Fake MAGA Candidate Scott Markowitz is a Democrat

UPDATE 09/05/24 : It turns out that Scott Markowitz is now registered as a Republican, having re-registered after FFFF was notified as his status as a Democrat. This doesn’t make anything better for Markowitz, who is up to his eyeballs in this deceit perpetrated on 4th District voters, and sanctioned, apparently by the Democrat establishment. Next time you hear some Dem bleating their typical moral superiority, please direct them to our Scott Markowitz posts.
Of course he is.

We could have guessed that by the solid Democrat infrastructure behind his fraudulent campaign. His handler is the former Executive Director of the OC Democrat Party – Ajay Mohan – who has pulled the same stunt in Fullerton before. Markowitz’s nominators are liberal Democrat members. One, Diane Vena, has already endorsed another candidate in the 4th District race, who stands to benefit from the Markowitz fraud.
And the Markowitz ballot statement is in direct contravention of what you would expect from a Democrat. As a reminder, here is Scotty’s campaign manifesto:

It’s pretty funny how he mentions failed leadership, to stain the name Whitaker, since Linda is outgoing councilman Bruce Whitaker’s wife; then he launches into pure Republican exhortation to “reign(sic) back spending.” Then it devolves into a pure MAGA rant about America First, patriots, individual liberty and strong law enforcement, the antithesis of the sort of statement you would expect from a Democrat.
Yeah, this is another Mohan Shuffle to draw votes away from one candidate, Republican Linda Whitaker for the benefit of Vivian Jaramillo – the one and only person interviewed for the Democrat Party endorsement, and endorsement that occurred even before nominating papers were taken out. It’s corruption pure and simple. It’s election fraud.
Forked tongue spews false words
Wolf in conservative skin
Paper trail bread crumbs
Get in my belly, little man!
Yes, we saw that coming. The question I would like to know is who convinced this guy to go along with the fraud.
For some reason I’m getting a strong whiff of Aaruni Thakur.
I’m doing a post on who is will benefit from a Jaramillo candidacy and might be bankrolling this little scam.
Thakur and Mohan could be brothers. Both badly bent.
Thakur is a dangerous person. I liar who makes his money by scamming injured workers out of insurance benefits. Mohan is a POC, “piece of crap.” These two definitely share the same underwear.
Yes, I’m picking up the exotic scent of Aaruni Thakur, too. Doesn’t his family own property on Woodcrest where this Markowits lives?
The Aaruni Thakur’s owns both 1409 & 1412 W. Woodcrest. Markowitz’s owns 1506 W. Woodcrest. Yes, they’re neighbors alright!
I wonder Billy. That seems a little thin. But, who knows?
Houses the Thakur family owns on Woodcrest alone?
4 is the last count… possibly more..
Thakur and his wife are truly miserable people. Using different addresses to run in whatever district will give them the best chances.
So was Trump! Both now having criminal cases, what’s different here?
“real conservative values”
Democrats: Always willing to lie, cheat, or steal their way to win an election . . . because voters are stupid and the only thing that really matters is winning.
Your name has been changed. Please do not misuse the names of FFFF bloggers.
Excellent work, the boys in the white van are working overtime.
What website is that where you can look up people’s voting records? I didn’t even think that was a thing or even public information. That’s a treasure trove of useful data I didn’t know existed.
Markowitz is a liar. Is this character related to Zara? Zara’s a con artist. Shine the light on this thief Zara FFFF! He stole the 2022 election. STOP THE STEAL!
You gotta be pretty short on self esteem to let the Democrats run you as a fraudulent candidate. I wonder what else you’ll find in his backstory.
To be fair…. I have switched parties to vote in primary elections depending on the candidates. No idea if that’s the case here, but it’s a possibility. So many conspiracy theorists here, theories not always on point.
To be fair, CCCB, you’re a FUCKING IDIOT AND SOMEONES TOOL if you really don’t believe election fraud’s being committed in FRONT OF YOUR FOOLISH EYES perpetrated by the DPOC, or Zahra or both.
Have you ever endorsed one candidate and signed nominating papers for another? Read the whole post.
CCCB is dumb as fuck. Bet ya anything he was a shitty cop and quit cause it was too hard of work. He’s probably a lonely guy with no friends. He and Hoogie Boogie have lots in common! LMAO
TFH, you’re asking CCCB to “read the whole post”? HAHAHA, that goober can’t comprehend the back side of his own hand. He’s obviously drunk, high, or both. Remember, CCCB once said, “I use to be a cop”? HA! He was obviously a shitty one.
Also, for the record, I don’t like Zahra.
Love buddies forever
Nah. I’ve criticized his posts before.
Love/Hate relationship for sure.
When Thakur last ran for CC, he came through my neighborhood one day with his family I assume stumping for votes. I fly an American flag out front and he passed my house by. I was out in the garage and was waiting to speak to him. Didn’t happen.
Thakur is a turd and his wife is the used toilet paper off his ass. They are truly DemoNcrats. They push a liberal agenda while enriching themselves. Both will pretend to live in one of their several rental properties in order to run in different districts. The male animal in this relationship makes money by ripping off injured workers. He represents insurance companies denying claims to workers. His leftist political aspirations are hypocritical to the way he has made millions of dollars.
