Jaramillo Lamentations
A Friend forwarded this post election statement by Vivian “Kitty” Jaramillo:

Poor Kitty. Done in by “dirty tricks” of some unmentioned sort – despite all the hard work put in by her team. Team Jaramillo. The crew that discovered, recruited, hand-held phony “Republican” Scott Markowitz, and who even wrote his MAGA ballot statement to draw votes away from Jaramillo’s opponent. Markowitz pleaded guilty to perjury and falsification of public documents. No mention of that in her farewell address.

There is a big shout out to the UFCW union that laundered $60,000 of out-of-town marijuana lobby money to buy mailers and pro-Jaramillo precinct walkers. Lots and lots of them who harassed each voter multiple times in order to elect Jaramillo.
Kitty says now the pressure is on to see if there will be improvements in D4, the district she created for herself to win. Some irony there, eh? There is already an improvement.

She wishes the best for the City Manager and City employees (not counting the cops and firepeople who endorsed her opponent). No mention of the people of Fullerton who never seemed to be on her self-centered radar. But we we knew her priority was city workers, because that’s what she volunteered to the OC Register in another foot-shooting moment.

Employees present and past love Kitty. Yes, massive six-figure pensioners, keep on truckin.’
Despite claiming to be an agent of civility, Kitty can’t resist to take a swipe at the “other two knuckleheads,” presumably Jung and Dunlap.
Before she waddles off down the Trail to Nowhere to make tamales, Kitty reminds us again of the unfairness of it all. Apparently “good guys” couldn’t get past the finish line because somehow, the “red line” kept moving. I have no idea what this lament is about because she and Team Jaramillo did cross the finish line, whatever color it may have been. She just wasn’t in first place when she did cross it.
Well, now Vivian can go back to just being an annoying, self-important busybody who can’t do any damage; a boil on the butt of Fullerton: irritating but not dangerous.
She writes like a miffed teenager who just lost for class treasurer. Could you ever imagine her sitting on the council?
Now she can go back to being the neighborhood nag she has always been. Thank God I don’t live on her side of Orangethorpe. Only person left on the council for her to call racist is Dunlap. He better watch out!
If she’s one of the “good guys” I’d hate to see the bad ones.
Still, you have to feel for her a little – the failed attempts, the lawsuit, sitting on the redistricting committee to make sure she has her own district.
And in the end, a big goose egg. Poor Kitty, indeed!
The cast of principle characters involved in this sad, defeated caper is why Fullerton fails more than it succeeds. There’s the rogue staff who took orders to take down Jamie Valencia and Fred Jung signs. Not that Jung needed any signs because he smeared that lemon Truxaw. There’s the clueless City Manager who can’t seem to count to 3 and misunderstands who’s who in the zoo. There’s the weed lobby and the city municipal employees who bankrolled a clunker candidate. There’s the Democrats of North OC and OC who didn’t fool anyone with their dud fake Markowitz. There’s the Aaruni Thakur who doesn’t live in the district and Ahmad Zahra, the King Midas in this painful play. Be careful what you wish for King Zahra. All that glitters isn’t gold.
Don’t forget the morally bankrupt DPOC! Not all are zero’s minus one. A few are decent human beings, but the good one’s won’t last. Ask Vern Nelson from the O.J. Blog, he knows who’s who in that zoo.
I notice the Kennedy Sisters and Jaramillo use the same phrase: “dirty tricks.”
Paul Dudley, who did irreparable harm to Fullerton for 20 years and who got a huge pension – but i guess it’s worth it not having him do any more damage. At least Flory will have more time for cocktail hour.
This. Harm to Fullerton AND harm to employees that he masochistically bullied the whole time. Toxic AF.
How strange, indeed. The “red line” kept moving? What in the Blue Hell does that mean? Someone kept changing the rules in the second half?
Typical language of victimhood.
Crocodile tears.
The drink in Dudley’s comment. Their link goes back to the 90s when he was her city hall boss. There was so much alcohol.
Something is odd with her strategy to screw police and fire. I don’t see the lone Republican, Dunlap, as being a Hero worshiper or adverse to apposing Hero pension reform. Zahra and Charles could have always aligned with Dunlap if they really wanted to do that. She must have had a secret pact to reciprocate with those two for some other favors.
Now that the election is over the 4F Mafia can turn their attention to the new love of their lives, Valencia. They keep deleting comments that are unflattering of their newly minted gal pal so you know the commentary has touched a nerve with some of them.
Oh, I’ll address that. I delete comments on MY posts that are simply vulgar for the sake of obscenity. Just like I edited this one.
You should try your luck with the Kennedy Sisters.
