Wolfe To Get Tuned Up By Grand Jury

It took a year, and some double talk by our esteemed DA, but news reports are saying the OC Grand Jury is convening to day to indict former Fullerton bully cop Joe Wolfe in the death of Kelly Thomas. Originally Tony Rackukas said Wolfe couldn’t have known what was going on between Ramos and Kelly and therefore was excused from any wrongdoing, a yarn so unbelievable that, well, nobody believed it, especially when the video came out and we could see a fully engaged Wolfe take batting practice on Kelly.
And here’s some food for thought: Joe Felz and Acting Chief Danny Hughes put this cheapjack goon (or so the story goes – and it has the perfect ring of truth) on a disability retirement for throwing out his shoulder beating up on Thomas! In any case Wolfe is gone from the Department, but not ’til afer getting a clean bill of health from our new, reformed police department and its esteemed Acting Chief. Fortunately the Grand Jury is likely to be a lot more discriminating as to who it determines to be Hero. Ad hopefully this Hero will get what he deserves.
And the journey to truth continues….
You don’t know the half of it. TRack has been playing very dirty with this case. In the end he will be the one in deep shit.
Watching the group of police officers behavior last night at the city council meeting showed me personally that these officers are still the same group of bullies we started with.
I saw two of the Captains from FPD in the audience, Jones and Crum, as well as at least two dozen off duty FPD in the back of the chambers acting like a group of classroom bullies jeering anyone that crossed them, and cheering wildly for the MADD speakers that the FPOA had arranged to speak last night.
In between they acted like insolent and entitled children that are used to getting their way by bullying people.
They didn’t act any differently than the out of town agitators and drooling mongoloids who packed the council chambers jeering in the same exact way last year. You can’t taste your own medicine? BTW, a grand jury will indict a ham sandwich for not having enough mayo. Wolfe will walk just like Ramos and Cinci will because at the end of the day, Kelly caused his own death when he chose to fight instead of obey lawful commands he was given.
Who’s a Bully?
You make my case for me when you state that you didn’t act any differently than “drooling mongloids”.
Someone needs to tell your buddy, “Jason” who was sitting in the back row, that he needs to stop talking during the meetings and remeber that “loose lips sink ships”.
He’ll know what I mean.
The Bully is TRack. But he will have a lot to answer for soon enough.
And this is problem. You’re not supposed to act like like gang members, felons, sociopaths, etc. You’re not supposed to act like the same people you claim to protect and police. You’re supposed to be better.
If you think it’s perfectly okay for police officers to act like that then something is seriously wrong with how american society is headed.
Mama’s boys allways need to suckle off of tax payers and kick and scream if they don’t get their way. Mama’s boys take, take, take without any thought for anything outside the little world.
Why is wolfe so freaky and ugly looking? Did he come from a bad gene pool?
They are acting like Kelly’s Army. Mimicking them to perfection. Very immature huh? Well. Fair game is fair game.
Where’s that ham sandwich? I keep extra mayo on me at all times.
Hey Barry remember the lastest missive you dashed off to the troops that goes something like…
Dear FPOA Member,
:”Last night we witnessed that the City of Fullerton can be bought. The citizens of Fullerton, or at least a small percentage of them, have spoken and decided that a change was needed. By now I’m sure you’re all aware of the city council recall and know what I’m talking about”
I suspect that besides the changing of the guard on the city council, that there will be many other change that will affect the city’s employees from the top all the way down to the bottom of all the bargaining units. The new council will want to establish some sort of reform with us to save money.”
More to follow later.
Is there a spot a Sam Brown for a mayo jar?
He must be shaking in his jackboots.
You ffffers and KT’army are a bunch of whining sniveling babies! It’s ok for you to terrorize city counsil and act like a bunch of jackasses but now that the table has turned and the seats are filled with hard working police officers and citizens who aren’t afraid to come to the meetings anymore you cry!!! Get used to it! For over a year the good people of this city sat on their hands watching you idiots harass the counsil and the citizens that supported them and the police! Not anymore! And if you haven’t noticed you have lost 3/4 of your army and support! The only ones left are the jobless and crazies who have nothing else to do! Good luck ffff and what’s left of KT’army! Oh ya, your fearless leader….. Gonna take his money and run!!! Morons
Maybe because you are a bunch of psycho sadistic dangerous fools.
So both sides are pyscho sadistic fools? Agree. That’s part of human nature. Most just don’t know that or accept that.
One side was protesting the beating to death of an innocent man by six peace officers.
The other side was protesting the city council curbing their overtime running a sobriety checkpoint.
Maybe it’s just me, however I believe those are apples and sour grapes that your comparing side-by-side.
But that’s just me.
and me
Well put. The sense of entitlement goes on even after the shameful behavior of so many of them.
These are ther swine Jan Flory and Doug Chafee love.
You sound exactly what you say you despise. And if the only ones that were there are jobless and crazy what does that make you? You were there as well. You also sound like your pretty ok with murder on your streets if it has a badge or molestation if it has a badge or destroying evidence only if it has a badge. We say badge or no badge accountability needs to be had. You are exactly what people dont need, especially right now.
As far as off duty cops being bullies, only if you let them. To me, justifies the arrogance we knew all along. Cant re-train that!
Looks like the protests that Kelly’s Army in front of the FPD every Saturday have served to make sure that Officer Wolfe won’t get a pass on Kelly’s death, and will instead have to have the way he spends his retirement decided by a jury of his peers who haven’t drank the FPD Kool-Aid.
The reason the light is shining on Wolfe is mainly because of those people who have been protesting every Saturday in front of the police station throughout this summer heat.
I believe that most are the same folks that were at every Saturday protest that influenced the DA to file charges against Cici and Ramos, and now Wolfe.
My hat and heart goes off to those that I see protesting every Saturday! Thank you for
Thank you for- doing what all of us should be doing!
Agreed! No more of Tony’s BS.
Kelly’s Mob, the 4F sympathizers, et al are ALL just a bunch of no life loser who are desperate to be relevant .
MannyJoe&Jay are ALL murderous thugs who are desperate to stay out of jail.
Jobless and crazy. Good description of Cicinelli and Ramos and Wolfe. And Rincon.
Tony, post a video clip of Travis voting against his own motion to refuse the DUI check point grant money. That was a FFFF classic. Put some circus music to it and photo shop the hell out of his face just like you would have done to the past city Council members. That would be a hoot. F these elected officials….Right?
That was hilarous and showed how truly stupid Tony’s little minon is!
