The Barfman Cometh. Again.

Yes, Dear friends, it’s that time of the political season when we can count on the reappearance of our old pal, Barfman. Barfman has been making periodic visits to Fullerton ever since Roland’s Chi’s restaurant code violations finally caught up with him in 2010. Ever since then Barfman has returned to inform Fullerton taxpayers about particularly vomitous political campaigns. In this case it’s the horrendous and duplicitous Fullerton school bonds – Measures J and K that would cost the average homeowner $400 per year in new property taxes – even if the actual value of their houses goes down.
Can we get signage for our yards?
This bond will do nothing about the shitty portable classrooms that have been a stain on our educational institutions for three decades. Nothing like a double-wide environment to inspire creativity and intellect in our youth. Maybe if Fullerton roads weren’t a steaming pile of hot diarrhea we’d be more open to these bonds.
Gee Beev, I think that apple you gave the “educator” had a big fat worm in it. I bet Teachers will “just say no” to bonds when it comes to paying $400 more out of their pockets.
Need at least 4 of these signs. Please provide info on where to obtain.
JR, contact 4F’s admin.
OC Court Considers Whether The City of Fullerton Can Silence Local Blog Over Secret City Hall Documents