Welcome To The Third World?
Imagine your delight when a faithful Fullerton public works crew shows up to repair those potholes that you and your neighbors have been asking the city to fix. Well, you really are delighted, especially since all records of your original calls were lost by the city.

Then imagine your disappointment when the city employee drives away and you inspect the repair job:

We will no doubt be told that there just isn’t enough asphalt or man hours to do the job properly, an excuse as old as public servantry. But whose fault is it that City infrastructure has been neglected go for so long?
Isn’t that the City Council’s responsibility?
I think they use cold patch, then return with hot patch when they have prepared it.
Looks about right.
All Fullerton roads will be toll roads to discourage use and promote “alternative modes of transportation”.
The City will tack on a $1 per gallon of gas tax.
The City will add a motor vehicle surcharge to your water bill.
An additional surcharge will be charged to the sewer fee and sanitation fee.
The City will make it a felony to use any gas vehicle on city streets unless a special permit is purchased.
“alternative modes of transportation” being the new bike loan program. Woo Hoo
God help us.
Fantasyland. A city cannot impose most of those things. For example in California a ‘local’ fuel tax would have to be approved by public vote and then only after first being approved by the majority of city councils.
Sorry by local I mean on a county (not city) wide basis.
Agenda 21
Welcome to Fullerton. Can I buy you a drink?
This is Obama’s plan for the gas problem. Once our roads and highways are so dilapidated, everyone will have no choice but to get a horse and buggy!
You can’t out this one in Oprahma. Other cities do not look like this.
Fullerton looks like this because they blew all tax payers money on a bunch of stupid shit.
Yeah like law suits and pensions.
I think you missed a spot.
…I’m sorry but it is.
Just drive around, the streets are busted up (we’re talking about cracks everywhere), the busted up sidewalks are a major tripping hazard (god only knows how much many we’ve had to pay in settlements), the businesses that arent abandoned/closed are scattered in an ugly unorganized fashion, I can’t begin to tell you how many times I’ve tripped in Downtown Fullerton over those high sidewalks that curve into the wheel ramp things (Not sure what to call them) on top of that we owe half a billion dollars in pensions.
BUT HEY we’re going spend even MORE to put in Bike Boulevards ’cause its the future!
Forget Fullerton.
what does “all original calls were lost by the city”? Is there a number or online form or paper form that must be completed before the city of fullerton bothers to fix its streets potholes?
One of the most corrupt cities I did not have the pleasure of working in was Lynwood. As my car daily bumped and thumped over the numerous potholes of Lynwood’s streets, I saw Lynwood city council members, as their city hall was next door to where I worked, thumping and bumping their sparkling, new Jaguars or other high end cars over these same potholes without apparent concern. One city council member drove a red jaguar and she exited her call in designer clothes topped off with her flamboyant hat.
A picture is worth a thousand words and that picture told me Lynwood’s residents and business owners interests probably were not represented by their city council. A sad state of affairs
The term “third world” is now politically incorrect, but in this case I will allow it.
PC Police, WHY is the term 3rd world politically incorrect? Just curious if truth has become pc?
I learned from one of my classes, a few decades ago, that their existed four tiers of worlds. One of the most notable fourth world nations was Haiti.
I’ve been out of the liberal indoctrination program for awhile and am wondering what criteria made the categorizing of nations based on numerals politically incorrect?
Learn more about the Fullerton College attack
If you’re an out of towner you can take a virtual drive around Fullerton with google maps. You’ll see how dilapidated our city is.
I can’t help but wonder if our fascist friends at Fullerton PD will begin harassing the google street map car.
I clicked on the link that you provided, and happen to find this story about a 16 year old girl that was possibly raped in Hillcrest Park last month, and saw that a sexual assault may have occurred in the same area that the 16 year old girl from Michigan ran away from her sister’s house last week, and wondered if there might have been a connection?
…I also noticed that Andrew Goodrich is still playing spokesman for the FPD, despite the fact that the Chief of Police was telling us all a couple of months ago that Andrew’s no longer the PIO?
