A March for Science, Road Closures and the ACLU
On Saturday the city will shut down several public streets for an event called the “March for Science.” It’s the local version of a nationwide protest of federal budget cuts to scientific research. While the event organizers claim that it is non-partisan, critics say its the nerdy version of yet another anti-Trump protest.

Naturally the city bureaucrats were eager to accommodate to the public’s expression via a gathering on the city hall lawn and a march through downtown streets, right? Of course not. The City of Fullerton declined the assembly. Organizers were told to come up with $12,000 for city fees, a $2 million insurance policy and provide 90 days notice before starting the march.
What were these fees supposed to pay for? $8,000 went towards some sort of a traffic control plan and $4,000 was earmarked for police fees. Specifics costs were unavailable, but we can read between the lines: it’s $12,000 to put up plastic barricades and have some cops stand around, collecting overtime.
The ACLU got involved and lit up the city for charging excess fees they claim were intended to “discourage community members from exercising their First Amendment rights.”
Predictably, the ACLU communique prompted a change of heart at city hall. City management found a way to drastically reduce fees to a mere $175. The march will proceed as planned, without most of the ridiculously expensive bureaucratic requirements.
The moral of this story, of course, is that city hall’s default reaction to 1st amendment activity is to put up artificial financial/administrative barricades and prevent the unwashed masses from organizing and criticizing government. Around here, if you can’t bring in a lawyer to assert your rights, you’re nobody. That sounds familiar.
On the other hand, I am reminded of a peaceful Fullerton march that occurred in 2011 without lawyers, city approval, plastic barricades, insurance policies, traffic control, fat cops on overtime or any sort of certificate of authenticity. How did that happen?
Of course the city is going to try to deny the taxpayer out of hand. The city has all the lawyers, the lawyers get paid by the taxpayers and the lawyers tell the city what to do!
They would have stationed Fullerton’s “finest” to take down license plate info for further use…
Trump’s only presidential accomplishment so far is getting these people outside for a walk.
Pokemon Go got more people out and we didn’t have to shut roads or suffer communists. I’m going to chalk this up in the loss column.
I’m with you on the road closure but am mystified by the communist reference. Opponents of Trumpiana include 50,000,000 non communists.
Because every one of these protests ends up being a magnet for them. That’s what I meant.
How can you tell the communist from the non-communist? Is there a badge or something?
They usually carry signs denouncing capitalism or are sporting Bernie apparel.
Honey what ont you Google it I know I watched him last night at the pro life movement Susan B. Anthony talking about how he stopped Planned Parenthood from getting millions and millions of dollars.
Instead of making stupid accusations what don’t you Google it what aren’t you ask somebody what trump has done.
Very proud of President Trump. California your slimed by democrats that’s why you don’t hear anything but fake news.
I remember that march. The cops were hiding in Danny Boy’s office like a bunch of cowards.
Wherever they were, their lack of presence avoided an almost inevitably disastrous escalation – so be thankful!
Don’t make it sound intentional. Those cops were scared of all the angry people.
So that’s your big hoorah is to think that you scared some cops lol
Those guys might be helping your mother one day you should be thankful and stead of being a idiot like you have been in this comment
I would have to hand out tickets for excessive sciencing.
Why would you pay the city for a protest when you can just do it for free? Who asks for permission to protest? Stupid scientists.
I was wondering that myself. Just use the sidewalks!
Fullerton activist and political action committee agree to FPCC penalty
Too little too late for Sukhee.
Some guy from this March went to the council meeting last night and kissed a lot of city ass, thanking the city for trying to screw him over. It’s hard to take your protest seriously when you graciously allow the city to emasculate you.