Ron Thomas To Donate Fullerton Millions to Homeless Programs

Below is a video from late 2015 featuring Ron Thomas, the father of Kelly Thomas, who had just gotten a massive check courtesy of the taxpayers of Fullerton.
First, enjoy the feeble bleating of “city attorney” Dana Fox who is just soooooo darn glad the settlement bought peace of mind so everybody can “move on,” although, damn, that’s a pretty high price tag. Of course it ain’t coming out of his pocket, or “Patdown” Pat “I hired them all” McKinley’s, or Manuel Ramos’s or Jay Cicinelli’s or Joe Wolfe’s. We picked up the check for this, just like we always have for the FPD Culture of Corruption, and as with all settlements, the public who pays the freight never gets to learn key information – in this case the extent to which Captain Dan Hughes and former Chief McKinley may have helped cover up the mess and perhaps even if there was collusion between the cops and originator of the phony phone call that led to Thomas’s death. Naturally, neither Hughes, Joe Felz, Jennifer Fitzgerald, Jan Flory or Doug “Bud” Chaffee wanted a trial.
And Ron Thomas himself may have wanted to avoid a trial, too, since that would have meant a jury and the general public would have found out that he sold the picture of his broken, comatose son for publication on FFFF – for $1200.
Anyway, at the end of this video you will hear Ron Thomas exclaim that the big settlement is an admission of liability by the City, by which he really meant us taxpayers. He says that’s all he ever wanted. Did that make you feel any better?
And now we pivot just slightly to another video, this one from 2011, wherein Ron Thomas has alerted the media that he is going to donate all of any lawsuit or settlement amount to the homeless.
Now at least we can be satisfied that some good has come out of the Kelly Thomas murder, even if we had to pay for it – $6,000,000 so far, not counting the invoices forwarded by Mssrs. Jones & Meyer, Fox, and of course the ever helpful hazmat clean-up crew run by Michael Gennaco. At least $4.9 million (less Gary Mardirossian‘s giant fee) is being given to homeless programs. Right, Ron?
I knew this guy was garbage, but selling a photo of your dead son? What the hell is that?
An opportunity?
Ron Thomas, as a mother of a son who lives with the effects of schizophrenia and is homeless, what happened to your son is my greatest fear. I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful son and plan to work towards creating some kind of change that will give people like our sons a chance.
wRONg Thomas
Most of us knew Ron Thomas was scum from the very beginning, but he proved useful for smacking the city establishment and dirtbag cops in the face about 300 times. Thanks for all you’ve done, Ron. Now screw off.
Exactly agree. He took the money and ran without helping any of us homeless here in Fullerton. We did so much for him during the protests. He’s a piece of .
A Facebook message to me from ron thomas dated August 9 2012…. “Hi Keith, I just want to let you know that everything that I have said about the mission of KTMF I will follow. All moneys have and will go to help the homeless people who need it. Of course only on a few occasions have I actually given “Cash” to a homeless family with a small boy, and that was out of my own pocket and not from KTMF. I did write a check to the First Christian Church in Fullerton recently for $2,000 because I know that Pastor Darrell McGowen does many things for the homeless. I am currently working with the Fullerton interfaith Emergency Services and Capt. Hughes FPD to purchase some portable showers and lockers for the local homeless (very expensive). I refuse to get side tracked by those that want me to spend all of the money NOW, and on what they see as the most important things. This is where all of the problems started. I attend a lot of meetings, as well having been on the Homeless Taskforce Committee. Here as well as talking with the homeless I have learned what the most important needs for the homeless people are. There is no guess work on my part, I as well as others have done our homework, and I will continue to monitor the needs of the homeless people. I come from the corporate world, and I have even taught small business classes for the NOCCCD in Fullerton. This is why I am running KTMF the way it should be ran, like a business, not by vote. KTMF is registered with the state and with the IRS as a Non-Profit Corporation. I am the owner and CEO. Because of this, I must file financial reports with the state and IRS that match bank records. So, please wait until I let you down before losing trust in me (not saying that you have yet). You have been there for Kelly from the start and I really want to thank you for that.
As far as Dana, she HAS done a lot for KTMF and the homeless. Our problems are deep and I won’t get into them, but please understand that there are always two sides to any story. Thank you. I will earn your trust, I give you my word. If not, make sure that you hold me accountable.
Ron Thomas
100% true and correct.
I don’t know where the money is going, but Ron has a new house and nice collection of expensive guitars.
