Dan Hughes is a Liar

Fullerton Police Chief and current Cast Member Copper at the Walt Disney Corporation Danny Hughes was compelled to testify at a nuisance hearing today, 24 April 2017, at Fullerton City Hall.
During the hearing he was asked, under oath, about his involvement in the Joe Felz DUI disaster. According to an article in the Voice of OC, Hughes claimed that Felz was afforded some sort of “objectivity” by the orders he issued to his officers that night. He also had some choice words about Fullerton. Let’s go to the audio (transcribed below without his “uhs”):
“When there is a, especially in the city of Fullerton, where there is somebody, whether it be a City Council Member or in this particular case the City Manager, those types of incidents are gonna, what I would describe, blow up. No matter what that decision is made regarding the outcome of that case there there will be allegations and conspiracy theories and all sorts of information that comes from that. So, uh, generally speaking the supervisor would notify a Lieutenant, that Lieutenant would notify the Captain, the Captain would generally either make the decision or contact me.”
Allegations and Conspiracy Theories. How quaint. That’s almost as cute as when Pat McKinley tried blaming the Kelly Thomas protests on “outside agitators”.
Let me break this down for former Chief Hughes and the cops in the audience.
That same “If you aren’t a criminal so what are you afraid of?” maxim that you all love so much? It applies double to you. Our fair residents have no reason to trust the FPD after the years and years of corruption and corrupt officers that just can’t help themselves from turning to the dark side. Bad Apples you say? Maybe, but I don’t see any heroes stepping up to put them down. I don’t see officers testifying against their corrupt allies. My inbox isn’t exactly brimming with HeroMail™ regarding what needs to change on the inside. Maybe if that blue wall of silence didn’t protect violent felonious acts and sexual predators we wouldn’t feel the need to make “allegations” about your culture of corruption.
Further to the point the Felz incident has nothing to do with the outcomes of a “case” but rather with the circumspect treatment at the scene of a crime. Nobody cares if everybody on city staff was called that night because what matters is that AFTER the calls were made the officers on the scene opted to not do their jobs be it by choice or by following possibly illegal orders.
Hughes stated in his own memo that Felz smelled of alcohol and yet nobody made sure that the situation was beyond reproach by administering a breathalyzer. Felz was treated differently than the thousands of drunks that are arrested yearly here in Fullerton and that’s how you end up with “allegations” and “information that comes from that”.
As for the “conspiracy theories” comment? The idea that Hughes was complicit in a Felz cover-up isn’t the stuff of conspiracies as that’s just simple deductive reasoning. THIS is a Conspiracy:

Exit Question: In the above audio Hughes claims the following:
“So, uh, generally speaking the supervisor would notify a Lieutenant, that Lieutenant would notify the Captain, the Captain would generally either make the decision or contact me.”
I believe the Watch Commander from Hughes’ own memo above was Lieutenant Andrew Goodrich. So was protocol and the chain of command, generally speaking, broken when Lieutenant Goodrich called Hughes and not his Captain? And if so, why?
My own 2 cents about what I’ve learned over the years when dealing with Dan Hughes is that whenever you see his lips moving, rest assured you’re being lied to.
Hughes was quoted by a reporter as saying in his deposition:
“The goal is to provide “some objectivity,“ he said, “especially in the city of Fullerton, where there seems to be such anti-government conspiracy theories from folks that have some emotional issues or some mental issues.”
I would like to premis this comment with the statement that I have no emotional or mental issues that Hughes alluded to, my opinions are derived by his unethical and dishonest actions. The statement was nothing more than a insult to his detractors alleging mental illness and delusional thoughts as being the reason for their very real and legitmate concerns.
I am disturbed that a public figure and a member of the Disney corporation would mock the members of our society who do suffer from mental issues by making such a statement. There is enough stigma attached to mental health and such uncaring and thoughtless comments do nothing to promote understanding.
Hughes not only lied. He lied under oath while testifying in a legal proceeding.
One need only read the memo he wrote the day after the incident to see the proof of his lies.
HE claims to have contacted the DA’s office the day after the incident to ask them to investigate. Why would their office need to investigate when it was already determined that the city manager did not meet the criteria for 23152a CVC that he did not operate a motor vehicle while impaired? I think he contacted the DA office only after he realized that the story had no possible hope of being believed.
Similar to that night that Sgt Roger Corbett was caught (after drinking in a bar) with a woman in his city vehicle and lied to co-workers and the dispatcher saying that he was on duty when he was not and that he and his narcotic crew were working a case to make them go away and possibly prevent them from seeing how drunk he was. These “lay off” stories always seem like such a good idea until the next day. The devil is in the details. By the way. Corbett is the Sgt. who responded to the scene, grabbed Felz from the interview and put him in his unit, ending the investigation. If I was Felz attorney I would be requesting a copy of the dispatch tape where Corbett can be heard lying to a dispatcher. That would be very impressive to play to a jury. Could be a little damaging to Corbetts credability.
