people can’t handle the truth!”
I commend you once again Barry for remaining steadfast in bringing to light your sources of facts about the Fullerton crime rate.
I can only image McKinley got HIS inaccurate crime statistics from FPD themselves. You KNOW that report is going to be twisted.
In fact, McKinley probably wrote it himself.
“stink eye”???? LMAO!!!!
My stinky brown eye.
And your little one-eye.
Sounds like a fun meeting. Looks like the retirees will start coming in mass to all the events. Main reason is because they can tell you all to F off with no repercussions. It should get real fun in the next few months.
Bring em on!
Oooooo, we are all so scared… NOT!!
Clearly no one is scared. Like war. Both sides fight until the end. Death is always possible. Casualties mount. About to get ugly and fun.
“Captain” Reality Is, I see you just gave yourself a promotion. It would seem that you are still suffering from grandiose delusions.
You’d better stick to one name, Reality Is, or I may have to start sending you comments to the spam pile.
Bravo Tony!
Where did you go Captain TanGreen,…I mean Chief SellHue…I mean Chief WhoYo….You can run, but you can’t hide, we can SMELL you a mile away!!
All I have to say is you and your coplicker fiends are pathetic and are embarrassing the city of Fullerton along with keeping a skid mark stain on all the cops tidy whitey’s! Most of the Fullerton cops hate the fact you come on here and continue to tarnish them. Your threats are always taken seriously and are being tracked. Should something happen to anyone who is a resident and/or a supporter of change in this city. You WILL be contacted and dealt with accordingly. With the internet, you CAN’T Hide! Mark my words..
Laughing at the fact that you spit in your own coffee, filth!
You don’t know who you are anymore….poor thing.
I pity their lovers.
I think I’d ask the so called “lovers” for their own opinions about how much they love sleeping with pigs, since you are always suffering from delusions.
They are NOT pigs, they are filth. Filthy lovers sleep with only themselves.
I hear that their “lovers” get very tired of being handcuffed and having service revolvers and Tasers pointed at them.
Please check yourself into a local psychiatric hospital ward. Your delusions have become a danger to others.
Like Phil Spector!
Right on LS.
Hey there Citizen M:
Was this 6′ guy you referred to the heaviest of three with the woman (his wife) who had dark hair, with an extremely china doll white complexion and her mouth looking somewhat twisted as if if she just had a bunch of root canals done?
I believe the first thing out of his mouth was, “thank God those Occupy people will be moving.”
Yup, another extrme blowhard!
Yes Tracey, that’s what happened.
I noticed this mosquito (check spell) buzzing by me, two rows behind mosquito muncher, then a couple minutes later, he was choking away to the point it distraced Barry from his speech and he had to stop.
I got behind the kid and proceeded to bear-hug him for the Himelik (spell check again) maneuver, at which time he turned at me quickly and said, ‘no!’.
Guess I startled him.
I’ll just leave this here:
Thank you for posting this. I’m going to try and show this to as many people as possible.
Wrong Guy, the person choking was Ed Carruso, photographer for OCWeekly. He breathed in a moth or something and he began choking. Ed is a great guy who has always supported the Fullerton Residents.
I’m 90+ % sure it was a mosquito he swallowed because I saw him in the men’s restroom about 10 minutes after that. He pulled down on his shirt collar and was showing a police officer a bite (that itched) on his chest.
And I saw a mosquito hovering over our heads right before he started chocking.
Take me out to the Ball Game, take me out to speak to the crowd!
Sorry folks I got a better engagement. But remember I am on the parks and rec commission and your fields are free because I vote. So vote for me anyway. I am your friend and buddy. And please donate to my fundraiser, please?
Your friend,
Pat McPension “you can depend on my Depends”!
Tough. Goodrich PIO school. Whoops.
The scene at an officer-involved shooting on March 1 in La Mirada. Subsequent investigations revealed that the victim was unarmed when police shot and killed him.
A double murder suspect did not have a weapon when three LAPD officers and one FBI agent shot and killed the man on a roof in La Mirada last week, police announced Wednesday.
At the time of the shooting, LAPD Commander Andrew Smith said 27-year-old Frank Martinez fired a round at members of an LAPD-FBI task force.
But investigators did not find a weapon at the scene or on Martinez’s person, LAPD Sgt. Mitzi Fierro said Wednesday.