What is a minon?
small onion
Nothing will ever change until new management is put in place at FPD and the “camps” are broken up! Hughes and Crum need to be shown the door and take Felz with them
The DA’s case is crumbling. Fingers pointer here, there, then a Captain emerges from the inside to provide “evidence” that helps the case along, or so it seems. Hughes cleared himself of liability on the Thomas side of the isle by selling his soul, but not on the other side (he’ll face that when the DA’s case falls very far short). He ignorantly cleared a criminal last night in public. Did you ever ask yourself why? No, I didn’t think you would. Ask the DA for the long, long list of criminal charges and convictions on KT – he has the list because I’ve seen it. Assault. Attempted murder. Numerous violent acts with people across various areas of society. He served time on more than one occasion. His record is longer than both of your arms put together. Ask for it and see. And this time he acted as an “innocent” man? OK, I buy that one. Then last night, and on several stations within the past months, your “hero,” RT expressed that the THIRD OFFICER was the one who did all the damage and killed his “beloved son…” OK, if he did it, what happended to your allegations agains officer’s one and two? I know, “it doesn’t matter.” Guilt by association. Guilt because they were somehow a part of “murdering” this criminal. Somehow. Not sure how, but somehow. I won’t waste my time cutting on the ignorant, so you’re safe FFF and KT’s Army, along with many of the bloggers on this site. I do know this, that when the smoke clears and the first two officers are exonerated of the charges against them, the ignorant will be silenced and won’t have the character to come forward and eat crow. It will be evidence to me of what kind of broken, destitute people you are.
your kidding right!?
So it is now illegal to have a long list of criminal charges? Punishable by taser to the face and suffocation?? If that is the case, can you send Hampy and Cyclops over to Congress and beat some of them up? Those guys have longer records than NFL players.
Some say there is a growing distaste for Police as a whole, across the globe, that can not be ignored. They point to situations such as this as to the reasons why.
amen brother….
Ditto…Amen Brother
Make up your mind…A criminal or a Saint? He can not be both, so I guess he is a criminal. Who the hell is Hampy. Humpy Dumpy?
You can have a criminal record, and be innocent of the crime at hand too. I really hope you’re not a cop.
I don’t doubt Kelly thomas had a long history of assault and battery on innocents persons. This was due to him being a paranoid schizophrenic. police officers executing a mentally ill , homeless man because he has a violent past is illegal because it is murder
If Wolfe did all the damage, according to Fred (RT), does that mean that Ramos and Cicinelli are cleared?
They will ALL be cleared. The TRUTH will set them free!
I haven’t had a problem with cops…up until I read this little posting. You are (unless you’ll jokster) the type of demented psycho that we have to keep off of police forces. God help us!
“Wolfe will walk just like Ramos and Cinci will”
“ffffers are all bunch of jobless crazies”
“paid by Tony B”
“all Ten of you of this blog”
“wait till the pole video comes out”
“there is more to the story than you know”
“we can mimic drooling mongoloids with perfection”
“ham sandwich never has enough mayo”
“we miss hangin with Alby Al”
Don’t forget “no one will do any significant jail time. Cici will get 3 months. The rest nothing. “
I’m number 11 and I work.
what is it going to take in order for the People as a People to administrate a complete overhaul of the training of all Public Servants? There’s so much corruption in every aspect of the Criminal Justice System, Law Enforcement, Judicial etc. I want to pursue efforts that will see this through. I know that we each do this on our own single level but don’t We think it’s time to do this collectively? We could use some ideas about direct strategies. There are so many who are out “protesting” and holding up their signs begging for various changes…All of those people could theoretically serve Notice to every single public servant, actor, agent, principal and employee on this land. I don’t know… i’m just day dreaming but when I’m seeing articles like the one below…. it starts to fan my flames igniting emotions that cause dis-ease in my body. What can we do collectively as preventative measures to take action and bring peaceful remedy to what is going on? Why are these public servants so poorly trained or rather trained to violate peoples rights? The Principals are responsible for training their agents.
What can we do collectively to make sure that these police, judges, et.al. are held accountable? Shall we form a court and begin conducting our own independent investigations into each of these cases of human rights violations by examining the public record/discovery. I’m literally seeing articles like this almost on a daily basis.
Richard Haste, an NYPD officer, killed an unarmed teen (Ramarley Graham) in front of his grandmother and 6-year-old brother at point blank range over marijuana. The landlady, Paulet Minzie, 55, ran out the shower with only a towel after hearing the gunshots. Officers then put a gun to her head and told her to put her hands up. It wasn’t until she told them that there were cameras surveilling them, that they put their guns down.
Court papers say “[He] immediately lowered his weapon. His demeanor completely changed, and he alerted his colleague that they may be on camera.” The footage later revealed that Graham walked calmly to his apartment followed by police barging in without a warrant, contradicting the officers original claim that the teenager was running away from him.
Haste was freed on $50,000 bail yesterday after pleading not guilty. Police cheered for him as the parents of Graham wept in the court room.See more
The corruption starts at the top with TRack.
“The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse.”
-Edmund Burke
So your argument is that because you claim TRack is corrupt, it’s okay for the FPD to be corrupt? Starts at the top, ends at the…. FPD?
All the comments prior to mine that appear to be from those who support what the cops did on July 5, 2011 and/or are cops themselves, make me want to VOMIT!!! You all should take a good look at your heart because judgement will come…maybe not now, but Judgement will come to those that do not stand up for justice and truth. I am so sorry that I taught my children to respect and obey Officers of the law, like you…that don’t deserve it!
And it’s pissing you and all the other FPD Bully supporters off. That’s all that matters.
Great news that Wolfe is soon to be added to the list of charged FPD officers. Have to be grateful to sites like these and Kelly’s Army for continuing to seek justice and accountability for criminals. There seems to be a lot of unemployed ex-thugs with badges and their mommies here crying about the fact that justice is unfolding, although they would like to prevent it. This blog still sees several hundred people posting regularly. That’s about 20 times the number of visitors to the Cicinelli site begging for donations, or the Facebook site (if it’s even still up) spreading lies about what a good leader ex-chief Sellers is. Why don’t you murder supporters face the harsh reality. Three of your “finest” are unemployed and will soon be in prison. Three more have been relegated to desk duty because they are dangers to society and may still be fired/prosecuted in the future. And the cops who were reportedly acting like bullies at the council meeting were likely the mold that get a GED and an overpaid job because they lack critical thinking skills or an average IQ. Not saying this is all cops, just some.
Joe is part of the three that are going to turn this around and sue everybody and we mean everybody.
I will be hanging out at Heroes just to see your cry baby tears when all you little wishes above do NOT come to pass at the trial.
Your little over-entitled FPD thugs are going down and hard. We will see to that!
I was just putting together a list of typical quotes/thoughts/responses spewed from the collective FPD troll mind on this blog.
