The Tribulations of Sonny Siliceo

The OC Register reports that one of Fullerton’s Finest, Miguel (AKA Sonny, Sonny Black) Siliceo has pleaded not guilty to charges leveled by the District Attorney.
A while back I shared the news that Siliceo was charged by the DA with filing a phony cop report. It had to do with a case in which some dude in our downtown booze palace had been busted and charged with “resisting” Sonny’s attempt to hook him up. The trouble was that cop video exonerated the guy. This has been an unfortunate recurrence in Fullerton where all sorts of people end up in the Fullerton jail and workable pretexts need to be ginned up by the cops to explain their presence in the clink. Remember the unfortunate Veth Mam?

And Sonny himself is no stranger to throwing the wrong guy in jail, but apparently now nobody is willing to run interference for him, including our gelatinous acquaintance Andrew Goodrich who once blew off Sonny’s seemingly deliberate misidentification of Emmanuel Martinez that left the guy in jail for 5 months.
Poor misunderstood Sonny has been on paid leave since October, which is costing us plenty, but it still may be cheaper than having him on the streets getting into mischief.
According to his mouthpiece, Michael Schwartz, Siliceo came to Fullerton in 2006 from Tustin. Which makes you wonder why a 40-year old cop would suddenly move to a new employer. Of course because of the obnoxious Police Officer’s Bill of Rights, the taxpayers and citizens are not permitted to know anything about Sonny’s departure from Tustin. But now we can start to make some educated guesses.

