Friday Night Election Update. Valencia Back in Front

After votes were counted today the Fullerton City Council District 4 leader is Jamie Valencia. Again. She gained 15 votes in today’s count and has a skinny six vote lead. Here’s the updated data.

This is good news for those opposing Vivian “Kitty” Jaramillo, darling of the OC Democrat Party officialdom, and the bride-candidate of the Long beach Marijuana cartel who pumped $60,000 into an Independent Expenditure Committee dedicated to getting her elected; and to get themselves an MJ ordinance in Fullerton.

Jaramillo had chipped away at Valencia’s Election Night lead over the week succeeding the election until she had a 13 vote lead on Wednesday night. But yesterday, Valencia gained a little ground back – 4 votes, and today 15 votes.
People way smarter than I am might be able to explain the ebb and flow of these things. I suspect last minute ballot bundling on the part of the OCDems/Marijuana League may have accounted for the 150 swing last week. If so is that over? Let’s hope so.
Fake candidate Scott Markowitz may get a 1000 votes. After Pleading guilty to to perjury and falsifying election documents. This is not a ringing endorsement for the intelligence of the 4th District voter. His mission was to help dupe or be the dupe of Democrat nominators, to create a fake election committee with an R next to his name; to get his name on the ballot; and, to submit a Trumpy ballot statement. After that Markowitz disappeared. He attended no election events and raised not a penny.
Markowitz’s role was simple: take votes away from the conservative in the election, Linda Whitaker for the benefit of Vivian Jaramillo.

Meanwhile, in our State Senate District, Fullerton’s Gas Tax Josh Newman keeps gaining ground on the dopey Steven Choi from Irvine, but still trails by well over 7,000 votes. He’s come from behind before, but this one is starting to look like game over. If it is, Josh can go back to moderating Neighbors United For Fullerton meetings where I’m told he got his start in OC politics.
They’re counting tomorrow so we’ll see if it holds. I can’t believe there are that many ballots left.
In any case the MJ Cartel will pay for a recount and a ballot “curing” exercise. They have a big investment to protect.
Says there’s 72,000 votes left to count in OC.
How is this possible?
Do they only have 3 people counting?
Most retarded state in America.
fucking move out then bitch
Be nice.
Since when is dope money the “good guys?”
Yup. Good guys my ass. Jaramillo is full of it. Trying to cast her supporters in the same web of lies Zahra does his.
“People way smarter than I am might be able to explain the ebb and flow of these things. ”
It’s called “counting the votes”
You don’t see me whining about trump winning. Stop embarrassing yourself.
For crying out loud stop crying out loud. What a fucking boohoo.
Yes John. It is counting votes. The issue is because we have universal mail in, the count takes much longer than in states that don’t. Two weeks after election day is a bit much for an unstable democracy like ours is now. The fact to cringe at is Scott Markowitz, a candidate arrested, charged, and pled guilty to election fraud, who later dropped out of the race, having raised no money, did no campaigning, received a few votes shy of 1,000 votes from voters in that district. What may explain that Jay Leno street joke fact is the most googled search term on election day was did Joe Biden drop out?!!!!! So we require a license to drive, cut hair, and paint nails, but any jackhole can determine the fate of our city and country.
Don’t bother with Hoogerbooger. He is a blithering boohoo. And a self-important buffoon.
And don’t badmouth Scott Markowitz. Hoogerbooger still believes he is a legitimate candidate because his name was on the ballot.
I’m looking forward to the recount after the Dec 3 deadline. I was at the OC vote center recently and got to observe several Fullerton ballots being processed that were deemed ” may have already voted” ballots.
With so many ballots being duplicated for technical reasons , a recount of the original ballots could easily show a different end result. The only way to get a succesful recount is to recount by hand the original ballots for that district
Sunday morning update. Valencia’s lead increased by 12!
Valencia will end up winning by 29 votes
Valencia up by 12 today.
The writing’s on the wall. Jaramillo’s knee high in a conspiracy to aid and abet by committing a crime that involved Ajay Mohan (past DPOC – Political Operative), Ada Bribozo, S.Q.Silver, Newman.
Trust me, the DA’s going to do his job. He’s not swallowing blatant political crimes. He’s fed up with getting crapped on.
There will be less than a penny’s difference between Nurse Jamie and Cannabis Kitty Jabbamillo.
Either way, Fullerton residents will get used and abused.
Valencia 19 ahead. As of Monday Eve.
A landslide in the making.
Or a mudslide.
Poor Kitty looks like a bounce castle losing air.