True to form, it appears that Andrew Goodrich continues to be more like an MIO, or mis-information officer, than to provide us with credible public safety information.
Why are we still paying this guy handsomely for this to continual B.S. ?
“Disinformation”, misinformation is wrong, disinformation is intentional, like propoganda.
Why is Fullerton PD so slow on releasing information to the public about rapists?
This isnt normal human behavior.
This is their perpetual tactic. Buy off critics with some bullshit story then wait a while (like with the water tax) and see if they go away.
Some areas of Huntington Beach are just as bad, if not worse!!
You should run for city council. We could always use another Dick Jones for entertainment.
Last night’s meeting was a major snoozefest without him spouting and babbling.
Where did you guys get that sweet photo of Mad Max’s driveway?
Fullerton 2020?
That’s the way they repaired roads in Baja in the 70s!
That was easy to excuse in 110 degree weather, but in 2012 with all the technology?
Dick Jones and Don Bankhead’s overpaid and overfed city employees sure no how to put the F. U. back in Fullerton don’t they?
That was awesome FL; totally Awesome…
English Major, while the city council does approve the budget this actually should fall on the shoulders of our wonderful City Manager. He is just following the lead of those before him. Let the city go to crap and then tell the people we need a bond to fix it all…I just want the $40,000,000 back for the Disneyland style Parking structure, really nice we have one of those however you need four-wheel drive just to get to it. This city has gone to crap.
don’t forget the six million the city o fullerton paid to buy a lot that would move a McDonalds restaurant closer to the high school
You know when your in the city of Fullerton, when you hear your car suspension laboring. The street are in such dis-repair, should just go back to dirt raods!!!
Who, me?
Welcome to Fullerton Trails… Habro Trail, Commonwealth Trail, Chapman Trail, Brookhurst… you get the idea.
That was supposed to be HARBOR TRAIL…guess I need to attend one of the Trail City Schools.
Ever notice that the roads in the more affluent areas of Fullerton (i.e. where Bankhead and Jones live) are in better shape than other parts of the city? Of course there are exceptions, but I believe this is one of the reasons the roads have been neglected for so long. McKinley has a much better idea, but Bankhead and Jones are clueless.
Oh I noticed. Driving up woods to see the tulips in bloom showed me that the people on the hill have it better then I originally thought. I guess that’s what I get for buying at the bottom of the hill.
I was talking main roads.
Chapman, Commonwealth, Malvern, Brookhurst, Magnolia, are crap.
The dividing line for State College, Raymond, Lemon, Harbor, Euclid, and Gilbert seems to be Chapman/Malvern Ave. Nice to the north, crap to the south.
Brea Blvd and Bastanchury are decent.
I’m talking the residential streets which my property taxes also pay for. If you want to talk about city streets, drive up Dale, and see how well Buena Park takes care of their side of the road compared to Fullerton. Drive on Magnolia south in front of Buena Park High School. As I’ve said it before, Southwest Fullerton is not even considered in their huge plan unless it’s to build more low income housing.
No, I agree with you. I suspect it’s been months or years since the three idiots went to southwest Fullerton. That’s why nothing has been repaired. They don’t care about that side of town.
Hey Vern,
McKinley has a better idea, only because he knows how to enrich his own environment, as Brea and Bastanchury are the closest intersection to where McKinley’s house is located.
Harbor between Hermosa and just south of Imperial is also crap; so is Orangethorpe from State College (yeah, I know, that’s Anaheim) and Brookhurst.
Good point.
oops – meant State College *to* Brookhurst 😉
And, speaking of Orangethorpe/State College, N/E corner – 2 or more FPD vehicles there every Wednesday between 6:50-7:15 a.m.; free breakfast at The Grill Boy?
Don’t forget Salt n Pepper on Brookhurst and Orangethorpe for their dinner.
