Why Are Larry Bennett and The Three Dead Batteries Afraid to Debate?

Back in November the Fullerton Recall proponent Chris Thompson issued a challenge to anti-recall spokescloaca Larry Bennett to a debate. Bennett claimed that he had to wait for his superiors (presumably “Dick” Ackerman and Dave Ellis) to get back from Thanksgiving Break.
After that, crickets.
Crickets – until the Recall signatures were validated by the Registrar of Voters and the Fullerton Is For Sale Gang knew it was in deep shit. The very next day Bennett appeared out of the blue, just dying to “debate.” But not live, no, but in a creepy, censored, on-line environment in which he could get nonsense written by Ellis and Ackerman in front of the public. Any one, really.

As Dick Jones would say: Nuh, uh!
Bennett it’s time you stood up in front of a live audience and explained all the lies on your pathetic website and your dopey mailers. Then you can explain to the people of Fullerton about the record of the Somnolent Sloths you are so proud of. You can explain all about the Culture of Corruption in the FPD – well documented by one case of malfeasance after another, culminating in the death of a man. You can explain the land giveaways your boys made to campaign contributors, and the the illegal attempt to expand Redevelopment. You can tell them all about the illegal 10% water tax that they have imposed on the water rate payers of Fullerton for 15 years.

Better yet, Larry why don’t you thaw out one of your boys to do the talking for himself? Bankhead? Jones? McKinley? You claim these three are experienced, wise, honorable men. Surely such paragons of virtue can speak up for their own record, right?
There’s nothing more worthless than a dead battery.
If not disposed of properly, dead batteries are toxic and hazardous.
Good grief. You’ll have Larry fumbling for his dictionary!
You can’t blame them. Nobody wants to go into a battle without any weapons.
Can you imagine Jones or McPension trying to explain the in-lieu franchise tax. The poor demented bastard Bankhead tried to pay $6,000,000 to move a McDonald’s 200 feet. And that was three years ago!
Well it’s time these three answer some real questions. Come on Larry are you scared?
Thank you Joe Sipowicz for keeping the heat on this callous oaf that keeps his nose so far buried up Chief McKinley’s ass, that it now appears that Larry’s nose was able to telepathically communicate via Larry’s olfactory nerves synchronizing up the Chief brain which has been firmly lodged up his own ass for some time.
Anywho here’s a nifty Frequently Asked Questions from the City of Fullerton about the Fullerton Recall that I wanted to share with everyone…
Wait a sec it only cost $9,071.20 to count the signatures?
Didnt Whatsherface Mcclanahan claim that it was going to cost $3.40 to verify each vote?
Did you mean ex-Mayor Molly Mis-Information McClanahan?
Thats the kinda person that got us into this mess. Know more Molly = No more Molly
my prognostication is there will be no debate; not in a million years. But I’d love to be wrong, drinks are on me.
The Three Bobbleheads are toast.
I am not sure that FFFF realizes what a gift Larry Bennett has handed over. Posting under true names is one thing, posting under identifyable ip adresses is another.
Travis has done an exemplary job of hosting this website. However, he is a full computer generation (12 months in real time) behind Sharon Gilbert of iepolitics.com.
I say that if Larry wants a real debate, let us set up a website that is a subsection of all of the pertinent websites for the purpose of a true debate. Anyone who wants to stay anonymous can continue to post protected on the existing forums. But anyone posting on the new non-anonymous public forum will not only post under their own name, but allow their ip address to be traced back through all paths to its original orogin.
I am confident that Sharon can show FFFF how to do this. I am also confident that the FBI is already doing this. Larry bennett, are you willing to take this challenge?
The only thing missing is a common friend to link FFF to iepolitics.com. ACU, do you have any ideas?
Steve, I don’t want to read the same old garbage this idiot permits to be posted over his name on their comical website.
I want the public to see these dithering dinosaurs in a real, unscripted setting explain their actions, their inaction, their knee-jerk defense of the indefensible. I want to revel in having their ignorance and incompetence put on display. I want to watch Larry Bennett sweat little yellow fear pellets as Thompson slices him up.
Does that make me a bad person?
Gee,Steve, why are you so compelled to know the identities of those who comment on this site? don’t give me platitudes, just your personal reason?
Steve, this site always has been completely open to anonymous commenters. That will never change.
The truth stands on its own, no matter who says it.
Van, I am not compelled to know the identities of those on this site. It was Larry Bennett’s challenge. I am suggesting a common site to all related sites that is by true name and tracable. I will participate under my real name, you don’t have to.
