Valencia Increases Lead in Fullerton D4 Count
In what is shaping up to be Fullerton’s most expensive Council race ever, newcomer Jamie Valencia has increased her lead from yesterday’s 19 to 41. Here’s the November 19 tally.

At this point 41 votes is a significant lead and the trend for the past three counts is in Valencia’s favor. I don’t know how many ballots are left to count from the so-called provisional ballot pile. And then there’s the possibility that Valencia and Jaramillo are doing ballot “curing” in which ballots (that include a vote for a candidate) that have been disqualified by the Registrar of Voters are validated by the voter himself. Some of these may already be counted and the remaining such ballots, if any, may add to the totals.
And hey! Look there! The confessed perjurer Scott Markowitz, whose phony candidacy was created by the dope lobby and Democrat supporters of Vivian Jaramillo, is only 3 votes away from 1000, proving that the slimy idea to take votes away from Linda Whitaker was a well-calculated one, given the Democrat/Dopers expectation that she would run a real campaign.
Did anyone really expect Linda to actually work for it? In any case it’s good to see Jaramillo falling farther behind. Zahra must be having hissy fits behind the scenes.
Zahra has his Zahra Zombies. They will continue to march for him because he makes them feel good. Doesn’t improve their lives except to take credit for a useless trail and a street closure no one uses because it is useless as well. Will they wake up and ask a few questions? Like is your life better now than it was 6 years ago when he started trying to destroy Fullerton to promote himself?
Best news ever. Zhara will NEVER be the Mayor of Fullerton!
Second best news, Aaruni, Zhara, and the Kennedy Sisters all get implicated in this election scheme to fraud the voters of Fullerton’s (Ward 4) of a fair and honest election.
Zara shouldn’t be mayor. He lies. Lied to us about marihuana.
Newsflash: he lied to you about everything.
Jamie doubled her lead.
Valencia or Cannabis Kitty Jabbamillo: either way Fullerton loses!
Some number crunching here.
OC Vote says there’s 39,600 votes left to count. If those votes are spread evenly across the county, that would be about 1750 uncounted votes in Fullerton and less than 1/5 of that in D4, which had significantly lower turnout than D2. So Jamie is looking good but there are still enough votes to swing the election back to Kitty.
1/5th would be 350. Jamie’s 36% would be 126. Jabamillo’s 35.5% would be 124.
There’s enough votes to swing back to Vivian but it would mean a pig in a python cluster. How likely is that?
None of that math is correct because it is based on assumptions. No need to assume. There are real numbers readily available per the ROV. Use those and you will know the likely result of this election.
What “math” do you disagree with?
Don’t understand stochastic statistics, do you?
When in doubt, hammer the over!
on Markowitz!
STOP giving out ideas to the other side!
Speaking of math,
How about those consultants that couldn’t subtract 1500 from 13000 last night!
Money well sent.
Please someone. Come quick! Call the WHAMBULANCE!
They’re coming unglued. Soon the Kennedy Sisters will deny being sisters.
Ridiculous. The mere mention of defamation is laughable. Would love to see Jaramillo file a SLAPP suit as suggested indirectly by the author and directly by the idiot commenters. Those fools clearly reading this blog and feeling butt hurt. Anti-SLAPP laws are no joke! Then there’s also the little problem they’d have with the truth as an absolute defense.
No kidding! We could find out all about what Vivian knows about Markowitz! Bring it on.
“Team Jaramillo”. A marketing classic, bravo!
As of 11/20, total uncounted ballots countywide reduced to 32,000, Jamie’s lead increased slightly to 44.
I declare Valencia the winner! Fullerton will have and see brighter days ahead.
Take heed, Dick.
Jones should have been fired 20 years ago.
The older Kennedy Sister speaks!
November 21, 2024 at 6:54 am
Are there examples of what’s being called “disinformation and outright lies”? That would be helpful, thanks.