Sorry Anonymous…
I was off my meds. Oooops. I took it Wrong. lol
Hell will freeze over before that happens. You shit talkers don’t know jack.
KUDOS to FFFF, Ron Thomas and all the Kelly Thomas supporters for making justice come to pass the way it needs to.
If it weren’t for FFFF and RT’s diligence, all these trolls and thug FPD officers would have had their way with this.
It’s not over yet, not by a long shot. He who laughs last laughs the hardest.
It’s why I wear a Depends…I haven’t stopped laughing at you since the first time you cried “I’M INNOCENT”….HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
If these cops/trolls think they are making points or changing minds with their blind hatred of its citizens…they are sorely mistaken.
They continually talk about “buying” Fullerton…but look how the stack the room with non-residents (MADD, FPOA, etc.). Their goal – $$$ and power. Those who want reform – what is their goal? Justice and an educated, well-trained and clean PD… I can’t imagine who would be against that…only those who benefit from corruption support the status quo…
and the two MADD-related speakers last night were reading from the very same prepared statement; one thing if they are speaking for themselves but to repeat someone another person has written?
With all due respect, I don’t think the delayed prosecution of Wolfe has anything to do with the public protests. I think there might be fed pressure on the local prosecutor. Don’t forget that the feds are doing their own little investigation. Word may have leaked. Tony R. would look pretty stupid if he failed to prosecute Wolfe and the feds found substantial evidence to go after him. This could all be about saving face. It’s very, very strange that it took this long to charge Wolfe after what we observed on the video tape that they tried so hard to hide from us. Think outside the box, folks. Things aren’t always quite as simple as you make them out to be. IMO the motivations here aren’t clearly visible to the naked eye. You need to sniff them out.
The bottom line – this incident could have easily been swept under the rug…it darn near was. Every step of the way the DA has only done the right thing because he is under a microscope. I don’t disagree with PitBull…the motivations are not coming from the DAs giving two-shits about holding anyone from LE accountable…it has always been about covering his own ass. He would have been a very happy man if none of this made the news and he could go on with business as usual. I guess I’ll take justice any way I can at this point.
Good point Pitbull. Regardless of why the DA is just now seeking charges, it is comforting to know the Feds may have the final say in this matter if justice is not served by a jury. Can anyone say Stacey Koon and Laurence Powell?
Can you say Theodore Briseno?
So what happens in the aftermath when the DA’s case crumbles? Well, my friends, when the Crown Vic’s with dark tinted windows (i.e., the Fed’s) pull up in front of your house, it usually means you’re going to have a really BAD day!
Also, let’s never forget those certain individuals within the FPD who made the City of Fullerton famous… WORLDWIDE… for unwarranted brutality and murder of an innocent, mentally-handicapped person.
On a different note…this picture of Wolfe makes me think,
“This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
My rifle is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life….”
Lol!!! I thought the same thing! Uncanny!
Private Pyle/Snowball did like his jelly doughnuts didn’t he?
p.s. I still get flashbacks to basic training every single time I watch this…
A-non, I didn’t think anyone could make me laugh harder than SD Local comparing A. Goodrich to the head that sprouts legs in “The Thing” but you came pretty damn close….”Full Meta….
Hi Admin,
Can you post a link on FFFF of Hughes making the statement clearing Kelly and then the step-father making an ass out of himself? I missed it last night.
Avoid that old man. He has nothing to lose. You mess with him you really might end up dead.
He is a very pissed off father. With a very good reason. That council is a joke. They wanted a criminal cleared. You think fullerton was a laughing stock..it has been confirmed.
Cicinelli’s dad should be the new FPOA spokesman. He represents them well.
A murder, witnesses, video, outrage, a media circus, election season, and no way out. Giving the dog another bone.
Yes. Wolfe is as culpable in the beating death of Kelly thomas as is Cicinelli and Ramos. But I don’t lay all the blame at these three men’s feet.
In large part, their police chief, Pat McKinley, who ran his bedroom city commando squad from 1993 until he retired in 2009, laid the foundation for the culture of corruption that heavily influenced fullerton PD’s belief they could lie, cheat , steal,molest and eventually murder
If Mckinley was chief things would of been very different. He wouldn’t have turned his back on his officers. Look at Anaheim. Boys are back to work. Good job chief.
I thought it was a great night for the City. Support for the PD. Anger at brain dead council persons. Praise for the Chief and his future. A PR statement about Kelly appeasing his group. A PR move by he DA putting Wolfe’s part in others hands. Overall great night and I saw a future for the first time. Keep it up both sides. Success on all fronts.
Among those in attendance Tuesday was former Cpl. Jay Cicinelli’s wife and stepfather, John Huelsman, who blasted Hughes and the council for making the statement.
“It tore right through me,” Huelsman said of the statement.
Huelsman accused the council of cowering to public pressure, calling the five-member body “cowardly.”
Kelly Thomas “was in possession of stolen or lost property,” said Huelsman, a former Anaheim police officer. “That is a felony or a misdemeanor … I’m very upset with a council deciding a suspect is innocent before there is even a trial.”
rag comment from ‘Marissa Mason Taylor’:
“He wasn’t killed for “walking around with someone else’s backpack”. There is alot more to the story than what has been shown on TV, and you should know that!!”
^Where have we heard that before??
“There’s more to the story, wait for the pole cam video, KT was resisting and broke officer’s bones, etc etc, excuse, excuse. lie, lie.”
Hey Marissa darling, we have seen Kelly’s face from the Hospital. It is extremely clear he had the ever living shit kicked out of him by a gang of weaponized thugs. End.
Huelsman, it wasn’t lost or stolen, it was trash. Learn the difference.
artiste interrupted.
Pat McKinley’s short stint, due to being recalled, as fullerton city council person obfuscated evidence about Kelly thomas’ murder from the public and had the callous disregard for Kelly’s life by offering 1 million dollars to Kelly’s family if they shut up and went away. Meanwhile, the murdering police officers were still on duty patrolling our community’s streets.
why is McKinley allowed to turn his back and sneak away into oblivion on the murder of Kelly thomas. We, the good people of fullerton, must have McKinley’s role in the death of Kelly Thomas investigated. From what I have read on a variety of media sources, and from watching McKinley on CNN, he is as culpable as Wolfe.
my opinion only for my posts
I just hope and pray that Ron Thomas doesn’t make the claim that justice has been served freeing him up to settle his lawsuit against the city prior to trial. Only in a civil court trial would all the dirt get exposed. It wasn’t just the street cops. It was the brass back at the station who tried to cover this up after the fact. IMO the FPD execs are the one who really need to get exposed and that would ONLY happen during civil proceedings. Kelly is crying out for total justice. To deny him that justice would be another kick in the ribs.
