Did Diane Vena Come a-Callin’?

Diane Vena surveying the candidate roster…

Friends will recall that Diane Vena, one of Fullerton Boohoo’s charter members and a standout Observer and City Hall nuisance, became (in)famous for having signed the nominating papers of the dummy candidate Scott Markowitz, who has been charged by the DA with perjury and falsification of official records. Those are felonies.

Someone calling him/herself “Diane Vena” left a comment on FFFF. Was it the real Diane Vena?

I’m inclined to think so. Why? Because the comment is so nonsensical in true Observer fashion. Hmm. Here it is:

Let’s parse it out, shall we?

Poor Diane doesn’t seem interested in clearing anything up. She says “they came.” Who came? One person, two people? What are their names, Diane? I mean jeez, if you committed no crime (and no one claims that you did) then what’s the big mystery? Did you know the circulators? Were they friends? Was it Aaruni Thakur? Was it Ahmad Zahra? Was it Ajay Mohan? C’mon, Diane name names.

Diane,you volunteered the information that you re-signed the papers because the first one “got lost.” Now that’s just weird. Did the same non-Markowitz person(s) show up at your door? This could be interesting if the mystery circulator suborned perjury twice with you, poor, innocent Diane.

Diane, you inform us that you signed the papers “willingly,” suggesting that you knew the non-Markowitz circulator(s). Well, of course you signed willingly. Nobody ever thought you were coerced, so that statement is weird, too. But did you know that Markowitz was going to submit a MAGA ballot statement? Were you in on the plan to siphon conservative voters away from Linda Whitaker? That does make sense since you had previously endorsed Vivian “Kitty” Jaramillo. Not a crime, but unethical as Hell.

Patsy Markowitz. Left holding the empty bag.

But back to the crime part. Somebody got Scott Markowitz to commit perjury. And suborning perjury is a crime. So is participating in a conspiracy to do so.

Well, don’t worry yourself Diane. Sooner or later the truth will out, as they say. And then we’ll know who’s who in Team Jaramillo’s zoo.

And Diane, if this comment was not left by you please let me know. In any case, you still need to answer the questions posed above.

20 Replies to “Did Diane Vena Come a-Callin’?”

  1. I think it was Diane Vena. Poor girl may be really confused about what’s going on and what bad actors got her to do.

    On the other hand she’d have to be really stupid, so the choices aren’t too good: dumb beyond belief or in it up to her eyeballs.

    If it wasn’t her, I sure hope she pops up to explain her role in the mess she contributed to.

    1. The questions remain the same whether it was her or not. And the real one can give the answers if she wants to.

  2. If by the lucky stroke of God, and Kitty wins, trust me a lawsuit will be filed immediately. And, Fullerton’s 4th District election will not get certified till all of Team Jaramillo’s participants, Ajay Mohan, Aaruni, Zahra, Briseno, the Kennedy sisters, Diane Vena, the Cashes, etc, will get subpoenaed. All emails, phone calls, text messages, etc, will get exposed. I have the feeling Team Jamamillo will sink Kitty Jaramillo’s battleship. Election manipulating is a crime.

    Electoral fraud, sometimes referred to as election manipulation, voter fraud, or vote rigging, involves illegal interference with the process of an election, either by increasing the vote share of a favored candidate, depressing the vote share of rival candidates, or both.[1] It differs from but often goes hand-in-hand with voter suppression. What exactly constitutes electoral fraud varies from country to country, though the goal is often election subversion. Ajay Mohan, welcome to Orange County!

    1. Go to Mohan’s social media. Big time fascination with the Sopranos. Little dweeb desperately wants to be a gangster.

  3. I get the feeling this woman isn’t very intelligent. All she had to say was no, I’m not getting involved with this shit.

    Instead she said I’m getting involved with this shit willingly. Twice.

    1. I think this is often true. Here Diane admits loudly that she signed “willingly.” That raises all sorts of interesting questions. And she obviously did it twice. She must have known the circulator and knew it wasn’t Markowitz. So she found out (later, at least) that perjury had taken place.

      I too think this is the real Diane Vena. A smarter person would:

      1) said nothing, or;
      2) written something more comprehensible

  4. Signing a petition to create a “fake” candidate is not a crime. Perjury & suborning perjury is.
    The Jaramillo “supporters” who initiated this scheme were dumb enough to continue pressuring Markowitz even after he told them he wanted out. These greasy slime balls are very good at covering their tracks.
    But the question I have is, why is there no information in Markowitz’s arraignment?

        1. Who? My point was I haven’t found either party to be immune from scandal. In fact Republicans have been in the news for running dark horse candidates, it’s pretty common. You see the problem is there aren’t enough Republican voters to sustain Republican control so they lean heavy on shenanigans. And our system leaves plenty of room for legal shenanigans. Gerrymandering has become endemic on the right while democratic states are tending to reform, as California did. Why not, we actual tend to have majorities of voters.

  5. Diane Vena is a liar and a fool. You can be both and she clearly is. Her house smells like cat piss, which violates her neighbors’ peace. She should clean up her own house before she lectures anyone on anything.

  6. This is such a ridiculous “set up” situation curated and groomed by this blog/its overly emotional weirdos in the comments section..

    Having one of yer compadres make a fake post as the person to try and get them to come out of the woodwork to “clarify” something you cant even prove that she said.. Just amplifying unverified misinformation, genius politics!

    The severe brainrot and hunger for blood around here is wild..

    1. Hey, it sure sounds like something crazy an old Kennedy-type boohoo would say. Of course if it isn’t the real one, maybe she will show up and give us the name of the crook who got her to willingly sign.

  7. Diane Vena? She’s a hall monitor in desperate need of a spray tan and a life. The Powder look hasn’t been in since the roaring 20s. Lady wears a mask like she’s a super hero. Loser!

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