And just for fun, you may remember Mr. Schwartz as the beneficiary of the bungled case our District Attorney tried against the one-eyed Fullerton cop, Jay Cicinelli, who smashed in Kelly Thomas’s face with a the butt end of a Taser – right before the homeless man was bon voyaged by the FPD into a lethal coma.
I would like to humbly suggest a new city motto: “Not Guilty, Your Honor!”
That’s pretty funny. In fact, I’ll have to do a post on that.
Note that his attorney seems to have lost his Midas touch with jurors because he didn’t fare too well last week when his client, a San Berdoo deputy sheriff, was convicted for beating and kicking an already shackled man as the news chopper 4 hovered overhead and broadcast the beatdowm on the local evening news.
Do you have a link?
Google Deputy Charles Foster or “San Bernardino Deputy convicted in beating”
Incredibly, according to Schwartz video is “two dimensional” and therefore confusing to jurors.
And that kind of bullshit is why every cop in the nation needs to be outfitted with a camera so we will have THAT two dimensional vantage.
I hope there’s a cold and deep circle of Hell for those who make their living defending bad cops.
3D police cameras are just around the corner. Until then, you must acquit.
He was resisting.
Tustin PD……There was a small gap in Sonny’s employment say 10 years after Sonny was fired by Tustin PD. You see a search warrant was served at Sonny’s home for bookmaking. His roommate was arrested and charged. Tustin PD felt Sonny had knowledge and maybe some evidence Sonny liked the Over or Under on the Radiers a few too many times. Sonny was the must have draft pick of a retired Fullerton Captain who also liked the line on Sonny.
I will play the devil’s advocate for just one time here. So if this obnoxious POBAR is such the huge problem, why then, haven’t Tony’s council plants such as Travis, Greg or Bruce, ever bothered to ever publicly lobby Fullerton’s very own Sacramento officials into repealing or amending it? Socks Silva on her second term in the Assembly is one of Tony’s teddy bears and Newman is one of Tony’s big teddy bears. What have they done about POBAR? Nothing.
Of course that is what we in public safety are grateful to all of you for. Your participation in this charade is merely and exercise for all of you wanna be be political operatives who are still too wet behind the ears to change anything except maybe a diaper or a bicycle tire.
You guys need to go back to selling dental prosthetics, alien rock candy, camera parts or soldering bolts together on your erector sets and leave government to the responsible experts. All you do is defame people and do nothing to solve anything. This blog is an end in itself.
Shall I answer my own question or shall I await the deletion of the comment or the input of Tony’s rabble?
Why so personal?
You sound angry.
Rough home life? Having a hard time with the wife?
We’re here to help. Little blue pills included.
Nice answer. Really substantive. Proves my point.
Technically it was a question.
“a hard time with the wife?”
Most likely wife number three.
Laughing out loud!
Responsible experts? Like a drunk, hit-and-run city manager? Like the crooked PoChief who let him off the hook? Like a councilcreature who lied about the budget to get re-elected? Like a public works department that has let the streets go to hell while building unnecessary elevator towers at the depot and stairs to nowhere in Hillcrest park? Like the idiots who let hundreds of millions of gallons of water disappear out of Laguna Lake? Like the evil bastards that profit off of the booze and barf culture in downtown that provide the cops with free food and beer?
Yeah, that’s quite an array of experts you’ve got there.
You sound like Joe Imbriano. That’s funny.
Nice answer. Really substantive. Proves my point.
How about answering why if this obnoxious POBAR is such the huge problem, why then, haven’t Tony’s council plants such as Travis, Greg or Bruce, ever bothered to ever publicly lobby Fullerton’s very own Sacramento officials into repealing or amending it? Socks Silva on her second term in the Assembly is one of Tony’s teddy bears and Newman is one of Tony’s big teddy bears. What have they done about POBAR? Nothing. Most of the commentary here is anti cop. Here is your solution right? Why not just sieze the moment?
Since the topic of this post is your colleague Miguel (AKA Sonny Black) Siliceo and not some guy named Tony, how about answering this question: why did Sonny get run out of Tustin?
Right on. What crap did Sonny do there that POBAR prevents us from knowing. THAT is the topic of the post.
Was he really in on a gambling ring? Isn’t that, you know, a CRIME?
Hahahaha! Sonny the Greek!
Cannot be disclosed due to POBAR. How about answering why if this obnoxious POBAR is such the huge problem, why then, haven’t Tony’s council plants such as Travis, Greg or Bruce, ever bothered to ever publicly lobby Fullerton’s very own Sacramento officials into repealing or amending it? Socks Silva on her second term in the Assembly is one of Tony’s teddy bears and Newman is one of Tony’s big teddy bears. What have they done about POBAR? Nothing. Most of the commentary here is anti cop. Here is your solution right? Why not just sieze the moment? Why not begin to end what Tony’s rabble all mistakenly perceive as the problem? If you had it your way, you would post all of our home addresses, phone numbers and spouses work addresses on this hate filled site. Fortunately, the law protects those of us who are tasked with enforcing the law.
But you can disclose it
So what’s the story? Why did the 41 year old cop (41 and still a patrolman, yikes!) leave Tustin?
And isn’t Sonny really representative of all you cops? Why should we believe otherwise? You have shrouded your misbehaving in secrecy so why shouldn’t we naturally mistrust all of you?
Less roids.
More blue pills.
First you try to make us love you: you better obey our lawful commands or we’ll bash your heads in.
Then you get Stumblejoe to hire an idiot PR outlet (that we paid) for to get us to love you: Lookit – Officer Bonobo rescues a cat from the tree and gives blood on his day off.
What’s next? Honest police work without making excuses and shifting dirty cops around? That’ll be worth waiting for.
Hey what’s the tale on Officer Gibert? Oh no! That darn POBAR again.
Goodbarf, is that you?
Lay off the carbs, man.
Close but no cigar. Hint. Here is what I like to imbibe off duty.
Oh, we’re pretty sure that’s not all you’re imbibing.
What do you “imbibe” when you’re on duty, Bro? Slimebar Suds?
Wow, what an assortment of douche rinse. Must be FPD.
Veth Mam? Seriously? That guy’s case was a joke. His civil suit against the city, which only needed preponderance of the evidence in order for him to get a settlement and not the beyond-a-reasonable-doubt criteria for criminal cases, was basically laughed out of court by the jury. Mam’s case, which was one of many filed against FPD by Ron Thomas’ slime ball attorney Garo Mardirossian, never had a chance. Has FPD done some bad shit? Of course! But there sure was some piling on done by Mardirossian who tried to parlay the Kelly Thomas case and turn Fullerton’s coffers into his personal bank account. Mardirossian filed like 5 or 6 lawsuits against FPD along with Ron Thomas’. Except for Ron’s, (which was huge, I know) old Garo lost every single one of the others. Tax payers should be as outraged over that dude as anything else.
Yes his case was a joke – to the cops. Fortunately, we saw the video and know that Hampton rolled up saw a guy video recording the melee and deliberately beat up a guy who was innocently standing on the sidewalk. If you really are a lawyer (which I doubt) I pity your clients. Poor Veth got stuck with an dim-witted OC jury that won’t convict a crooked cop if they saw the crime happening themselves.
Veth was also wrongly and maliciously prosecuting by the DA who must have known the cops were lying. The case was finally dropped when video evidence showing an innocent man being assaulted under color of authority – by a cop.
Don’t forget Hampton and Nguyen changed their stories at least once. Why would they do that if they hadn’t doe anything wrong?
Also don’t forget this is OC where the DA doesn’t require that you commit a crime in order to prosecute you.