Joe, why not let them give their script on an open forum when we have the tools to unscript it.
Y’all in my old hometown seem to be new and unexperienced in the blogosphere. Here in the inland empire, we have more faith in the open institution.
You guys seem offended that Larry is trying to throw a hail-Mary from his own endzone. We are going for the safety before he has time to release.
ACU assures me that although the FPD seems to be going about their business as usual, they are scared. He knows cops.
I say that although Dave Ellis seems to be going about his job as usual, he is scared. I know politics.
You’re missing a point here. Only cowards hide behind a computer screen to take on their oppenents. Identifying those who post here is only one aspect of the ridiculous offer. Why are you so insistent on this happening? It’s either live or nothing.
I hope any candidate running doesn’t accept such a ridiculous offer, either.
Lets get the football stadium with Chris Thompson and Liary Bennett on a Saturday night with plenty a parkin and seatin and let it ride and let the cameras roll.
truthseeker, when you have a chance would you please contact me at http://www.fullertonsfuture.org/contact/. I have a question for you.
Thank You,
Tony Bushala
Live debates with the everyone running. No need for strategists anymore.
While I would love to do it and will do it, I must concur. If the candidates can’t take this cornucopia of truths and make a case for recall, they shouldn’t be running. For the record, I called Larry the day he made his proposition. He did not call me. Doesn’t change anything of importance, I just like to be accurate.
Bennett’s wacky list of hostage demands for his “hide behind the computer screen debate-so I don’t have to deal with confrontation or give quick answers” idea showed that the elevator doesn’t go to the top and he’s a sandwich short of a picnic.
I rolled my eyes when I read that the three wanted to debate on this blog, yet make everyone post under their true names. First of all, it’s Tony’s blog. Get with the 21st century and get your own. Second, the other side might actually try to explain the issues instead of fixating on Tony. “BAD, BAD TONY! BAD, BAD POT SMOKING TONY!”
To play devil’s advocate though, it’ll be interesting to see if voters will support this recall.
“To play devil’s advocate though, it’ll be interesting to see if voters will support this recall.”
Well, to me it seems like the community is supportive of a recall based on the number of petitions that were voluntarily and uncoercely signed.
I’m not thinking there is anything to worry about regarding that, as long as awareness is brought to the community to vote.
I agree that there will have to be a big voter push of probably ages 18-50. Just a random thought is all.
Steve, actually I think Joe and the others FFFF folks have done one hell of a job ACROSS the board.
I think the simple exchanges like we saw with Chris have made their mark on Bennett and others.
The recall is in place, expectations have been exceeded beyond imagination.
There are at least two defendants awaiting trial in Kelly’s case.
Gennacco, the FBI are doing their thing right now. I believe more to come on that.
There have been two civil rights lawsuits filed in recent months against FPD. Another lawsuit filed by a private business against FPD.
The blog is alive and well.
I think the wheel of public scrutiny has been well made in this case.
At this point looking at EVERYTHING, I see no need to re-invent it.
Bennett missed the first few innings of the game, struck out, lost points, now he wants to go into overtime. NO!!!!!!!!!
Let him kick the can in the alley behind City Hall.
This is one of the best games of kick the crooks butt I’ve seen in my day. ALL LEGAL, seems the i’s have been dotted and the t’s crossed.
Most of this accomplished in 6 months. WOW!!!!
Thanks for the kind words, but I am a realist. it took a dead man to crack the ice of indifference and complacency here in Sleepyton. Despite the new warming trend the glacier if still big.
I don’t disagree, ACU. But as we have been discussing this week, there are different factions in Fullerton with different sources of communication. We know that the Fullerton Observer thinks that FFFF can best be ignored.
No matter how sucessful so far, at some point the recallers are going to need to breach into the wider group of voters to win the majority.
Larry seems to be convinced that his gain is to reach out to the FFFF crowd and undermine there. This could be because he believes he has his block secure and wants to undermine FFFF. It could also be because he thinks he has few behind him and in desperation thinks his only option is to confront FFFF directly.
I’m not saying that FFFF should open up and let Bennett set all the rules of a debate. I am saying that FFFF needs to widen the debate to other’s turf, so they should use Bennett’s challange but demand that the rules open the debate up to all the people of Fullerton and all of the methods of communication.
Very true Steve. Ffff is a very small segment of Fullerton. Gotta get the word out and quick.