The information was confirmed by the coroner Monday, and released to police officials Tuesday during their incident briefing, Fierro said.
Officers attempted to serve a warrant on March 1 to a La Mirada residence where they knew Martinez was, Fierro said.
Officers Shoot, Kill
Murder Suspect on…
More Photos and Videos
When people inside the home walked out the front door, Martinez slipped out the back and onto the roof.
Martinez, a registered gang member, reportedly used his index finger and thumb to simulate a pointed gun, aiming his hand at the officers below, Fierro said. That’s when three LAPD officers and one FBI agent fired on the man, killing him.
Officers were “armed with information that (Martinez) was a double murder suspect and that he was uncooperative and really not complying with any orders,” Fierro said, adding that witnesses reported hearing popping sounds.
But a witness who recorded the shooting, and the subsequent investigation, noted that Martinez did not fire at the officers.
Rather, the suspect appeared to move forward and reach his hand under his pants or jacket, said the witness, who requested to remain anonymous.
The witness’ video, obtained exclusively by NBC 4, shows officers continuing to shoot even after the suspect fell.
Paramedics pronounced a handcuffed Martinez dead at the scene, but police had to wait for the coroner to search his pockets and clothes, Fierro said.
Martinez’s body remained on the roof for nearly 12 hours before it was removed.
The investigation is on-going, and the officers involved have not been reprimanded in light of the new information.
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Not crying. More like laughing hysterically in your face.
PS….I posted the pix of the coun cil meeting on FFFF facebook page. If anybody would like to get a visual of the decrepit retired FPD check out the pictures. I’m sure you will be able to pick them out.
Classic! I had to post this on fousesquawk.
That giant rat would be a better councilman than McKinley.
Bosco the Dog Mayor
“Bosco was a mix of black Labrador and Rottweiler, ostensibly the Stillman family pet, but ultimately a classic town mascot. He would hang out in front of the local bar, mooching treats from friends and visitors. If bar patrons were plastered, Bosco was known to accompany each on a sobering stroll along the railroad tracks.”
“A Golden Retriever could beat the President”
I would like to commend all of those that spoke on Tuesday night. Jimmy you were impressive. I am so proud of all of your zeal and courage and determination for justice to prevail. This thing is just getting started and our determination to clean this town up is gaining tremendous momentum. Of all the nights for the video to be down they had to choose this one. At any rate there will be many more and may we never rest until it is SAFE in our city once again and JUSTICE is served. The way things are heading with respect to the geopolitical landscape out there, we better be sure we are literally safe at home.
Jimmy you were impressive. What a joke. Cause he screams and yells like an educated fool. If thats impressive you guys are in trouble.
Doc HeeHaw screams and yell like an uneducated fool. Been on the clowncil 15.5 years.
I think you meant to call Frederick Jones AKA F. Dick Jones, an “educated tool” since I read on his campaign statement that he has ALWAYS graduated at the top of his class.
What Doc neglects to tell us, is that he was home schooled ; )
Wrong Anonymous/Gutless (because you’re anonymous)!!!
Jimmy speaks truths and I’m certain he’s a more ‘stand-up’ individual than yourself or Doc Jones.
I will reiterate. Jimmy you were impressive. I have deep respect for your courage and your character. Some of the most foolish, vile and dangerous people I have ever met were the most educated. With respect to standing up for what is right Jimmy you put Fullerton’s Inteligencia, educrats and its clergy to shame. Jimmy has guts and he says it like it is and his words were profound Tuesday night. You can’t take that away from him. Listen to him again.
What kind of low life pond scum looks forward to casualties for concerned citizens sticking up for a mentally disabled man who was beaten and tortured in our town square the day after our country celebrated our indepence from tyranny?
Look in the mirror Reality Is and you’ll find someone like I described there staring back at you. Not a pretty picture is it?
Good call Fullerton Lover.
Based on those incomplete sentences, it’s gotta be RI.
Most people would write, “This is about to get ugly and fun”, however this cool-guy cop writes, “About to get ugly and fun”.
Only a coward takes pot shots at a man like Jimmy who is continually standing up for his friend who was brutally murdered.
Jimmy has more character and compassion in his little finger than you’ll ever have dwelling in your entire body.