We FINALLY Have the Joe Felz 911 Call

Here it is after 4 years of obfuscation by City Hall and Fullerton PD. Here is the 9-1-1 call from the night former City Manager Joe Felz ran over a tree and tried to flee the scene. Pay special attention to the squealing of his vehicle as it limps down Highland away from poor Sappy McTree.

You’ll recall that he was given a ride home by Fullerton PD and given a pass on his DUI thanks to the position of power he enjoyed. This treatment ultimately, thanks to this blog, led to the firing and charging of the responsible Fullerton PD Sargent.

Give it a listen.

Now we await the body camera footage and other records from the incident.

12 Replies to “We FINALLY Have the Joe Felz 911 Call”

  1. Great job! What we need next is the phone call to Mayor Fitzgerald from Joe Felz who was pleading to Jennifer, “help me out drinking buddy”. And yes, after council meetings they and Mrs Flory would meet at the local wine bar, keeping it open “after hours” to drink. Me thinks they all had/have a drinking problem.

    1. My mistress really puts ’em away, especially out at the River where the whiskey flowed like water. And then the broomstick would appear and whamo, blammo.

  2. And for those who wonder why this blog exist.

    It exist to shine a light on the bad apples we pay for.

    It’s important to know what, where, and who our taxes are going to.

    Thank you, Joshua Ferguson.

    1. “And for those who wonder why this blog exist.
      It exist to shine a light on the bad apples we pay for.
      It’s important to know what, where, and who our taxes are going to.”

      Fullerton Harpoon, if you’re still alive, please make a post with a who’s who in the zoo “list” of all the “bad apples” that 4F has shined a bright light on.

      That would be great to see!

      Please include that idiot Denis Fritz! We, the taxpayers, are subsidizing his sorry ass, right?

      I’d like to make a donation to this blog. Where do I send my check to?
      Thank you.

  3. I beleive that thir mask thing is being blown out of proportion. When we are outside and the sky is blue, light clouds on some days, why wear a mask? Wouldn’t one rather breath fresh air than the air one exhales that turns into carbon dioxide and is reinhaled while wearing one?

    i choose to only wear one when I visit a location. requiring it. Enjoy the fresh air outdoors without the mask!!!

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