Who is running on the FFFF ticket? That news has to break here soon. We are losing steam. Half the signatures are people that will vote to keep the old farts in office. We need the other voters to change.
I know Tony and Chris have their people in place. Let it be known.
Dream on…we are not losing steam and I can assure you, half of the people who signed the petitions will not be voting to keep them in office. I did not just gather signatures, I had conversations with most people who signed with me. I’d say only one out every fifty signed simply for the democratic process of getting it on the ballot to give people a chance to vote on this. The rest signed because they want them out. We’re talking a lot of people who signed with me btw.
Good. I hope so. I’m running for one of the spots. I want to run Fullerton when they leave.
:::troll alert:::
Then let Larry Bennett start a debate in something like the Fullerton Observer. Another cowardly means for Bennett but then it will viewed by people who might not visit this blog.
Bottom line is, nobody owes Bennett a debate. He’s has several opportunities and ran from each one. What you’re not getting or do but think you know best, is that no Bennett and co. will not be indulged nor will they be bargained with here. Similar to another’s comment: they refused to play regular innings and now want a chance to score with ridiculous overtime. Game over. Now it’s time for them to debate candidates and at least make some type of legitimate attempt to keep their seats.
steve, there are no factions or differing medias with differing opinions and beliefs. Sadly for our town, there are the good people of fullerton, the majority of folk, who sincerely believed our municipal government and its police force truly desired to do best by us by respecting and protecting our rights guaranteed in our Constitution.
and then there are the evil folk of Fullerton who preyed on our decency and trust. Our current city council members, Jones, Bankhead and McKinley, and their supporters, including Sharon Kennedy’s Fullerton Observer that had the gall to report the murder of Kelly Thomas by our police force as “Death downtown Investigated” then ran a week or two later a special edition that fussed over the loss of tumbleweed and cacti infested Fullerton acreage owned by Chevron to a housing development.
FFFF’s turf is the good people of Fullerton, the majority of this town. You and your cousins’ turf, sharon Kennedy and Rusty Kennedy whom we all know is the CEO of the Orange County Human Relations Commission where McKinley proudly served Rusty as a representative of law enforcement is the evil minority where Bennett receives his impetus to debate/denigrate the efforts of Tony Bushala and Chris Thompson,
However, a debate is moot when we realize actions speak louder than words. Our city council’s silence and obfuscation of evidence regarding their police force’s long history of abuse inflicted upon the good people of our town, its theft of our tax dollars via illegal water tax, its acceptance of kickbacks from developers all paid with our tax dollars counterfeited as redevelopment monies, scream murder, beatings, molestation theft and greed.
and so, Steve, you want to open a debate regarding your desire to serve your family members and their interests?
I don’t do turf, Van. I used to do trees all over Orange County and on Catalina Island. Currently I am launching a business to grow and plant hedge shrubs from San Diego to Ventura.
That is my vocation. My avocation is political corruption, which began when family friend, former Fullerton Mayor and then Orange County Supervisor Ralph Deidrich was charged and convicted of bribery in the 1970’s. Two years ago, looking into the San Bernardino County scandals, I found that one could now not only study, but in some way participate through blogs. You might imagine how Kelly’s case caught my interest, occurring in my hometown where members of my own family were pertinent tributary public figures.
One thing I know from growing up in Fullerton is that the handling of one issue may be complicated by factionalism from a totally different issue. One person may be stuck in the civil rights battles of the 60’s. Another may be stuck in the 30-year battle over the West Coyote Hills. Another may be stuck in personal disagreements in a living room in the 1970’s. Currently, I am interested in learning how good information can cross factional lines.
Debates are one method. My interest in elective politics stems from the great Deidrich-Dannemeyer debates of 1966. I’m talking about the spontaneous arguements between the son of then future OC Supervisor Ralph Deidrich and the son of future Congressman Bruce Dannemeyer in the classroom of the wife of future Fullerton Councilman Buck Catlin.
Somehow there is going to be a form of communication among the factions in Fullerton from which a decission is made whether or not to recall the three councilmembers and who to replace them with. The question is what the form of communication will be and the quality of information that is conveyed.
But it is probably silly to listen to a gardner expound on these things. Gardners never do anything important. Sometimes they overhear things while trimming the hedges. Sometimes they are called in to do some heavy lifting at the end.
I can’t do much. I have explained here where Rusty and Sharon are coming from. In a clandestine manner I have encouraged Sharon to follow this blog. I have also passed on the legitimate points from Van. Due to time constraints, I had to turn down the offer to formally cover the Kelly Thomas trial for the Observer.