Hughes was gone by Friday. The crew was still hoping to ride it out with Felz quietly paying for the tree so I don’t believe he contacted the DA at all. Another lie, presumably. Of course if Danny Galahad ever turns over his phone records as the law requires, we would know.
And I have to say that taking credit for the DA’s prosecution AFTER you have made it impossible to prosecute such a case takes a lot of arrogance. And assholery.
Well another fun aspect of the defense of the Felz case it that the DA will have the interest in impeaching Corbett on the stand with his past less than truthful deeds. You see Sgt. Corbett will be defendant Felz and Bob Hickey’s witness…Hickey will want Corbett to testify that he evaluated Felz and made the determination that Felz was not impaired. The DA will pit Corbett’s expert testimony against the expert testimony of a OCDA DRE witness.
Is that the way good honest police looks like Mr. Hughes, was that your decision making process when: ” I call the DA in the morning and “my notifying the District Attorneys office and requesting them to investigate that led to him … ultimately being charged”
The man who’s decision making ability is intrusted to protect millions of Disneyland visitors per year.
Dan Hughes will say the night of the Felz crash he was woken up, lied to and provided bad information by his field Sgt. on the scene Corbett and the Watch commander Lt. Goodrich . Hughes will say he is not accountable because he based his decision making on bogus information provided by Sgt. Corbett.
The public has a right to know what happened that night with our elected officials and appointed leaders. Ok I’m ready….let’s see the video
…this could be interesting watching the DA’s top investigator drop a dime on the DA and his cover-ups over the years of all of his political allies…
According to Hughes he asked Sgt. Corbett to conduct a standardized field sobriety test on Felz… the officers who are trained to conduct this test attend a two day course on how to administer them. I wonder if at any time during that course the cops are trained to turn off their recording devices, place the suspected drunk driver in the back of a supervisors patrol car and drive the drunk home?
Classroom Instruction:
The Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFST) Course is a comprehensive impaired driver detection course. The two-day course is designed to increase the law enforcement officer abilities to detect the impaired driver. This course meets the prerequisite for officers who wish to attend the Drug Recognition Evaluator (DRE) Program. The following subjects are discussed:
Recognizing and Interpreting Evidence of DUI Violations
NHTSA Standardized Field Sobriety Tests
Courtroom Testimony
Report Writing
Alcohol Correlation Studies
Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus
Dry Alcohol Lab
P.S. Never call your City Manager a “suspect”
But if the cop smelled liquor?
Right. There’s your alcohol reeking City Manager. And there’s poor dead Sappy McTree. What’s the purpose of a filed sobriety test? Give ’em the breathalyzer just like you would anybody else.
Objectivity has no place in a criminal investigation. An investigation is nothing more that a search for the truth.
An investigation that ends in arrest demands that bias, judgement and prejudice be utilized. The person who is to remain objective is the judge, not the chief of police.
Quote from Hughes:
“When there is a, especially in the city of Fullerton, where there is somebody, whether it be a City Council Member or in this particular case the City Manager, those types of incidents are gonna, what I would describe, blow up. No matter what that decision is made regarding the outcome of that case there there will be allegations and conspiracy theories and all sorts of information that comes from that.”
Who would have objected to the city manager being arrested for drunk driving based on the circumstances and outcome of a preliminary alcohol screening test. Hughes did not arrest to give the appearance of being objective?
Notice how Hughes tries to blame the dubious chain of events on the fact that Fullerton citizens are sick of taking his shit lying down? And that’s how he somehow excuses the dubious outcome.
No matter what we did people would bitch. That’s another lie. Had he done his job the would have been no resuscitation of FFFF.
Not everyone who thinks that odd things happened on election night is mentally deranged. The posters and commenters on this blog seem to have forgotten just how this whole sordid affair came to light instead of being covered up as Hughes and his merry band of criminals in blue desired. Someone on the inside spilled his guts.
Remember that the details were posted on another political blog in Fullerton. What’s so interesting is the timing. The police night shift gets off at around 6 AM? If i remember correctly, at 7:03 someone posted all the details on the other blog, details that could only be known by someone on the inside and who most likely was on the scene. Details like times, names of officers on the scene, who was called when, and most telling, the case number. 7 AM and you already know the case number? This tells me that all the FPD officers are not crooks, that at least one has enough ethics to be offended by the blatant coverup, enough that he dumped the details publicly. Sadly, the problem he has is the decision between keeping quiet, and keeping his career, or going public and facing the wrath of the thugs in blue.
If you ever want to talk to the 4F crew, I’m sure they would love to listen.
