The Morning After Pill, 4th District Version Continued

As of Wednesday afternoon, Fullerton 4th District candidate newcomer Jamie Valencia has maintained, even slightly increased her lead of about 130+ votes over the Democrat Central Anointed and Chosen One, Vivian Jaramillo. Jaramillo had a lot of help from the Democrat establishment. Like these worthy people:
Elected Officials
- Lou Correa Congressman CA 46
- Josh Newman CA State Senator
- Tom Umberg CA State Senator
- Sharon Quirk-Silva CA Assemblymember
- Doug Chaffee OC Supervisor
- Natalie Rubalcava Anaheim City Council Member
- Ahmad Zahra, Dr. Fullerton City Council Member
- Shana Charles, Dr. Fullerton City Council Member
- Aaruni Thakur Fullerton School District Trustee
- Ruthi Hanchett Fullerton School Board Member
- Joanne Fawley Fullerton Union High School District Trustee
- Susan Sonne Buena Park Mayor
Jaramillo had support from the government paper pushers’ unions and many of the hardhat trades. But significantly the cops and “firefighters” backed Valencia.

Team Jaramillo had two problems all that support couldn’t overcome. Problem one was “Kitty” herself, a 70+ year old low-level municipal code enforcement “officer” who pulls in a $85k per year pension. Her constant complaining and victimhood narrative didn’t help.

Then there was the Scott Markowitz drama – an obvious and in the end, unnecessary election interference case capped off by criminal guilty pleas and perhaps an ongoing investigation by the District Attorney into the question of who suborned Markowitz’s perjury.

Did the ensuing negative attention linking Jaramillo’s backers, and maybe Jaramillo herself to the criminal behavior of Markowitz and his co-conspirator(s) affect the outcome for her? Of course it did. Fullerton Taxpayers for Reform tattooed “Team Jaramillo” for the connection, even as Fullerton BooHoo did their level best to look the other way.

And then there’s the question of Markowitz’s affect on the election outcome. Markowitz has over 800 votes and will get more; still, it’s hard to say what sort of specific impact he had on the race – particularly vis-à-vis Linda Whitaker, the other non-Latino named person in the election. However, even with all of Markowitz’s votes, Whitaker would still be in 3rd place, 272 votes behind Jamie Valencia.
The OC County Registrar of Voters will be posting continuing ballot counts every day at 5pm. This will continue until all the mail-in and election day drop off ballots are counted, and each day the remaining number will diminish. At this point, there is no reason to suspect that the remaining 4th District ballots won’t break pretty much the same way as the election day and Wednesday counts.
Looks like it’s time for the Whitaker’s to vacate their second home at City Hall and Linda can resume washing her hair at home instead of the sink at City Hall.
That makes no sense. They live in a house somewhere.
Nurse Jamie house call
Union money on table
Jamie bends over
Fullerton Poet
Always clangs the same cymbal
The people need rest
Fullerton City
Begging for real leadership
Always left wanting
Fuck you, Fullerton Poet! If you have the guts to meet…name the time and the place. No guns, no knives, no weapons, just fist to fist. And come prepared to get your ass kicked, you fucking coward!
Watch your temper little man. You may be threatening someone who is better at violence than you. Fuck around and find out.
Please stick to Haiku.
Admin, you have my consent to delete that comment from someone using my name, as well as the disgusting comment from someone pretending to be a Poet. Thank you.
You sound like you voted for DJT because Kamala is a girl.
Observer sisters
Waiting in vain for Jaba
Who will save them now
Kitty gained 18 votes today! It’s not over yet Friends for Fascist Future.
Take the loss Champ. Try to not post a fake candidate who gets arrested and pleads guilty. Morons. Cheaters. F Kitty and her Ahmad-Aaruni crew.
And if she gains 18 points every day, it will take your idiot Kitty over a week to catch her. Or are you going fucking dumb to do simple addition and subtraction loser. Your Kitty is as dead as the cats in Ohio being eaten by Haitians. So go fuck yourself loser.
Temper, temper Fascist Friend. It’s not over by a long shot. Late mail in is already moving the needle. It will be “Councilwoman Jaramillo” to you.
Late mail? Are you the moron looking for Trump’s 11 thousand votes in Georgia from 2020? Keep praying biatch.
Parking ticket lady is gains a dozen votes and the fucking loser libs so easily fooled come out to gloat. Guess you’re the loser who was paid minimum wage to walk for Jaramillo because she sure didn’t. Cash you check and buy your Big Mac combo meal kid. Stick to video game streams.
Be patient Fascist Friend. There are thousands of ballots still uncounted across the County. They always break towards liberals. Jaramillo and Josh Newman are going to come from behind!
Newman cut the lead by 2000 votes since Tuesday. Of course 4D is 1/100th the size of a State Senate District.
Newman will be another loser who broke promised and should have stayed recalled. Dude gamed the recall rules so it tipped in his favor for the next time he takes another stupid vote or supports a stupid candidate. He deserves to lose and he will. NO HIGHER TAXES! NO OPEN BORDERS! NO DEFUNDING THE POLICE! NO FUCKING NEWMAN! Don’t let the door hit you on the way out fraud.
You guys are so moist over a pretty face you’ve failed to appreciate that union goons are union goons – whether they drive a patrol car, ride a fire engine, or swing a hammer, they all bribe politicians and corrupt elections. This Valencia chick is completely bought and paid for. And has anyone bothered to check her own union membership status? Nurses unions are almost as noxious as fire unions. It’s too bad this is the best Fullerton can do.
Stick to poetry.
What’s happening in here?
Somewhere John is laughing at us.
Although with the election outcome, someone should probably check on him.
I’m fine. It’s a 50/50 country, and unlike the guys that got elected, I actually believe in democracy.
“Of course it did.”
LOL, what is that? Proof by attenuation?
I told you, you need to take your meds every six hours, John.
The doctor told you to stay off the blogs until your well again. Please John, we don’t need another incident after what happened on Tuesday.