If you have any doubts about Vern’s conclusion, go look at Ed Royce’s street at the end of Highland. New curbs, street, trees, etc. must be nice to be The Congressman.
Ed Royce lives on Highland? The north end?
Former City Manager Chris Meyer lives on Highland too. What a coincidence.
At least Oscar Meyer lives in Fullerton, unlike Chief Sellout.
Looks okay to me.
“Isn’t that the City Council’s responsibility?”
The city staff takes orders from the city council. When there are no orders given, they do whatever the hell they want. And resurfacing streets is not what they want, it’s what WE WANT.
You have to remember their priorities and roads are just a head of the airport…
Resurfacing streets will be cut back when the civil court settlements are paid. So hope your favorite street gets done or else it will NOT get done.
Now in some Orange County cities, streets are done on a 7 year cycle no matter what the condition. So its rare that potholes surface. That is how its supposed to be done with your tax money. In Fullerton, the Jurassics have decided that police and fire salary and benefits and pensions are more important than street repair. You get what you vote for!
No chit Tuco. Maybe I’ll start looking at the houses on the hill and just maybe one of them next to the 3 clowns will go on the market.
I can tell you that north of Dorothy in my neck of the woods where the anti recall folks dwell the crew is out within 2 days for filling pot holes. I have called at least 3 times in the last couple of years as my kids riding their scooters downhill would almost crash and they have been very responsive. They also come right away for graffiti removal from street signs and the like. I did have an issue about 2 years ago with the sidewalk adjacent to Acacia where the kids walk to school. I called 1 week later no one came. I called again and they had no record of my call. They came out the next day. I used to see the crew all the time during the phony water shortage during the summer as the mains would break because of all the water pressure building up from the residents not using water. Guess the pumping stations cant get the pressure right or something. Funny thing about the drought. I heard that for the last 2 years that the MWD didn’t have the ability to DELIVER their water allotment ie they had access to more than they could pump. Can we buy some pumps please?
Trutherseeker, Make sure you note what type of pumps they need. They may think you mean breast pumps.
Can anyone tell me why Fullerton hasn’t shut the Fullerton Airport down yet?
I know that there is tons of residential opposition to the airport, and the airport loses money and/or barely breaks even every year, so I’m left to wonder why we haven’t sold the land to pay for infrastructure improvements such as our streets and our sewers?
If the land was sold and built on by either residents or businesses, they would at least provide the city with a revenue stream for the city, and maybe even more jobs for the local construction industry?
Certainly a lot if not the majority of aircraft going in and out are NOT CIVILIAN and I am sure that the airport will always remain open as a strategic location even if it loses money. It definitely is not a benefit to the residents? I am in the flight path of the approach so I can tell you first hand that aside from the kids getting their kicks once a year with their shaved ice it is nothing more than a nuisance for my kite flying hobby, the early morning and late night noise and a hole in the ground for the city to dump money into.
There really isn’t a local residential need to keep Fullerton Airport open , as all I see is private aircraft going in and out of the airport, and very little economic upside to the city. I’d be interested in knowing what the valuation of the land is that the airport sits on, and who, what, or where, is the opposition in shutting down the airport?
I’m willing to bet that we spend a couple of million dollars every few years to re-surface the runway of an airport that VERY few of Fullerton residents ever use, yet our own streets that we drive our families on every day look like backroads in Bangladesh after monsoon season.
True that, I thought the CHP or another arm of law enforcement worked from Fullerton airport
Yes, these potholes are getting real bad. http://huffygirl.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/pot-hole.jpg
Holy Crapski!
Anybody got a picturski of the potholeski that opened up on Rosecranski?
no pics
FULLERTON (CBS) — Traffic on Rosecrans in Fullerton is grinding to a halt thanks to a sinkhole up to 15 feet deep.
The sinkhole, on Rosecrans at Gilbert Street, was discovered about 8 p.m. Wednesday. Three motorists who sustained some minor damage called police and fire officials, Fullerton spokeswoman Sylvia Palmer Mudrick said.
