Hello Kitty. Ouch.
Fullerton Taxpayers for Reform has just introduced Vivian “Kitty” Jaramillo to 4th District voters, and it’s a pretty tough introduction. A kind Friend in Fullerton’s 4th District forwarded this mail piece.
Side one goes after Jaramillo’s supporters for creating the phony candidacy of Scott Markowitz, and notes the DA is investigating.

The backside informs D4 voters that Jaramillo has been a vocal advocate of marijuana dispensaries in Fullerton, supporting Zahra and Jan Flory’s MJ ordinance in 2020 that would have allowed dispensaries a mere 100 feet from residential zones.

Nice work. This mailer is right for Fullerton.
Hello, Kitty, indeed.
This is pretty effective. Bad , bad Kitty. Kitty has been very bad.
I am going off topic here
I was expecting a water/trash/sanitation/street sweeping bill last month but never received it so I looked on the city of Fullerton webpage and there it was bills will be late due to new billing system but no late fees will be imposed.
My city is an embarrassment once again.
If she hasn’t landed a piece yet she’ll have to get defensive. Or negative on Linda.
Now this is the kind of stuff I like to wake up to in the morning!
Not the Observers self-indulgent “Fullerton is racist” crap.
Well done!
Is the D.A. investigating Jaramillo’s campaign? I saw a letter requesting that he do so, but no announcement that it was actually in process.
It’s ongoing. We’re investigating the Jaramillo team who cooked up the Scott Markowitz candidacy and how the nominations were collected.
Can you articulate what laws could have or may have been broken? Putting up fake candidates in local elections to draw votes away from another is a time honored tradition.
It depends on whether fraud was committed, either in the solicitation or in the signing of the nominating papers. Circumstances turn the unsavory into the illegal.
And therein lies the problem. The complaint to the DA by Bushala is not based on any evidence of fraud. That’s the problem here. They’re trying to make hay out of an “investigation” whose existence is solely predicated on the fact of an unfounded complaint.
He requested a fishing expedition, that’s it.
Sorry Mr. Hog. Where there’s smoke there’s fire. And Kitty Jaramillo’s scampaign reeks of it.
“Where there’s smoke there’s fire.”
Where there’s smoke, there’s smoke, and where there’s fire there’s fire. But you’ve shown neither smoke nor fire.
You desperately want there to be. But making trumpy dog whistles on a candidate statement isn’t smoke, and everyone who signs you candidate petition is likely to be from some political party. It being a non-partisan office means it doesn’t matter in any way which if any as a matter of law.
Getting worried Mr. Hog?
“Getting worried Mr. Hog?”
How do you figure? No jeopardy for me. Not my circus, not my monkeys. But it’s my pleasure to explicate FFFF’s ongoing logical and ethical failures.
We haven’t heard to decry the ethical vacuum of the fake markowitz candidacy, a fraud from start to finish. Selective outrage is so unappealing.
Well his fishing expedition just got in 4,000 mailboxes, Hog.
Exactly. That’s what this is about, spreading disinformation for political purposes too late to vet.
The classic “October surprise”
And creating a phony candidate isn’t disinformation? Sorry Mr. Hog.
“And creating a phony candidate isn’t disinformation?”
Well phony is even too strong a word for what is being claimed. No one doubts that Markowitz is a real person. And no one has any reason to believe the signatures aren’t real or properly gathered. You can hope for someone to have made an error, so you can leverage the legal system against your perceived political enemies, but you cannot assume it.
Shenanigans. That’s the strongest word I’d use for such a tactic.
Properly gathered? Somebody was obviously lied to. Either that or they were in on the deceit.
In any case an investigation is ongoing. Too bad you don’t like it. Hog.
“That’s the problem here.”
It’s a problem for you and Jaramillo and all the other parasites that created Scott Markowitz The Candidate.
It’s not a problem for me. It looks like Tony Bishili organized a brilliant strategy to fight a fraud perpetrated on a whole lot of people. BRAVO!
Fake complaints of non-existent fraud. Business as usual for you guys, everyone gets it.
I don’t like election shenanigans, even lawful ones.
But you all trying to claim some moral high ground doesn’t even rise to the level of hypocrisy. You have no ethics to compromise and everyone knows it.
Oof, right in the gut, huh, Hog?
Hoogie proves again why he is an angry elf and insufferable twat.
“We” lol. If you’re legit, your posts are the first evidence here of actual impropriety.
But like everything else here, you’re probably not.
There’s lots of potential evidence. And that’s what is needed to begin ANY investigation.
It’s the DAs job to collect, confirm and ascertain the legality. Not the Kennedy Sister Act and not you.
“It’s the DAs job to collect, confirm and ascertain the legality.”
It’s the DAs duty to do absolutely nothing when there’s no probable cause to even investigate. And no one has shown any.
Damn someone’s got some ‘splainin’ to do, isn’t that right Hogmeister?
