Zahra The Magnificent’s Disappearing Act. He’s Around Here Somewhere!
During a recent City Council meeting on August 2, the video footage shows Mayor Jung calling the Closed Session portion of the meeting to order with Jung, Dunlap, Silva, and Zahra present.
The video footage in its entirety is shown here:
At the 2 minute mark on the video, the City Council returns and Jung is seen calling the regular meeting to order with Jung, Dunlap, Silva, and Whitaker present.
What happened to Ahmad?
The City Clerk remarks, “Councilmember Zahra is around here somewhere”.
Where is somewhere? Was he using the restroom to drop a deuce?
Over 20 minutes later (see 23:00 on the video), Zahra triumphantly returns and announces, “Just apologies for coming a little late”.
A little late? Where’d you go?
It doesn’t take 20 minutes to take the Browns to the Super Bowl.
August 2 just so happened to be National Night Out. National Night Out is described as an evening to “enhance the relationship between neighbors and law enforcement while bringing back a true sense of community. Furthermore, it provides a great opportunity to bring police and neighbors together under positive circumstances”. What a crock! One easy way to bring back a true sense of community: Stop murdering Kelly Thomas and Hector Hernandez FPD!

The answer always lies in Zahra’s social media because the criminal cannot help himself from posting badly aimed selfies with random photo victims of his narcissism. “Our council meeting was short so I got a chance to join the annual National Night Out event hosted by our Fullerton Police Department,” his post reads.
Twenty minutes is about the time it takes for a not so in shape Councilman to gingerly walk across Highland Avenue and down Amerige Avenue to the plaza downtown, take a handful of poor photos of poor victims of his unlimited vanity, and walk back to City Hall.
For Ahmad Campaigning for the next job > Doing the job he was elected to do.
Voters will remember his betrayal of his oath of office to faithfully discharge the duties of his office.
Time to take out the trash Fullerton.
A-B-Z. Anyone but Zahra!
Fullerton voters have many choices in life.
But in 2022, they are given the opportunity to choose between a man who was charged by the OCDA for battering a woman and so busy trying to keep his job, he fails to do it, a deadbeat political hanger-on and a long time Fullerton Resident, Oscar Valadez, a family man, a businessman, a father of two young children.
Fullerton voters will neve be given a clearer choice.
Take the trash out!
20 minutes is an awfully long time to take a shit. Then again, this douche nozzle’s entire political career has been one giant piece of caca most people would unceremoniously flush down the toilet. Heidi-ho!
So Akmad figures it is more important to be at a fun public outing than to attend the public comments section of a regularly scheduled council meeting. See how much he cares about us?
The Council needs to dock Zahra’s pay for the August 2 meeting. It would set a very bad precedent for the City to pay a Council member to campaign for reelection, which essentially is what Zahra was doing at the plaza (especially since he posted his selfie pics on social media), and not be in the Council chambers during a regularly-scheduled Council meeting. If Zahra is allowed to get away with what he did, then any Council member can just show up for a Council meeting whenever he wants to, spend time during Council meetings campaigning, and still be paid his salary!
Yeah but he’s ALWAYS campaigning so how could you tell?
And the asshole wishes everyone a happy Night Out like he wasn’t just there. What a preening, lying contemptible piece of excrement.
The “Fullerton voters” you speak of can’t enter their doors with a key. SMH
Omg, those to cop clowns in the background, smiling like they have no sense.
What a giant piece of poop he is.
I just watched his XTUBE video:
“The night Dallas Raines topped me”
But it seems to have been taken down.