Adam Loeser, Dishonest Fire Chief

The last time I wrote on this topic, I pointed out that Fullerton/Brea Fire Chief Adam Loeser is a union puppet, using his authority as fire chief to advocate for the interests of the IAFF fire union.
What I didn’t tell you at the time is he flat out lied in his agenda letter to the City Council. The real reason, the more pressing reason, for seeking cancellation of the automatic aid agreement with the City of Placentia is to settle a dispute the union clowns filed with the California Public Employment Relations Board (PERB). In the first agenda letter, he said the City Council should cancel because, “The current Automatic Aid Agreement between Fullerton and Placentia and its corresponding Memorandum of Understanding outline specific deliverables and capabilities. The City of Placentia has not sufficiently met many of these deliverables and capabilities to the satisfaction of the City of Fullerton Fire Department.”
Nowhere in there did he mention the pending litigation before the PERB that forces the City Council to vote on this matter to determine if the matter will proceed to a PERB hearing or not. If the City Council does what Loeser and the fire union want, the union has agreed to drop the matter before the PERB.
An honest public servant would have included this vital information in the initial agenda letter. I’m even told members of the City Council had no idea the PERB dispute existed until a couple weeks ago, even though it was first filed over a year ago.
Don’t take my word for it, compare his agenda letters. The first is the September 21, 2021 letter and the second is the October 5, 2021. (Note: the matter was continued from the September meeting, so this concerns the exact same issue)

October 5, 2021 version:

To add insult to injury, Adam Loeser put this item on the Consent Calendar where it can be rammed through without discussion – unless the public, or a member of the City Council, requests it to be “pulled” for discussion. The Consent Calendar is used for routine matters that don’t warrant discussion, such as approving the minutes from the prior meeting. This is not a routine matter, automatic/mutual aid agreements are amended or cancelled like this maybe once every 30 or 40 years.
Loeser, in his usual arrogant form, first lies to the public. The second time around — after he was told to fix the agenda letter, by you know, telling the truth — put it on the consent calendar in hopes he won’t have to explain himself.
These types of self-serving public servants are the worst of the worst.
Another union clown busted by FFFF.
I don’t understand why these council members keep putting up with the deceitful liars who they employ. Get rid of this untrustworthy turd.
Doesn’t the mayor and City Council decide what gets placed and where it gets placed on the agenda? Also, I believe it only takes one council member to pull an item. Plus any resident can pull an item.
The mayor is getting walked over and he doesn’t really care.
Being walked over by who?
They mayor is letting the city manager and fire chief put deceiving and deficient council agenda items on the consent calendar in an attempt to bamboozle Fullerton residents.
Youre giving him too much credit. Adam Loser is not intelligent enough to pull this off alone
His sidekick Chris Nigg ( a legend in his own mind) probably helped
Nigg is a loathsome creatin who believes the fire union heroes are the most important institution in Fullerton.
I was just told that Chris Nigg was hired by the City of La Verne a couple weeks ago
You guys are better off without that clown
We here at the PD are also glad Christopher Nigg is gone. He was one of the most self absorbed people I have ever worked with.
He liked to remind us about his medical doctor wife also an influencer on Instagram.
Whitaker is sound asleep, dreaming of next year’s Tommy Lasorda Day.
Why is that guy’s head so small?
Let them process the charge at PERB
Call their bluff
How is it that the City of Fullerton always ends up with these kind of hucksters and self-serving parasites on its payroll? It’s one dirt bag after another. The police department has received a lot of scrutiny over the past few years but the fire department has been given a free pass. I get the feeling if you start peeling back that onion you’re going to find a cesspool of fire union goon filth.
Cuz they don’t kill anybody for no reason!
His explanation changed so abruptly from one agenda letter to the other. How do we know that EITHER story is the honest one?
This guy is scum.
That, my friend, is a damn good question. Rest assured, none of our councilcreatures will ask it.
There aren’t any honest Public Safety “Heros” left. They have all given their souls and hearts over to greed. They care more about their own comfort then they do about real public safety.
Lying liars lie. A leopard can’t change its spots and Adam Loeser can’t either. Birds gotta fly. Fish have to swim. Union goons have to lie, cheat and steal.
I feel sorry for his wife, children and family (if he has any). Imagine being married to a man who will gleefully lie to your face if he feels like he’s going to get something out of it and get away with it. Sheer misery.
Most of these lying fire union goons commit disability fraud when they retire too. They have no conscience or morals left after feeding like greedy pigs at the Hero trough at taxpayer’s expense.
Adam Loeser is my son-in-law and father of my 2 granddaughters. He is an excellent father and very involved with his girls.
Ma’am, this article is not about your son in law’s performance as a father.
He deliberately withheld information the City Council needed to make an informed decision. Without this blog shining the light on this failure, he probably would have succeeded in deceiving them. Government employees ought to tell the truth at all times. He did not. That’s what this story is all about.
Your son-in-law is a lying scumbag union goon and his days as top goon in Fullerton are numbered.
Isn’t that nice.
Your son-in-law may be a good father but he is also a lying, scheming, greedy union thug who puts money and his own comfort ahead of the people and community he purportedly took an oath to “serve”. He is a wretched human being in that regard.
Family and children should never be included in comments.
Then why did you do it?
Hero Father Failure
October 4, 2021 at 2:17 PM
Lying liars lie. A leopard can’t change its spots and Adam Loeser can’t either. Birds gotta fly. Fish have to swim. Union goons have to lie, cheat and steal.
I feel sorry for his wife, children and family (if he has any). Imagine being married to a man who will gleefully lie to your face if he feels like he’s going to get something out of it and get away with it. Sheer misery.
Why are there so many anonymous comments?
No attacks were made on his family or children. Only the lying union thug. In fact, HFF conveyed pity and empathy to Loeser’s family because their husband/daddy is also an unethical and greedy union thug. Somebody loved Al Capone and Jimmy Hoffa too.
Karen, is this your first time here?
Anonymous comments are allowed. If they put up a fake name instead, would that make it better?
It’s odd that you mention nothing about his performance/lying to the city.
Looks like the rack and file at FFD have no confidence in Cheiffy Loser. He’s gotta go. Here goes another multi-million dollar pension. Oh well
Adam Loser is in fact not anywhere remotely close to being honest. The word integrity can be found nowhere in this man’s bio. He is no friend of even most firefighter’s. If he quit tonight, it wouldn’t be soon enough.