Agreed. Time will tell. This whole thing has been horrible for all of the community. There are no winners in this one. Fullerton has never been so divided and that is because there are those that are digging their heels into quicksand and they just cant see it. It is never to late to do the right thing. Folks need to look inward at their moral compass. Some need to get it out of the Bermuda Triangle.
Yes this is true. A case needs to be sent to a jury prior to a settlement.
I believe our current council understands this very well.
Ron wishes he could settle, he wants to settle. Believe me the dirt will get exposed and it’s enough to bury TRack and RT.
He is going to settle because he doenst want his own shit to come out. Like he was never a cop. How he beat up his wife, like he had not seen Kelly in ten years. He didnt even recognize him in his booking photo. Where is the fund raising money Ron. Did you spend it on your women. You are taking lessons from Tony Bushala and his harem of women.
Just thinking out loud… Unfortunatly my obligations prevented me from attending the council meeting last night, but I tuned into the streaming video on the city council website and caught the end of it, sadly just in time to catch SQS promote painting bus benches? I did notice that each city council member has an e-mail address and invite correspondence, which got me thinking, though supporters for justice for Kelly are passionate in ther efforts, largely we are fragmented, not since the marches have we been truly unified in our efforts, and there are a lot of people from around the country and other countries as well, that want to help support Fullertons cause. We have FFFF to trade thoughts and relay info, but at times this blog is infested by “trolls” baiting people into senseless arguements. There will always be the hardcore 4F that will pick up the gauntlet and engage, but many don’t like confrontation and just read along. I have resolved to start e-mailing the city council members and I guess the ocda office has a similar website. I am not political, I don’t know who the rep. for O.C. is but I think with a little effort I can find out, also cival rights groups and watch dog commitee’s, ( I thought I read about one that was responsible for exposing abuses in Leroy Bacas jails, a few months back) I am sure even the Gov’s. office has a website?! Don’t even have to pay for a stamp. Is there perhaps a archives dept. here where e-mail addresses could be stored for everyones reference? Sure, I could be wasting my time but so are exchanges with people that drink there lives away at the slidebar.
Since Wolfe is no longer a cop does he pay his own attorney fees or does FPOA come to the rescue of a fallen brother once accused of a crime?
When public unions can extract involuntary dues from unwilling members who are forced to join a cabal, I guess there is no limit with what they can do with the loot. It’s almost like a group of neighborhood thugs who force homeowners living in a certain area to pay them ‘a fee’ for the privilege of living there. What a scam.
Watch the Council meeting video beginning at 4:15 for Hughes’ statement.
The statement says Thomas was in possession of a backpack, passport, computer tablet, Lexus keys, and mail, none of which belonged to Thomas. The backpack containing the keys, tablet, and passport had inadvertantly been left in a public place by the rightful owner. No further explanation is given.
This is either possession of stolen property or misappropriation of lost property. Also, this could give rise to an argument that Kelly was trying car doors in an effort to locate the Lexus the keys would fit in. How this can be turned into a claim that Thomas didn’t commit any crimes is beyond me.
There’s also a reasonable explanation regarding the initial claim of a bone fracture suffered by one of the officers.
If charges are filed against Wolfe, it’s just politics. T-Rack is pushing this solely because he doesn’t want it to be an issue in his next re-election campaign. Not a snowball’s chance in hell of a conviction that would be upheld on appeal. Grand Jury rubberstamps everything the DA does, and there is no opportunity for Wolfe to present any sort of defense in a Grand Jury proceeding. The use of the Grand Jury here is because T-Rack has no case or a very weak case, and when Wolfe is acquitted or the case is overturned, T-Rack can push off blame on the Grand Jury. If T-Rack felt he had a strong case, he would have just filed charges without the need of Grand Jury proceedings.
Exactly. Kelly was a criminal and he was cleared. A lot of people are scratching their heads on this one.
“No further explanation is given”. Well assuming one is needed, with the “innocent until proven guilty” “suspect” being dead as it were;
Let’s for speculation sake say/guess that maybe; Kelly found the backpack, is that a crime? Is that misappropriation of lost property? Is there a time limit on finding something and turning it in or disgarding it?
What’s the law?
As far as the lifting of door handles; Where is the evidence of that? Is there any witness or video to substaniate such a claim?
If I remember my personal property law correctly: if Kelly found abandoned property (meaning that it was not just left alone for a few seconds — but let’s be fair, he did have mental problems making it hard to pin intent on him) and intended to keep the property for himself, then it would be a crime. If he intended to return it to the owner or to the police, it would not be a crime.
I wasn’t there last night, but my guess is that Hughes didn’t say “he is innocent!” but that they didn’t have evidence to show that he committed a crime. If that’s what he said, I don’t think it warrants criticism.
The importance of this information is that it suggests that Ramos and Wolfe had some legitimate reason to detain him while they tried to figure out what was going on. Even if they knew that the call from Slidebar was a pretext, the fact that he had property that obviously wasn’t his justified some investigation. Ramos’s “these fists are gonna …” statement was still rotten work, but he may have been legitimately frustrated by his earlier attempts to get Kelly to converse and cooperate with him.
I stil stand by my initial prediction: conviction for Cicinelli’s excessive use of force, nothing for Ramos or Wolfe.
Aren’t you supposed to be running for political office or was that a “pretext,” too.
You question doesn’t make sense.
You’re right, though — I should hit you up for a donation.
“Also, this could give rise to an argument that Kelly was trying car doors in an effort to locate the Lexus the keys would fit in. ”
Maybe it could give rise to an argument that Kelly was going undercover to catch the backpack bandit, so that’s why he was dressed for the part. I mean, since we’re making shit up..
“trying car doors in an effort to locate the Lexus”
I am just guessing here but I would assume that the Lexus had a “identifiable key”, showing it was in fact a “Lexus” and I am also pretty sure most people know how to identify a Lexus apart form other cars so I’m not sure why someone would need to try to open car doors to other vehicles (if that is the charge) if they had the actual keys to a particular model.
I mean how many Lexus model cars were in the parking lot that night?
One more thing IF there was a key…WHY would you need to lift door handles? Why not just insert the key to see if it opens the door….or hit the remote (if it has one) to see what happens…
Right. How many Lexii were in the parking lot? What a bunch of useless bullshit. I’d guess Cold Chillin Cop Balls is an FPD genius detective
Dear Cop Balls 3 – I know Bushala really wants to be the wizard of oz of Fullerton — but I think you give him a bit too much credit. Yeah, maybe making a public declaration that KT was not committing any crime at the time of his beating is politically motivated. But, even if he found the Lexus that the keys fit — was beating him to death anything less than homicide?
