Other People’s Money – The Silly F
It’s axiomatic that when government agencies get money from some external source they often display a casual attitude toward spending it intelligently. Thus we get boondoggles like the infamous Trail to Nowhere, paid for mostly by a State grant.
The latest example of this is an $800,000 grant handed to Fullerton by Caltrans meant to improve transit centers. Here’s the staff report intro:
The City received funding to enhance and beautify areas in and around the Fullerton
Transportation Center (FTC) through a competitive grant application process. The City
used the grant to work with a consultant to establish a downtown brand and wayfinding
program to assist mass transit users navigate the downtown area and improve
visitation. The FTC is one of the higher ridership stations in the region serving over
400,000 riders annually. The project would capitalize on visitors using both Amtrak and
Metrolink services.
At the last council meeting Community and Economic Development Director Sunayana Thomas and ED underling, Taylor Samuelson presented the fruits of all their labor so far in their effort to expend the Caltrans largesse.
And what they came up with is mostly just comical. And unnecessary.
It seems that our staff thinks the the most important way to “enhance” the FTC is by installing news signs. But of course “signs” is far too simple a concept, which instead is called “wayfinding,” a term implying that people are just too stupid to know where they’re going while “navigating.” But of course we know this whole thing is just make work for our crack “economic development” team who don’t develop anything except our pension obligation to them.
Of course a sign is inextricably tied to the notion of “branding,” an advertising phrase co-opted by bureaucrats pretending they have something to sell. And boy do they think they can “capitalize” on visitors. Why branding downtown Fullerton has anything to do with Caltrans is beyond me, but I leave that to greater minds to ponder.
Here are some branding ideas displayed at the council meeting.

Legendary music history? Local charm? A carnation? Botanical attributes? Modern and timeless theme? WT everlasting F? We paid somebody for this nonsense?
And, of course, new signs, repeating the theme, just in case you didn’t get it the first time.

Naturally, the “brand” looks outdated even before it’s installed on the signage, and we can be sure that in less than ten years the reigning economic development experts will be calling for a new brand, the old being so embarrassing. But in the meantime, fear not. The signs will be printed on “retroflective” vinyl attached to rigid aluminum panels.
The funniest idea of all is the notion of a “gantry” sign spanning Harbor Boulevard, welcoming people to downtown Fullerton.

Of course there already is a sign on the old UP bridge doing just that a few hundred feet to the south:

And how much is this nonsense going to cost the taxpayers of California? Check out the budget:

That’s $322,000, give or take, if you count thirty-one grand for some sort of mural. That’s a whopping 40% of the entire grant that is supposed to freshen up the Fullerton Transportation Center.
When you see this sort of circle wank, you really have to wonder if there is anybody providing any sort of adult supervision in City Hall when you look at footling crap like this.
Wow. Hire Brick from “The Middle” who is a font expert. He would have done the job in a day or two for $50!
Right? And what they came up with is so fucking lame dumb – and unnecessary.
Now let’s take that $59,000 contract (rewarded by our hapless worm of a City Manager). At $100 bucks an hour, that would equate to a person working full-time on this and only this for the better part of FOUR MONTHS
That contract doesn’t include Fullerton staff time putting their heads together and having meetings with the “consultant.” You couldn’t make this up if you tried.
Free money, indeed.
No one ever bothers to do the simple math to see the impossibility of it. Screwed again.
And no one bothered to realize the dumbness of an Elmer Gantry sign.
And I wonder what the “core waiting area is” and why on earth there has to be a mural there, other than boohooism dictates that there must be public art that either is always insulting to someone or others aesthetic sensibilities.
Thirty-one thousand bucks.
This is all part of the absurd and ever-ongoing campaign by our city councils to portray downtown Fullerton as an unbridled success. And no body questions these fools about the million dollar plus deficit DTF creates each and every year.
It’s always been sort of funny how Leo Fender was held up as some sort of icon over the past couple of decades. Back in the 80s and 90s I don’t remember anybody talked about the guy at all. And the now the only ones who do have an obsession with electric guitars. And now we’re “branding” after that?
Sort of sad. That’s best 60 thousand can come up with. And who in God’s name ever knew the City flower was a carnation? Crazy.
Get the people who fixed the elevator to do it.
They’re efficient and cheap.
Somewhere in the rest of this grant will be money for landscaping – that will die.
Those faded gantry signs provide picturesque compositional elements in oil paintings of abandoned downtowns.
Instant failure. It wouldn’t be the first time in DTF.
Reminds me of the 1970’s “Redevelopment ” fiasco of the concrete colonnade that we had to suffer through until it’s demise when the property owners revolted because the colonnade blocked the view of the storefronts and created sidewalk impediments. Or maybe they were tore down because their wasn’t enough money to repaint and the grant was for pedestrian Wayfinding. No one will ever really know why they were installed or demolished. Another Fullerton success!
Terry Galvin is long gone. And yet the stupidity endures.
Downtown Fullerton should be associated with the police station. And the cops are grateful for the OT.
I still wonder what happened to the $20 million that Supervisor Chaffee gave to Pathways of Hope. Who knows? Just lost Covid millions? Oh well.
I am reminded of that old joke about drunk who looks for his keys under the streetlight where he can see better rather than on the darker part of the sidewalk where he actually dropped them.
Now that’s funny.
Getting heart surgery you don’t need because someone else is paying for it.
I was thinking more like someone needing heart surgery but getting a facelift instead because the state grant would only pay for a plastic surgeon.
Yeah, I see that. The cancer is spreading, but you “invest” in eyebrow tattoos.
Alan Morton provided free design services 30 years ago when the bridge sign was first painted.
This is all about money chasing an expenditure.
OPM = Other People’s Money. It’s free!!
There isn’t a single talented, competent employee (including the FD and PD) working for the City of Fullerton. It’s why they work in Fullerton. Lowest standards in Orange County. Fullerton makes Stanton look like Dubai.
“It’s good enough”©
It sounds better in Latin: Itsay oodgay enoffay.
“The project would capitalize on visitors…”
There’s a tell. It’s about “the project” not about the visitors. It doesn’t make any sense, but you get the emphasis.
What it mean is a chance to justify more hundreds of thousands “branding” the money pit known as downtown Fullerton.
Correct. Happy Labor Day!
Hire security guards and people to keep the station clean.