Hey, Wait A Minute! I’ve Seen This Show Before!

Friends, last week we received the following e-mail from some guy who ran afoul of the fine fellows who make up the FPD. The story’s a bit jangled but you’ll get the picture:
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2013 1:46 PM
Subject: FPD
Hi Travis, I was recently arrested by the Fullerton PD. I had a professional recording device on my chest, which was recording for some time before I was stopped. There were 3 camera men and myself. We were basically trying to make a public reaction video. It shortly got out of hand. It was in broad daylight. The officers, myself and the camera man were all at the same intersection… All in plain site. I was eventually taken down, then an officer took my recording device and also an sd card from one of my camera men. I was the only one arrested, even though it was a group activity. I’m being charged with police obstruction, which has resulted in a hold on my employment. I’m also facing 100 days jail time. I’m a full time student and I work two jobs. I have no previous criminal record. No one got hurt, and we explained to the officers, what was going on. I feel like I’m being charged for something that shouldn’t have escalated this far.I also feel that they tampered with the audio… which apparently was 12 minutes long. I haven’t heard any one it.
They went through my cell phone, without any permission…
They didn’t want to give me clean water…
I was shackled and handcuffed, while sitting in a holding cell.
I was held down by multiple officers, while handcuffed. “Claiming I was resisting”
The DA read my case report and was hysterical… The Public Defender was the same way.
“They were joking about it in the court room.” Obviously It was a ridiculous case.I plead not guilty to the charges, and I’m now awaiting the pre-trial.If you have any information for me or any questions, I would appreciate it.
Hmm. Is any part of this story true? Was anything left out? I don’t know, but I’d say the burden of proof now lies squarely on the doorstep of Danny Hughes’ Culture of Corruption.
And now for a recap of this guy’s claims:
1. Likely peaceful situation escalated into a dangerous situation by undertrained or malevolent Fullerton cops. Check.
2. Citizen roughed up. Check.
3. Citizen told to stop resisting. Check.
4. Citizen thrown into jail, mistreated. Check.
5. Citizen’s recording devices confiscated without warrant; illegal search and seizure of evidence. Check.
6. Citizen being prosecuted for getting in the way of the cops. Check.
7. “Truthy” Fullerton cops to be called as witness in order to lock up citizen? Check.
Yes, I do believe I’ve seen this show before, starring Kelly Thomas, Trevor Clarke, Veth Mam, Edward Quinonez, Emanuel Martinez; and of course also the men and women of the Fullerton Police Department.
Good luck, dude. My advice is to go to the next City Council meeting and find out what your Police Oversight Commission can do for you.
Fullerton would be the perfect city if their police would stop breaking the law. It wouldn’t hurt if they had a few marijuana dispensaries either. Looks like the cops could use some themselves.
It never happened.
There are lots of “holes” in the story that need more detail. Would be nice to see at least one video from at least one of the three guys taking video.
In any event, the past corruption of the FPD and those connected to same means any story of abuse, no matter how unlikely, needs to be considered.
I believe the best response to take the FPD’s pensions (an other government employees).
Does the below sound familiar?
Huge pensions for retired government workers can be found from small municipalities to national governments on both sides of the Atlantic. There is a reason. For elected officials, pensions are virtually the ideal thing to spend money on, politically speaking. Many kinds of spending of the taxpayers’ money win votes from the recipients. But raising taxes to pay for this spending loses votes from the taxpayers. Pensions offer a way out of this dilemma for politicians.
Creating pensions that offer generous retirement benefits wins votes in the present by promising spending in the future. Promises cost nothing in the short run — and elections are held in the short run, long before the pensions are due.
It’s a real possibility Joe, but the first paragraph doesn’t say much. I mean NOTHING that anyone could wrap their arms around.
In obstruction cases generally one is in close proximity to the cop(s), so the question is how close was this guy to the cop(s) what was he doing or saying, what was the verbal interactions prior to getting arrested, how many times was he warned, etc, etc,
The guy doesn’t even comment on what should be on that tape that he claims was tampered with.
If I was on the city council and he showed up saying this I’d go, “sir you have alot more to tell me before I can act on this”.
So maybe you should contact him or have him come back in here and give A LOT more details.
The WHO,WHAT,WHEN,WHERE, and WHY is missing from this issue in many ways.
ACU, you are quite correct in every detail. The guy wanted his story out so we published it as received. I expect more facts will emerge as the prosecution is pursued by out outstanding justice system.
We may be able to coax more out of him – such as: what is a “public reaction video?”
“public reaction video?” an experiment to test out a hypothesis that Fullerton PD routinely engage in brutal tactics to enforce the law?