A Facebook message to me from ron thomas dated August 9 2012…. “Hi Keith, I just want to let you know that everything that I have said about the mission of KTMF I will follow. All moneys have and will go to help the homeless people who need it. Of course only on a few occasions have I actually given “Cash” to a homeless family with a small boy, and that was out of my own pocket and not from KTMF. I did write a check to the First Christian Church in Fullerton recently for $2,000 because I know that Pastor Darrell McGowen does many things for the homeless. I am currently working with the Fullerton interfaith Emergency Services and Capt. Hughes FPD to purchase some portable showers and lockers for the local homeless (very expensive). I refuse to get side tracked by those that want me to spend all of the money NOW, and on what they see as the most important things. This is where all of the problems started. I attend a lot of meetings, as well having been on the Homeless Taskforce Committee. Here as well as talking with the homeless I have learned what the most important needs for the homeless people are. There is no guess work on my part, I as well as others have done our homework, and I will continue to monitor the needs of the homeless people. I come from the corporate world, and I have even taught small business classes for the NOCCCD in Fullerton. This is why I am running KTMF the way it should be ran, like a business, not by vote. KTMF is registered with the state and with the IRS as a Non-Profit Corporation. I am the owner and CEO. Because of this, I must file financial reports with the state and IRS that match bank records. So, please wait until I let you down before losing trust in me (not saying that you have yet). You have been there for Kelly from the start and I really want to thank you for that.
As far as Dana, she HAS done a lot for KTMF and the homeless. Our problems are deep and I won’t get into them, but please understand that there are always two sides to any story. Thank you. I will earn your trust, I give you my word. If not, make sure that you hold me accountable.
Ron Thomas
“I will earn your trust, I give you my word. If not, make sure that you hold me accountable.”
Ron Thomas
Looks like 4F is holding you accountable, Mr. Thomas.
“Our problems are deep and I won’t get into them…”
This guy is such a piece of shit! He is all talk and had no plans other than buying a big house, a boat, and more guitars and remote planes.
His son called his name as he was getting beaten to put him through hell the same way his dad did him for his short life.
Go to hell Ron Thomas!
Ron has always been a liar. Since day 1 when he said he was a retired Sheriff. Huge liar. Fraud.
And of course Greg, yes the fat goose that shit on the golden egg when he voted down looking into the OCSD as an option. All five of you morons are all being had and you stick together like a bunch of insecure high school girls at the lunch shelter.
Fred/Ron never had any intention of donating anything for the homeless in Fullerton. He hates the homeless and he is a germaphobe. He stole money from KTMF the entire time people were donating to it. Kelly was receiving a monthly check from the state and It was being stolen by his own family. He could not pick up his money because his family had a restraining order on him at the time of his murder.
Now Cathy has a Million and Fred has 4.9 million thanks to the tax payers and nothing has changed for the homeless.
No showers, No bathrooms and No Kelly Thomas Memorial Foundation.
Do your homework and you will see that Cathy was/is a drug abuser and she committed grave bodily injury or death while driving under the influence of narcotics (meth). Kelly tried to sleep on her porch and she would call the cops to enforce the restraining order.
Fred/Ron said Kelly was dead to him and he was so happy when it actually happened because Garo and he went into full Hollywood mode. The poor grieving father and his scripted,orchestrated show went into full effect.
Here is the money that is being created by fraud a trickle down to money makers since KTMF.ORG IS NON EXISTENT DO NOT DONATE TO THIS … JUST QUESTION MONEY COLLECTED … MONEY GIVEN …
Ron Thomas never hurt anybody. He only wants justice for his son.
But he can’t have that so $5 million will have to do.
This may seem like a pedantic point to make, but since Ron Thomas was not Kelly’s legal guardian he did not have standing to sue on Kelly’s behalf. The only damages he could have recovered were his own personal pain and suffering from learning about how is son was killed. That may not be nothing but would/ should have substantially limited the City’s exposure should the matter jave gone to trial.
The city would have argued that, and they probably would have prevailed. But the city would have had to disclose an awful lot of dirty secrets about it’s police force in the process, and they couldn’t have that.
That is 100% accurate.
Then we blame his wife? Nice guy.
Good video. I think we have determined that directly and indirectly Fullerton taxpayers have and are paying for this. Is anyone disputing that?
The taxpayers always pay for the crimes of police and government in general.
