Extending Fullerton’s Outdoor Saloon

Fullerton has a vibrant night life with thousands of patrons being served by the 60+ establishments with liquor licenses within the Downtown region alone. While it is true that some businesses don’t operate within the law and the city turns a blind eye to its own municipal code when it suits them it cannot be denied that business is good in the good old outdoor saloon game.
But business could be better if only bars and nightclubs didn’t have to stop serving people.
Never fear. The California Senate has come to the rescue by passing SB-384 which will allow local municipalities to keep the bars open and beer slinging until 4am. There is a lot of support in Sacramento for this bill as it passed the Senate 27-4-4 with our own Senator Newman being one of those Aye votes. It next goes to the Assembly so only time will tell how Quirk-Silva will vote in that chamber.
The more fun question to ponder is how her husband and the rest of the (D) council majority will vote once it passes. Will they allow Fullerton to keep the doors open longer if only to keep FPD’s OT flowing as freely as the booze? Will they manage to get a handle of the municipal code before acquiescing to their bar and nightclub owning campaign donors? Will they vote against it thereby hindering the number of awards FPD can rack up from MADD?

Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC
*** Officer Siliceo’s name on the plaque is misspelled as Sihiceo. ***
Personally I think this bill is stupid because it would mean that bars would have to close down at 4AM and could open again at 6AM. Booze would have to stop flowing for 2 hours. 2 HOURS?! Why not just go Vegas style and end the cut-off altogether? That seems like a smarter play then pretending that turning off the tap for 2 hours will keep people from over drinking.
How do you friends think this will play out in council chambers and on the streets of Downtown? Let us know in the comments.
If you need inspiration for your comments please let Dick Jones be your guide.
Nobody needs a nanny state to tell them when to start and stop drinking.
You couldn’t even hose the place down in two hours.
Typical Fullerton’s uniqueness, our town predictably rolls back time by removing civility from its downtown and replacing it with wild, west saloons where the wild , west sheriff was judge, jury and executioner. Does this definition read familiar? Think Kelly Thomas’ presence repulsed the usual stuperous, sleazy patrons of Slidebar et al so this not fine establishment calls Fullerton PD who quickly murder Kelly Thomas. Thanks to Fullerton PD and Fullerton’s civic leaders,, Slidebar and the rest of downtown Fullerton’s booze, bash,barf fests are saved from a homeless, schizophrenic deterring its motley customers. Why not keep Downtown Fullerton’s saloons open 24/7, it would generate tax revenue for salaries and pensions for Fullerton’s finest, the Fullerton Police Department.
Bad idea… the later it gets the worse uglier it gets out there… although More business for Uber drivers?
Absolutely against a 4am shutoff! This town is already becoming a complete shit show for misfits, alcholic mental cases everywhere you turn….. it’s an absolute shame to see the deterioration of what once was A Safe & Lovely City