Fullerton Police Chief Hughes will quickly fix his force’s pattern of brutality towards fullerton’s community by calling in Rusty Kennedy, executive director of the Orange County Human Relations Commission to give Fullerton PD sensitivity sessions to people who are standing on public streets .
When Fullerton Police Chief Pat McKinley’s cops were brutalizing the public, Rusty Kennedy twice gave Pat McKinley and his police force awards for their “exemplary” police-community relations in 1999 and again in 2008.
This is just an example of unprofessional journalism. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
pot calling the kettle black, sir?
Its a blog site, not journalism, its opinions
That’s good to know Joe. THANKS!!!
You know I have talked my share of smack about police corruption but this guy is WAY off the mark, SO FAR.
ONE STRIKE against him out of the gate.
I have to ask myself did this guy and his crew go out intentially and play some silly games with FPD?
If he did, I’d say he was behind the learning curve from “minute 1”.
When you play “sting operation” with the po-po if that was his intent, YOU better damn sure know the rules of the game PRIOR to stepping into the lions den.
At first glance I ask, will this guy change his story once he realizes he came up SHORT, hmmm, the same thing the cops get accused of frequently these days.
Gotta call it like I see it.
I wouldn’t be too judgmental on his statement. It’s obvious that writing a narrative isn’t the man’s forte. I remember how the trolls tried to pick apart the details of Trevor Clarke’s case a couple of years ago. That was right before the Kelly Thomas murder, an event that ripped away the benefit of the doubt goodwill previously enjoyed by Coffman & Co.
A man playing with video and audio recorders who can not organize his thoughts in writing? Sounds like a dangerous situation to me!
I hear you Joe and agree in part.
I might add that with all that has happened in the last couple years, I might have come out of the gate with something that had some teeth.
Yes sir the trolls, lost count of the wars with them.
I have learned that coming on HARD with most of the primary facts OUT OF THE GATE is causing them grief.
Just one strategy of course.
Vague allegations? Check.
No names of witnesses given? Check.
Failure of FFFF to investigate baseless allegations before publishing? Check.
This so-called victim should be able to give you copies of the police report, the recordings seized, the dispatch tapes, the 911 recording, the original call log, recordings made by the officers on scene, etc. He’s entitled to all of that to defend his case. Instead you irresponsibly publish without verifying anything.
Um, yeah, but what if the stuff was stolen or destroyed. That happened right after Kelly Thomas was murdered by you guys. Check.
Did you even bother to confirm that this guy had actually been arrested, and if so, what the charges were?
Yeah, thought so.
I’m betting he made the whole thing up just to embarrass our fine men and women in uniform who are out there everyday putting their lives on the line fighting street terrorism that we may sleep safely in our beds.
Lol funny. I thought bush man was making them take paycuts and pension decreases and going Sheriffs? Whoops. Wasted that million. Lol
Quit yer cryin, flatfoot. We published the guy’s claim. Joe said he had no idea how much of it was accurate or what was missing.
However, If I were you I’d start worrying about another civil lawsuit. And for God’s sake don’t put Hampton or Nguyen on that witness stand, if you know what I mean.
Speaking of lawsuits, does anyone know the back story behind the deceased person’s litigation to be discussed in Closed Session tomorrow?
Yes let’s get all that info from the cop PIO, always forthcoming!
There has got to be more to this story.
Where is your Mayor Bruce Whitaker’s public statement about this?
It is customary that the Mayor would either condone or condemn FPD behavior.
Obviously, the Mayor Bruce Whitaker is no show because he is busy chatting with convicted felon from the Orange Juice Blog.
O’h, I forgot that the left liberal socialist Whitaker would consider comrade Vern to be a bad dude as are his police officers.
It is clear that the FPD brutality is a product of your left liberal council lead by progressive socialist Mayor Whitaker.
Bruce Whitaker a left liberal socialist?
How so?
I though he was a member of the Republican Central Committee?
If he would be the Republican he would be so friendly with Vern Nelson from OJB who is super-ultra-left-liberal-progressive-idiot.
If it is the same Bruce Whitaker than he may be a RINO.
Maybe he should ask for Jan Flory’s son to defend him!
Or Greg Diamond aka Golem #256598
Is it just me, or is Stanley on some heavy duty medication? his world is upside down and full of strangely disconnected conspiracy theories that make sense only if your reading comes from dime store sci-fi novels… he never, and I mean, NEVER brings anything to the table.
“Is it just me, or is Stanley on some heavy duty medication?”………. Hmmmmm
It is just you Franklin!