I think some people still fantasize that when they read that the “City” , “County” or “State” will pay out, that there is some closet filled with money trees , growing money , just for these situations.
Kelly has made a difference! Things have changed! Ron has worked hard to help make a difference. Who cares what he does with the money…
Like it or not you will never know what the Thomas family went through.
Kelly will never be forgotten❤!
“Things have changed!”
Like what?
“Ron has worked hard to help make a difference”
Such as?
“Who cares what he does with the money…”
Not you obviously. He said it would all go to the homeless. Was Poor Ron homeless when he bought himself a house?
City is no longer run by the good old boys any more. Like it or not Ron helped with the recall.
Cops have cameras!
He has raised a ton of money for the homeless before Any settlement.
Some of the money has gone to the homeless.
I’ve seen it.
Ya most people do buy houses… he has been working all his life.
Why are you so wound up about this? It’s OK 6 cops got away with murder? Get you facts straight before u talk trash.
Try to stay focused. Did Ron follow through with his promise or not?
As if you are going to give it all at once!
He may not give every penny but one thing I know for sure is he will never stop making a difference.
Well he’s making a difference for himself and he was homeless, right?
You are not fooling us. Changes were consequence of popular outrage and other circumstances. Compare participating in some fundraisings with making true a pledge to donate all money to the homeless Who the F are you trying to fool?????
Kinda crazy your all pissy about the money when 6 murders are still on the street and 3 of them work for the FPD?
I guess is possible to be mad at that and at the cost to the taxpayer and at the broken promise by Ron. You seem interested in reducing the conversation into a single issue of your own choosing .
Different issue, huh?
We can be outraged at the behavior of the FPD AND Ron Thomas, ya know?
“Ya most people do buy houses… he has been working all his life.”
Most people work all their lives so they can pay a mortgage, ya know, just in case they don’t get a big settlement from the taxpayers of Fullerton.
Ron helped with the recall ??? Hahaha !! He made a claim that he wanted to become the new mayor … Ron hired a film crew and cheerleaders to help himself get what he always wanted … $$$$ … oh how successful was his movie ?? How successful was anything he did ?? And how much of the 4.9 MILLION DOLLARS was given to charities that help the homeless ?? He did publicly announce he would give it all away
You must admit he made a promise. Can you tell us how he has made a difference?
Yes he said he would,As if he’s gonna give it all to the homeless!
City has had an overall thanks to the recall.
People now have their eyes open.
Fpd wears cameras.
Word gets around kelly corner Ron has helped many.
He be actively making changes raising awareness. His fight is not over!
“Yes he said he would,As if he’s gonna give it all to the homeless!”
Um please explain this nonsense, Spunky.
The recall had nothing to do with Kelly and the recall was done and paid for by No one connected to Ron… geeze spunky get a life
Word gets around Kelly’s corner ??? Thru who ???
“His fight is not over!”
You’re right about that. Stay tuned.
I have met guys for whom money is above faimily, human life or the common good. Just a thought
Who cares where the money is spent? It’s nobody’s business what Ron Thomas does with it. It wasn’t your son that was brutally beaten to death. Regardless of your opinion of his character or moral compass, it’s his money to do with whatever he chooses. The city had to be held accountable in some way and they were. It’s the only way change will ever happen. It is unfortunate that change has been minor but it’ s a start. If Ron gives money to the homeless, great. If Ron buys a solid gold toilet, great. If it gives him a second to think about something other than his son crying out his name as he is being beaten, great. Again, not my business, not your business.
Who cares where the money is spent?
I do. He said he was going to give it to the homeless. All of it. That makes him a liar if he doesn’t. You don’t care if he’s a liar, and obviously neither does he. That fact that his son was beaten to death is not relevant to anything since he made his promise AFTER that event, not before.
Of course “it’s his money.” Too bad we had to pay for it since the payola bought nothing but silence and no justice.
The City WAS NOT held accountable and there was no change at all. The same thing could happen tomorrow. Let’s hope it doesn’t happen to you.
Yes, his son cried out his name. Two weeks later he sold the picture of his kid – for $1200. That probably doesn’t bother you either.
It is our business that a fortune was paid out at our expense. It is our business the abuse of force by law enforcement and the moral turpitude of someone who promises to improve the lives of a collective group of people and does not do so. If it does not matter-as you say-, why does Ron go to the extreme PR length to persuade everyone that the taxpayer is not footing the bill??? He tried years back at council meetings , at interviews and now with the phone call.