Oops, They Did It Again
Uh oh. Another sexcapade courtesy of the Fullerton Joint Unified High School District.

A few weeks ago we learned of the fun hijinks of FPD Pervy Peeping Policeman Jose Paez deployed on FJUHSD campuses as a “resource officer” which, if you think about it, if a pretty funny title for this creep.

Yesterday, news outlets reported on the playful doings of Ms. Kristin Lynn Boyle, a school psychologist at La Habra High. She is accused of rape in a classroom.
What is it with this sort of thing? Makes you wonder why the grossly overpaid educrats can’t run their operation just a little better. Did anybody bother giving the psychologist a psych test of her own? And how many of these minor transgressions will be successfully whitewashed and written off as bad luck for the organization?
FUHS school , Principal Rubio, school administrators and FJUHSD still to this hasn’t addressed or acknowledged the situation with parents. Complete nothing to see here silence. As if nobody addresses the big elephant on the room and just maintains the big smile and happy tweets and posts it will alllllllll just go away. Would love to know though how many of the administrators knew about it all before it was exposed and should all be out of jobs for protecting themselves and not the students. Wouldn’t that be a interesting part of the investigation! Hopefully the La Habra parents have administrators who are honest, transparent , and willing to meet with parents and answer all questions, concerns to our families and students at ease. You know… the right way to do things! Which reminds us all…. isn’t Paez due in court soon?
If only we could detect crimes by people with no criminal record, before they happen.
Are we asking too much?
We just want common sense education control.
Ban all the school phycologists.
How right you are! Nothing to see here! Move on. Mistakes were made, sure, but hindsight is 20/20.
We need to look forward, not backward.
Making these creeps impossible to discipline or terminate probably doesn’t help. Horray government unions!