Flory Flips. Flory Flops. Sort of.

If you watched the so-called Fullerton City Council candidates forum a few weeks ago, you’ll have noticed something very funny.

New and improved. At least that’s her story.

On the question of marijuana dispensaries, candidate Janesse “Jan” Flory displayed some mental gymnastic exercises.

She first noted that on the City Council she approved Ahmad Zahra’s dope ordinance that would have allowed dispensaries within 100 of somebody’s house. That ordinance was crammed through at the end of 2020 before a new City Council majority could take over. When the new majority did take over they almost immediately pulled the plug on the ordinance in 2021.

She has seen the light!

At the forum, Flory claimed to have had an epiphany, in which she finally educated herself (a little late, no?) on the matter, and discovered to her surprise that the issues of revenue and impacts to communities had been overstated and understated, respectively. She had changed her mind, she said. Oopsy. Could Flory have been misled by her precious “staff?” Well, let’s not go to that inevitable outcome of Flory’s thought process.

They always cleaned up after me!

But Janesse wasn’t through. After establishing her case against dispensaries she concluded that she was “on the fence,” a sort of tie the bow on the ribbon of saying nothing that really mattered.

Just keep moving…

Although she tried real hard to make herself sound informed and decisive, listeners still have no idea where Flory sits on the matter of marijuana dispensaries But where she sits doesn’t look very comfortable.

8 Replies to “Flory Flips. Flory Flops. Sort of.”

  1. She hasn’t run in an election in 12 years.

    She only got elected in 2012 because the Fullerton Old Guard gave it their last gasp after the recall. Half of the people that voted for her in 2012 are probably dead.

  2. This creature has done so much damage to Fullerton the past 30 years, at every step supporting City Hall entropy.

    Hey, that’s a great name: Fullerton Entropy. “Going Strong for 50 Years.”

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