Before and After….
Let’s make it easy. Here is the official CUP application blank form with the official city seal:

And now, for comparison, the form submitted to the City by scofflaw Mr. Joe Florentine, and cheerfully processed by the planning department staff:

I don’t know about you, but if I were a city bureaucrat, I’d looks askance at somebody misusing the official city seal on a forged document.
The Planning Dept. must have known the Master Application Form that Florentine submitted was altered.
Florentine even said in the public hearing he was doing what staff told him to do.
The circle jerk is morphing into a circular firing squad!
In the voice of OC article, Florentine specifically stated “I had no knowledge of the application being modified”. However, at the Planning Commission hearing when he could not lie anymore, Florentine admitted to having forged the document. The definition of forgery is, “Modifying a document with the intent to deceive”. If Florentine did not think it was wrong, the why did he deny knowing about it when questioned?
Nothing will come of this. Just like every other nonsense that happens in our beloved city.
More than likely the result will be the takeover of the sidewalk on harbor side of the bar…
The American public’s ignorance has trickled down/up to the municipal level. Government officials now lie with impunity and not only get away with it, they also get retroactive raises and bonuses. Domer should be inline for a good job with the Trump administration.
Stupid comment.