Only a corrupt, narcissistic cunt would do something like this. Markowitz has to be a Grade-A asshole.
The entire Democratic Party is perving in the kiddie pool here. This is just shady. Shame on the Democrats who remain silent to this kind of corruption.
whats the corruption? changing your affiliation?
No, pretending to be something you are not just to get your name on a ballot to take votes away from a real candidate.
OK, not corruption by a dictionary definition. But hardly cool for the holier than thou party. Shoe on the other foot. If a Republican candidate masqueraded as a progressive, the Democrats would scream foul from the rooftops. Also, Matt Truxaw, who is running against Jung, is no Republican either. He is a lifelong Democrat. These are petty games that the Democrats should be ashamed of.
Your fellow Anonymous used corruption, a word that doesn’t apply. The correct words:
Still asking?
If it’s Democrat and it’s breathing, it’s lying.
Scott Markowitz
Sr Data Analyst at Wescom Credit Union
Orange County, California
I wonder how Wescom feels about fraud.
Has anyone sent the FFFF expose article to Wescomm? Better send it to a few people as it’s a bad look for them to have a dishonest DemoRepublicrat analyzing their company and client data.
What kind of person does this?
A Democrat
There are bad Democrats and there are good Democrats, the same for Republicans, bloggers, cops, plumbers, attorneys, etcetera, for lot’s of professions – except forensic scholars, intellects, and philosophers whom have proven themselves via the written word, they’re not frauds.
A wicked, narcissistic cunt
When are we going to visit Mr. Markowitz at his residence?
If accurate it is weird that so many democrats are on his nomination papers and supporting him and his MAGA message.
But why did you print only two lines of his voter registration info? I would like to see the whole history. Did he just change over in that one primary?
Can you send me that proof or print the whole page?
BTW – Vena said she was approached by a friend to sign his nomination papers and so she did without looking into the guy.
Do your own investigating, “journalist.”
As in, what friend asked Vena to sign, and why did she do it, since she was already endorsing Jaramillo? Is she that feebleminded? Good to know, if true.
“Weird.” It’s not weird at all unless you’re truth averse. It’s a Democrat conspiracy. Again Go away.
You will not get a coherent answer about Vena. She’s either in on the scam or demented. You are right.
Let’s all get the name of the “friend” who talked her into it. Kennedy either has it or is too corrupt or dumb to get it.
What does his registration history have to do with anything? What a dumb diversion. He was Dem right up until he created his committee then he changed to match his stupid ballot statement.
FFFF isn’t sending you anything you crazy old woman.
With these Kennedys you never can tell if they’re just hypocrites or just really fucking stupid.
I’m pretty sure it’s a combination of both. Old Ralphie was no dummy but his ideology permitted to to blandly look the other way. His progeny are both dishonest (see comment above) and limitlessly dumb (see comment above).
She signed without looking into the guy? So let’s get the name of this “friend.”
Um, so who is the friend, ‘hon?
Time to spill it.
Why not print the whole registration history for Markowitz? Why print only two lines showing he switched for the primary? Why cut off the rest of the history?
Who gives a shit? He was a Democrat and then he became a Republican when his phony campaign started. Are you that disingenuous a liar or really that goddam stupid?
Interesting how Mohan, the Thakur power couple, Vena, Shitty Kitty, and the Kennedy girls keep coming in the same concentric circles. Kamala is proud of these nitwits.
So your top notch investigative journalism produces as “proof” that Markowitz is a democrat in disguise –
1) his hired campaign company is headed by democrat Ajay
2) his nomination papers for the non-partisan council position had a few democrats listed
3) two lines of his page long registration history that shows he switched parties during the last primary – and an update that he has now switched back to republican?
Very thin.
What’s thin is you ethical outlook on life.
Why don’t you tell the name of the “friend” who talked Diane Vena into signing the nomination papers of a MAGA Republican? Then ask the other active North OC Dems on his list why they are supporting a MAGA republican.
Why don’t you call “Ajay” ( a first name basis pal of yours?) and ask who “hired” him. Tip: it wasn’t Markowitz who is not actually running a campaign at all. His job is done.
Then ask Jaramillo what she knows about this fraud.
Then YOU might produce some real investigative journalism like you pretend you do.
In the meantime, fuckoff.
Not looking for information is a great way to not find any. Of course the Kennedy females aren’t journalists. Not by anybody’s standards. They’re even worse than the pathetic Jackie Brown and the dreadful Barbara Giasone.
Poor Jackie Brown.
Go away old harpy. And take Jan Flory with you.
The fact that this evidence has to be spoon fed to you just goes to show that you and the rest of the yellowing Kennedy clan have no business pretending to be journalists, even if your “newspaper” is only good for vagrants to wipe their asses with.
Getting thicker?