The Doug Chaffee Experience, Kindness Edition
Just in case you were still wondering about his competence and priorities, our Supervisor, Doug “Bud” Chaffee has helped out with his latest insipid e-mail. The latest installment invites nominations for something called a “4th District Kindness Award.” No, I am not making this up. Here it is:

Now coming from a dyed-in-the-wool SOB like Chaffee this is really a bit much. His record of screwing the people of Fullerton through incompetence, spleen, rancid deal making with FitzFlory; and his aiding and abetting his criminal wife in stealing campaign signs and creating a phony residence to run for office, would lead a normal person to suspect that kindness in any form is the last thing on Chaffee’s shrinking mind.
FFFF deserves a kindness award for exposing this anus and his equally amoral wife.
I wonder what it’s like being in this demented fool’s office?
Sort of like Norby but without even a shred of conscience or integrity.
What a comparison Chaffee and Norby
Conscience and integrity ?
Zero to Zero would be that score
Wrong. Norby was useless but he did have a shred of conscience and integrity.
Not one bit in his professional life nor his mess of a personal life
I’m thinking of the trifecta
Jesus, Chaffee, Sharon
I nominate the city of Fullerton.
So kind as to allow people to poop and pee on our streets !
I’m giving my criminal wife all the kindness and support she needs.
What an embarrassment this buffoon is. Total empty head in charge of our 4th District. He literally brings nothing to the table but his criminal wife and union activist staff.
I feel bad for us. Just look at what a dump Fullerton has become under his six years on Council. This is the best we got in North OC local government?
Kindness is illegally removing signs on other peoples’ property when you don’t like the message conveyed.
It would be kind if someone pulled the plug on this senile old coot.
At least his hair dye is better than Nelson’s.
Interesting note; the last three 4th District Supervisors have all been former Fullerton Councilmembers.
It would be good to know what their collective accomplishments have been.
That good? Is there a negative number?
Norby, Nelson and Chaffee. Three zeroes. And before that the idiot Coad.
Nelson was shaking people down for money so he’s the only outright vote seller, I think.