A Worthy Cause

Reposted from Bax Baxter



Please support local children who have lost a parent to police violence this holiday season by donating an unwrapped gift to our Young Survivors Network Toy Drive before DECEMBER 15TH. You can help by simply purchasing a new toy, of any value, and dropping it off at the Young Survivors donation box located front and center at Max Bloom Cafe Noir (220 N. Malden in downtown Fullerton 1pm – 10pm M-Sat) Volunteers will wrap the gift for you before it is distributed among the families of these victims.

I know many of these kids personally. They are strong, they are beautiful, and they are hurt. To have lost a parent, in such a violent manner, at the hands of someone wearing a uniform that you have always been told to turn to when you needed help, is uniquely horrifying. Additionally, the family, and the victim, are far too often villainized in the press and by the police in a concerted effort to mitigate any civil action. Regardless of the circumstances which led up to the violence, these children are innocent, and they have been dealt a hand which is incredibly difficult to process. A simple act of kindness on your part this holiday season, will bring them a little joy, and assure them that there are members of their community, who care about them.Please be one of those member of their community.

I thank Kevin at Max Blooms for allowing us to use his establishment for this cause, and I thank all of you who plan to step up.

Merry Fucking Christmas!

14 Replies to “A Worthy Cause”

  1. I heard the new top guy at FPD will be making $99 per hour. This must be within “market prices”. Will the market do its magic and do anything about some (not all) of the freaks that work for FPD? Also, could anyone well informed tell me if a 40 hour per week service is expected from the FPD head guy? … That would be a $17,000 pay a month!!!

    1. The Chief is on 24/7 (or so they will tell us).

      On the other hand we now know he must be on call at 01:30 to bail out a possible drunken city manager who might run over a tree and try to drive off on 3 tires, should such a nearly impossible scenario occur..

      1. Thanks. I wonder how many hours have FPD chiefs put in the past on average . I would guess under normal circumstances is a salary position as opposed to a type of consultant/professional hourly “fee”.Can anyone clarify?

          1. Pam, thanks for the info. What sort of restrictions. Is there an absolute upper limit of hours he can serve as FPD chief? Is the restriction based on a conjunctiure-qualitative criteria instead of, or as well? Is there access to the public to that information?

      2. Chief is strictly salary no matter how many hours he goes over the 40 hours per week. Never any overtime even though he works nights sometimes for community events, or gets called out for shootings, etc.

  2. Thank you for organizing and giving towards these often forgotten or persecuted children. Countless studies have shown that it is difficult for children to break out of a cycle of grief and trauma, but with communities coming together and showing compassion and acceptance, the odds in favor of recovery rise exponentially.

    1. Destiny,
      Violence takes different forms and degrees. I, like others, have suffered the unwarranted irrational blows of abusive language and attitude by FPD officers. That, itself, is a form of violence. And that, which affected me directly, infuriated me. Yet, compared with a child losing dad or mom unjustifiably , my misfortune amounts to nothing

        1. Mrs. Williams,
          Understandable, as the content of what I brought up instantaneously activated your disliking it/me. Nonetheless, I will be very happy to have an open doiscussion with you on the subject. Think that metaphorically speaking we all must start to learn how to live with each other. This concept does not bother or threat me, does it to you?

        2. Mes Williams
          If on the other hand you don’t like my typos or my not hyper correct grammar, just loosen up!, I am using a tiny cell phone and not reading glasses.

  3. how about just teach the kids not to act like the parents and they will live long, prosperous lives?

    Trump 2016.

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