New Competition in the 4th District Race
I was perusing the list of candidate committees on the Fullerton City Clerk’s website today and noticed a brand new committee.

The committee is called Valencia 4 Fullerton City Council D4, and belongs to someone named Jamie Valencia.
I am not familiar with this person. I don’t even know if it’s a man or a woman. I quick search tells us that there is a Jamie Valencia on the Fullerton Infrastructure and Natural Resources Advisory Committee (INRAC) so maybe this is the same person. The basic fact of having a committee in the works is a good indication of Valencia’s seriousness as a candidate.

So now there are three committees formed for candidacy in the 4th District. The other two are owned by former Fullerton parking ticket hander-outer, Vivian Jaramillo; and outgoing Councilmember Bruce Whitaker’s wife, Linda. The Democrat establishment is behind Jaramillo, a good sign for the tax and spend crowd.

It’s not clear who would support Mrs. Whitaker, beyond name recognition, a fact she is capitalizing by using the same campaign sign design as her husband, but with her name on them. Both women are comparatively old – in their early 70s, I believe. That’s not a great sign given Fullerton’s history of failed gerontological leadership.
I don’t know anything yet about Valencia – age, gender, party, profession, or issues, but anybody with a Latino surname name in a heavily Latino district would be bad news for Jaramillo, but we shall have to wait to see what sort of resources and energy this third candidate will bring to the race.
Jaramillo is a non-starter. No way. Nada.
A choice is better than no choice.
Sergeant is making another go of it in D2.
Still no other D1 candidates; Fred Jung’s $197,000 campaign war chest may have something to do with that.
Yes, but even a phony candidate draws some expenditure. But Jung is loaded.
Some buddy of Zahra has pulled papers. A sacrificial lamb.
Is that a lot? Seems like it.
That’s a massive amount for a local city council election. This is exactly why our elections are a horribly corrupt mess.
With that kind of cash he can buy 5,000 campaign signs and a direct mail piece for every registered voter household in the district every week between mid September and election day and still have more money left over than many winning candidates raised in an entire cycle. And that was based on his last 2023 statement, he probably raised more money the first half of this year.
So yeah, a lot.
Zahra raised over $100,000 and blew it, plus more just to hang on to a City Council job that pays him $1000 a month. What is it with these guys?
Zahra paid Presidio to run his campaign. Danny Fierro is the “founder” of the “Latin based” strategy company or some dribble. Isn’t Fierro the guy who sued Sharon Quirk Silva and Cristina Garcia for sexual harassment? Guess all is forgiven now and they are no longer Montagues and Capulets because Sharon tags along with Zahra everywhere. Why hasn’t FFFF captured this kumbaya moment for posterity? Zahra and Sharon sitting in a tree KISSING!
FWIW, Fiero also had one of those phony make-work jobs with Jordan Brandman in Anaheim.
I doubt if Zahra knows how to kiss a female. Only things he knows how to kiss are men’s weenies.
He must have kissed his (female) bride at that illegal marriage in Arkansas.
Puff, puff, PASS the sales tax!
Jamie Valencia is on the INRAC committee. I spoke to her a couple times at her kid’s sports event. Seems down to Earth and honest. She is a nurse for neo-natal babies with serious medical issues. Maybe in her 30’s or 40’s so no AARP membership. Looks like a registered Democrat but she didn’t give off any crazy leftie vibes.
A breathe of fresh air compared to Shitty J. Who is always shady AF. Never met Linda so can’t comment on her.
Shady is a good word to describe Kitty Jaramillo. Gives off super old lady, I’m going to lecture you quietly and in a soft spoken manner vibes. All the while, what she says is the same toxic spew coming out of that fake cripple Asian and other Zahra zombies.
You made me laugh so hard I almost fell out of my chair. Pity Jaramillo is evil and disgusting. After taking more bribes from cannabis crooks she will cause some scandal or another costing taxpayers tons of money. She has been running for over a decade and can’t understand why people despise her.
Anyone have contact info for them?
The city portal has the candidate email addresses if provided:
So far only Fred and Matt’s are listed but presumably the others will include their campaign emails when they complete the campaign filing process
Haha. Kitty has just received the coveted Women in Leadership endorsement!
Kitty got money from Jan Flory, who is running against Dunlap. Jan you have already “been there and done that several times.” She seems to be running just to give Dunlap competition. Stupid reason to run if you aren’t really interested in doing the job.