Will Top Fullerton DUI Cop Cop to Felony Charges?

Taxpayer funded photo from Behind the Badge
Uh, oh. More bad news for the Fullerton Police Department Culture of Excellence. It seems as if one of Fullerton’s Finest and top DUI arrester Timothy Gibert has been arrested himself in San Bernardino for all sorts of nasty behavior – grand theft and conspiracy. The scam was…oops. The “alleged” scam was to return merchandise bought at a discount for a full refund at a Home Depot out in Apple Valley.
You can read all about Gibert’s sterling DUI arrest record at Behind the Badge, if you can fight the gag reflex, but you most assuredly will not be reading about Gibert’s arrest at his house in Victorville. Instead you can read about it in the Daily Titan, of all places. Kudos to the kids for some real reporting – kids who in their young careers have already accomplished a lot more than pathetic cop toady Lou Ponsi ever did.
Here’s the rap sheet.
Looks like Gibert quit the FPD just before the shit hammer fell, most likely in order to preserve his pristine Record of Excellence – for future employment in some other lucky jurisdiction.
And Interim PoChief David Hinig? He isn’t talking, which is smart. Why take any heat for one of Danny Hughes prize recruits?
So the honor roll keeps rollin’ along: Cross, Major, Mejia, Baughman, Siliceo, Wren, Mater, Wolfe, Ramos, Cicinelli, Hampton, Nguyen, Rincon, Thayer, Tong, Gibert, etc.
Oh, we’re gonna start this again? How many bad cops will FFFF highlight this year?
For a “reformed” police department, it sure is emitting a lot of crooks.
Like radiation from a bad nuclear plant.
3 Mile island? Chernobyl?
And the Hall of Shame list keeps getting larger
Any way to confirm that the Fullerton Police Department currently has 2 OCDA recognized “Brady” officers on the pay role. Why would any department retain any officers who’s lying history would jeopardize the successful prosecution of any future cases?
Police officers who have been dishonest are sometimes referred to as “Brady cops.” Because of the Brady ruling, prosecutors are required to notify defendants and their attorneys whenever a law enforcement official involved in their case has a sustained record for knowingly lying in an official capacity.
Oh, there must be more than just two. Hampton and Nguyen repeatedly changed their stories about the Veth Mam frame up. Then there was Corporal Rubio who said the Kelly Thomas killers acted withing training guidelines – an obvious lie since when he said those words Wolfe, Ramos and Cicinelli had ALREADY been fired by Hughes for their role in the homicide – obviously not considered within policy.
Come to think of it, why didn’t Hughes punish Rubio for that? Obviously it was all part of the scam.
Tong and Wren?
Tong beat somebody up. Wren kidnapped some kid in the 909.
Gibert was the Illegitimate love child of Chief Dan Hughes and Lt. Mike Chocek.
He’s got the smug look of a punk playing with the house’s money.
Shut the F up! Low lives!!!
MADD picks the worst heroes.
Gibert… I think this was one of the cops named in the original Felz DUI caper leak. I wonder how he felt about his bosses making him assist in the Felz coverup. Did he lose all moral reference? Is that what drove him to a life of crime?
You are all losers with zero lives… you have no idea who these three are as people…
Perry Thuggery.