Stop watching and reading comes from dime store sci-fi novels and maybe you will see something on the table.
Learn to ignore him.
“Learn to ignore him”……… Hmmmmm
So you can become an ignorant (inoramus) like Jane H.
A rookie lawyer indeed.
Yeah — a rookie since 2003.
Then have the State Bar change that, it says 2008, hence the rookie.
Hell I don’t want to be accused of giving out bogus info, soooooooo!
Status History For Mr. Diamond.
Effective Date
Status Change
Admitted to The State Bar of California
Explanation of member status
Feel free to add to your resume.
He practiced in New York before 2008.
Thanks for saving me the trouble of explaining it.
LA’s fine but it ain’t home. New York’s home but it ain’t mine no more!
Damn ACU. You are still spouting your medicated delirious rants here at FFFF huh? No one else will listen so you stick to the 10 people here everyday staring at each other? I figured with all your expertise and experience you would have sound someone to listen to you. Guess not. See ya at the SlideBar buddy. 🙂
“See ya at the slidebar” indicates you know little about ACU.
2/14 Transient Problem – A transient man just tried to take a woman’s purse at noon on 1035 W. Orangethorpe Avenue The victim told police he asked her for money, and when she said no, he grabbed her purse and called her some names.
2/14 Transient Problem – A man inside the Amtrak station just pooped on a bench, and now he refuses to leave. The employee there referred to the incident as a “continual problem” at 11:28 a.m.
2/15 Transient Problem – A Hispanic man keeps yelling at customers and threatening to his them on the 2200 block of W. Commonwealth Avenue at 5:55 p.m.
2/15 Suspicious Person – A man dressed in black keeps asking people in PetSmart for money and following them to their cars if they ignore him on 1411 S. Harbor Blvd. at 6:02 p.m.
2/15 Transient Problem – A man who continues to crawl under the loading dock on 312 N. Euclid Street to sleep returned though he’s been asked to leave a number of times. An employee, who asked police to move him along and then patrol the area for the next few days advised the man could be found underneath a pile of navy blankets under the dock.
2/15 Transient Problem – A clerk says intoxicated transients are trying to take items without paying at the 7/11 on 301 S. Brookhurst Road at 1:19 a.m.
“A man inside the Amtrak station just pooped on a bench, and now he refuses to leave. The employee there referred to the incident as a “continual problem”
That is wrong, in so many ways. So I guess we need to put some porta-potties at the train station? Or a poop bag dispencer.
Sorry I know it’s not funny….
so whats your point? That we need a homeless shelter?
These brainless fucking pukes don’t know what they want. Especially that idiot cg.
Let help you “puck”… so angry…..
We already have one. Also, some like to camp at the library. Which they are allowed to do.
so the homeless man may poop on the benches there? so what is your point?
“A man dressed in black keeps asking people in PetSmart for money and following them to their cars if they ignore him on 1411 S. Harbor Blvd. at 6:02 p.m.”
Johnny Cash?
Looks like Obama is testing his new tax hike proposal.
it was Zorro.
Stanley Fiala you are a joke. Actually it is more likely you are off your meds.
As for the story above, it is not complete I wish that the writer would add more detail.
And I wish Whitaker would get up off his ass and tell nelson where to stick his homeless shelter!!!!
My hope is he already has.
Why would anyone need to make things up to embarrass the FPD? They do a good enough job of that on their own.
I actually Think that article, “Hey, Wait A Minute!
Odd post!!!! Did you finish?
Let’s take a closer look at his claims, shall we?
“I had a professional recording device on my chest, which was recording for some time before I was stopped. There were 3 camera men and myself.” “….an officer took my recording device and also an sd card from one of my camera men.”
So where are the other two recordings?
“I’m being charged with police obstruction, which has resulted in a hold on my employment.”
In California, it is illegal for employers to ask applicants about arrests. They can only ask about convictions. The employer would not be able to find out about the arrest unless it was volunteered. He also claims that he works two jobs….so *both* employers put a hold on his employment?
“I’m also facing 100 days jail time.”
It’s a minor misdemeanor and he would not serve any jail time if he has the clean record that he claims.
“The DA read my case report and was hysterical… The Public Defender was the same way.”
The DA doesn’t file on many good cases, much less bad ones. I doubt this is true.
“They didn’t want to give me clean water…”
So they offered him dirty water? Toilet water?
“They went through my cell phone, without any permission… “
Currently legal if it was on him at the time of arrest.
“If you have any information for me or any questions, I would appreciate it.”
Obviously there are a lot of questions. I don’t suppose you attempted to ask?