The sinkhole is 10 to 15 deep and city workers spent most of the night shoring up a portion of the street to handle the commute, Mudrick said.
Traffic is down to one lane westbound on Rosecrans, leading to some pretty sever backups.
It could take several weeks to fix the hole, Mudrick said.
“The funds just aren’t available” says retired City Spokesholess Sylvia Palmer Mudrick as she cashs two paychecks.
Is it true shes collecting a pension and a salary from the same position?
That is an absolute lie. She is collecting a pension and a parttime stipend. Get you facts straight.
Why are some so quick to say “lie.”? Then adding “get “you” facts straight.
The difference is a lie is malicious usually with straight facts. Facts not straight is rarely, if ever a lie, just misinformed.
My suggestion would be to get your facts straight before calling someone, even someone you disagree with, or that you believe is wrong, a liar. Especially if you’re wrong about their motive and your comment is malicious. Which would make you the….
Whoa whoa whoa! “Someone” is getting a bit too defense.
He was just asking a question not stating a fact.
It was a joke guys; hyperbole a a matter of fact. It would be a salary if she were still full time. it is a stipend because she is working three days per week.
Sylvia was who I looked up to when she was the Fullerton beat reporter at the Daily News Tribune and I was the minimum wage “stringer” who once got to fill in for her at a Fullerton Planning Commission meeting. That was 35 years ago.
Nothing against Silvia, but retirement used to be for when you could not work any more. This notion of deserving your retirement and then pay for continuing working is something that cropped up in the last ten years, mostly in the public sector. I can’t blame Silvia for taking it if it is offered, but it is wrong and dricving Fullerton and California bankrupt, along with several other practices.
As of an OCR article in October, 2009 (based on info Hutchens provided and the article was found with a google search for her salary and pension) –
“Sheriff Sandra Hutchens earns a total of $354,236 per year from the county for her salary and benefits, including $115,669 that goes toward paying her pension in Orange County’s system, and another $16,638 toward her 401A retirement account. Meanwhile, in 2008, she collected $138,007 from the pension she earned working for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. That brings her total annual compensation to $492,243.”
and how many persons in the private sector are earning nil on their private retirement because federal reserve chairman Ben bernanke artificially suppresses the interest rate so people may more easily afford to borrow money in the form of mortgages and other financing schemes from banks issued worthless money due to bernanke’s quantitative easing which is code for merely printing money that is not backed by any solid capital or ventures. So public employees still earn max dollars from Wall Street’s speculation driven by bernanke dollars,think Disney dollars, and the private sector steadily loses money on their investments while their taxes are onerously increased by all levels of government. The current initiative “tax the millionaires” to increase government revenue ironically will push successful entrepreneurs and businesses that stimulate our economy deeper into debt and will make public employees relatively fabulously well-to-do.
Steve,anonymous was correct,she collects a pension and a stipend is still pay for work done,double dipping
What street is this on?
Orange County Sheriff Sandra Hutchens has been appointed by Gov. Jerry Brown to the state Commission on Peace Officers Standards and Training.
I wonder why he Gov. Brown didn’t appoint his twin Lee Baca.?
Lee Baca? HAHAHAHA he is goin the way of the San Francisco Sheriff. Good luck!
Another plus for those “We Love Fullerton” banners. People will be looking up at those so maybe the neglected streets will not be so noticable.
lol. Yes. Look up, not down. And whatever you do, never take a backwards glace!
The roads cannot be fixed until the decaying pipes are replaced from years of neglect.
I talked to City workers, not the desk jockeys, they will tell you it is just patch and go. So where has the money gone???
Bankhead’s pension thats where
Pensions, Settlements and Fullerton Police Department.
**********Maybe she learned from Cicinelli****************
Fullerton father, teenage daughter win hero award for saving woman from angry deer
3:36 p.m. | By Ashley Bailey
A father-daughter duo from Fullerton and a Texas man who saved six people after a tax protester crashed a small plane into a building housing government offices are among 21 winners of Carnegie medals for heroism.