This blobamillo would do anything FINALLY get elected, and it looks like the same is true for Fullerton BooHoo – beacons of propriety and the common good, blah blah blah.
Weapons-grade bullshitonium.
Nothing is actually under investigation and you know it. The DA just used lawyerese to tell you to fuck off. No one is actually going to spend resource investigating non-crimes.
Using trumpy dog whistles in a candidate statement isn’t a crime. Gathering legitimate signatures from anyone of any party in a non-partisan race isn’t a crime.
Markowitz is a real person. The signatures are real signatures from real people.
Wah wah. Poor Hoogie. Weapons grade dope.
Let’s see what the voters have to say about a fake candidate.
And by the way, you’d better hope your “real person” collected the signatures he says he did.
“And by the way, you’d better hope your “real person” collected the signatures he says he did.”
Well yeah. If they weren’t, that would be a violation. But of course you have no evidence of that which is my whole point.
And you have no evidence that Markowitz did. Which you should because you’re asserting he’s a legitimate candidate.
In any case, it’s the DAs job to figure out if a crime was committed, not you or Sharon Kennedy.
Burn baby burn!
“And you have no evidence that Markowitz did.”
Nope. I’m not asserting “legitimacy.” I’m asserting you haven’t proven illegitimacy. The burden of proof is on you, unless you believe in being guilty until proven innocent.
Kitchen’s getting hot, isn’t Hogman? A truth-telling mass mailer just hit Jaba up alomgside her lying, dope-addled noggin.
“Nothing is actually under investigation and you know it.”
Well, you can easily verify that by calling the DAs office, can’t you?
I bet the next piece is bigger and better!
I could, but no I’m not going to do what you all did:
a) Make a false complaint of law breaking where you don’t have any evidence of and can’t come up with any law that might have been broken
b) Ask how it’s going
c) Get the answer “sorry, you need to fuck off!” in lawyer-speak (“we cannot comment on an investigation”
Poor Hooger hoot. Ya got nothin.’
So you believe there IS an investigation!!
No, not really. It was just a way to tell Bishala to “Have a Nice Day.”
You have to have cause to start an investigation. Some theory of a crime.
Without it there’s nothing to investigate. That would be a waste of public funds.
Haha. You admitted it. John Hog is on board!
“Nothing is under investigation.”
If you say so.
Yes, I was wrong about that. Not that I could have known, given no one here making accusations was showing any evidence or claim of actual wrongdoing. Wishing and hoping which panned out.
But there was certainly investigation and they say they confirmed crimes, so I was incorrect.
Since you “could not have known” you should have kept your mouth shut. Loser.
I felt there was probably no actual investigation and said so. That’s what I was wrong about. But I didn’t lie, or publicly abuse someone without evidence. I was clear.
While you all refuse to hold yourself to ANY standard whatsoever, I will continue to push back. You all never claimed any evidence of actual lawbreaking. Hopes and dreams you couldn’t confirm, sure. You were just loudly sharing your feelings about Markowitz being trumpy and backed by Democrats.
If he had collected his own signatures, he wouldn’t be in legal jeopardy, and your complaints would have been the same. You were always wrong on the facts.
And yet Hog STILL squeals. And it looks like he’ll keep squealing ’til the room is empty.
Uh oh. The Kennedy Sisters are gonna go ape shit.
One of the Kennedy sisters sank Team Jaramillo’s battleship when she tipped off Joshua Ferguson! Hat’s off to Ferguson, he’s the real hero to take credit for this scam to defraud the Fullerton Voters perpetuated by the DPOC. Ada Briseno…get ready for a door knock cause they’re coming! – – https://hourlystruggle.substack.com/p/fake-maga-candidate-arrested-in-fullerton?utm_source=cross-post&publication_id=1235198&post_id=150277708&utm_campaign=1234911&isFreemail=false&r=2f0ce1&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email
You know, those pictures would scare small children.
Kittie is so vile. Constantly lying to get a vote.
They are always ape shit.
The Jaramillo Campaign slogan: “Corruption and Dope id right for Fullerton.”
Heard it from Johnny Hog.
Hey people!!!
Kittie has been known to be corrupt and involved with “backdoor” shenanigans. Not the fun kind but the kind that screw over residents. Her time in code enforcement resulted in delays and excessive fines for residents. Former coworkers from back then still attest to her angry demeanor in the workplace and hostile attitude towards residents. She worked under the the Felz regime so she got away with being toxic. This is well known. She is now begging for city worker support and has promised raises of elected. It’s highly likely she will follow through on pushing for even more unreasonable raises that will eventually bankrupt the city causing layoffs and pay reduction.
Additionally her close and strange relationships with Zarah, Shana, and shady lawyer Aruni Thakur are troubling to moderate voters. In the past she has made fun of Zarah but now sucks up for his support. Poor Zarah is too angry to realize she is also “backdooring” him.
