See? FFFF Can Do Puff pieces too!
While the focus of this blog is rightly on the many problems and challenges faced by the City of Fullerton, I’d like to briefly mention a bit of a positive story, just this once.
Many of you know Thom Babcock, who was one of the members of the group behind the 1994 Recall, who most recently served as Fullerton’s representative on the Metropolitan Water District from 2012-2013 and is a friend of this blog and many of its contributors. This it Thom:

Since 2014, Thom and his granddaughter, Alyssa, have participated in Catarina’s Club’s pasta drive, which helps feed motel kids in the Anaheim area. Thom estimates that he and his granddaughter have collected 125 pounds of food for the drive and $300 in donations so far, but if any of our friends at FFFF would like to help add to the total, you can contact Thom by Sunday (Nov. 20) at to drop off any additional donations of pasta or pasta sauce. There’s a lot to be cynical about in our political environment but there are good people and causes in our community and if you can help a lot of kids in need will appreciate it.
So this is run by Travis now? I was wondering where you went too. I’ve said your name 100’s of times the last few years. Did you wash your mouth out with soap?
Try to do more of these, if you can. There’s a lot of good here done by conservatives that I think should be highlighted.
On occasion you do things that highlight the good work others are doing. let that be your puff pieces. You don’t just want to be place that only complains. Not that you are, but it’s something to be watchful of. My name is Stephan Baxter, but everyone knows me as bax baxter. So I make no effort to hide my ID. I can appreciate the need to anonymity for others, but in the past (the FFFF before the relaunch) I did received veiled threats by anonymous posters on here, most likely made by cops or cop groupies. I do not feel that anyone making a threats should have their id protected by this site and that their IP address should be revealed (if that’s even possible) .
I thought we were talking about pasta and sauce.
I remember Flory had a conniption fit when this guy was appointed to MWD. Apoplectic.