Chapman Parking Structure Deeded to City
A while back FFFF noticed a item forecast on the June 4th Agenda dealing with the property bounded by Whiting, Chapman, Pomona and Lemon – a parking structure built about 30 years ago for reasons still unknown. Curiously, the staff report calls it a “parking lot,” ignoring the fact that it’s actually an elevated parking structure – an asset that cost several million to build. The accompanying Quitclaim Deed only refers to parcels of land on the original Townsite Map, but doesn’t describe improvements on said lots.
According to staff it was built by the downtown Fullerton Parking Authority – which isn’t quite true because the parking district didn’t have any money. It was built by the Fullerton Redevelopment Agency which raised lots of money to waste on stuff like this.
Anyhow, the agendized item turns out to be a paperwork issue to deed miscellaneous portions of the site to the City from the now dead “Parking Authority.” The item was dutifully approved by our City Council.

Obviously, nobody caught the omission when the parking agency expired (another Jones and Mayer success story), but now the timing may suggest that the “opportunity site” as identified in the otherwise unrelated and never-ending “Fox Block” fiasco has attracted the attention of City Hall’s Monopoly-playing, “economic development” bureaucrats.
what was the point to this post?
I think the point is that many writers here like to try to find fault with everything, blaming ineffective and dishonest city government for every little thing, whether accurate or not. Fullerton City Hall employs humans, and humans make mistakes….as they do in every single business in the world. The writers here are rabidly against every single possible solution floated by city officials, especially if they involve tax increases, but I have yet to see one “solution” offered by the writers that doesn’t involve blowing up the government and slashing budgets and salaries, which have already been cut to the bone. How about offering some solutions rather than sitting on the sidelines throwing stones? I think the city is doing the best they can at this point given the exodus of experience and institutional knowledge prompted by unrealistically low salaries and staffing for a city of this size. Don’t blame the current folks in city hall for the malfeasance and lack of planning for the future by those in city hall in the past. Offer up some realistic solutions, otherwise you are just a bunch of irrelevant crotchety and angry old people pissed at everyone and everything.
Ahaha. Those poor, overworked, underpaid “humans” in City Hall! The problem is that nobody in Fullerton has EVER taken the “blame” for anything they have fucked up. There has never been a dime’s worth of accountability. Your observation about not blaming todays “crew” sounds a lot like Sharon Kennedy’s casual looking the other way to incompetence, misfeasance, or both.
There is a culture of non-accountability in Fullerton government, aided and abetted by boobs like you. It’s not my job to “offer up solutions” when a brigade of six-figure employees are on OUR payroll to do it.
i agree we should slash the police budget in half, it would instantly fix budget problems
Who proposed that?
Heroes say pay me!
Promises made and broken.
City Hall crumbles.
Off topic, but has anyone done a deep dive on the Deputy City Manager? Something odd about her and how Levitt has virtually disappeared. Not sure how she went from being an Executive Assistant in Santa Ana to the second highest ranking person in Fullerton, but there has to be a good story there.
Closed doors can speak loud
Unspoken lines are crossed here,
Levitt kisses her
Nosy Citizen i have been waiting for someone to finally bring up Daisy Perez. Well make no mistake she is quite ambitious and way over confident but not so competent. She is quite chummy with some city staff and nowhere is it more evident in how she gloats over the boys at Parks and Recreation.
But let’s digress to the halls, corridors and bedrooms at Santa Ana City Hall. Let’s say, allegedly and according to a few people may have mentioned that Daisy Perez or “DP” for short was popular in Santa Ana. So popular that she ended up in the bed or backseat of the husband of city council member or someone like that. Maybe some adventurous person will get the scoop and report back on “DP’s” quick exodus from Santa Ana.
Hey all, just to clarify – this item was a cleanup item on old title documents that weren’t caught in the past. Specifically a dissolved legal entity. I feel like there’s gotta be bigger fish to fry than this..
Then why is it labeled “Opportunity Site”?
You didn’t read the post then. It describes the “clean up” so your clarification is unnecessary. And why do you suppose this was suddenly “discovered?” I’ll tell you why. This has been identified as an “opportunity” property – meaning the City will give it away to whatever boob makes the worst offer. Or maybe they’ll just give it to the only person who makes a bad offer (see boutique hotel and Craig Hostert.
Well it’s kind of run down as Is… anything else could be better as long as they don’t sell it for chump change.
They will virtually give it away – just like they did on the “hotel” that I guarantee will just end up being 100% rabbit warren apartments.
Nosy Citizen and Fullerton Port – I have been waiting for someone to finally bring up Daisy Perez. Well make no mistake she is quite ambitious and way over confident but not so competent. She is quite chummy with some city staff and nowhere is it more evident in how she gloats over the boys at Parks and Recreation.
But let’s digress to the halls, corridors and bedrooms at Santa Ana City Hall. Let’s say, allegedly and according to a few people Daisy Perez or “DP” for short was popular in Santa Ana. So popular that she ended up in the bed or backseat of the husband of city council member or someone like that. Maybe some adventurous person will get the scoop and report back on “DP’s” quick exodus from Santa Ana.
That lot is sorely needed for FC parking. Where are the students that currently park there going to park if the structure is no longer there?
Fun fact, ever notice how the clock tower portions of the metal structures that include the stairs are taller than needed with a seeming lack of proportion? It’s because the structure is engineering and intended to have another deck, i.e. a third story.