LOL since when has vulgar obscenity been frowned upon around here?
See what I did there?
Don’t forget to mention Kim Barlow and son were part of Team Jaramillo.
Isn’t she one of Dick Jones’ star pupils at the “I Can’t Believe it’s a Law Firm?” Doesn’t she provide the City will legal services (albeit in an incompetent way)? How is that not a conflict of interest?
It is a big conflict of interest. So big that it’s obvious to those who’ve been watching this clown show from the outside. If the City Council had a majority with enough intelligence and courage to see it, they’d do their jobs and hold “I can’t believe it’s a Law Firm” accountable for all they’re many, many, too many fuck ups, and pull the plug on the king slug of all slugs. Maybe someone who’s been taking inventory can list them going back to the 90’s. I’d love to see “the list”!
There is one ongoing almost since the 90s. The Florentine sidewalk theft.
Jones covered up for Paul Dudley and then approved the lease agreement that to this day caused a monumental fuck-up.
The “bump-out” now belongs to the City, NOT the owner of the building that it is attached to.
Then there was the Marovic agreement that apparently isn’t worth the paper it was written on.
She didn’t even take the time to thank her voters. How pathetic. Also, straight to the tamales Jabba? Oh boy, some things never change.
“She didn’t even take the time to thank her voters.”
Exactly. She doesn’t give a rat’s ass for the citizens except as an ATM for herself and her fellow public employees.
Fullerton has dodged a bullet with this.
Thank goodness I didn’t end up hurting anyone. Not that I was eager to get fired from the gun, but of course, that insatiable, money grabbing hag couldn’t help herself. Common sense clearly took a backseat to her desperate need to make everything worse. Why not add ‘self-sabotage’ to the list of her talents?
I thought it was a sweat bullet.
Kitty Jaramillo’s post is telling of her disposition, which is vile and ugly as she is. The sour grapes is childish and belies her old age. If I were a firefighter or police officer in Fullerton, would I feel comfortable with anyone who supported this kind of ugliness? I wouldn’t be fine with Ahmad Zahra or Shana Charles or Tom Umberg or Sharon Quirk-Silva or Lou Correa or Doug Chaffee or Aaruni Thakur or Joanne Fawley. I would remember they backed a loser and an anti public safety candidate.
Even more notable than Kitty’s stupid post are the comments from her friends and supporters. Someone named Arif Mansuri said she should be proud of the integrity and dedication of her campaign. Does Arif know her walkers bad mouthed Jamie Valencia to me personally who they didn’t know and referred to her as a fake candidate and fake Democrat? Is that a campaign of integrity? Because your fake candidate beat your candidate. Dedication to the campaign? Kitty never once visited my home, but her walkers pressured me by coming to my home over 3 times. My neighbor’s and I never saw Kitty once in the Little Adlena neighborhood. Someone else named Linda Gardner called Kitty the best candidate by far. When you consider the above, was she the best candidate by far. My neighbor’s and I didn’t think so and she lost. Gardner also mentions negative campaigning, but fails to disclose who she is referencing. Jamie Valencia said nothing negative about Kitty when she spoke to me on a Saturday afternoon. Her flyers said nothing negative about Kitty either. Jamie was kind and seemed genuine to me so my wife and I voted for her and so did our neighbors on either side. Another comment from Karen Lloreda points out sign violations, but I saw plenty of signs from Kitty on telephone poles and public spaces. More than a few comments were about a wealthy resident. Being a regular reader of this blog, I am aware of the resident they are hinting at, but there are a lot of rich people in Fullerton. I’m not sure what wealth has anything to do with influence because as far as I can tell, the wealthy person they are so concerned about seems to have a lot of issues with Fullerton and its staff. This blog opines about it almost daily. If this unnamed wealthy person was so influential and controlled the city council, the city would be more aligned with an oligarchy or plutocracy. Last I checked, my vote still counted. And I am glad I did not vote for Kitty because she clearly is not fit for office.
I wonder who appointed this Arif Mansouri dude to the Planning Commission.
Anyone know?
I do, and he’s a good man. He was probably pressured into supporting Jaramillo.
To clarify, Arif, is a good man.
So why is he complimenting Jaramillo AFTER she lost. Sorry. No sale.
I don’t know, but will ask him and report back.
And also, whose appointee to the PC is he?
Believe he was appointed by Zahra.
Well, there you have it.
Correction: Amoeba don’t waddle, they undulate.
I hope Kitty doesn’t have a heart attack or her home get burglarized. Shit on PD and fire? Not very statemens like.
Zahra is a charlatan and a conman devoid of any fundamental skills or abilities other than grifting.