The Morning After Pill, 4th District Version Part 2

Those celebrating the impending defeat of Fullerton 4th District candidate, Vivian Jaramillo, may have been celebrating too soon.
Jaramillo, staunch defender of Fullerton’s underpaid and under-pensioned employees made a big gap closure yesterday, narrowing Jamie Valencia’s lead by more than half, down to a mere 55. She trails 2653 to 2708.
What accounts for the big blob of Jaramillo votes coming through the hose? I don’t know but those ballots were nowhere near the overall percentages, which suggests a ballot collection supposedly harvested by Fullerton School District food service union workers deployed OC Dem Central, and submitted as a batch.

Whether this huge disparity will continue to erase Valencia’s election night lead remains to be seen. It doesn’t look good for Valencia, still it’s better to be ahead than behind, right?

Meantime, the total for candidate Linda Whitaker is 1442 and remains about the same – 1200 votes behind Valencia, more or less.

And Scott Markowitz, the dummy surrogate for the Jaramillo campaign who pleaded guilty to perjury and “dropped out” is on his way to 900 votes, proving that his illegal presence on the ballot does indeed have an effect.
In the close Fullerton Elementary School Board race in D5, Sharon Quirk’s empire-building fortunes have taken a turn for the better as her hand-picked candidate Vanesa Estrella, has taken a 57 vote lead over incumbent and union-supported Leonel Talavares; a result, if it holds, that would mean zero practical difference to actual governance that will remain 90 minutes of gold star distribution and a rubber stamp on real district business.
The OC Registrar of Voters won’t report again until Monday at 5 pm.
I think you may be right about the ballot harvesting. The sudden spike of vote percentage to Jaramillo suggests a harvest – which begs the question of how much help voters got filling out their ballot by those harvesters.
I’m not surprised to be honest. I think Jamie ran a bad campaign that relied off of endorsements while Kitty actually participated in events that allowed her to explain her opinions. I believe that if Jamie actually tried not just in like last 3 weeks but in the last few months she would’ve had it in the bag. If kitty does win, her reelection is going to be difficult as the results pretty much show there is a lot more voters buying the moderation that Jamie and Linda are selling than the kind of politics Kitty participates in.
You weren’t paying attention. Jaramillo was the one peddling her Big Endorsements from the local Democrat entourage.
As a newcomer, Valencia didn’t have any endorsements. Also she ran a very good campaign that started in early August.
Linda Whitaker was virtually invisible except for a bunch of signs that just required writing a check.
That’s fair, Kitty was endorsed by some party big-wigs but that’s not accurate to say that Jamie was endorsed at all. You would think she’s police chief based on all her ads that says she’s endorsed by the police and fire unions. I agree with your Linda comment though, idk what she was doing but it wasn’t campaign. My gut tells me that she really wanted to rely on name recognition in a year that’s anti-incumbent.
Right . She got the cops and fire heroes.
Also, sorry, I should be clear. Kitty did not run that great of a campaign either. I really think that if Jamie had participated in any of the candidate forums she’d be in an entirely different place right now.
Criminal Scott Markowitz will get close to a 900 votes. He didn’t do a single forum either. Your logic is flawed.
She did the one at City Hall. What other ones were there?
When Flory won against Travis Kiger he was ahead quite a bit before Flories number s suddely lurched forward
A recurring theme.
Working Families for Kitty Jaramillo grabs $60 grand from United Food and Commercial Workers, the primary union backing the cannabis industry. Long Beach weed money goes in big for Cannabis Kitty because she will bring retail weed back. All expenses for “campaign workers’ salaries”. City Attorney Kim Barlow’s son was paid for knocking on doors in District 4 poopooing Jamie and her supporters. You have to wonder what Dick Jones would say to Kim if he gets fired by Jamie for cause. OCEA, who represents the municipal employees gives Working Families for KJ another $25 grand. $85 grand in the last week of the election season and Jamie being up in vote count is her outperforming the Long Beach weed cartel and the largest union in the city. Hang in there Jamie!
Wow. We knew the MJ people were going to be involved, but the labor angle is a new one. That’s a LOT of money.
F me.
Say it ain’t so, Joe.
Whichever candidate prevails will be seated with about 35% of the vote, meaning that nearly two thirds of the district will have voted for someone else. How is that good democracy? Ranked Choice Voting for Fullerton.
Right on cue.