Exactly what I was thinking Swiss Cheese. Someone who is arrested for felony domestic violence with priors doesn’t even get 100 days in jail. If found guilty, this guy would pay a fine.
By the way…..remember this hype, David Tovar? Lil Psycho, Casper, Smokey, Shooter, Lil Penis, or whatever his gang name was?
Maybe you could do your civic duty and turn him in to FPD or OCSD. He never showed up for his court date on 9/24/12 for resisting, and he’s got a $5,000 warrant.
Oh, and he never found an attorney to represent him. Not even Garo would touch him.
Another fine baseless story by FFFF.
Maybe he’s dead.
Not clear from his post, but it sounds like he’s accused of PC 148(a)(1). That is defined as “wasting a cop’s time”. A person can be guilty of wasting a cop’s time even if they aren’t breaking any other laws.
Also not clear where he got the “100 days in jail” figure. PC 148(a)(1) is punishable by up to 1 year in jail.
One of the recomendations of the Genaco report is that police officers would involve themselves in the community they work. Communicating with the public in a positive way while on duty is an area that still begs improvement.Officers on the street don’t appear to be interacting in a positive way accept with themselves, where you might see about 4 squad cars gathered in one spot talking among themselves & giving an itimidating stare down if you happen to glance in thier direction while walking by.The 2 motorcycle officers who regularly patrol the downtown are the most in need of training; who are extreemly aggressive and radiate an attitude of arragance and smart remarks if you happen to engage conversation with them while on the beat.
i adore jane, stanley I just pass on by, he and greg- are in love and watching ther love fest is disturbing get a room already.
O.k., now that is strange.
I’ll say. It’s unrequited on my part.
” I always say that there is no greater joy,
than a fat-bottomed boy!
With the oversize butt plug.
Not even garo would touch him, I bet ron did the recon- O garo, he is not white- OOO Im not standing by his family…Ron- get a fucking hair cut mullet- and seriously stop walking around with that abused woman on oxycodon, its sick.
Exactly. Garo knew no money and lies. Kicked him out. Plus Garo is wasting tons of time with mullet Ron just to get his 50%.
Oink 🙂
For all I know (and I’m not looking into it too deeply) he could have a case. He should seek out a criminal defense lawyer who could interview him in depth — including asking questions about what’s left out of this description. It’s hard to assess its merit from just what’s presented.
He’s a lying criminal. Prolly found God and is now locked up again telling his mom he’s innocent. Standard cycle. Next?
May be so. I try not to pre-judge, though. Then again, I don’t do crim defense.
I do.
Tony, please give this guy my contact info. I’d be happy to talk to him for a sec.
Proposal for a Fullerton Police Commission
February 17, 2013
Jane, is this going to be real? Or just made up of people that are going to cover up? I would like to see only real Fullerton residents. Anyone with City of Fullerton politics, unions, on other commissions, will not be allowed. Then maybe.
“Jane, is this going to be real?”
I have no idea, but it should be.
This email sounds like a public servant just tryin’ to have a little fun. I could be wrong, too.
Did this person also allege that they smashed the DAR’s while they were at it?
Over and out. Lunch at the SlideBar is over. Time to write some tickets. Ya know revenue right?
Catch ya on the backside.
Are you 10-8? Go to blue.
I’m on blue. Listen. Hear that?
10-4 copy that T
Omalley go get a life in your own city. Doesn’t pomona have enough problems to keep you busy?
copy this.
Thank god the bad apples on the FPD were sentenced to lifetime DISABILITY PENSIONS. I hope they rot away on their PALTRY LIFETIME PENSIONS. HA HA HA
They worked side jobs; they will rake in money from those – security consultants, K-9 training, balloon companies (seriously), masonry, contractors, bla bla bla
“You got your Christmas present Danny.”
Said a voice from the depths of HELL.
I mean Jan.
A Community Meeting regarding the Emergency Shelter and Multi-Service Center is scheduled for Monday, March 11, 2013 at 6:30 pm at the Fullerton Main Public Library located at 353 W. Commonwealth Ave. in Fullerton.
That PD will back up their officers. Not like FPD who threw their officers under the bus for doing their job. But they will have their day in court. And after they get acquitted FPD will eat crow and loose a lot of money.
for doing what job?
It’s “lose” not “loose” loser.
Shameless Task Force- where do I get one of those pins?
Protecting and serving stupid. How did the officers know if he was armed or not. He was just burglarizing cars. If they would of let him run and he killed somebody down the road, the officers would have gotten in trouble for letting him go. So you see dumbs shit. They are damn if they do and damn if they don’t. And in this case Ron Thomas hit the jack pot.
