Markowitz Cops Plea

Patsy Markowitz. Left holding the empty bag.

According to the OC Register, phony 4th District candidate, Scott Markowitz pleaded guilty yesterday. In exchange for the plea Markowitz gets a day in jail, probation and a month of community service. Felony charges are dismissed by DA Todd Spitzer.

I’ve never seen the wheels of justice grind out a product so quickly.

But what is the product?

As FFFF writers and commenters have noted, Markowitz’s fate was largely irrelevant given that the whole thing was orchestrated by others connected to the cause of electing Vivian “Kitty” Jaramillo, including politicians and Democrat operatives.

Since prosecutors are not given to giving anything away I think we can speculate that Markowitz named a name. Or two. We may surmise, I think, that the investigation into who set Markowitz up in the first place is ongoing. On the other hand this sort of case is probably perceived by the DA as a hassle without a lot of glamor and some potential political pushback from Dems he needs in a non-partisan election.

As to Markowitz, maybe we can let the poor sap get on with his life, free of the encumbrance of a felony rap.

30 Replies to “Markowitz Cops Plea”

  1. I doubt Markowitz gave up any names.
    He wouldn’t want to upset those paying his legal fees (even if it is the same people who got him into this mess in the first place).
    Markowitz was at North Court yesterday, yet his name never appeared on the docket board. His court info on the OCDA website as of yesterday was still full of blanks. Since last night, I am unable to get to that page on the OCDA website.
    Those involved (with the exception of the person who suborned Markowitz) is the only other person to commit a crime in this whole fiasco.
    I for one, am not voting for Kitty in this election. In the future, if Aaruni Thukar, runs for city council in District 4, I will not vote for him either. He was definitely part of the mastermind of this whole sham.
    I am glad Markowitz doesn’t have to spend time in prison for being gullible. But my faith in the Justice system was shaken a bit yesterday.

  2. Nobody ever cared about this guy. He was just a dumb tool for someone else.

    There’s no way the DA didn’t get useful information from Marky Mark.

    Now the question whether Spitzer has the inclination to do anything about it. My own feeling is that this is the end of it.

  3. This is bullshit.
    How is it possible for his name to remain on the ballot?
    The damage is done.

    District 4 voter : 0
    Democratic party :1

    1. The ballots are already distributed. And the DA did more for your concern than he lawfully should have in pulling a Comey style “make up my own rules” announcement.

            1. Try to read what I write, I’ve been consistent.

              Markowitz is now a convicted felon for not taking the formalities seriously. How come the DA gets to live by a different standard and make pronouncements about who is and isn’t a candidate?

              He’s a lawyer, if anyone knows better it’s him.

              1. John,
                Markowitz is NOT a convicted felon. His case never went to trial. The two felony charges were dropped. They charged him for one misdemeanor count to which he pled guilty.

                1. Thank you for the correction regarding the felony charges being dropped as part of the plea deal.

      1. Make his own rules? He got a complaint and investigated it. His investigator discovered that Markowitz didn’t collect his signatures but averred that he had. The DA discovered a case of perjury, still a crime, Hog.

        1. The part where he made himself an elections official and pronounced Markowitz no longer a valid candidate even before any plea.

          Not his job, not his purview. I agree with the register article, a DA leaving his lane like that is its own form of election interference.

          Due process, and formalities should be followed instead of making up his own rules.

          1. It’s perfectly reasonable and common for a DA to publicly anticipate the outcome of his own case and project victory. If you misinterpreted his statement as some kind of legal order, that’s on you.

          2. “a DA leaving his lane like that is its own form of election interference.”

            Haha. Election interference is legal. Isn’t that the Fullerton Observer standard?

            1. Pretending to be an election official and make pronouncements about who is a candidate seems like election interference to me.

              You will have to be more specific if you’re trying to make an argument about hypocrisy.

              1. You and the Observer Sisters did your level best to obscure what’s been going on. Take comfort in that and quit singing the blues Mr. Hog.

              2. Johnny…it hurts me to see you like this. Come upstairs now honey and have some breakfast…please Johnny, you’re only hurting yourself son. Mommy loves you very much but it’s time to stop.

                1. I know you anonymous cowards couldn’t care less, but I’ll say it once just in case any of you do. My mom is a real person, and she has nothing to do with my posts or your (mostly) ginned up controversies.

                  So consider leaving her out of it. I don’t bring your family life into discussion here. I focus on the issues, like a responsible grown up.

                  Or not, you feral children will do what you want. I expect she’d give you the same fuck-you I do if she knew what you were up to.

                  This whole thing of abusing anonymity to post as other real people is, to my understanding, against this site’s policy, but it is selectively even mentioned if ever enforced.

                2. Johnny, you are wound way too tight and it’s destroying you. Lighten up son. I’ve been telling you for years that people don’t like you because, well, you are a snowflake and you act like an insufferable twat. The truth hurts son but, once you accept your defects, you can rebuild and become a better person!

                3. Yet you still bring him up to score a point.

                  What does that say about you, John?

                  Hint: It’s not good

                4. It says you’re a dumb gaslighting motherfucker, with no sense of personal responsibility , ghost. I made a simple request.

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