Victim of Kennedy Abuse Requests FPD Assistance

George Bushala, the public speaker at the December 17th City Council meeting who was verbally assaulted by the Fullerton Observer’s Sharon Kennedy is documenting the harassment he suffered with the Fullerton Police Department . FFFF has received a copy of his communication to Fullerton Chief of Police Jon Radus. Incidentally, it now seems that the second person involved in this abusive incident (as reported by Jack Hutt) was none other than Sharon’s younger sister, Skaskia. Kennedy.

Here is Mr. Bushala’s communication to Chief Radus:
Dear Chief Radus,
As you may recall, I was a public speaker at the City Council meeting on December 17, 2024.
During my comments I was subjected to several violent verbal interjections by Fullerton resident Sharon Kennedy and her sister, Saskia Kennedy.
It is my intent with this communication to convey to the Fullerton Police Department my concern that the violent verbal attacks were damaging to me and have caused me significant subsequent anxiety.
Prior to seeking legal recourse, I would like to file a report with the FPD documenting this incident and I ask for your assistance with this matter. I would also ask that you use your office to help in forestalling any more threatening behavior directed at me from the Kennedys, and any others who participated in this public verbal assault on me.
Thank you for your help in this matter.
George A. Bushala
409 E. Amerige Ave.
Fullerton, CA 92832
Well, I think this is a very good idea. We can’t have public speakers intimidated at meetings – that would be a serious breach of the right to free speech that people like the Kennedys pretend to care about. I hope Mr. Bushala seeks redress for this attack on his honesty and his right to be heard.
Looks like Mr. George Bushala was one of the only speakers who spoke in opposition of the city council nominating and or voting for Zahra for Mayor who actually lives in D5. Ha!
No one said he didn’t.
Zahra drums up his supporters, begging them to come out. So if the manufactured “support” seems overwhelmingly weighted towards one side, it’s because the other side doesn’t “activate” their fanatics.
Good for him. Those 2 harpies may be dangerously unhinged. It’s time someone held them accountable for their squawking.
It’s way past time the Kennedys were held accountable for their slanders, defamations, and character assassination.
The clan has been doing it for decades.
Maybe it’s time for some legal rebuke.
Right. Why hasn’t someone sued the Observer publisher? Can you get away with printing the kinds of accusations and falsehoods the Observer has since the daughter took over?
And before she took over. But I think they’re sisters.
I have tried to post over a dozen times recently and my comments are never approved. This really seems unscrupulous for a “paper” representing the city as a whole. Aren’t journalists supposed to be fair and unbiased? This blatant disregard of the residents for which this “paper” is supposed to be for is at a minimum cowardly, and at worst, borderline criminal IMO. You can’t parade your self as a “local paper” and then use the platform as your own personal soapbox.
I don’t know why the city allows this to continue. Instead of suing this blog, the city council should used the money to shut down this farce of a news outlet.
You’re absolutely right! A free and fair press is essential to democracy, and when it becomes biased or stifles dissenting opinions, it can undermine the very purpose it’s supposed to serve. Journalism, at its best, reflects diverse perspectives and encourages healthy debate, fostering an informed public. Censorship or blocking comments without transparency can indeed raise serious concerns about editorial integrity.
If Fullerton’s Future were to start its own newspaper, it could be an exciting opportunity to introduce fresh perspectives, prioritize transparency, and promote balanced discussions that better reflect the community’s diversity. It would allow local voices to have more control over how their stories are told and ensure that the principles of fairness and inclusion are upheld.
It’s essential that any publication remains committed to openness and accountability, giving space to all viewpoints. Perhaps this is just the kind of initiative Fullerton could use right now!
FFFF is a blog, We deal in facts, but also in personalities and general literary mayhem. We don’t pretend to be a jounalistict endeavor in a traditional sense.
Newsprint is for the bottom of birdcages.
Yeah, well, it’s a sign of Big Trouble when you block people who are abiding by the proffered rules for decorum.
The Kennedy Sisterhood is all pretense. They refuse to answer a straight question and would rather delete the comment, I guess.
I wonder if a little financial/legal rebuke might not put ’em out of business.
My comments also are never posted in the comments of the Fullerton Observor. I strive to be polite in my commentary but it seems I’ve been blocked because my views don’t reflect the bias of the Observer newspaper.
