Our Police Force Could be Second to None. An Essay

No, seriously. I mean it.

And not like Doug “Bud” Chaffee means it when he says our fire department is “second to none.” The unintentional irony of Chaffee’s words escapes the Hero worshipers. He’s right. Our fire department is second to none because they are all virtually the same. Same standards, same recruiting pool, same ridiculously grand benefits, same sense of unearned entitlement. Response times? The differences are statistically minuscule, statewide.

But back to the cops.

If you were an honest person with a sound work ethic what would you do to work for the absolute best police force in the State of California? Would you work for less money than you could in a department with a worse, or much worse reputation? Maybe not if you really had the sense of excellence that is pretended by all police departments, but that we know to be a pure myth. You are not a parasite, or a racist, or a belligerent fool with a gun and a Taser who is delighted to have a union that will oppose any real investigations into bad behavior, and that has no qualms about possibly bankrupting the city that employs you.

Wouldn’t it be great to have 150 great cops who are interested in serving the public and a lot less inserted in grabbing what they can under the delusion that somehow the taxpayer should be eternally grateful to any thug or idiot with a badge and a pistol and a club?

How can this happen? Not by denying the obvious Culture of Corruption that has become the unfortunate hallmark of our department, and that was vigorously denied by our former Chief, Dan Hughes who spent the final twenty years of his career being nurtured by the culture, and nurturing it in turn. No. We need an outside agent who is rigorously analytical, ethically sound and emotionally confident. Somebody like Joseph McNamara immediately springs to mind. And then you start recruiting decent, empathetic, intelligent human beings – not messed up LAPD castoffs, perverts, kleptomaniacs, self-righteous thieves, lazy sociopaths, paranoid thugs and drug addicts who become liabilities the day they are hired. You institute a culture in which bad behavior will result in termination, not cover up.

In the meantime the lazy, stupid and violent bad cops would be weeded out as quickly as possible under the ridiculous two-tiered justice system known as POBR.

It will take years. Maybe 10 or 15.

The sooner we start, the better.

13 Replies to “Our Police Force Could be Second to None. An Essay”

  1. Fish rots from the head: Pat “I Hired Them All When I Wasn’t Selling My Dumb Vest Back to The City and Scribbling My Even Dumber She Bear Book” McKinley, Mike “I’m Going on Vacation and I Ain’t Coming Back” Sellers, Danny “There is No Corruption, There Is No Corruption” Hughes.

    25 tears of incompetent, sociopathic leadership. All condoned by our City Councils elected with the help of the police union.

  2. Pat McKinley, ex-LAPD cop whose glory resided in shooting at black men in south central Los Angeles because he was told they were Black Panthers, retired Fullerton police chief whose leadership corrupted Fullerton PD into murderers, perjurers, bone crushers and the list may go on, Fullerton city councilperson until kicked out of that office for lying to the public claiming on CNN that Fullerton PD did not beat Kelly Thomas to death, who when peddling his SheBear book when questioned on why Fullerton PD Officer Rincon was allowed to stay on the force after the city of Fullerton paid court costs and damages to the female detainees of Officer Rincon for sexually molesting them in the back of his squad car, McKinley replied those women were not women like you(referring to the women in his Shebear audience). The trite but true expression “one bad apple spoils the apple barrel” is true when it comes to McKinley’s corruption of Fullerton PD.

  3. The council has an opportunity right now to hire a real reformer. I am confident that they will do nothing, instead.

  4. We’ll see if FPD will go for being part of the community, for having good paying jobs without continuing ripping us off. I’m sceptical about a sudden change with the same actors

    1. “I’m sceptical about a sudden change with the same actors”

      As you should be. You look at the arrogance of bad characters like Bong Hit Shone and Ron Bair and you realize that the entrenched attitude will not change in a million years left on its own. Our only hope is to get the right man or woman to start over with the idea that it’s the police department’s job to prove its worth through good work and not through political machinations and ridiculous PR ventures.

      (And that’s the reason some of us are so disappointed in Bruce Whitaker’s refusal to take on the corrupt Behind the Badge fiasco without trying to lay it on an interim city manager with no skin in the game.)

      1. Personally I think that Bruce Whitaker possess more scruples than the rest of the city council combined, however acting on those morally superior instincts doesn’t appear to be one of Bruces strong suits.

        Lot of difference between talking a good game and actually playing a good game.

        Bars are full of them sorts of people.

        1. “Lot of difference between talking a good game and actually playing a good game. Bars are full of them sorts of people.”

          Yes, true.

      2. Very true. The City Council needs to do its job and put mechanisms in place to curb FPD irrational anti-community feast

    1. Fullerton Streets ,
      Ha,ha. I didn’t know there was such a thing as a serial urinator. Maybe the guy has an incontinence problem. Let’s set a fundraiser up for a two year supply of pampers!

  5. POBAR protects cops from dirty people like Tony and Travis. POBAR has cost cities billions since its inception due to power hungry politicians. You won’t be able to touch POBAR.

    1. Close.

      POBAR protects dirty cops from people like Tony and Travis.

      And you’re right. POBAR has cost cities billions.

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