Which reminds me, I’ve got to go, litterally, to pick up several tons of fertilizer.
“Which reminds me, I’ve got to go, litterally, to pick up several tons of fertilizer.”
I think I heard that line from Larry Bennett!
Steve Brow, the fertilizer you speak of is located at 303 W. Commonwealth Avenue. They pile it high there just so you know.
You speak for Rusty and Sharon? Do their mouths (or hands) not move on their own without your hand up their arses? or is it vice versa?
if you need a shovel for your fertilizer, they are all being used at the present time after reading your post.
All of our mouths and hands move quite independently. Check you later.
Why does this community continue to put up with this BS? What is going on in Fullerton?
Steve Brow uses many words but doesn’t say much. this is why he isn’t anonymous on this blog site. his most daring comments are contact me and will personally speak about this or let’s meet and I will mediate this for you and so forth.
in essence, Steve prides himself on using his own name , yet he prefers clandestine correspondence, what is the did fence, Steve?
I don’t thnk I understood the gist of that.
get out your dictionary and look up clandestine
What is the difference?
Does this mean Larry Bennett is afraid of a debate with you, however he is fully willing to debate with Tony?
Wrong Guy: Does this mean Larry Bennett is afraid of a debate with you, however he is fully willing to debate with Tony?
Because the 3 clowns refuse to believe the people of Fullerton are DONE and have spoken. The only thing they think they have is to make the recall about Tony. What if the money come from someone other then Tony, do you think he would be making it all about them too?
I’m so tired of listening to Larry Bennett and his crumbling foundation.
Exactly. Tony stays in hiding. Chris is the public version of Tony on Tonys payroll. Tony knows if he comes out of hiding the recall is dead. He’s no dummy. That’s why the no recall people will put all the blame on Tony. It just might work. We will see.
Keep reviewing this blog and you will find out!
Although this is in reference to a previous post, I watched the city council meeting from last Tuesday night from the 4th hour which was the start of the Bob’s Towing episode. I noticed after the one-sided report from Officer Scott that Bruce Whitaker was the only one to question why there were no violations listed on the other tow companies. Bankhead said, “I trust my police” and McKinley ends up interrogating a Charlie from Bob’s Towing.
Bottom line, the presentation by Officer Scott was OBVIOUSLY one-sided and weak and the two former cops bought it. Dick Jones ended up siding with Bruce to NOT make any decisions until their is further research done on all the towing companies.
At least this time Jones didn’t automatically side with his two fossiled friends.
The report was very weak and was not the first report done by that department that has been rejected by counsel. Counsel has continously recognized that the officers who are in charge of commercial enforcement are incompetent.
Have we considered the possibility that our clown of a City Attorney Richard Jones instructed them to badmouth Bob’s Towing in their presentation?
They had been working on that report for quite some time. Long before the lawsuit. Counsel instructed them the year prior to open up the rotation to more than one company, yet in the end you can see that their plan was to again stay with one company. Even the other applicants cited there was bad information presented against them and there business. Something is not right in the towing program. Why is it so important to stay with one company for the police tows even when instructed otherwise.
I wanted to clarify this quote from Bennett
Bennett AKA Agent Miscreant-Make this clear for all to see…
A DEBATE is not rejected, it never was when it was offerd to you by Chris Thompson in November,
just your cowardly approach to it and the fact that the 3 dipwads won’t speak for themselves because no one wants to hear your rehearsed, “what are you talking ’bout, Willis”, decomposing, fables.
and BTW, too little, too late.
Really? I haven’t looked. Is that really on their site? I want to laugh so hard. Like we didn’t see that coming and I even mentioned it here when I said in their minds, they had a win/win thing. Pathetic.
Sherbear, yep it’s there on that red blog of theirs that doesn’t allow for commenting.
I just read it. You know what’s more pathetic than this? The idiots who will buy into it. Nevermind everything the three dimwits did, nevermind this is not about Tony and nevermind that Bennett was afraid to debate Chris and nevermind his proposal is unethical and cowardly.
Larry Bennett, if you’re reading this, you are more spineless than I ever imagined and to coin a phrase of my late husband, lower than pigshit. I think when you and I had our impromptu debate and I nailed everything you said, you realized you’d be in deep kimshee if you went up against Chris, whose knowledge and debate skills are far greater than mine. So, when you told me at that time that you were going to debate Chris and the arrangements were being worked out, were you lying or did you suddenly realize you were in over your head? I see you being quite capable of both so I really don’t know.