1) He didn’t have a shirt
2) They took and searched his bag
3) He was under observation for at least 20 minutes
4) He never made an attempt to flee until threatened with violence
5) They were hardly damned if they didn’t kill the man.
6) Shit is dumb. Dumbs is a word that shitty people say.
He had pants. Could conceal a weapon.
He said the F word more than 10 times. Why is ok for him?
Exactly they tried for over twenty minutes to get his name.
He got up cause he was an idiot and didn’t want to cooperate.
He ran and turned around and sucker punched Wolfe. The poor week man.
They didn’t kill. He was a diseased person that was on his last breath already. Like Jones said, I’ve seen worst injuries on the battlefield. Listen to the voice of reasoning.
I agree shitty people like you.
If they were worried about a weapon in his pants, they could have frisked him. Hell, they could have had them take them off. He probably would have.
It’s OK for him because he has a 1st ammendment right to say it and didn’t take an oath to protect and serve.
He gave them the correct name at the 5 minute mark. Ramos even repeated it.
He got up because Ramos was about to murder him.
Wolfe is a sucker. He didn’t get punched. It’s spelled w-e-e-k you ignorant piece of shit.
Jones hasn’t seen a battlefield in 40 years. He never saw Kelly or his injuries. He looked at some photos and that’s it. Of course they killed him. He’s dead, dipshit. Died of fat cop.
Enjoy that special cold circle of hell.
W-E-A-K. That’s too funny.
Jones NEVER saw a battlefield. Chicken Colonel never left the military hospital in Hoonoolooloo.
Yeah, where did you get your source. O.C Weekly?
He ran and turned around and sucker punched Wolfe.
Really? How come that didn’t show up on the video?
Oh, right . . . because it didn’t happen.
“I got sucker punched by an emaciated homeless guy after I hit him with a stick! Feel bad for me!”
Just like you dont see on the video all six officers piled on smelly Kelly. You see what you want to see.
Unfortunately, you start a discussion on your fucking OJB and then you print only your crapola and not mine response to it.
As a medical fact, http://www.jewishgeneticdiseases.org/jewish-genetic-diseases/, you may be carrier of about 35 identified and testable genetic disorders so you may be gross DNA polluter of the human green DNA pool therefore your insufficient intelligence quotient has genetic background.
You think your Fullerton boys have the exclusve on murdering the disabled? Ha!
He wasn’t murdered. Get over it.
Uh oh. Someone is getting butt hurt because the DA doesn’t agree.
The DA is using me, you and everyone. I guess you don’t get it.
I get you’re a wank. What else is there?
If it was your son, you would think differently! Accept the facts, Kelly was murdered!
My son wouldn’t be disrespectful to the police or would walk around eating out of trash cans or begging for money. I wouldn’t have started my son on drugs or turned my back on him. How about you?
He’d just beat someone with a taser to death, right?
Please post the videos and stills from the photographers that were not arrested.
What to expect!!!
Guy works 2 jobs, hes pissed, he is not stupid enough to not get a lawyer.
Hes gonna try his damndest to get a sweet settlement. Thats how it works in this city. The Tijuana Alcohol Festival of the North.
I dont see them having enough money to not take a different tact when dealing with “ALL” citizens.
It can be real simple, when confronting citizens and visitors, be as careful as always, but afford them the respect and rights afforded Mc Kinley, or Sasha and Maleah Obama.
If this is bogus, it would be a first for this site, News and papers survive with bad facts, Blogs cant.
Even in the most complex engineering keeping it simple is a priority.
K.I.S.S. = Keep It Simple Stupid!!!
See you in 2014!!!
Does anyone know the final outcome on the water refund measure? Has it been continued? Is the total amount going to be refunded like the prior city council voted?
No, sortof, no.
Will the coward Esq. Diamond send me summons or not.
I have the webpage ready http://diamond-vs-fiala.ocsatire.com/
Bring on your threats.
Why would I? It’s not a tort to write what you wrote about Jews polluting the gene pool and such. After giving people a taste of your writing I’m just not publishing any more of it.
By the way, I wouldn’t click that link even if I were using your computer. Let that be a general warning.
“Let that be a general warning”……….. Hmmmmm
Now he is generally threatening to harm any one who will seek the truth.
What is next?
I hope that this Esq. Diamond character who may carry about 35 different genetic disorders – may be mental, has no gun nor assault rifle.
It usually start like this, seeing the shadows of Hitler and anti-Semites everywhere, especially being in a company of the convicted felon.
Most of your regular commenter’s range from silly to stupid but this Stanley Fiala is also racists and hateful. You should have done a better job and deleted his above comments regarding Jews. Unless of course, Admin, you are Stanley Fiala?
