Joe Kerr Follow-Up
Friends, as part of our ongoing fight against carpetbaggers, and even worse, perjuring faux-carpetbaggers, we here at FFFF like to follow up on the activities of failed carpetbaggers of all sorts – the legit ‘baggers, and the liar ‘baggers.
Here are some of the villains:
2009 Linda Ackerwoman – State Assembly (Irvine) 1 fake address
2010 Harry Sidhu, 4th District Supervisor (Anaheim Hills) 2 fake addresses
2010 Lorraine Galloway, 4th District Supervisor (Anaheim Hills) 3 fake addresses
2016 Sukhee Kang, State Senate (Irvine) Moved back to Irvine after election, if he ever lived here at all
2018 Joe Kerr, County Supervisor (Coto de Caza) 2 fake addresses
2018 Pilferin’ Paulette Marshall Chaffee. Fullerton CC 5th District (Fullerton 2nd District) 1 fake address
2020 Arunii Thakur, Fullerton 4th District (Fullerton 1st District) 1 fake address
Guess what? Our former pal Joe Kerr, the union boss and well-public pensioned resident of 5th District Coto de Caza is running for County Supervisor. Again. In 2018 this miscreant cooked up fake addresses in Brea, and then in Placentia to run in the 4th District. We documented Coto Joe’s misbehaving and put his name at the bottom of our list!
An alert 4th District Friend has dialed in and notified us that Joe has not given up on elective politics and is giving it another go. The why is probably easier to answer now than the where.
Going to his Joe Kerr for County Supervisor website doesn’t inform us about his current declared office – or residence – leading cynical observers to suppose his ultimate dwelling locale is still a matter of convenient political flux. That’s not much of a confidence builder for somebody who is intent on emphasizing his hero-ness.
For once again Joe is touting his courage and leadership skills, honed, no doubt by leading the Orange County Fire Fighters union as it gouged its way deep into our solvency.
Last time Kerr was beaten by the hapless Bud Chaffee, so whichever district he decides to call home when the time comes, I really have wonder about his chances.
Is this an April Fools day thing? JoKer again? F that guy. Unless he runs against Dummie Chaffe and then F the world.
Oh no. Not again.
Don’t forget Pilfering Paulette!
You are right!
Choices. Choices. So many choices. Let’s see union leader who doesn’t care about screwing the public over while going bowling for pension dollars or Mr. Magoo Doug or his Thief of Signs wife. I choose to abort all the babies and risk eternal damnation.
If you meant to say politics attracts power-hungry creeps, then I agree.
Joe Kerr is a scumbag puke piece of shit. A fire union goon to his core who spent a lifetime robbing the taxpayers. He worked overtime to overrun Placentia’s decision to kick the OCFA cartel out of town. Fuck you, Joe.
It must be a shakedown threat scheme on Bud Chaffee. Go for it JOeKERr. That will make it easier to kick Bud’s ass out of the County.
Mr. Peabody, you forgot to mention Paulette Chaffee.
All fixed. Check out the updated Carperbagger’s Hall of Shame. Arunii made the team!
Was curious about how long it would take before Aaruni Thakur would pull his head out (of his re*r) and move back to the neighborhood where he worked so hard to live in. Glad to see he made it to the exclusive club!
Bob Root
I remember when Harry Sudhu made his wife slum it in an empty house in the Anaheim flatlands because a P.I. was hot on his trail.
Well, she was there at least once. But FFFF always believed it was being occupied by little Billy Turner.
You forgot to include CONNOR TRAUT who rented an apartment in Buena Park for the sole purpose of running for Centralia School District Trustee to get his big toe inside the door of politics like his mentor Jordan Brandman. He fooled a lot of people by lying about his “deep roots” in Buena Park and it worked!
Yes a dick, no doubt. But not a representative of Fullerton.