Sharon K
November 21, 2024 at 8:32 am
Brady – the “Team Jaramillo Busted “ mailer sent out by Fullerton Taxpayers for Reform shown at the beginning of this article is a good example of outright lies. Kitty and her team had nothing to do with the candidate who was charged with falsely signing his nomination papers.
Actually, Sharon Kennedy points out something that is NOT a lie at all. The assemblage of dope lobbyists, crooks, Democrat operatives were all in cahoots to elect Jaramillo – hence her team. No one accused Jaramillo although she undoubtedly knew what was going on. How does Kennedy know that “Kitty” had nothing to do with it? Because she said so?
The older sister is STILL trying to cover up the truth.
Please leave the Kennedy Sisters alone. They must have had a terrible upbringing. Look how they turned out.
Sharon Kennedy is dispensing legal advice? Now that is fucking hilariouus.
November 20, 2024 at 6:36 pm
Wasn’t the other candidate in District 4 running so the Latino votes can be taken away so Kitty could win? That’s dirty campaigning!
Also, I would like to know what false claims were made against Zahra?
Response to Jeff: please remember that one comment from you is enough. If you continue with the various pen names you will be blocked. You are mistaken about the District 4 issues. Search for “Markowitz” or “Zahra” to come up to speed on either of those stories that we printed quite some time ago.
All the character assassination hit pieces put out by Fullerton Taxpayers for Reform are totally false and meant to lower the bar for their favorite candidate to win – which, by the way, is not Whitaker.
Character assassination? O, the horror!! No examples, though, just more of the same chitchat. And there never were “stories” about Markowitz except AFTER he got busted for perjury and then just a copy of the DAs press release.
Then there’s Zahra. Nobody ever told anything but the truth about that weasel in 2022.
So now they’re going to say that tying Jaramillo to the effort to take votes away from Linda Whitaker isn’t fair game because FTFR was really not supporting her after all?
This is a perfect example of the selective brainwork of the under-intelligent or the over-unethical.
So it isn’t dirty campaigning to have the son of our city attorney going around the district bad mouthing Fred Jung and Jamie Valencia. Dick Jones may want to have a meeting with his staff.
November 21, 2024 at 9:27 am
How do you know that? Did you investigate the matter? Or did you ask Kitty and her team? Just because you believe something doesn’t make it fact or truth or journalism. It is just opinion right?
(Reply to Benjamin – Happily we know who putout the disinfo negative mailers claiming “Team Jaramillo Busted” because of the required disclosure on the mailer clearly naming Fullerton Taxpayers for Reform. The OCDA investigated the candidate who falsely claimed he had witnessed the signatures on his nomination papers and found no connection to Jaramillo campaign.)
Now Shron Kenndy is speaking on behalf of the DA!! How does SHE know what the DA found?
Look. Notice how she answers a question (who put out the fliers) that nobody asked. Always the sign of someone who wants to hide something.
Someone has learned the opinion twins about IP addresess.
Bet they feel magical now.
The Fullerton Observer has objectively become a platform for Democrats, liberals, progressives, those left of center to push their agendas. Sharon Kennedy and her amateur reporter daughter have done a huge disservice to the discourse because by abandoning truth telling, objectivity, and journalistic integrity, they leave spaces for right wing, often conspiracy oriented sites and platforms to inform half the electorate. The hostility of the Fullerton Observer in their recent writings has now backfired, creating a palpable hostility towards their “news” or their version of it. By pandering to a point of view, the Fullerton Observer gives credibility to outlets who thrive on misinformation because the information the Fullerton Observer provides often misses its target: facts.
I think they’re sisters, right.
Anyway, the Observer was ALWAYS been a platform for the looniest, leftiest crapola. They never has any objectivity to abandon.
“The OCDA investigated the candidate who falsely claimed he had witnessed the signatures on his nomination papers and found no connection to Jaramillo campaign.” -Kennedy Sisters
Is this true? Or are they lying?
“No connection to Jaramillo” was nothing that I saw in anything I read. I believe I read, and someone correct me if I am wrong, is that the case was ongoing.
She pulled that turd out of her ass. Now it’s co-editor of the Observer.