We can’t afford more of the same. She is supported by rich marijuana dealers / dispensary owners. During one candidates’ forum she was asked if she supported marijuana dispensaries but sneakily avoided the question and talked about illegal dispensaries. It’s a known fact that all dispensaries bring more crime to the area and cost taxpayers more than any tax revenue they report or actually pay. Besides there are already enough dispensaries in neighboring cities and delivery is already an option.
The nick names people use for her are very indicative of her beliefs and bad intentions.
Most Democrats, moderates, and even Republicans are supporting Valencia and Whitaker. At least these two ladies are honest and don’t bring Kittie’s baggage to city council.
There is no reason to believe that legal dope stores would cause illegal ones to go away. Actually the incentive for illegal ones would be just the same if not greater.
Even Flory admitted this.
And if the City can’t stop the illegal ones now, how could they do it later?
Quite right. Jaramillo is trying to cover her support by making approval of dispensaries a positive for public safety. It makes no sense, but that’s Fullerton BooHoo for you.
“There is no reason to believe that legal dope stores would cause illegal ones to go away.”
There is every reason to believe that the problem of illegal sales would become de minimis. Legitimate enterprises are much cheaper to run, with far lower uh, regulatory risk than illegitimate enterprises. How big is the market for illegal potable alcohol?
How about toilet paper? It’s expensive and much more necessary than pot or alcohol, and last I checked, there’s no black market for it.
For illegal pot sales to continue to thrive would mean it’s much so high margin compared to lawful sales that illegal sales are still worth the risk of prison time.
Otherwise the highly risk-tolerant money moves on to other opportunities.
What needs to be “admitted” is that the harder you make it to get it lawfully, the more likely you change that risk-reward equation in a way that makes unlawful sales profitable enough to compete.
“There is every reason to believe that the problem of illegal sales would become de minimis. Legitimate enterprises are much cheaper to run, with far lower uh, regulatory risk than illegitimate enterprises.”
Since you are just pulling shit out of your ass there’s no point in responding.
BTW, you’re in disagreement with Jan Flory. She says she’s read up on it. A little late, of course. Are you saying she’s wrong? careful now. She doesn’t like criticism!
“Since you are just pulling shit out of your ass there’s no point in responding.”
Actually it’s called a convincing argument. Something I made and you didn’t. Maybe because you can’t think of one.
Spurious comparison. It all comes down to the fact that weed is just relatively easy to grow. There are illegal grow sites all over the place, including on public wilderness lands, and weed is much more easily packed, transported (domestically), and sold than alcohol. Toilet paper? Very bulky. How big is a package of toilet paper rolls vs. a small amount of weed for a sale?
Tobacco might be a better comparison because of the disincentive taxes placed on each pack of cigarettes, but tobacco is more difficult to process (?) and I think it’s a full sun crop, so it’s harder to grow it under cover. Also, most people don’t want to roll their own ciggies (I know some exceptions to that rule, but that’s because they don’t want the additives in factory cigarettes).
It also seems to be particularly difficult to shut down an unlicensed dispensary, for some reason. The more taxes they pile on the legal weed the more incentive to grow and sell it without permits.
Not a spurious comparison.
My point is simply that the economics is what wins out. No one is trying to hide TP so I doubt that size is much of a factor. I guess if illegal TP hit it big that could change. But if there was a shortage and it was illegal to scalp it, you can bet a black market would develop. It’s a necessity.
You believe in economics or you don’t.. Yes the government could raise the cost of legal weed so high that illegal weed ends up more economical.
It’s a mistake to think that the regulator doesn’t know that. They’re not stupid. They can figure out price elasticity of demand for illegal versus legal pot and determine the amount of overall tax it can bear given a proper model.
If there’s a problem it would be with unknown variables raising the legal cost, or legal pot being lower quality than illegal. Like localities that don’t set the tax making it so hard to run an operation that it raises the effective legal price. Or on the other side of the quality equation, the risk of contraband being contaminated in some way.
Too bad they didn’t teach economics where you got your spurious MBA, if in fact you got one at all.
Since you have no idea of the cost of licensing and regulation, you have no idea what that added overhead is. And you have no idea of the rental premium for a property in allowable zones.
In other words, you are an ignoramus making things up just to argue pointlessly.
Maybe read up the thread because I didn’t need to provide any of that to support my counterargument.
The claim was “There is no reason to believe that legal dope stores would cause illegal ones to go away. Actually the incentive for illegal ones would be just the same if not greater.”
That’s a falsifiable statement. There’s every reason to believe that the government understands the value proposition of legalizing pot. It’s kind of the entire point, they’re trying to use it to generate revenue, and they will seek to maximize it. Further the government is largely in control of the regulatory costs you mention.
So IF regulatory burden make legal sales uneconomical, they’re also in a position to adjust regulatory cost downward.
Just be quiet. You have nothing but your own self-christened “expertise.”
Thanks for nothing. Illegal stores operate in low rent districts, pay no taxes, don’t advertise and don’t pay licensing and inspection fees.
Show me some real evidence that legal stores chase them out.
Or just shut up.