Californians Michael Vaughan and his teenage daughter Alexis saved a woman in Idaho from an attack by an angry deer.
He says they were moving back to Southern California when they noticed the deer by their storage unit pinning a woman down with its antlers.
“It was no Bambi, I’ll tell you that,” said Michael Vaughan. He says it kept charging at him and punctured him in the leg three different times before his daughter found a hammer. “It wouldn’t give up the whole time she was wailing on it with a hammer — it would not give up.”
Finally, the teenager gave it “one good whack in the eye” and the deer ran off into a cornfield.
I bet if those potholes were in the nice areas of FUllerton, they would be filled and finished nicely almost immediately. Check around town, see what I mean.
The problem has to do with the simple and glaring fact that the city’s budget for street maintenance is $3M per year, while the budget for the police department is a whopping $37M per year. Don’t expect change with Bankhead and McKinley occupying their seats on city council. The people of Fullerton pay for decent roads and infrastructure. That is what they should expect from their city government. Change is a two-step process: Step 1) Vote yes on the Recall. Step 2) Vote for people to replace Jones and Bankhead, and for Matt Rowe to replace Pat McKInley.
Matthew, cops and road repair are not funded from the same sources. Roads are paid for out of Measure M 1 & 2 “turnback funds, plus Gas Tax revenue, grants, etc; cops mostly via the General Fund, and increasingly by Homeland Security grants.
One solution is to set up a separate, segregated road fund with transfers from the General Fund. Another strategy is to cap the administrative/inspection/contingency portion of projects at 5 or 6%.
Budget savings are going to have to come from the total compensation approach to labor negotiations and real concessions from the unions. All of them.
So far the unions have not had to deal with the real threat of real job loss – not paper jobs. That day is coming.
Im going to contact someone at the city about this. Where was that photo of the patched street taken?
I checked with the city this morning and had them look at the photo of the damaged street posted on FFFF. The response was it does not look like the kind of work performed by Fullerton city crews. The woman said that she did not think the photo was taken in Fullerton.
Well, it figures that nobody in city hall will own up to their own work.
Does anybodyski who workskis in City Hallski ever get out of the buildingski?
For some reason this photo reminds me of that Estevez guy from Lake Forest.
Tony, please tell me where this shotty repair was made. I’m going to insist that it gets repaired correctly. I would like to take additional photos to take to city counsil if the street is not repaired properly.
“English Major” never said that photo was taken in Fullerton. Read the article very carefully before jumping to conclusions.
Ok, below the photo the caption is Fullerton Asphalt Bridge Fail. That’s why I thought the photo was of a Fullerton street. I quess I own the lady I talk to at the city an apology.
Look at the metadata for the photo. It was taken in the city of Fullerton on 3/20/2011.
Er… 3/20/2012, not 2011.
I checked the metadata the info on the location is not there.
What? I followed the link above and determined that you, Vincent, are incompetent.
Trollski failski.
Can you tell me the location please, I want the city to repair the street. It looks unsafe I would hate to see a bicycle rider hurt. The city dosent need anymore lawsuits.
The city repaired the street comrade.
Nyet. You owe yourselfski an apologyski for failing to pullski head out of asski.
Vincentski, “shotty” isn’t a wordski.
Get it pavedski, fastki.
I have four!…and when I was there, takin pictures, had to laugh because we, finished takin pics and lo and behold Tony is taking pictures too.
“It was no Bambi, I’ll tell you that,” said Michael Vaughan. He says it kept charging at him and punctured him in the leg three different times before his daughter found a hammer. “It wouldn’t give up the whole time she was wailing on it with a hammer — it would not give up.”
Finally, the teenager gave it “one good whack in the eye” and the deer ran off into a cornfield.
Did you say..She learned after the Sissynelly incident. Your killing me jeeves.
And do they even live in Fullerton?
I thought the article said that the daughter went to Esperanza and they were interviewed at the house Michael grew up in.