I served on a large county grand jury. We met twice a week for all day sifting through evidence. While the defense attorneys were not allowed to present their cases, we looked at was there sufficient evidence to charge. That is all a grand jury does. There is sufficient evidence to charge Wolfe, its very obvious unless you are a cop fed with a culture of corruption that says, all cops are good no matter what.
So in our “free” time, the grand jury had several full time investigators and guess what they found out. The cops were selling on the open market handguns that were confiscated from potential perps. They just took them. Over 12 cops were charged and most just quietly left the force. The real problem came when all the cases they were involved in putting perps in jail for a 4 year period had to be reviewed and decided whether to release them from jail or not. The grand jury was not involved in that. County grand juries have a lot of leeway! They could even investigate the FPD if they wanted to. So just keep cheering for rogue cops to stay on the force, you never know what you are asking for!
I thought “everyone” including “suspects” were innocent until PROVEN guilty, not the other way around.
I agree but since Kelly was tried, convicted and executed in the street by Agents of the State, those same Agents have the usurped authority to acquit him postmortem which is what Hughes has done.
Truthseeker, I was speaking to the statement aledgedly made by Huelsman;
“I’m very upset with a council deciding a suspect is innocent before there is even a trial.”
Did the “council” decide anything last night?
I was not there and did not watch via feed so I’m asking.
I was also just making the point that ALL suspects are presumed innocent. The statement concerning the suspect has me confused; will Kelly’s guilt or innocence that night even be ruled on the upcoming trial?
And I agree with you. The man is in a terrible way. Last night the council declared that he was innocent of what was purported to be illegal activity that at the time that he was detained by the officers which could have easily been ascertained in the morning if he would have lived through it.
This whole thing is uncharted territory and thus the unconventional statements and actions by the LE agencies involved. Hughes is walking a tightrope with precision right now.
T-Rack used the Grand Jury to fast track the process for Wolfe. An indictment by the Grand Jury and he can fast track Wolfe and prosecute him along with the other two.
Nice spin on all of the bad news for the former FPD thugs Chillin’. Hughes exonerated Kelly of any wrong-doing, so not sure what you’ve been reading. And the chances of the charges against Wolfie sticking are average. The chances of the Feds putting his ass away once charges are filed are better than average. The chances of him, Ramos, or Cicinelli ever disgracing the uniform again are pretty much nil. Speaking of chances how much longer until the other three cops involved in the beating death are given the chance to terrorize citizens again? I’m guessing NEVER for Hampton.
Huelsman was an Anaheim cop, did you expect anything less from him? A bullet in the back maybe!
Yes. He’s nuts. Be careful.
“Huelsman accused the council of cowering to PUBLIC PRESSURE”
But then he told them to “have a nice day”. What a jackass.
I was there at the council meeting watching the stepfather, John Huelsman, bending the ear of Lou Ponsi of the OC Register before the meeting.
He got up and spoke to the city council, and afterwords, was literally and figuratively high-fiving the FPOA members, some still in uniform, in the audience afterwords.
I don’t really wonder for too long why there aren’t many “ordinary” citizens geeting up and speaking at the city council meetings against the police.
Would you want to get up and speak out against the FPOA and risk them going after you personally?
How about your wife and children?
In a cop or ex-cop’s mind only fellow cops are innocent until proven guilty. All others are automatically guilty. And even if a jury of 12 convicts a dirty cop it’s attributed to a ‘tainted’ jury of cop-haters. 🙂
Well it looks to me that the jury pool for the Ramos/Cicinelli case is pretty tainted! I know people that want to volunteer for this trial. Anyone think that there may be a motion for a change of venue, after the motion to dismiss is denied in November! Just courious.
They didn’t change the venue for the Nick Adenhart trial, did they?
Why change it for the cops?
Because they’re special and deserve so much more?
If by ‘tainted’ you mean government workers – yes it will be because few other employers will pay an employee while on jury duty. So, you’re pretty much left with postal workers, city, county and state employees and the retired and unemployed.
Very true. Most jurires are government workers.
If the 995 motion is denied, it will be filed with the CA Court of Appeals where local politics will not dictate what the THREE justices’ decision will be. There it should be out of TRack’s reach and influence.
You can pull a jury together in Orange County for this case. I work in South County and the case isn’t a topic of conversation. Since it is a major felony it’s being held at Central Justice Center in Santa Ana and not North Court. You just need to get the proceedings out of the Anaheim/Fullerton area. It will be a long and painful voir dire as the case garnered national attention in its early days.
The memorial at the Transportation Center needs to come down. Even we Jews give mourning a year.
Strange that we have to read about the trial of an OC deputy in the LA Times with no such report in the OC Register.
Maybe the OC Register doesn’t cover local cops on trial anymore?
But if an ex-NFL player is on trial for something the Register reporters are all over it. In fact, the opinion makers write daily columns on it! 🙂
Funny how that works.
“Opening statements began Wednesday in the trial of a former Orange County sheriff’s deputy accused of sexually assaulting a teenage girl while on duty”
The Register is three rungs below standard European ass-wipe. Their editorial staff is stuck in 1950. It would be nice to see that rag go BK.
This reminds me: has Wolfe been indicted yet? It was supposed to happen almost a week ago, right?
Whatever happened to your write up on Norby? That was suppsed to happen eight weeks ago.
Stonewalling. It’s hard to get things “for the record.”
Let me ask you something seriously: do you believe that he is completely in the clear regarding domestic violence, or do you not care, or do you have reason to think otherwise but can’t abandon him for political reasons?
Right now, I’d be satisfied with an ironclad pledge from Norby that if his wife leaves him and asserts that he committed domestic violence against her within a year of the election, he’d immediately resign the seat. Does that seem fair? If he did that, I’d happily drop the issue between now and the election. It’s unpleasant to deal with.
If there’s really no fire behind the smoke, it should be an easy call for him. After all, she wouldn’t risk messing up her citizenship application for no reason. What do you think?
(P.S. I’d e-mail you privately about this, but I don’t know who you are.)
The ragister has slowly ebbed the OC readership directly into bootlicking over the last 25 years as the pied piper editorial board leads the masses into abdicating their responsibilties as informed citizens transforming them into consumers. Hence we have the modern day OC where some fringe weaponized thugs think that they are above the law and the average fluoridated lemmings think resistance is futile. The thinner that trash heap gets the more the TV will finish the job. God help us.
The Register has been hard-core economic libertarian — much like this blog. But go ahead and criticize it some more if you’d like!
The ragister puts out hard core red herrings 24/7 on ALL the issues-offering up false dichotomies on almost every critical issue that affects the local and national geopolitical and economic landscape.
Question: What happens to Wolfe’s medical retirement if it’s found he became ‘disabled’ as a result of committing a a criminal act while on duty?