I have my comments not approved at all. I have asked why and they say it violates the rules of the paper. which my comment does not violate any of the rules. They pick and chose now what comment can be posted which is shady i think. Most of the comments these Kennedys post are in violation of their own rules. go figure!
Hoping to be assigned to his backup. I mean to provide him with backup. 😉
I was also a victim of Sharon Kennedy .
I was viciously a verbally attacked outside of the city council Hall about two year ago I believe it was the night of the previous mayoral appointment.There were many witnesses present. When it finally deescalated I asked Saskia how such an accusation(as it was a very disturbing accusation) could be made and she seemed to roll her eyes and said something to the essence just forget about it.
I don’t think anyone should forget anything about these peddlers of verbal diarrhea masquerading as news.
They are a disgrace to this city and apparently they have always been.
It’s one thing to have an opinion, but when you use a local news paper to attack and slander people you do one agree with, it ceases being news and becomes personal.
The mere fact that they went through and scrubbed all of the comments about the phony candidate Markowitz after the shit hit the fan shows what kind of integrity they have. None.
If you live in Fullerton, you were and continue to be a victim of Sharon Kennedy. She has victimized this city for decades with that phony Observer masquerading as local news. If she had any integrity, she would shut it down.
Bahahahahahaha! “Violent verbal interjections….has caused me anxiety.” What a fucking pussy you are Georgie. I get you want to rub that vile woman’s nose in shit but this makes you come off as a total pussy. C’mon, you’ve been screamed at louder and with more bile when kicking vagrants out of your shit shacks in the hood.
That guy had more balls than anyone in that room that night.
And I am speaking not knowing him, or ever met anyone in his family.
Right? He’s got more balls that Jung, Dulap or Whitaker have ever showed. And they put up with that little creep for 4 years with a once a year snub and no explanation.
He has so few balls he owes everyone balls.
Like negative 1000 balls.
Aw, Son. Yes, you need a balls subsidy. Maybe testosterone injections?
You don’t have much of a sense of irony, do you?
I thought Bushala’s comments were valid, objectively presented an fairly on point. However, he loses credibility by using the word “violent” and expecting a police report to be taken for this nothing incident where the entire episode was captured and preserved on video for use in any sort of future legal proceeding. The existence of a police report does not lend any more credibility to allegations made during the course of a lawsuit, and if FPD does not take a report for this time-wasting exercise in trying to make people look bad it doesn’t mean they are taking part in a cover-up.
Work on your vocabulary.
If you are brazen enough to create your own photo ops like the UP Trail Voice of OC story, where you told the “community” to come out so the author of the article was fooled into thinking there was “community support,” you are subject to being a story yourself Sharon and Saskia Kennedy. Instead of printing AI assisted recaps of council meetings to justify your mother’s unhinged behavior and your own unnecessary outbursts, try hiring a real Editor with independence from you and your family. Otherwise, you’re not news. You’re a blog printed on newsprint.
Time for the city council to grow a pair and shut can that trash they peddle in the lobby of city hall! Thats the people’s space, not the Dead Kennedy Klans space!
Card carrying clowns.
There is no level of stupidity you wouldn’t stoop to if it were possible to get any lower.
Poor Hoogerbooger. Consorting with the crazies, of course. Let me guess. They let YOU post comments.
Saskia con conveniently neglects to say that Sharon only left after the mayor asked for help from the police for the outbreaks. Sharon later stood up one more time and yelled out before she walked out laughing.
The cops were up and coming for her after being told by Dunlap to do so. She didn’t leave on her own per se, only after she knew they were moving towards her. She is a coward. Maybe she will show her face at the next meeting and apologize. What are the odds?
Sharon is Saskia’s mother. Sharon Kennedy touts herself as an editor and an artist. When I challenge her to reveal her level of education, it is met with silence. I am not an intellectual snob who judges people by their education, but when someone claims he or she is an editor of a newspaper, I look for qualifying credentials. Editors discern what is significant by analyzing facts and policies and showing their impact on the local community. There is a difference between coherent discussion of contemporary topics and chit chat. When not screaming at city council meetings, Sharon copies and pastes articles from other media sources to the Fullerton Observer or highlights mundane occurances.
I’d like to see what sort of art she produces. That can be very revealing.
Has anyone reached out to Observer’s advertisers to let them know most people wit expendable money laugh at the Karen Kennedy sisters and view them as angry liberal supremacists?
What a beta lmao