Next time use your own name Esq. Diamond!
The point is Esq. Diamante that if you talk about the issues which involve certain race it will be, by the definition racist.
So that is an idiotic complaint.
However, to sound intelligently you must ask if the statements made about any specific race are true or false and if true then they can’t be racist.
The moron mongoloids like you will see everything racist.
Is this the same Stanley Fiala who ran for mayor of Santa Ana a couple years ago?
If I recall (and how could I forget something so indelible?), he listed his occupation as “Immortality Concept Researcher / Roadie for ELO”.
Stanley Fiala has got to be an elaborate (and hilarious) practical joke being perpetrated on all of us. No way this guy is for real.
He’s real alright…check him out signing a Beatles tune with his buddy Vern Nelson.
“The moron mongoloids” You call this alright? shame, shame, shame!!!!!!
I second that!
Yes that is the same guy.
No joke, however!
Actually, I am studying the junk part of the DNA which allegedly contains a blueprint to the immortality embedded in by the Annunakis when they were splicing the DNA between hominid and their DNA to create Homo sapiens. (no homophobia here).
Now, I may run for the Cal. Senate 34 district against the Mexican communist Jose Solorio if you guys help me to collect nomination signatures.
Not sure but Fullerton is within the district.
he had pants on- well thats steller-
he could of had a weapon-could of? But didnt?
Ramos and Wolfe could have been cops- right then- but chose to be- thugs with a badge- becuase what Jeanette Di Marco and her pals thought – nice and for all we can get rid of kelly- but that is ok? Wow- no wonder this city is going to hell in a hand basket- the entire town is boot licking money making trolls, yeah for fullerton.
“the entire town is boot licking money making trolls, yeah for fullerton” -I might add also with consciences seared with a hot iron.
Yeah he could of had a weapon, but didn’t. I guess they are suppose to be clairvoyant also. So what do you want them to make minimum wages like you. Why don’t you stand arm and protect. Yeah, I thought so. Don’t have the guts.
We want brains who protect.
Not guts.
Guts are for pigs. Brains are for law enforcement.
So I guess you dont have brains. I can tell.
If kelly wasnt murdered- then where is he? Just like Goodrich’s wasteline- where is it?
He died cause he wanted to take his own life. Diseased infected alcoholic and drug addict. Why dont you ask his parents? His mother started him on drugs and his father turned his back on him. Blame them.
BAC: 0
Illicit drugs in system: None.
Blame the cops who killed him and the jackasses who defend them.
No blame the parents who ignored him. I didnt say he had drugs in his system. READ!
You also can’t use an apostrophe.
I think blaming the cops who beat him to death is sufficient. I’m throwing you in just because you deserve it.
Dumb shit—-spoken like a shitty badged thug from the toker town. We call them clowns.
I would like to see you walk down Tokers Town. You would shit your pants. Sissy!!
I wished he woulda nailed that wolfe with his own baton, Wolfe sucker punched kelly…and you cant handle the truth- Kelly was lucid and said…start swinging..20 bux says none of these badge vaginas would have done a freaking thing on their own- not one good cop huh? all got to be pussies, speaking of pussies- was the MS walker pussy the reaked up city hall, alot of miles on that thing, or was that dannys lip I smelled with jan florys residue on it? Ha ha I dont know what is funnier, the cops or the hill dwellers, and vixen volunteer mr ed, I mean KKKKelller. ANd can anyone tell me why Prick ALvarez is relevant?
6 authority figures gang bashing a man to death….and some of you are defending this?
Another homeless person saying six officers were bashing smelly Kelly. What a laugh.
I can handle the truth cause I know the truth. You dont! Where in the video does it show six officer piled on smelly Kelly? You dont cause it’s not there. 20 bucks is that all you have cheap bastard. If you were smelling Danny’s lips. You were probably in Jan Flory’s crotch yourself. As I sit here and watch the funeral of Officer Mckay and last week of Officer Crain, I am happy to say how much officers are loved and only hated by 10 people on this blog.
No one here hates cops. Take your hate for the public elsewhere.
Really?? You must be new to this blog. Welcome to the jungle.
hey he has pants on, there could be a weapon…lets beat him to death to be safe.
Yep that happens.
hey heres a good topic to cover for this blog.