In a just world the medical retirement would automatically go bye-bye.
A cop should not be able to keep the fruits of his crime.
If he can it’s just another symptom of a sick, dysfunctional, corrupted society.
They can’t touch his retirement. They are trying to enact a law on the back end of the pension reform bill where you would forfeit your pension if you committed some type of felony while doing the job in which you get the pension. Not sure of the status right now though or if it will go through.
You two are no Perry Masons, so scram!!!
Wait until the trial, if there is one. Perry Mason will be licking the bottom of our boots.
Um, those were citizens, not bad cops looking for their next paycheck. It was obvious you want money and dont give a shit about its citizens, FPD is a joke and so is their supporters.
Good job John. You told tht useless city council off, Including the pathetic chief.
STFU_GREG DIAMOND, no one including your family want to see your post,please for all that is holy stop your shit you zionist bastard.Please tell me you clipped those talons you call toe nails.
“stop your shit you zionist bastard”?
I’ve almost given up hoping that people will criticize that sort of thing here.
Hey John Duffuss, would you care to explain why you think Kelly was a criminal?
He had property that didnt belong to him dumbass. He is in violaiton of section 496.1pc. Wait until you see his criminal record. And he is suppose to be a mellow non violent person..what a laugh!
Keep it up…Kelly will be bitch-slapping you from heaven very soon…
This one’s for you Kelly.
What an awesome dedication and such an awesome jam.
Kelly used to play guitar now and then over at Mo’s Music Store on Harbor with the owner Maureen’s husband.
The owners of Mo’s are wonderful people who have always embraced ALL the members of our community, not just the shiny ones with deep pockets.
My last comment about Kelly at Mo’s posted under Anonymous instead of Fullerton Lover.
Why Fullerton Lover?
Because I honestly love Fullerton.
To those of you who refer to Kelly Thomas as “Smelly Kelly” let me tell you that you never saw the man inside of him.
Because you were afraid of how he appeared on the outside.
“Iz” was 6 foot 2 inches and weighed over 500 pounds, and would scare a lot of people too if you didn’t know him.
Rest in peace Kelly.
Fullerton Lover, I love the way you think and see things!
And thank you for the beautiful link to the amazing IZ’s, Somewhere Over The Rainbow” song. I truly enjoyed listening to and watching his powerful and thought provoking song. Now I know why over 72 million people have already watched that video.
Thank you again!
Dead people do not come back. Smelly kelly got bitch slapped already. In heaven not with his record.
John Duffuss knows this because he is experienced cop…….NO wait, scratch that one out. He know this because of his fast military training………….No wait, DAMN! Scratch that one too.
John Doe :
I have never claim to be a Police Officer or Military. I have common sense, which alot of people that post here do not have.
Well, I’m sure he is a very good security guard at Wallmart.
Tony Rackauckas Wants His Prosecutors To File More Public Corruption Cases
By R. Scott Moxley Wed., Sep. 19 2012 at 1:10 PM
“Hold your hat!
Either Orange County flipped upside down in a cosmic miracle or a sudden gust of hurricane force wind tossed District Attorney Tony Rackauckas on his head and gave him amnesia.
Rackauckas first ran for the county’s top prosecutor job in 1998 while promising to shift agency resources away from launching public corruption cases that had so delighted his predecessor, Mike Capizzi.
But the four-term DA is now asking the Orange County Board of Supervisors to give him an additional $1,117,425 annually to supplement his Special Prosecutions/Special Assignment staff with two senior deputy district attorneys, two investigators, one paralegal, one investigative assistant and one clerk.
According to a county agenda document for the board’s Sept. 25 public hearing, the seven new posts will be part of a new Public Integrity Team that will be “dedicated exclusively to address the growing number of complaints and investigations of crimes involving people holding public office.”
“Over the last several years, the DA officials claim they have witnessed an increase in the number of cases of possible criminal acts by elected officials in the county, including bribery, misuse of public resources, conflicts of interest, illegal secrecy, officer involved shootings, custodial deaths and campaign violations.”
“The citizens of Orange County have the right to expect their public officials will carry out their duties in a lawful, ethical and professional manner,” the DA’s staff wrote in support of the new government spending.
The proposal is a good one, if tardy. Rackauckas critics like public integrity activist Shirley Grindle have long complained that the DA was soft on public corruption.”
You people aren’t that stupid, are you?
If Rackauckas prosecutes any politician they will all be democrats or maverick republicans who aren’t members of the ‘big club’.
Did you watch how long Rackauckas gave Mike Carona a pass until the Feds had to come in and clean up the county for him???
And not one OC cop was prosecuted in the jail death of John Chamberlain.
You know where Rackauckas’ loyalties are by this time, don’t you?
Maybe T-Rack wants his squad all fired up before Spitzer shows up.
The nice thing about the Feds is that people end up going to prison when they get involved. No overcrowding, plenty of room. Serve 85 percent of your sentence (as of 1/12).
Pitbull, I know exactly where Mr Rock-cock-us loyalties lie. With the cops always has been always will be. Fire that liar.
True. He loves the cops. Everyone loves the cops. They are the heros. You can’t fire him but nice try.
Anon. you posted that you thought all suspects were innocent until proven guilty… then why have the officers been totally maligned and “convicted” on this blog? Most of you FFFF ers have posted the same, calling the officers murderers guilty of “killing Kelly Thomas!” I have not read one post saying “innocent until proven guilty.”
Why for Kelly and not for Cicinelli, Ramos and Wolff. What is the difference?
Kelly died.
B-b-but tubby Ramos got a boo boo on his elbow!
My posting of the innocent until proven guilty was a reference to about Kelly and his innocence before the trial.
If you have a beef with the blog as a whole, that has nothing to do with me. I prefer you not stereotype me.
I answer to my posts alone.
I am one person.
I have no problem with giving everyone their civil rights.
Don’t lie.
It doesn’t take a genius to realize that Kelly was murdered. It takes an idiot to think otherwise. Watch the video, & read the audio transcripts. Since you’re bullheaded, you might have to watch it 400 times. That’s your problem. The truth is there, just don’t try to convince us us otherwise. You only make yourself look more like an idiot.
I saw the the video once and never saw six officers onto top of him. I saw two officers trying to handcuff him and he wa resisting. I didnt read the audio. But I heard the audio and Kelly was a big jerk. You run game on.
So let’s get this right. You think the skinny schizo Kelly was being a jerk and the big lazy fatass Ramos who pretended he didn’t kow who Kelly was, and who swapped brilliant reparte with a sick homeless man wasn’t the biggest asshole in that parking lot (if you don’t count the ownership and management of the Slidebar)?