We should all be supporting Justice for Trayvon and demanding that his killer be charged and prosecuted. We know as with Kelly that increasing the heat and pressure helps force the powers that be out from under their rock.
Isn’t it ironic how the police in both cases have chosen to protect the murderers? Bizarro
Also ironic, Truthseeker, is that the killer’s dream is be a real cop. Sound familiar? “I want to be a reeeeeeal poleeth offither when I grow up!” a la Cicinelli.
The killers-a breed cut from the same cloth no doubt-if this stuff goes south we go back to the 1960s in this country-that kid was hunted down like an animal-just like Kelly Thomas. At least the grand jury was called over there-over here we had to wait MONTHS for charges. I don’t like the fact that on both sides of the country we have charged situations festering with LE accelerating the fermentation process.
Manuel Ramos wanted to be a ‘Fullerton Toker Towner’ when he grew up, so he joined FPD.
Go figure.
This is what happens when the public is allowed to carry concealed handguns.
No, it’s not. This is what happens when iresponsible assholes, eager to shoot someone, using “I was in fear for my life” as an excuse, are allowed to carry concealed.
As a Benefactor level Life Member of the NRA I’m stating that most, 99.9% of the public leagally allowed to posess guns under the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution, are contrary to what you anti-gun people say, totally responsible and unlikely to shoot someone for no reason.
You are so right my friend. This is why we need to prevent felons from carrying concealed.
Can you imagine how safe cities like Compton, Pomona, Palmdale and Santa Ana would be if felons were banned from carrying concealed?
Its quite simple. Felons + Guns = Violence. Felons + Gun Ban = Safer Communities.
What planet do you live on? Felons ARE ALREADY banned from carrying weapons of any kind!! But, they will manage to get them from our wonderful ATF Fast and Furious program, or from some other source coming across our borders, etc. The bad guys will ALWAYS have guns. If you outlaw weapons/guns, the ONLY people who will be unarmed, and defenseless, will be the good guys, the law abiding citizens, like you and me. In case you haven’t noticed, the cops always show up AFTER a crime has been committed. They are not close enough to help you when you need them, and even then, they are just as likely to shoot/murder an innocent person. (Just ask Kelly Thomas.) And, the cops have NO DUTY TO PROTECT you. It’s the law. So, don’t count on the cops to save your life.
I was right with you up to the words gun ban. As is mentioned laws already exist that make it illegal for convicted felons to posess or own guns of any type. Think about it seriously before using the words gun ban, because the intent of the gun banners aren’t to restrict convicted felons, it’s to restrict the rest of us. As is also mentioned then the only ones to have guns will be crooks, and cops…
O Steve, the confusion might be from the fact that several retired officers at the ol PD, were brought back in to help…and yes THEY are double dipping, and they will be let go. Becasue its against the LAW- Imagine cops breaking their own laws… So, If anon was confused, this maybe perhaps why…they DO IT, and Nasty swipe Syl is a staple for those donut eaters, she is rude and we have her emails that shows she is a tool. So, of course we want to know if the human troll is getting more than her share, So, yeah maybe get stuff straight…why not help us get stuff straight/ I have never seen you at City Council, water meetings, emergency meetings. correct me if Im wrong..you may have gone , but Im unaware of who you attendance or words at any meetings. Again I could be wrong.
sorry didnt spell check….you get my drift- steve.
If Rubberized Asphalt were used the roads wouldn’t need to be repaired so often. I figure the main reason, or at least part of it is, if it were used, there would be some job loss, at least in the repair area. I’m sure there’s more to it than that. I just figure it has more to do with profit than anything else. It is possible that people aren’t aware of it. But if they are in the business of building roads, how can they not be?
Benefits of Rubberized Asphalt
“Reduces Reflective Cracking in Asphalt Overlays
Reduces Maintenance Costs
Improves Resistance to Cracking in New Pavements
Improves Resistance to Rutting in New Pavements
Increases Pavement Life
Improves Skid Resistance
Decreases Noise Levels
Beneficially Uses 500-2,000 scrap tires per lane mile”
Rubberized asphalt
Let me quess, Tony Bushala just bought an paving company?
