More Fitzgerald Fun

By now all the Friends know that our former Mayor-for-Hire, Jennifer Fitzgerald, has crammed all the loot she could stuff into her bags and is hightailing it for a state that has no extradition treaty. But her name still resonates, of course – a symbol of government treasury looting.
Well, here’s something interesting- a FitzySpark story that has several layers, each one suggestive of fraud.
For the past several years Fitzgerald reveled in the title of “Vice President” of Curt Pringle and Associates, an elevated title that suggests she was a valuable employee. But was she?
Here’s a snap from a report showing that Fitzgerald received a little government stimulus cheese to help out “payroll” for her little influence peddling operation “CL& Communications.”

Hmm. So she’s working for Pringle for years and yet collecting PPO money? And of course her little one man show has been around a lot longer than 2 years or less. In fact, here is some helpful corporate info on Fitzy’s biz:

Please notice that CL7 Communications has been around since 2009. Has the government been defrauded? I don’t know. You could try asking Dick Jones. Notice also that this business continued to exist through the years when Fitzgerald was supposed to be an officer of Curt Pringle Associates.
Now for more fun, kindly observe:

Well at least Pringle’s been around longer than two years so there’s a rare bit of honesty from the greasiest lobbyist in Orange County. He got $175,000, also for “payroll” and one wonders if that included 1099 payments to Jennifer Fitzgerald, who gives every indication of not being a Pringle employee at all, but rather a contractor. And if that’s true, Pringle and Fitzgerald have violated California employment labor law and the Federal tax Code. See, the IRS wants employers to pay for stuff like Social Security and Medicare through withholding; and the State wants to make sure employees are not being exploited, and that Worker’s Comp insurance is in place by the business.
Now I don’t know that SparkyFitz wasn’t a real employee of Pringle; and I don’t know if Pringle was faking it to dodge paying taxes. But something smells here, and it isn’t overripe government cheese.
No surprises here. I wonder if either one of them will pay back those loans.
Hope to God, Jung, Whitacre, and Dunlap are smarter than the average bear.
Telecommunication is another outright lie.
I wonder if they put up with this trash in Texas.
isn’t zahra a pringle employee or does fake movie producer pay enough to afford the rent in “fullerton?”
Zahra is unemployable. That’s why he works for Fullerton.
A bunch of hypocritical crooks. Someone need to tip off the IRS its fraud. Good Riddance!
100% stone cold fraud. That is the norm with Fullerton politicians and city staff.
Wow, Telecommunications…..
Wonder if she has stock in the company currently ripping up the streets in Fullerton. Wouldn’t that be a hoot?
Fitzgerald is a low-rent lobbyist. There’s no stock ownership here. She works for lunch money.
She will be an absolute nobody in TX. Texas *hate* Californians right now. They’ll smell her coming two miles away.
Sure, but what about lobbyist/politicians from California? Surely Texans don’t mind those.
Bingo. She led the charge on the fiber optic project no matter how shitty a job it was turning out to be. She ran interference on behalf of SiFi, who incidentally is now looking to break into the Texas market for more of their fiber projects. A more cynical person would scoff at the peculiar timing…
$5 she’s gonna try to skip CA taxes this year.
Would be a real shame if someone notified the IRS. Awful shame.