Nice job Mick. Maybe Patdown Pat McPension can get you a job somewhere.
I love Fullerton.
Remember this GEM:
It’s time to take stock
End all the talk
Go Ahead Go Ahead
Go Get the Glock
You know it all now
Don’t ask me why
Under the chin
Or to the back of the throat
Load up the chamber
Go write the note
Your Wife and your kids
They’ll all be all right
Go into their room
Kiss them goodnight
Don’t worry about Money
It’s on the FPOA
To cover their ass
For sure they will pay
No one understands
But you know it’s true
A simple solution
It’s what you must do.
What happened is done
You can’t unring that bell
You’re looking at life
In a 6X9 cell
Sure the kids they might come
On visiting day
What about their friends
What will they say?
Go get the bullet
Put it inside the gun
Point it to heaven
The problems all done.
Oh how it feels
To get raped in your cell
Twenty five years
Of prisoner HELL!
The kids they might come
On the first and the twelfth
But what will they think?
Go kill yourself!
You know it all now
Don’t ask me how
Officer Jim Blatney
Who never came clean
You witnessed the murder
Fresh on the scene
Bankhead, McKinley and Mayor Dick Jones
Have thrown you under
You are now all alone
Chief Sellers the quitter
Has left you to die
You still have brain
But only one eye!
Unclick the safety
Point it straight to your head
The problem’s all over
Once you are dead
Not good.
Typical Kelly’s army. Why don’t you take that Glock and put it up your trailer trash ass!
You went there so I am going here.This is the worst thing that I have ever seen posted on this blog. What happened to Kelly Thomas was heinous. However one cannot change the past but can be forgiven and redeemed. I think you need the Lord more than these men facing trial. Your advice is from the pit of hell. These men were involved in a horrible crime and they will have their day in court and in front of Almighty God. Last time I checked salvation and forgiveness is available to all who repent including murderers. Most of the New Testament was penned by one who turned his life around. Darkness surrounds you needlessly.
I’m sorry, I don’t find it nearly as offensive as I should… As long as one doesn’t take it literally, I get the sentiment….
As much as I reel in disgust from the Kelly Thomas incident, that poem is even more disgusting.
Somehow I doubt you feel any disgust at all. Your namesake wouldn’t.
Thomas’ death wouldn’t bring on that kind of guilt. Nice try, Dostoevsky.
The OCSD is coming! The OCSD is coming! Hold on to your potatoes FPD!!
Be careful what you wish for.
Like I’ve said, OCSD will stir up more dirt that FPD ever has. Just ask ACU.
Wrong. The OCSD has over 3000 sworn cops. No doubt lots of creeps, just like you O’Malley. But their % of bad cops is no where near that of FPD. Sorry. As a % of the whole force the FPD must be the dirtiest little secret west of New Orleans.
You are dumber than you look Freddy.
But you are. lol
Yes I look smart. I’m not as smart as I look. LOL 🙂
We already know that, you small onion. LOL
LOL well. I think we are all dumber than we look. But I do have big onions. Onions are measurable. Smarts are just an image. 🙂
I think you meant scallions.
LOL. I will have to look up what a scallion is.
Scallions (also known as green onions, spring onions, salad onions, green shallots, onion sticks, long onions, baby onions, precious onions, yard onions, gibbons, or syboes) are the edible plants of various Allium species, all of which are “onion-like”, having hollow green leaves and ~lacking a fully developed root bulb~.
Be careful what you say you are….
ACU typically refers to the San Bernardino County Sheriff when he talks about sheriff department shenanigans.
OCSD will be on their best behavior if they take over Fullerton with Sandra Hutchins at the healm. I already notice an improvement with the LASD, even though that POS Leroy Baca is still the Sheriff. That’s because the ACLU and the Feds have been up his proverbial butt calling him out on the deputy gangs at Men’s Central, the illegal displacement of hispanic families in the high desert, etc.
It’s highly conceivable that OCSD will take over as the law enforcement agency in Fullerton as long as the FEDS get involved.
I feel the way FPD had handled this Kelly Thomas incident with intent to Cover It Up, warrants removal of the Fullerton Police Department as we know it.
Wrong. I don’t think the FEDS care anyways. I think they stopped by, snooped around, and left long ago with no interest in isolated incidents. I could be wrong though. But if they go OCSD, the Feds will be long gone for sure. Then they operate the same as they do in every other city, and the hired FPD are scattered throughout the county. If it stays FPD, and the Feds are here now, then they will stay and implement some measures to work on. My guess is that FPD will stay and continue in the direction they have for the last 16 months. That’s what the actual Fullerton community wants. Then again it is silly season (politics) so things will appear one way until November, and then appear the complete opposite once December rolls around. After watching Travis in action the other night, I don’t think he will be around after November and Fullerton will be much better off without him. Fullerton does not need personal agendas as they proceed into the future.
At least the deputy didn’t have her in handcuffs when he sexually assulted her, unlike what our Fullerton police officers used to get away with.
What’s the worst that can happen, the same kind of lousy thugs like FPD, but a savings of >$100 Million over ten years. Lesser of two evils, that’s an easy one.
Especially since FFFF has documented over 10% of the 2011 FPD involved in or complicit in criminal activity.
And then there’s the other 85% who kewn all about it and said oir did nothing to fix their cherished feed bag.
O! Danny Boy, the pipes are playing…
Whas the chick handcuffed in the back of a squad car like Rincon’s victims?
Morbidly poignant.
My jaw has hit the ground. That is just not right.
ToJohn Doe and the other police apologists who want to present Kelly Thomas as a criminal worthy of being beaten to death by the police:
What happens when the intelligent and the polite simply do not agree with you?
You are saying you are intelligent. Not what I saw yesterday at the city clowncil. Your kelly smelly army now have another new shirt to wear. It was like Christmas for them.
We ain’t apologizing for nothing!!!! No matter how much you bleeding hearts are in denial, smelly Kelly was a menace to society who had zip, zilch, nothing to contribute.
His own mother had to file a restraining order against him to get him off her front porch. This was the only way she could be rid of him.
Ron Is either in denial or simply had no idea of the havoc that his asshole son created everywhere he went.
“We ain’t apologizing for nothing!!!! No matter how much you bleeding hearts are in denial, smelly Kelly was a menace to society who had zip, zilch, nothing to contribute.
His own mother had to file a restraining order against him to get him off her front porch. This was the only way she could be rid of him.
Ron Is either in denial or simply had no idea of the havoc that his asshole son created everywhere he went.”
May you never have a family member, friend or foe with Schizophrenia. Your ignorance is glaring.
You are the one who is ignorant of who smelly Kelly and his messed-up family really are. You should wait to have all the information before you make up your mind. I hope it’s released soon so you can all eat crow.
please tell us all the information you know about schizophrenia
Look it up yourself.
