Getting His Stories Straight?

An alert Friend sent in this screenshot of a website in which Fullerton City Councilman and erstwhile film maker Ahmad Zahra presents his (partial) biography. This was just yesterday.

Just the other day the Orange Juice Blog broke the tale of immigrant Zahra’s marriage to a female in Arkansas – a rather embarrassing fact omitted from his previous self-discovery narrative.

I wonder if Ahmad is combing through his past representations to see what, if anything needs re-arranging.

34 Replies to “Getting His Stories Straight?”

  1. What’s new? Zahra lies? Everyone knows that. He will just talk his way out of it. No one cares. They didn’t care that he was arrested. If you are so desperate to get rid of him, recall him like they’re doing in Santa Ana and Anaheim. Otherwise, give it a rest already.

  2. The selfie king
    Starring role novel.

    I’m too sexy for my shirt
    Too sexy for my shirt
    Too sexy

  3. Keep picking on Ahmad. He was married and gay. Both things can be true and don’t negate the other. He enjoys the occasional portrait photograph. He’s still the smartest guy on that stupid council. He controls the meetings because we all know he is the real mayor and not Nicky.

    1. The question is, why did he marry to a woman when he was gay? Surely it was out of some kind of partnership or business relationship for beneficial reasons. Now, what was the transaction?

  4. You may have a point Peabody. The man is always updating photos of himself on social media. YET, strangely, he uses this outdated photo of him standing by film equipment for this account? Sounds pretty fishy if you ask me. Maybe, it is the only photo he has of him “working” as a producer because IMDB hardly does any fact checking and you can upload any information like Wikipedia unless corrected and who is correcting obscure scrappy documentaries? The photo is a dead giveaway that there’s fire where that smoke is coming from. Maybe it’s Zahra’s pants burning I smell.

    1. That picture is not of Zahra. The man in the photo is too fat and too working class. Is it AI generated? Cousin or evil twin brother?

  5. I love how all the Fullerton Boohoo boobs call him “Dr. Zahra” like it means something.

        1. Closer. Fullerton, being Fullerton!


          Fullerton being
          A place not quite a city
          The shoes fit nicely

          1. Allow me to participate:

            Gay Syrian man
            He’s full of lies and deceit
            His past a secret

  6. Ahmad Zahra has given all of you dopes a master class in public relations. Question he is “gay” and you’re homophobic. Ask about his doctorate and Syria days and you’re racist. The guy is untouchable because liberals have a don’t ask, don’t tell policy when it comes to anything and everything gay. Add the Muslim gay and Ahmad Zahra checkmates all of you. He is just smarter than you. Admit defeat and bow to the king.

    1. Nobody questioned if he was gay. We questioned why he got married to a woman in Arkansas after having just showed up fresh off the boat in the USA.

  7. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

    A friend saw zahara at Catalyst dispensary in Santa Ana on Friday picking the managers brain. lol

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