Linda Whitaker Hangs Out
A Friend sent in some images of a door hanger produced by 4th District Candidate Linda Whitaker. I don’t know if it’s two sides to the same one, so I’m calling it one hanger. It’s good to see Whitaker establishing a ground game.

On this side we see a picture that I’ve been told is a much younger Linda with City Hall in the background. I hate the use of old pictures by candidates and politicians who are much older-looking, but they all do it, of course. Here, Ms. Whitaker is touting her experience around City Hall for more than twenty years as the wife of outgoing Councilman Bruce Whitaker, although for some reason she omits reference to her husband. We are admonished that “we need to move forward.” From what to what isn’t stated

This hanger image shows Whitaker at various life stages and gives us some really non-specific promises. I would have like some specificity about how she’s going to work, not just the vague idea of work itself. Still, it seems in Fullerton you don’t win elections by annoying anybody with details, even if you have them.
The bottom picture on this side is simply bizarre. Thankfully, Linda has eschewed the usual stiff-gestured, in-the-can pictures with kids, oldsters, and various ethnicities. But I can’t imagine who the Whitaker campaign thinks is going to be impressed by the support of a superannuated motorcycle club.
Overall, the piece isn’t bad, motorcycle gang notwithstanding, and many folks may find it reassuring. It’s not too slick and doesn’t have the feel of an overproduced, fancy campaign piece.
Agreed. This is non-threatening and almost looks homemade. Very smart.
Yeah, what with the bilkers? That’s odd.
Pink is an unusual color for a political piece. Meant for women, somehow?
October is cancer awareness month. In my opinion, it was a good choice of colors for a door hanger.
I guess.
When Bruce ran for State Senate campaign manager Linda tried to organize an female auxiliary called “Linda’s Ladies.”
Maybe those guys are Bruce’s Bikers.
BTW, I’ve heard that Linda took a week off from campaigning to visit Fullerton Sister City in Italy.
That suggests supreme confidence in winning, complete resignation to losing, or…no, that’s it.
Wait, I forgot, treasuring the experience of boutique hotels and al fresco dining.
We like leather, tats and head injuries.
Be nice.
I’m sure Linda is a nice lady and everything, but does being married to a guy provide real experience? I don’t know. I guess it’s better than having the sort of experience that will push the citizens and taxpayers to the back of the line.
Looks much more down to earth than that slick, canned PR caca Valencia’s glam squad put together for her. Her campaign is being directed by the usual PR flunkies, scummy political operatives and influence peddlers found in the union goon ranks of the OC Dems. Makes Linda look downright like Maddie from Mayberry.
Linda’s Body by Ozempic makes her look younger – she can thank those juicy City-provided health bennies she’s been enjoying for the past 8 years. That shit is expensive so she needs to win this seat.
Linda and Bruce live at City Hall, they occupy Hugo’s old office. Ask any City employee, they are there all the time and not conducting City business. The janitorial staff has caught Linda washing her hair in the sink. They have also asked staff to vacate the City Manager/Council Conference room when Bruce was Mayor and had the lone City Council office because they needed to make their hotdogs. They have been caught there at night watching movies on their Ipad supposedly because they do not have AC nor do they have internet (which I think the City eventually paid for at their home). Linda needs this office so they can continue their City Council grift. I don’t like any of the candidates but this just stinks. and no…I am NOT Ahmad Zahra or one of his fans just someone simply speaking the truth. Linda is bad news for the City; unqualified and just in it to continue to gain city benefits in pay and the office.
Are Bruce and Linda homeless? Or just looking for a free lunch? The free lunch I can understand.
I am pretty sure they have a home. Kitty used to cite them for their yard, if I remember correctly.
She’s only on the ballot to keep a seat for her husband, Bruce, who has over-served his time on the council and should now move along. He’s my district and has been the WORSE EVER in terms of his lack of responsiveness to answer emails and in-person request for a sit-down meeting. HORRIBLE service to his constituents.
I heard she and Bruce went to Italy a few weeks ago – in the middle of a campaign.
Pretty lame. She’s given up.