22 Replies to “The Community Has Spoken”

    1. How do you know that? He may live behind the Elephant Packing House on the very successful Phase I if the trail.

  1. “As an avid bicyclist and trail runner, I can attest to the desperate need for a rec trail.

    Oh, yeah, and ten bucks from Zahra’s campaign fund.”

  2. Trade school for sign twirlers. Introducing the Zahra Tech Institute 2023 grads. All hail Ahmad!

  3. You guys are racist and homophobic because this trail is Mexican and gay. Wait. Don’t want to trigger more protests. This trail is Latin X and non binary or gender neutral.

    1. If you have a trail and it connects two points on space that are both places people to then it’s not a “trail to nowhere”

      So stop lying.

      1. So you think that guy is a legit member of “the Community”? Well, I guess he’s a member of some community, i.e. those who got a five spot from Zahra Productions a well-known film making company.

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