Truthseeker you seek God because you are in denial. Why don’t you talk shit to the assholes who are trying to capitalize on this incident ..Ron Thomas and Tony Bushala. Don’t tell me your bullshit when you have no idea what you are talking about. My relationship with God is none of your fucking business. As far as I know you are probably the devil himself.
Mickey Haller!!! This is GODD…….. YOU are an ASSHOLE!!!
I can’t believe believe that you kiss your own Mother with that mouth and give our Father credit for it, so I’d say that Truthseeker is spot on.
I can’t believe believe you do not answer my statement. Because you have nothing to say nor does Truthseeker. Put your money where your mouth is and say your own opinion. you minion.
Mickey I am simply pointing out that the poem posted by “not greg diamond” is the last thing the men facing trail need to hear. The gospel of Jesus Christ opens the door for forgiveness for all who have sinned. These men don’t need to be coaxed into suicide but rather they need to be directed to a path of repentance and forgiveness. I don’t speak for Mr. Bushala nor Mr. Thomas. If you have an issue with them, their agendas or their motives redirect your comments to them. There are close to 3000 churches within a 30 mile radius of City Hall. I don’t know why they are all silent on the issues with the exception of Pastor Drake but I am putting it out there.
Please explain how does one answer a statement?
When your done with that, please point out which of my posts that you feel are inaccurate, or that you’d like me to retract.
Otherwise, hand over your wallet.
I’ll make ye holler, Micky Haller, lest you change your wicked ways!
Kelly Thomas’ picture is used in the Wikipedia page for “Police Brutality”
Where did the Brandon post go? He got mad because he looked like he didn’t even have a GED LOL. Loved it.
Very well brought up ‘TimeWillTell’. You sound like that A-Hole Huelsman; you know Cyclops’ stepdaddy. What a pile a shit you are.
Why are differing opinions here always called bad names or pieces of shit? I thought we were all allowed to have an opinion in this world? Or wait? LOL
Ron Is either in denial or simply had no idea of the havoc that his asshole son created everywhere he went.
Why are differing opinions here always called bad names or pieces of shit? I thought we were all allowed to have an opinion in this world? Or wait? LOL
Oh, but it’s clearly okay for you to call a murder victim a name, right? That sounds about right – chicken shits wouldn’t dare insult anyone unless you have your buddies, your badge and gun to back you up.
The blog was taken down due to the Ron Thomas’ interview. That gave me something to laugh about for the next month until he opens his mouth again. To anyone who missed it, it’s on YouTube. I m glad he was never a LE. He would of been an embarrasing to the badge.
As they say leave the people with GEDs alone. Ron had a tough upbringing.
Ron just wants to be relevant. He has been a loser his whole life. Too bad his”15 minutes” of fame will soon be up.
Ron can work this for a very very long time!
Just like the Americas Most Wanted Guy, Ron has many witnesses and Video, and the story and misconduct after the fact by the City and County has and will be newsworthy til he dies.
Too bad your killer cops will be taken down by that four letter word, the FEDS, just as they will abolish the FPD.
Feds investigate all that shit around the world, they know what it can do to a society or culture. (FULLERTON 2011)
Public Corruption is on the top of the FBI list, it effects national security.
“The biggest threat to national security is the national debt”
Little sensitive about that GED thing, O’Malley, huh?
Get over it. A piece of paper is a piece of paper. You can still wipe your ass with it! LOL!
Travis has a GED he tried college but dropped out. That’s the best we can do here in Fullerton?
Lol Fred. Not only does he have a complex about his lack of higher education, he does not have an original thought in his little head. I posted about the cops with GED’s and overinflated salaries trying to intimidate the good citizens of Fullerton at council meetings and he ran with it.
You are missing the point. I may have over average intelligence, but droped out of university and will always be a sophomore (which is greek for wise fool). Let us consider myself as one of the underlings; one of the failures.
However, let us look at my mixed fourth-fifth grade class at Golden Hill School in 1966-67. The teacher was Mrs. Catlin, whose husband was an engineer at Hughes Radar Division. Who would have expected that he would go on to serve on the Fullerton City Council for 20 years? Bruce Dannemeyer was one of the forth graders in the class. unknown to me at the time, his father had already served two years in the California Assembly. He would serve there again, serve as our US Congressman, and then lose a bid for the US Senate.
Pat Diedrich was also one of the forth graders. his father was a Fullerton City Councilman at the time, if not mayor, and would go one to become arguably the most influential orange County Supervisor in history. He went to prison after that for bribery.
Brian Bridgford was in the class as a fifth grader and my best friend. His mother served a term on the Orange County Grand Jury. In the next classroom was Kim Smith. Her father was a Superior Court judge.
Of course, four years ahead of us, Rusty Kennedy went through Golden hills School. Reportedly, he meat with Fullerton City manager Joe Feltz to recommend the appointment of Mark Genacco.
These are the intelligent and polite that I am referring to.
The police force protects society. This ultimately means that the police are targeting certain individuals to protect other individuals.
My question is, Porky, what happens when the intelligent and polite people mentioned above determine that Kelly Thomas was not rightfully killed on their behalf.
Good luck answering that with a quip, the same old same old, or an ascertion that we will see in the end.
when’s FFFF going to publish Wolfe’s booking photo?
Joseph Wolfe Arrested In Kelly Thomas Beating Death: Third Fullerton Police Officer Charged
By AMY TAXIN 09/27/12 09:28 PM ET EDT AP
According to the police trolls on this website, none of the now 3 police will go to jail. They will all get off.
Well, after 14 months, suddenly Joe Wolfe takes the fall. Anyone wonder why? Hmmm. Maybe the federal report shows different, more serious information than the Gennaco report from the Phony Office Of Independent Investigation. Just maybe, it would prove embarrassing to the DA for the trial to proceed and then after the Orange County (we never have ever been able to find a bad cop in 100 years) Jury is done, the Feds indict Wolfe. Wow, what person in their right mind would vote for DA Tony after the Feds basically say, he did an incomplete or sloppy job. Ever been on a Federal Jury or Grand Jury? I have. The judge takes no crap from anyone, period! It was an eye opening experience. Example, you know how lawyers like to lie and lead potential jurors during jury questioning? Yikes, the judge tore both sides a new one!! Sending police brutality cases only to federal courts would be an excellent way to clean up those that can’t follow proper procedure.
Lastly, I like that now Wolfe needs a lawyer (he has two.) The Fullerton three are draining the Orange County pool that police put their union dues into that pays for the legal fees. The next unlucky cop will find it more difficult to get quality full representation unless the pool is replenished.