Election Sweepstakes Roll Along
There’s only a couple days left for candidates to file their paperwork to run for Fullerton City Council. The deadline is August 9th – unless the two incumbents in the 1st and 2nd District, Fred Jung and Nick Dunlap pull out – then there’s another week. Neither has filed their nomination documents yet.

Previously, two individuals turned in their nominating papers – Jan Flory, who’s been on the City Council on three different occasions, already filed to run against Dunlap Her record on the Council has been a trifecta of terribleness.

And then there’s some odd guy named Matt Truxaw who had filed for the 1st District to run against Jung. He seems like a sucker set up for the steamroller.

And now a third candidate has made it official: Linda Whitaker, wife of outgoing Councilman Bruce Whitaker, in the 4th District. Oddly, Ms. Whitaker has listed no occupation which is extremely unusual, not even a “retired” this or that. Does it matter that much? Maybe not. Flory calls herself a “retired family lawyer” which may not be helpful since people generally don’t have happy experiences in family court.

Finally, a new potential candidate has taken out papers to run in the 4th. The name is Scott Moskewitz, someone none of us have heard of. There is a 67 year-old Scott Moskowitz who lives on Woodcrest Drive. I have to wonder if this person isn’t simply a plant, an obscure name on a ballot meant to draw votes away from the only person in the race at this point without a Spanish surname – Linda Whitaker.

We all remember 2022 when the Democrat Party of OC set up a guy named Tony Castro to draw Latino votes away from Oscar Valadez in support of non-Latino Ahmad Zahra. Mr. Moskowitz pulled his papers very late – two days ago which may indicate a certain strategy. We shall see if he is in by Friday afternoon.
You haven’t mentioned that Charles Sargent guy. He file a notice to create a committee back in April but hasn’t pulled papers.
Clock ticking away
Candidates scramble like eggs
Beans spill on the ninth
Stolen ink flows slow
Borrowed concept to express
Imposter poet
A poets focus
Afraid of duality
Lost in translation
In races with more than two candidates Ranked Choice Voting would be beneficial by eliminating the spoiler factor and guaranteeing that no candidate is elected with less than 50 percent of the vote.
Totally agree. Both Zahra and Shana were elected with well less than 50% in last election. Both districts had bogus 3rd candidate spoilers.
Moskowitz is a dead lock to get all the Russian Jewish vote in the district.
No designation for Linda? She could have called herself Small Business Owner or something like that.
Spit on that thang! You get me?
So Jaramillo’s ballot designation is “Retired Preservation Officer.” But that isn’t anybody’s job description. She handed out parking tickets and graduated to code enforcement.
Her real job description was Community Preservation Inspector.
People don’t like the word inspector.
Maybe she thinks “officer’ makes it sound like she was a police officer.
A FULLERTON police officer … aka … Killer or Murderer
Did Missus Flory ever have that four foot length of rebar removed from her colon?
Still appears to be firmly in place.
Jabba the Hut in Ray-Bans is the most compelling candidate.
Matt Truxaw Trying To Trick Republicans to vote for him
He continues to attack Trump on his personal Facebook page
He’s being Dishonest to voters
He gives no explanation as to why he switched from Democrat to Republican
Jesus, listening to that goober talk is worse that JFK Jr.