I recently picked up a fullerton newspaper at city hall that has a story on the front page about how our 7 million payout is going to cost this city the next 20 years paying it off. It has a picture of Cathy Thomas. What a cheap shot. What about the “Six-million-dollar scam!”That payout to the homeowners on Euclid accounts for the majority of the city liablility payouts http://imm.io/WYIC and is laughable.(City Manager Joe Felz said the City will pay $6 million to 22 homeowners a settlement agreement after the their properties were damaged by a slope widening project.) Not only is it clearly visible that a small trail expansion at the base of this hill has nothing to do with the hillside collapse after a week of heavy rain, any one who lived in fullerton all thier life will tell you this hillside has always been sliding and draped in plastic from the time the developement started.http://i.imm.io/WYKK.png
Impulsive, short sighted, self centered, ignorant decisions have a price, thats why they ran out of money. 🙁
Union dominated cronyism, fails all the time, but they pay for seats.
Privacy concerns.People opposed to the new homeless shelter site the proximity to local schools. One nice thing is that the nearby elementary school has entrance access up on commonwealth which is not in close proximity of the shelter. If there were a problem with unwanted traffic on walnut some privacy slats could be used on the chain link fence like the school on Beach blvd. near the octa 143 bus turnaround location.
Across street at high school http://i.imm.io/WYNP.png
I am so tired of seeing bums everywhere I go in Fullerton. They are multiplying like gremlins. That guys who stands in front of the post office on Pomona and commonwealth begging for money while he smokes cigarette after cigarette is especially annoying. The city needs to pass a law making it illegal to “camp ” within city limits before its too late. Fullerton used to be nice but now its going to shit. I don’t blame the police if they just ignore the homeless problem after the bs protests. Goodbye Fullerton. You had a nice run till the bleating hearts came around.
I wonder if the person you described is a resident of one of the board and care homes in that area?
“I don’t blame the police if they just ignore the homeless problem after the bs protests”.
Do you think that we would should have just looked the other way when the police murdered a homeless person in our town square?
Bleating hearts…baa…is that worse than a bleeding heart?
Nope. Unless the board and care doesn’t have a shower. He is homeless.
The story is a crock of shit just like FFFF.
Coffman! Thanks for stopping by! See ya in court!
We get it, Kelly Thomas went viral and now you are trying to continue exposing your website based on his decayed body. You guys are like the animal cops who hunted Dorner. Expect everyone to call you a hero while you purposely burn him to death so his side of the story is never heard. Find something more constructive to do. Nobody cares about political ass holes running amuck over our constitution anymore. Idiot Fullerton Cops who think they are military, FFFF retards. Get a life all of you and quit wasting our tax dollars.
Here is the video of the animals trained by the government receiving the order to burn Dorner Alive. You want to fight corruption attack the rich sociopaths that are responsible for selling paranoia and military weapons to cops. Never attack the “hero”, don’t you fools get it. “Support the troops” is a strawman for deterring the argument on the piss poor inner city soldier rather than on the policies and business man profiteering who hold office. If you are going to act like an activist, be smart activist. Research Ron Paul
You amateurs need to learn a thing or two. Leave the poor dumb ass cops alone (who are no different than you) and go after the camera’s, drones, militarization of local law enforcements by individuals in the city hall’s getting rich off of weapon and tactical equipment contracts.
Maybe you should see the pole cam video of Kelly Thomas 33 mins and the piles and piles of documents related and unrelated to that particular case.
Yeah I all ready seen it. I am not concerned with the man who lost his humanity (beating Thomas in the face with his big ass flashlight) I am concerned with where this training comes from, who funds it and disseminates it. Cops are pawns in a wider conspiracy. Fools
Is it a “conspiracy” or is it a “society”?
You want to fight police corruption, stand up to cut funding from the Federal Government (DHS) down the underground tunnel into our local police departments. Turning our police departments into black ops training centers. The cops are you, you morons. Choose your battles wisely.
Put our police officers back on our side. Ask them to acknowledge and serve their oath faithfully.
City Governments are where people can really change the world and make a real difference.
Political fundraising is just not our thing.
Now the whole nation has a very dark training video, and cheers for at least some effort as opposed to other cities doing very little, probably because it was so dark and sickening, including the aftermath and ongoing Political Coverup.
He wasnt on alcohol or drugs…the Medical examiner already stated that fact…next one- I mean next lie you wanna produce to validate why you always have always towed the line, good little Nazi, it aint gonna work- your about to get the plug pulled on you corrupt cops..lmao
I do live here you fuck tard…Tokers are fine,never had a problem with them, Now for the FPD, now there is a gang!-
I have raised a family in the heart of Fullerton Toker Town for almost 20 years, and have never had ONE problem with a gang member/
However, I have had the distinct pleasure of trying to get a restraining order against the Fullerton Police Department.