Did Cpl Lenny Bedwetter say Fullerton PD made 757 DUI Arrests last year around 00:08:17 ?
Good point Tony, did you know it’s also against the law to ride a bike high on cocaine.
Coffman or Goodstink. Gotta be.
That was dumb.
I am trying to help and I’m being moderated?
Whenever your post contains certain links or words it will be automatically moderated. This is nothing new or unusual.
Drama? No. Misunderstanding? possibly.
I’ve made 100’s of posts on this blog, many with links and have never been moderated. I was not aware of ‘certain words’ or links being moderated. If that is the case, fine.
Perhaps those who have to change their user name just to be an ass should be moderated.
Ask MR Royce, MR DHS himself that question. You will watch a guy dodge,move,pretend he didnt hear you..Ed ROYCE- is a looser.
Ok so the photo was not taken in Fullerton but we know wherever the damaged street was located its now repaired?
Thanks for clearing that up.
Well, that is definately not Fullerton. Because they aren’t filling potholes in or hot mopping cracks even. I am feeling like it is a conspiracy going on. It is a way to make you driver slower especially on Commonwealth.
…does anyone remember the old Art Linkletter T.V. program, “Kids Say The Darndest Things”?
I thought about that program when I read further on in the article past the part that you quoted.
It’s a remark from the Father’d teenage daughter…
“I did anything and everything to get it off my dad ‘cause that’s my dad,” said Alexis Vaughan. “And nobody likes to see their dad cry and scream like that. Everybody keeps calling me a hero and I think of all the other people that I consider a hero and I look at it as I was just at the right place at the right time.”
After she graduates this June, Vaughan says she plans to go into a career in law enforcement.
Wow. A hammer and a badge.
I sense that she is not a Thug, hopefully the world will be a better place, and she does not have to become one, She got a nice award not toned down murder charges.
At $10,000–$15,000 per DUI, I’m beginning to understand why the Fullerton Police Officers Association sponsored candidates Jones, McKinley, and Bankhead do want to let their cash cow of DUI arrest be sent to pasture any time soon. The Police Department and the business owners are the only ones that profit from all of the drunks that frequent the bars in downtown Fullerton, yet the residents are the ones that have to suffer the repercussions of the patrons drunken behavior through property damage, and having to pay $100K per year in each additional police officers salary to babysit the out of town drunks that inhabit downtown all weekend?
Figures, she just beat the hell out of some crazy bambi, loved it and now wants to be a cop…that makes me feel warm inside. Dear lord!
The photo of the broken street is not Fullerton although the owner of this blog would like you to believe this story was about Fullerton. Makes one wonder what other information is manufactured here. Tony people are not as dumb as you think they are. You have taken a leadership role in this city how about a little accountability and above board reporting on your part?
Man you have a very poor reading comprehension like your buddy Vincent.
He has?
Are you talking to FFFF or The OC Register?
Really? Okay. Where is it?
Valencia Mesa and Sunnycrest per the EXIF data.
Vincent, go on Valencia and Euclid toward Brookhurst…you will see grass growin the middle of the street…and patches galore..Look, if we found a dead boy hooker in McKinleys bed, the city would say….per Andy= Pat McKinley suffered broken bones, Vincent Im telling you if you walked in with a patch that had Fullerton etched into it- they would deny it. Just saying
Jason – apparently you havent left your house in years, and get your information about Fullerton from a blog, Im cool with that, but those of us that do conduct perimeter searches, or drive on our streets can atest to the quality of our roads, is disgusting. But hey the guys on the hill…have great roads…go figure?
If English Major refuses to give up the address of this photo, then he or she is a liar. E M, don’t lie or one of thes nights you will find yourself in the deep, dark night lying next to the evil triad,Bankhead,Jones,McKinley