The Hypocrisy Of Fullerton BooHoo

I was watching the League of Women Voter’s candidate forum a few days ago and I couldn’t help but notice how the Fullerton Boohoo darlings, Jan Flory and Vivian Jaramillo, kept attacking the incumbents for their refusal to “listen to the people.” Well, okay politics.

It’s a total waste of money, but it sure is short…

The two examples cited were the idiotic Trail to Nowhere and the equally stupid Walk on Wilshire. Ironically, the former was approved unanimously by the City Council; and Council majorities have kept the latter, the money-losing and annoying “WoW” alive for years.

If I knew what I was talking about this wouldn’t be Fullerton!

The fact is that both of these wasteful and useless “projects’ were the brain children of bureaucrats in City Hall and became the vanity projects of the egregious Ahmad Zahra and the lamentable Shana Charles who were instrumental in both cases in getting people to show up and harass anybody who might be exercising common sense. And right there to create the news and also report on it were the Kennedy Sisters, Skaskia and Sharon, who saw nothing wrong with trying to intimidate downtown businesses in the case of the moronic Waste on Wilshire.

This sort of “public support” is not organic; it’s artificial, and that’s why it’s commonly referred to as Astroturfing. Hence the irony that the same people who ginned up the “support” are the ones braying to demand that the Fullerton City Council “listen to the people.”

Well, irony isn’t the strong suit of people like Flory and Jaramillo. Neither is honesty. But self-serving sanctimony is.

Let them eat dog!

When the the idea of legalizing marijuana dispensaries in Fullerton came to the City Council in 2019, public speaker after public speaker, in English and Spanish denounced the idea as bad for Fullerton. The percentage must have been 30 to 1 against dispensaries. And where was Jan Flory, defender of the untermenschen? That’s right. She was voting to permit dispensaries in the closing months of 2019 – before the election that would usher in a new, anti-dispensary Council majority.

When the new Council revoked the Flory-Zahra-QuirkSilva dope ordinance and the vast majority again being in favor of disallowing dispensaries, guess who was there. Cannabis Kitty Jaramillo, that’s who, the enthusiastic marijuana advocate who proclaimed dispensaries were “right for Fullerton.”

Amazing how these twin pillars of public advocacy had no such interest in overwhelming public opinion when it came to legalized dope and it didn’t suit their ambitions; a public opinion, by the way, that was not ginned up by City bureaucrats, politicians or brain-dying ideologues, but that represented genuine public sentiment.

18 Replies to “The Hypocrisy Of Fullerton BooHoo”

  1. I’ve been watching Flory for decades. She doesn’t give a rat’s ass about what the public thinks. In fact she has always held her constituents with disdain. Her “heart of the city” is the department heads.

  2. Jabamillo’s Big Bitch is that councilmembers don’t look at speakers which is probably because 3/4 of the speakers were set-up to harangue Whitaker, Jung and Dunlap about trying not to waste money on Zahra’s “vanity” projects.

    Those poor speakers are thus disrespected and downtrodden and abused.

    What a farce.

  3. Sopranos: Those who want respect, give respect. You want Whitaker, Jung, or Dunlap to vote for your pet hobby turned life affirmation project, I would recommend you use honey. Otherwise, take your 3 mins of fame and F off.

    1. Zahra and Charles learned that if yo put together 10 annoying speakers and get an insubordinate staff to go along eventually you wear down the weak.

      And then you get to berate the weak for not being weak soon enough.

  4. So take your Constitutionally protected 3 mins and then F off it is. Too much to ask for protesting dummies like the Kennedy siblings to learn from their mistakes and do better.

    1. Exactly.

      BTW, I remember back in 1995 when Flory got sick of the Recall Leftovers complaining and exclaimed “I don’t have to take this bullshit.”

      As long as you’re kissing the ass of somebody in City Hall you’re AOK.

  5. The forums, of course, and most comments are missing the serious issue facing Fullerton and that is their greased slide into the financial abyss. Since February 2023, up until November 2023, the Council has approved MOUs for all labor unions and unrepresented employees that amounted to increases over a four year period of 8%, 4%, 4%, and 4%. According to the Agenda report financials, the total of all of those increases by FY 26/27 is an increase in the Salary budget of $59,981,832 (lets call it $60 million). Fullerton report a total Salary and Benefit expenditure in FY 22-23 of $77.3 million out of a General Fund budget of $133 million. Where is the City going to get $60 million more by FY 26/27? And that doesn’t include the pension costs. The Register reported a few days ago for public safety alone (police and fire) the pension costs are over $22 million. Better minds can calculate it all up using public data (even though the Calpers data is two years behind) but tack on probably another $10 million for non safety employees. Any mind should realize the house of cards built over the last two years is going to crumble in any breeze. It’s not only in Fullerton, but only in Fullerton are blind eyes upon it.

    1. Blind eye to what? Because in the kingdom of the blind, the one eyed man is king. The budget and its forecast are published each year. It’s a public document each year. It is presented in a council meeting (several) each year. For the last two years, the forecast hasn’t been sunny. So how is Fullerton blind to it again? Keep electing the Zahras and Shanas of the world, God forbid this Kitty, all clueless on how to run or manage anything: Zahra with no job, Shana a teacher at the local liberal factory, and Kitty the public pensioner, the city will run itself into the financial ground soon enough.

    2. It wasn’t built over 2 years, chum. It has been building ever since FitzFlory took over in 2013.

      8 years of Flory/Fitzgerald/Quirk-Silva/Chaffee/Zahra created the monster.

  6. Thank you FFFF for your patience with my Johnny. He’s on a time out right now and is not allowed to be on the computer. I apologize in advance for his idiocracy…we’re trying our best.

    1. We pity you Mrs. Hogerhuis. To have such an angry elf and insufferable twat for a son must be exhausting.

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