A Race to the Bottom
Riddle: what’s worse, an endorsement by a greasy political bagwoman, or the endorsing of a perjurer, a confessed thief, and a desperate office-seeker?
I don’t know, and I don’t need to.
Here is our lobbyist mayor, the ethically challenged Jennifer Fitzgerald endorsing the equally unspeakable Paulette Marshall to her fellow female Republican cohorts.

Whoa! What’s this? Endorsing a non-Republican?
There are two things we may discern from this cozy relationship. The first is that Fitzgerald thinks she can get her scuzzy self re-elected without local party help, and second, more importantly, Curt Pringle, for whom Fitzgerald plies her wares, is betting the farm on the Chaffee Crime Family.
Wish Christian would start blogging again. Always appreciated his “On the Agenda” post.
This is as predictable as it is disgusting.
Creatures, of the night!
Linda Lequire must be spinning in her grave. What’s that you say? Linda isn’t dead? Well this may do it!
This must be an FPPC violation. Hope someone files a complaint!
Actually, Fitzie hit the nail right on the head when she says Paulette “IS a mother.”
Paulette’s hubby is now sitting on millions of dollars in county money. Did he promise a taste to Fullerton?
Bingo! Pringle has been lusting to wet his beak in Fullerton for years. That’s why he gave FitzFlory a job.
The two most revolting females in Fullerton. Really and truly.
What, Floory doesn’t even get a mention?