The Poison Park Redux

Yes, Friends, the Union Pacific Park (also known in Fullerton as the Poison Park) the project cynically foisted on the residents of the Truslow Avenue neighborhood by City Hall, is still in the news.
Some of our City Council wants you to overlook the 20-year history of dangerous incompetence, indifference and insulting condescension this dead patch of land symbolizes. Instead they want to pretend to give a damn about the residents and their wants and needs; and they want us to believe they are sincere.
They aren’t.

In the latest go-round 5th District Councilman Ahmad Zahra agendized, with the concurrence of 3rd District Councilman Jesus Silva, the topic of holding community meetings to discuss with la communidad what to do about the park. This was very strange, very illogical and very disingenuous of these two twits, given the fact that the two of them only a couple of months ago tried to cram a gated private events center, masquerading as an aquaponics farm on the site. These two worthy gentlemen never bothered asking anybody about the impact of this idea from noise to parking issues on Truslow, so it’s reasonable to conclude that Zahra and Quirk-Silva don’t give a shit about the people in the neighborhood and were just playing games.
1st District Councilman Fred Jung interceded, suggesting that an ad hoc committee be set up to talk about ideas for the park; and this is a blessing. The idea of letting parks staff, the same incompetent boobs who have made an embarrassing mess out of this site, guide sham meetings is appalling. The rest of the Council with the predictable exception of the hypocritical Zahra, agreed to Jung’s motion.
Well, here’s some advice to this committee, when, and if it is actually appointed and meets: let somebody who has real ideas and who can put this site into the larger context of surrounding industrial land take a swing at this disaster zone. Fullerton Parks staff will only condemn the Poison Park to another 20 years of abandonment and decay.
Sort of shocking that anybody in city hall would touch this hot mess. But in F-town nobody but FFFF remembers anything – so if you are an inept parks employee you can get away with anything.
Zahra is a complete glory-seeking fuck up. The End.
So Zahra and Quirky-Silva try to jam A MORONIC event center on to the park (illegal, of course) and when that fails they are suddenly interested in what the locals think. What a couple of hypocrites. They both got to go next year.
And don’t forget the Idiot trail from nowhere to nowhere through the worst pat of Fullerton. That’s a Zahra wet dream, to despite the fact that nobody would use it except hypes and bums.
They was a homeless man stabbed to death on a portion of the trail to nowhere. Anyone with any information about this killing should contact Alice Loya.
I should add it happened last night.
Well, see, if only there were some neighborhood moms and kiddies walking on my trail it wouldn’t have happened.
Bushala has the video. this bridge entrance is under surveillance
Show us the video!
Man dies after getting stabbed on pedestrian bridge in Fullerton
Cause of death = listening to Ahmad Zahra endlessly pointing out how awesome he is
More or less the same as where it happened recently on Lemon, just a block away.
FPD ever release any info on that victim? I’m guessing both were transients, possibly same suspect, also guessing a transient as well. Pure speculation on my part.
Press Release:
On Monday, August 30, 2021, at approximately 4:39 AM, Fullerton Police Officers responded to Harbor Blvd and Walnut Ave. regarding a victim who had been stabbed. A reporting party who found the victim with a stab wound called 911.
Upon arrival, officers located a late 20-year-old male Hispanic victim with a stab wound on the pedestrian Bridge crossing over Harbor Blvd.
Fullerton Police Detectives were immediately called in to investigate. At this point in the investigation, the motive is not yet known, or whether it is gang- related.
The victim’s identity will be released by the Orange County Coroner at a later time.
This is an ongoing investigation. Anyone with information about this homicide is encouraged to contact Fullerton Police Detective C. Hines at (714) 738- 5334. Those wishing to provide information anonymously can call the Orange County Crime Stoppers at 1(855) TIP-OCCS or can visit their website at
And staff is and Zahra are bragging about the “trail” they want there.
Doctor, don’t blame City Staff for a failure. It was all planned out. Those people over there, they like it like that.
Didn’t folks from that neighborhood come to a meeting and state that they were excited for the project that got dumped on by the three boobs?
No, one woman showed up, prompted by staff to bill and coo over the blue sky and green grass. There were a couple non-resident stooges dragged out by Zahra. None of them knew what they were talking about. Not a clue. Just a shills. Others from the neighborhood showed up to ask how come nobody thought about parking on Truslow for the events center.
Wasn’t it just that Bushala who argued against it just because he didn’t get his way. Thankfully he disappeared back into his hole when everyone didn’t start fawning all over him.
I think he got his way.