Then you are a dirt bag banger yourself. You deserve whatever the police give you. The police need to be tougher on all the gang bangers.
Not even close troll.
Without the police do you think the gang members leave you alone? I bet you have never even had contact with the police. You are pathetic for defending gangmembers.
Just being honest. If that upsets you, oh well.
Restraining order against the police? Interesting. That tells me you or your children are problems in the community. You are probably, “that house ” on your block.
Like I said earlier to you “reasonable person” that you’re mistaking your prejudices for candor.
My children are honor students, and have NEVER had a problem in school, or in the community.
Then explain why in the world someone would need a restraining order against a police department.
To protect my family.
Sorry FL, that you have had go through that. I hope things are cooling down. I know how involved you are with the City. It should not be this way. It hurts. I raised my family here, now it’s just left brain and me. My kids have long moved away.
Thanks for the kind sentiments CG.
My family and I are doing well, thanks for asking!
For being a so called “reasonable person” your really not too reasonable. Judgmental, is more like it.
Reasonable aren’t allowed to judge. Isn’t that what everyone on this blog does. Judge everyone else.
no, just opinions. You do learn a lot, what’s going on in the City of Fullerton. Some good things and some not so good things. You can read the Fullerton Observer, and get just one side. Your choice though.
The ability to make judgemnts is a key quality that raises humanity above mere animals.
I wasnt defending gangbangers, where have I dont that? I said, If you read it correctly- I have never had a problem with Tokers,thats a fact, never been tagged by their shit,never had anything stolen by them, never had an issue.
Lets talk FPD, they have done nothing, but abuse their power, Rincon now there is a stellar guy, or Mater, Or Mejia or Hamptson,Craig, Sissynelly, and the rest- they have cost me more money in law suits than I care to address this early in the morning, but can say I have less fear of your “gang banger”…than I do the badged wearing gang members. Ashamed of myself, that is rich- Im ashamed I have to share the city with the likes of you, why not get off your fat ass and do some heavy lifting, for once.
“Tokers are fine” what do you call that? Sounds like you’re defending them. I bet you would rather share the city with gamgmembers and homeless rather than me, a honest taxpayer. Makes sense. It is amazing how people can be so ignorant. A gangmember never tagged my wall so they are fine. Fuck everyone else that they intimidate, rob and murder. As long as its not me. And save the bullshit line “that’s what the police do.” And I say that last quote in a little girl voice. Again. Pathetic.
There is nothing “honest” about you.
You are simply mistaking your prejudices for “being honest”.
Isn’t “honest taxpayer” an oxymoron?
And, if “reasonable” is “reasonable” he or she would have no difficulty seeing all sides of an issue nor understanding that most opinions are based on personal experience…
Do you even know the meaning of oxymoron? So paying taxes makes me dishonest?
“Jumbo Shrimp” and “Open Secret” are probably two of the best examples of an oxymoron.
Not sure if I think that “honest taxpayer” would qualify as an oxymoron though?
I would probably classify the expression, “honest taxpayer” as a paradox instead of an oxymoron.
Lot’s of people confuse the two.
I hope peaches reads this.
Weak response.
On this blog Troll Speak is usually Union Political opposite speak!!! 🙂
In Fullerton its worse the FPOA represent the Brass, its a political free for all abusive brutality “NIGHTMARE” from what basically should in all logic be at the top of a Forbes list for places to live “IN THE WORLD”, an economic island of excess and a living paradise for everybody!
Police (Union) Brutality: Montgomery County Police “Effects” Bargaining Bludgeons Public Safety
by TREY KOVACS on OCTOBER 23, 2012
“…Union bosses’ allegiance lies solely with their members and not the public. When negotiating contracts or bargaining the effects of management decisions, the sole objective for labor representatives is to negotiate the most lucrative contracts with optimal working conditions for their members they can. This conflict of interest hinders governments ability to provide essential services in a reliable fashion…”
Instead we have a Bell City type, Council Member smirking, delusionally passifying, proud of police abuses, murder (1st Charges) and brutality on CNN.
Were it not for the News stories and political climate, Fullertons downtown would still have its accolades as the best downtown in Orange County.
Now it pretty much is a nightmare, even on Cable News Networks.
Its going to change this summer, the trials start, Feds really dont like it when you mess with young people!!!
Fullerton College, 20,000 plus
Cal State University Fullerton, 20,000 plus
St Jude Medical Center.
Disneyland visitors.
Fullerton Leadership needs to keep it clean and cool.
Dude oviously you went looking for trouble. Drove around wired and with cameras. Ya we feel sorry for you cause your the victim. How much money are you asking for? Mr victim