Public Service Announcement
Former Fullerton Police officer Brian Hagopian, dismissed for unknown reasons in 2013, has a warrant out for his arrest.
Friends For Fullerton's Future
FFFF supports causes that promote intelligent, responsible and accountable government in Fullerton and Orange County
Former Fullerton Police officer Brian Hagopian, dismissed for unknown reasons in 2013, has a warrant out for his arrest.
Yeah, right.
The cop is a $h!thole
Check Irvine PD’s instagram. They just took “two off our hands” two Fullerton cops
Can we trade Goodrich to somebody? I’d take a load of rotting mackerel if somebody would take that sack ‘o crap.
He was rumored to have other domestic violence troubles in San Bernardino County
First time I’ve heard his name mentioned in years
Still getting a pension.
How is he getting a pension at 34 years old? Born 1983.
He has credits, he’ll get one at the right age.
Even in prison.
Alien! Alien! Call in the Fightin’ She Bear!
This warrant arises out of a charge of “violation of domestic relations court order.” (Ie: a protective order) (
Can we get an updated FPD criminal count? We must be on #35 by now.
I’ll call Brian in the morning. He was my favorite. I cried the day he was gone
I while back we had a issue with a perp and Hagopian was the cop on the scene, he seemed to handle the situation very well and appeared to be an honest and decent guy.
It must have been a while. He was fired like 10 years ago.
By “fired like 10 years ago” did you mean in 2013? Because that’s what it says up above.
No. I meant like 2007 or 2008.
He got paid as a Fullerton Police Officer as recently as 2013, although it was only half as much as he got paid in 2012.
Jim Bolden was fired in 2013 as well. Had some kind of side job using city resources. I think Hagopian was caught in some sort of fraud involving a car
Both were liars
Bolden was an excellent cop and person. He had a “side business” doing construction. You need permission to have a “side business” , which he did not, so Danny Boy fired him… Fun fact, He built Hughes’ patio. I guess Danny Boy didn’t have a problem with it then.
Something is missing in your story. There must be more to it.
Thank you for the kind words. Obviously it is easy to talk trash about somebody when you don’t know what happened and you go by Daffy Duck.
You should tell your side of the story.
Several items that were kept as evidence were signed for and returned to HomeDepot manager. Manager said I could have 2 of the items. Property clerks said once property was signed for he could do as he wished. Hughes concluded since manager did not take items off of property they returned to being police property. Determined that I stole department property that had been released to its owner.
Just a brief synopsis of what occurred.
Would have been fine if you used the items at Hughes’ house
They were used by other Officer’s. I used them at the department assisting in little projects . As far as the work permit , when I found out they were using that as a charge I completed the request for one and it was granted. They still used it as a charge against me.
I wonder if Danny boy had a work permit for his so called Integrity Investigations PI firm. The name of his company is hilarious. Grade A loser
Mr Bolden is leaving out that the property employee, April Baughman, the one caught stealing money,was the one who tried to dish dirt in return for a lenient sentence. She made up some crazy allegations to save herself , including the one against Bolden. Baughmans “snitching” is what started the Bolden IA. Bolden is a good dude!
April! The woman who stole 50 grand. Whatever happened to her? And how come the fact that she MUST have had an accomplice never came out?
No accomplice. FPD management was dumb enough to leave ONE person in a secure room with no supervision. Plus since it was a secure room card key access was limited to mgmt. So basically she was in an evidence room alone with a lot of property (cash envelopes) and no checks and balance. I think Hughes called this, … um, transparency ? Lol
I wrote about that, here:
Note my observation: “According to police spokesholes, Baughman had been at it for quite some time. Which begs the inevitable question, who the Hell was in charge? Either nobody was doing inventories and audits, or the egregious Baughman had one or more accomplices helping her out. Will there be any accountability? Want odds?”
The Baughman mess was very telling about the way McKinley, Sellers and Hughes managed their department; or, to be more precise, how they mismanaged it. There was either an unnamed accomplice or a complete lack of oversight. There has got to be a standard protocol for inventory and audit within an evidence room that would preclude the Baughman rip-off.
Hughes had (and has) his head so far up his own ass he can count his own teeth from the inside.
April made 5 allegations, 3 had to do with how money was handled during vague time frames , the allegations against myself and another against a named officer who was never interviewed. She said she would assist in the investigation for a plea bargain. The bargain was granted prior to confirming any allegations. When contacted afterwards April made no statements other than telling investigators to talk to her attorney.
I’ve been looking in the mirror a lot recently. The shape of my head is a mix between Humpty Dumpty and a sack of potatoes
BTW, does anyone know how to find a new job?
I hear Danny Hughes is hiring over at Disneyland.
I met him at the gym and he says he works for the gang unit.
I went to junior high with this guy , he was my friend and out of nowhere he stopped talking to me , his mom probably told him not to talk to brown boys , kinda hurt my feelings but I’m glad I stopped hanging out with this lame