The Case Against Jan M. Flory

Well, she’s at it again. The old warhorse appears yet again to darken our collective doorstep with her presence. Janesse “Jan” M. Flory was on the Fullerton City Council from 1995 to 2003, then reappeared in 2012 like the Ghost of Christmas Past. And yet, she still wasn’t done, getting herself appointed to the Fullerton City Council in 2019, and continuing her history of incompetence, negligence and indifference to her constituents.
She’s running for the 2nd District council seat currently occupied by popular Mayor, Nick Dunlap. Her rationale? That’s not hard to figure out. She is running to protect Fullerton’s highly compensated and highly unresponsible public employees.
Flory must 80 years old if she’s a day, and Fullerton has changed a lot since 1994 – thirty long years ago, but Flory doesn’t seem to have changed at all. The sneer. The disdain for anyone not toeing the bureaucratic line, not accepting any bullshit emanating from City Hall.
Here’s a robotext recently received by a voter in Fullerton’s 2nd District.

Experience? We all know experiences can range from good to horrendous.
It’s nice to see Janesse let us know her campaign promises, because they remind students of Fullerton history that she was front and center of the disasters that she helped create. We can skip over the illiteracy of the writing and focus on the issues.
Fix our roads and streets? Who the Hell was running the City for 14 years while the pavement went to shit? That’s right, you, Janesse. “Saving” the ridiculous money pit called Walk on Wilshire? Really?
You want to hire more cops and firefighters? Who gave those guys the budget busting pay and pension increases? That’s right, you Janesse.
You want civility? Who treated her constituents like trash when they had the effrontery to stand up for themselves? That’s right, you Janesse.
And now for some fun history, yanked from FFFF headlines, a Flory of bill of indictment.

In 1994 Jan Flory, supported the unnecessary utility tax and actually proclaimed she wished it were doubled.
In 1995 Flory directed the City Attorney to disclose confidential legal advice in order to build a low-income housing project.

In 1998, and in years after Jan Flory cheerfully supported the illegal Water Fund diversion, a tax, to support her pals in City Hall.
In 2000 she supported the disastrous retroactive “public safety” pension giveaway, a breathtaking gift of public funds.

In 2000 she approved the $3,000,000 Poison Park, a Redevelopment acquisition of contaminated, gang-infested property on Truslow Avenue, an action she never acknowledged or demanded accountability for. The goddamn thing is still sitting there with a fence around it, 25 years later.

In 2012 she banded together with the cops to get herself elected, and then protected the Fullerton Police Department from reform. The Culture of Corruption continued unabated.

In 2016 she favored Police Chief Danny “C’mere, Big Boy” Hughes with a big, wet, goodbye kiss, three days after he tried to organize the cover-up of the drunken Wild Ride of City Manager, Joe Felz.

To get appointed to the City Council in 2019, she bribed the unemployed Ahmad Zahra with a lucrative seat on the Orange County Water District.
On her way out the door (again) in 2016, she supported the dishonest “bar owners map” for Fullerton’s first redistricting effort, allegedly created by the miscreant scofflaw, Jeremy Popoff that gerrymandered Jesus Quirk-Silva into a free run for City Council.

During the years of the Flory, Fitzgerald, Quirk-Silva, Zahra budget deficits, Flory lied to the public, insisting that the budget was balanced, when in fact, the City was raiding reserve funds to pay for increased employee contracts. Or maybe she simply doesn’t understand what deficit spending means.

In 2019 Flory embarked with Zahra, Quirk-Silva, and Fitzgerald on an idiotic, spiteful legal vendetta against this blog, Joshua Ferguson and David Curlee, that cost Fullerton upwards of a million dollars in settlement and legal fees.
In 2020, on her way out the door for the third time, she voted in favor of Measure S, the ill-fated sales tax increase for which she was put on the Council to support.
If there were time and temperament, I could examine even more closely Flory’s “experience,” but, really why bother? Why recall all the Redevelopment boondoggles she supported in the 1990s, or the Downtown booze culture that she helped create in the early 2000s?

Flory’s bile and animus, directed at anybody who challenges City Hall – citizens and taxpayers, has been going on since 1994 and is well documented.
She once proclaimed that the City department heads were “the heart of the City,” And that tells you all you need to know about Janesse “Jan” M. Flory.
Does the M stand for maladroit? How does Fullerton grow such old retreads like Jan Maladroit Flory and unrepentant scammers like Ahmad Zahra with ease? Must be something in the water.
That’s a pretty good rundown of Flory’s awful record of supporting the costly, the lame, the ruinous and the ridiculous. And you’re right – you could have gone on for days and days. Voting for her would be like voting for Bankhead or Jones or Catlin, without the comic blog value.
She’s worn a deep groove in the racetrack, and it’s way past time to be put out to pasture.
It really is painfully ironic. Talk about lack of self-awareness.
Her experience may seem good to her, but it’s been a disaster for Fullerton.
Not only did Flory insist the budget was balanced, she said the people who rightly pointed out that is was not were liars (skip to 1:17:42 for the truthful public comments; her diatribe in response starts at 1:20:45):
That’s what I mean about Flory hating truth tellers who go up against City Hall.
This site is a journalistic joke. Flory is not 80. She’s 79.
Seeing Jan shove a wiener in her mouth never grows old.
I endorse Jan Flory for Fullerton City Council District 2. She has been my loyal soldier for power and dominion over the earth.
What does it say about us as a society, that we continually allow these soulless scumbags to rule over us? Isn’t there something in the Declaration Of Independence that requires us to rise up against these
serial destroys?
When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.
Don’t forget the disgusting offspring: Deupty DA Mike Flory, judge wannabe, who sent pictures of his junk to his niece.
Nice family, huh?
She didn’t breast feed him long enough. Or not at all. Reptiles don’s go in for that sort of thing.
From her comments on the dais over the years Flory seems to believe all of our infrastructure problems relate back to the decision to reject the utility tax increase in 1994. She honestly seems to believe that THAT money would have been spent on infrastructure, like there was something magical about it that would have prevented it from being pissed away like all of the City’s other revenue streams.
It was about pay and pensions – not infrastructure. And in any case Flory argued it should be allowed to sunset so the money could keep rolling in for a while.
The funny thing is that the tax was passed in response to the recession of the early 90s. The tax was revoked and nobody missed it.
Restore civility. What a joke.
Who could forget the infamous breast feeding comment.
“Civility” to her means sit down and shut up. We know what’s best for you.
Don’t forget when she and Fitzgerald tried to cut down on public comments.
Civility is a one way street.
wow! why do people that should be far away from hard jobs come back because they can’t find anyone who want them there anymore?
so run for city council what a great way to pass time and get a nice padded seat to tell all the younger people of this city how and what to do.
flory needs to stay away from the council we don’t need anymore distractions we have a big problem with repeat councilman or woman that don’t understand when you fail you don’t return for a 2nd try not on the people of Fullerton back.
stay home flory its for the best ma’am.
Old Flory is a breathing (I think) monument to Fullerton Stupid, a dwindling gaggle of self-righteous, humorless, statists who really believe in nothing other than keeping others from outside their circle from being decision makers.
The only difference between Fullerton Stupid in 1994 and now is that there’s a lot less of them.
Don’t forget that Flory voted for the last minute MJ dispensary ordinance back in the fall of 2020 on her LAST way out the door. She was working for the Long Beach MJ Cartel, to slip it under the wire before the next council could decide the issue.
More experience in good government.
She admitted at the LOWV candidates form that that vote was a mistake.
She can flip and she can flop. That’s about all the muu muus and wood beads let her do these days.