And while we’re on the subject of cowardice, why don’t you open up your joke of a website and allow for public comments?
You guys are missing the bigger, better story. Our elitist recallees are more terrified than Larry is at the thought of a debate. That’s the bottom line. Ackerman and Ellis are irrelevant since they don’t live here. Larry Bennett is the only puppet at their disposal willing to discuss the merits of the recall, as he sees them, but his speech and debate skills are weak at best.
Larry Bennett is their proverbial white flag and we’ve seen him since day one.
Nah, not terrified. My opinion is that they think this won’t go through, so why exert energy? They think it’s in the bag. I’ll bet you that.
They’re very stupid if that’s what they think.
You might be right. They are in massive demented denial and are being robbed by their own handlers.
I guess there are several angles to the “debate” gauntlet thrown down by Larry Bennett. Mine is that he and his handlers want to look engaged but have to be in a position to control the downside. Typing away in an anonymous room somewhere he or anyone claiming to be him could respond in slow time to any question asked. Meanwhile, the most valuable intel they could possibly ever get would be to identify who is posting on this site.
For minimal downside exposure they might be able to uncover a nugget or two. Who some of these posters are drives them crazy I’m sure.
I for one enjoy not knowing who the posters are. Any one of us who work for the city is free to speak our mind in this forum. Think that might change if all posters were outed? They know the inside scoop regarding PD issues has to come from the inside so no doubt they would like to find the source.
Nice try Bennett. Tony and Chris speak for the recall as a representative because the recall by definition is not about any of the proponents. Unfortunately for you, the reverse is not true. The only proper or necessary representative of the three electeds is them. Step aside shill and let the games begin.
I say that Don, Dick and Pat should debate the issue themselves. Maybe Pat can clear up how he was able to do a live nationwide t.v. interview while he simultaneously remained silent.
To call in the Public Guardian. These three are mentally incompetent and need to be protected.
Just what the hell is it about a debate that would enlighten anybody.
The dinosaurs are history. Do not accord them any more time or relevance.
This debate BS is a distraction, when work for a plan to support acceptable candidates in the coming election is of great importance.
Think negative and smear it deep amd wide.
lol I see the trolls have a new name…same desperation…same junior high mentality (and that’s being generous)…right, Fullerton Ruler?
I only have One Rule, everyone must have fake facebook pages!
Does nobody else realize it’s really easy to setup a Facebook page? I personally have three and I often debate with myself on the OV registers page and I made a person up so I can comment on Fullerton Stories (crappy website with stories about Fullerton, owned by people in bed with city hall. True Story)
The spirit of the Internet started fake names, how many emails addresses foXxXyLady19@yahoo.com. How many dudes met other dudes in chat rooms thinking they were talking to girls? It’s the Internet, Larry. It goes against every optic fiber of this crazy technological advancement to force people to be themseleves. It’s the first place where ameninity is sacred. It’s our choice who we will be or will become.
Larry (MarkyMarkFanBoy89@aol.com), why are you so obsessed with knowing identities of commenters, authors, and others associated with this blog? Do you wish to sick the corrupt police force on private citizens voicing their opinions? Is there some crazy idea in your head you can use this as a clever way to add friends to your Facebook page? Do you think by forcing us to be public with our comments we might be nicer to the old men or prove some of us are slightly crazy (Joe, you’ve never been the same since you lost your hand, and no gamma rays will not grow it back).
Larry your emails are retarded. Your attacks against Tony (pothead35@gmail.com) are laughable. Your clip art picture of Chris (BigDogClub69@hotmail.com) and Tony is juvenile. Please save us all time and energy and stick to the issues like Travis (JesusFreak80@earthlink.com) has.
Bennett does seem to have any juice. He does not appear to be force to be reckoned with?
If the masses were flocking to him, and ALL believed the sun rose and sat in his butt, then I might be concerned.
I don’t see it, BUT I could be missing something.
Sorry, Bennett does NOT seem to have any juice.
TEST TEST time and order
They are just following thru with their mailer or site post, they printed. After almost 3 months, he is either a fool, or a desperate genius.
“Just one condition” ???, seems like a veiled threat, Ive seen here many times.
They can walk, so they might only be 99% stupid, debating would be 200+% stupid.
Wow, some GED’s grumpy ’cause he didn’t get his donut.
Coffman? Is that you?