Fair point. Take my comment as a broad stroke because I myself have spoken to one or two active or retired officers who do care enough to drop bread crumbs.
Yes, someone dropped the dime a;right. The trouble is the only cops who want to blow a whistle are the ones who have been treated badly (or say they have – remember Lira?). So where are the good ones who are motivated to do the right thing because it’s the right thing?
The Wide Blue Waistband
April 25, 2017 at 10:32 AM
Yes, someone dropped the dime a;right. The trouble is the only cops who want to blow a whistle are the ones who have been treated badly (or say they have – remember Lira?). So where are the good ones who are motivated to do the right thing because it’s the right thing?
Well I know of one Fullerton officer who blew the whistle on Hughes and his “Untouchables”….he was fired by Hughes. What do you think the other honest cops did…..nothing.
This can was opened on the Informer. The brave, articulate citizen that Tony’s minions here call tin foil and crazy, as usual, has a line in to an inside, solid source. That is why he is repeatedly showing up at the police station demanding charges be filed. The mental and emotional issues alluded to by Dan which are repeatedly mirrored here by your authors and contributors are just flailing attempts to discredit Joe and Barry. This site willingly sings along with the repeated off tackle runs Bushala calls on and off. When this all pans out, it will be painfully obvious how you have all been played. Will it matter to some of you? It is highly doubtful.
The Earth is not flat. Say it again and again.
I agree. This is what needs to be done. Glad someone is.
Yeah? Where did that get him?
“The mental and emotional issues alluded to by Dan which are repeatedly mirrored here by your authors and contributors are just flailing attempts to discredit Joe and Barry.”
No one has to flail or attempt to discredit those loons, their own words do it better than anyone else could.
The seed was planted in that bald head that Danny could take credit for personally bringing the matter to the attention of their office when the DA office put out the press release that included this statement:
“FPD initially responded to the scene and then transferred the case to the OCDA for further investigation and legal review. ”
Is that not how it works. How many other press releases contain that statement?
I googled Dan Hughes is a Liar and this is what I found:
The statement that Hughes makes regarding praying in his office might shed some light on Dan Hughes being a liar or if he is merely doing Gods will. If one prays and say for example God tells you to type out a memo filled with untrue statements regarding the arrest of your friend, the city manager, are you lying or just channeling that which has been asked of you?
Should you be held accountable for acts of God?
Reading that “Behind the Bullshit” fluff piece is what it must be like to live in a country that doesnt have freedom of the press.
The dark irony of the residents actually having to pay to get spoon fed that bullshit is what crony capitalism is all about.
I also think it’s darkly ironic that the two people in Fullerton that I can always count on a lie coming out of theit mouths, profess to both be Evangelical Christians?
Acts and not words are what count the most.
‘The People of the Lie’.? The two you mention seem to support Scott Peck’s premise. Evil likes to hide in government and church to cover its evilness with an illusion of respectability.
Amen ; – )
False prophets.
Q. What does your Chief’s Advisory Board do?
The chief’s advisory board is something I created a year ago. It’s made up of about a dozen individuals from a wide variety of backgrounds. I wouldn’t say they dislike the police, but they certainly are very objective in terms of police issues. And that’s really what I wanted. I didn’t want people to tell me what I wanted to hear. I wanted people who were going to be very honest and straightforward, and that’s what we have on our current board.
In other words, the FPD Advisory Board hand picked by Hughes was just the right kind of folks with emotional issues or some mental issues.
In the article, Hughes said “especially in the city of Fullerton, where there seems to be such anti-government conspiracy theories from folks that have some emotional issues or some mental issues.”
Remember, Hughes condoned and defended the murder of mentally ill Kelly Thomas by his own employees. If Dan Hughes starts talking about your mental issues, it’s a warning sign. You might be next.
A tremendous amount of pain and suffering have come from this man’s lies and incompetence. It’s only a matter of time before he causes a disaster at Disneyland.
Anyone who works for Dan Hughes should watch their backs.
I guess that’s how he became FPD Chief.. during the protests they kept sending an officers out out the front door to try and appease the protesters and Capt. Hughes seem pass the test. He could outsmart people the best.In his mind when he could “objectify” what happened to the face of Kelly Thomas because mabee he didn’t care for the way Kellys “before”mappearance was. Those protesting must have seemed
to have “emotional issues or some mental issues.” who couldn’t objectify this in the same way. The difference in Felz incident and Kellys is that the best possible scenario was assumed about Felz but the worst was assumed about Kelly. They assumed kelly was intoxicated he wasn’t, they assumed Felz wasn’t although everything indicated he was. This thought alone is giving me some strong emotional reactions. Disneyland is known for hiring people with disabilities some mental. Its nice to know they hired someone with such great experience working with people.
You example is perfectly illustrated Streets. Well done.